HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-14, Page 11:.r Vial for Liffe program... *from page 1 Canada, all emergency personnel are more aware a the program and are more likely to make better use of it. Mr. Ducharre began organizing the program in Goderich about one month ago. On Monday he began distributiag,.vials to shoppers at Suncoast Mall. He also placed vials to be distributed in the emergency department at the hospital and at all the doctors' offices in town. He notes that in other towns and cities, the vials have been distributed door to door. However, he wanted to test the reaction of people to the program here first before ordering more vials to give away in that fashion. "So far we have had a good response from both medical people and people who will use the program. Each vial is good for up to four people in one family. If there are more than four, we can give out ext a,.inffrmation sheets to be put in the vials," says Mr. Ducharme. When asked why he had taken it upon himself to organize the Vial of Life program, Mfr. Ducharme simply said he was .doing it to give better service to the community. He also said the program was of great help to doctors and ambulance officers.such as himself. "Often there are doctors on call here from London on weekends and they don't know many of the patients brought into the hospital. The vials of information can help them," he ex- plains. This being a tourist area makes the program important too, he says, because tourists brought into the hospital are strangers to the doctors here who know nothing of their medical backgrounds. Joe Ducharme, a Goderich ambulance attendant who has been instrumental in organizing a Vial of Life program for the town, hands one .of the tiny vials to, Marian Mears in front of a Hospital Day'display setup. at the Suncoast Mall on Monday. The Vial of Life program is a simple concept which can save lives in medical emergencies: (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Town receives tenders on reconstruction and paving The town of Goderich will proceed with the reconstruction and ,paving of several streets within the Neighbourhood Improvement Program (NIP) area this summer. At the Monday session of council 10 tenders for two different projects were received and two tenders were approved subject to approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Communication and verification and additions by the town engineer. . The major program involves reconstruction of eight streets under the NIP program and enclsoing of the flume. Council received eight tenders'for the project with Dynamo Servicing of London submitting the lowest bid of $426,542. The tenders called'for the reconstruction of: the Victoria Street storm sewer, Picton Street, Park Street, St. David Street, Trafalgar Street, Cambria Road, Napier Street and Gloucester Terrace The bid also includes the closing of the flume at the pollution control plant. The second lowest bid came from Lavis Contracting, Clinton at $937,184 while Omega Contractors of London bid $437,547. Six of the tenders were within a $34,000 range while the highest— ..bid .. carne-_in--.a.t- $6-19,94.6 from _John Edwards of Sarnia. The second tender involved the paving of seven streets and Lavis Contracting, Holmesville was the lowest bid of two sub - THE SELECTION OF AFAMIL Y A Box Assortments 59.95 to $15.00 Separate Pieces $1.00 to'4.25 EA. FOR THE KIDDIES Sparklers 55c to $2.50 per pkg, (THESE ARE NOT FIRECRACKERS) These are family fireworks which may be let off on your own property under most local bylaws. We have the largest selection In the area of family displays and In- dividual fireworks. (Fireworks will NOT be sold to per- sons under 78 years of age.) FINCHER'S SHOPPERS SQUARE - GODERICH OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 0 mitted. They bid $55,726 on the project while Cottrill Fuels submitted a bid of $59,353. The engineers ,estimate on the street paving was $63,000 while the street reconstruction estimate was $482,000. The second tenders calls for the paving of: Bennett Street from Bayfield Road to Tilt Street; Delbar Subdivision roads; East Street from Victoria to Albert Street; Newgate Street from. H.amilton to Albert Street; Bruce Street from Cambria Road to' Albert Street; Anglesea Street from Victoria Street to Cambria Road and Wolfe Street from Victoria Street to Cambria Road. The bids on the project also included prices for the reconstruction and paving of Catherine Streets after residents had petitioned council to do the work under local improvement. Their petition was later withdrawn. The contracts require approval of the MTC, verification of the town engineer of extensions and additions within the tenders and are also subject to the availability of funds under NIP. YAMAHA 4 Mr. Ducharme points out that many people feel they are perfectly healthy and therefore think they don't need a vial. But while they know themselves that they are healthy, the ambulance officer§ called in to assist them in emergencies do not know. And without that information, they may be hesitant to ad- minister beneficial treatments for fear off making their condition worse. The Vial of Life provides the officer with the necessary in- formation to make the correct decision quickly and begin treatment as soon as possible. All too often, professionals working in the area of medical emergency such as ambulance officers,_ policemen, firemen, etc. cannot provide essential treatments --treatments they are trained in and qualified to administer -- simply because they lack specific information regarding the medical history of the patient. Mr. Ducharme points out that in its first half year of operation in British Columbia with only a quarter of the households in the province involved, the Vial of Life program was in- strumental in saving 10 lives and it contributed substantially to quicker, more efficient emergency treatment for thousands of others. Mr. Ducharme says the Goderich ambulance service which serves Bayfield, some of Clinton and several townships as well as Goderich is a very good service in his estimation and the Vial of Life program can make it an even better service. "The Association of Casualty Care Personnel believes deeply in the value of the Vial of Life Program. We believe that not only can it save lives but it also can help reduce health care costs by decreasing recovery time for patients," he says, Anyone who wants to be part of the Vial of Life program in Goderich, simply has to pick up a vial at his or her doctor's office or the emergency department of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital; fill out the form inside with correct medical information; put the form back in the vial and attatch the vial to the un- derside of the top shelf of your refrigerator door..There is no charge for the vials.since the program is being financially sponsored by the Kinsmen Club. If enough interest is shown, more vials will be ordered for distribution and this community will be a healthier, safer place to live. ANY GIRLS INTERESTED IN PLAYING BANTAM OR MIDGET BASEBALL AGES 13 1'O 17 PLEASE CALL 524.8985 BY MONDAY, MAY 19th CODE -RICH SIGNA1.,-STA4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 14,188.0--rPAG;C+ 11 You say you cannot find a LOW MILEAGE LATE MODEL USED VEHICLE? '78 P( 4 door, radio, Licence Then you had better check out these '78 and '79 models est-McGEE'S 14000 MILES (24000 KM) NTIAC CATALINA local lady driven car, 305 Vs, automatic, power steering, power brakes, ccent stripes, white walls, wheel discs, tinted glass. Absolutely like new. NCV 502 13000 MILES (22000 KM) '78 BUICK LESABRE ESTATE WAGON You have seen it around town—a shining black beauty. Tan vinyl interior, economical 301 engine, tape playing radio, 6 tires and wheels, tinted windshield, undercoated, roof rack, deluxe chrome package. Licence MSY 722. 14000 MILES (24000 KM) '78 MAZDA GLC HATCHBACK 2 door Carousel red, automatic transmission, electric rear defogger, power hatch- back release, rear window wiper 8, washer, reclining seats, lay down rear seat, white wails, side moldings, protective bumpers, deluxe Interior...Licence OZB 061 11000 MILES (19000 KM) '79 FORD F150 1/2 TON HEAVY DUTY PICKUP Ford factory topper, 302 V8, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear bumper, Ex-, plorer dress -up package. Just used as a car. Licence DC5 906 9000 MILES (15000 KM) '78 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICKUP Light blue, 305 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, chrome rear bumper. Licence DC9 139 - IMPORTANT NOTE: All of these beautiful cars and trucks carry a one year mechanical and electrical warranty good across North America. Buy with confiden- ce. cGEECadlll®c GMC Trucks GODERICH 524-8391 Pontiac -Buick DURING OUR GARDEN CENTRE OPENING CHILDREN ACCOMPANIED BY AN.A.Di!LT__ONL_Y _. of 1979 & 1980 Bikes Continues Plants Self Sharpening 14" Bold Tines Forward, Neutral & Belt Reverse Super Savings on All Models in Stock SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 1979 XS 400 F Only $1680.00 phi- Freight P. D. 1 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! ELDER ENTERPRISES SALES & SERVICE DIAL 262-6142 HENSALL - ONT. 1 mile Wes( and 1 Mile Smith of !fermi' YAMAHA OPEN VICTORIA DAY MONDAY, MA Y 19th o .s.:.r•: