HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-14, Page 6,t ,s1e.b.„,...,,,•:',-,S41........, . „,,,,01',: ' ..„..I.A . ' ""••••-•:„4.44".."1.• ,„,... s,..,,rbtilal.4., s ..144...4.-...,.....,......54.....:'7....'. . '''' • . , • - - :., ., . ., 4.1.1.„ ':. ',.:,-.:,;', ..._..'‘. r-. . . '''. .: ... • : ' 40DERICIISIGNAL7STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY14; • 1881:1 PAG ••••••••• • • r - • 1 $1,1L,„ . s. . a . "• a -,S s .....4 „.....,„ . -4.. t. •• :• ....C.of1.14.r.i..• 1....i11.t.i 4. ‘',,.....,..... •a.....,....r.....4........ - •• •........i.... •• W.I.. ow Z.,...4.......V...,L...4..•••••,,•••••••••• ii•• .,... a...r..i.......,,....-‘,;,:•„, .• ...• 71. it • • • • 4 • • . p 1979.AUDITOIES-' .e. _To the Menitier r ratepayers of the Town of Godet'ich. We have examined the financial statcinunts of the Town of Coder ich, its local boards and consolidated municipal enterprises for the year ended December 31, 1979. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests and or her pr ocedures "*as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements prese.nt fairly the financial position of the Town of Coder ich, its local boards , and consolidated municipal enterprises as at December 31, 1979 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance •with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Coder ich, Ontario, February 29, 1980, Licence No. 94. - • • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31. 1979 Unfinansed capital outlay (Unexpendeticapital financing) at the beginning of the year Capital expenditure • General government Proles rion to persons •ind property 'Transportation services' Environinental services - Health services Soctal and family services Recreation JIld fultural services' F'lanning and doelopment Other 1 mat espvidieure • • Capital financing conti.liittions front the.ievenue tiind ontrilititions from reserve lands and reserves Long term liabilities incurred Ontario Grants Other• 'fool capital financing capital initla) 'iltspi.nacil ; s -apical financing) at the end of Me year 1979 Actual 35,598 28,112 • 76,904 1,664,296 • 77,717 1,753 43,117 , 222,403 .1.„.34_1An 2148 682 BALANCE SHEET as crifh.«,m Ger 3/ /979 ASSETS Current assets (ash _LAU s essstsal'le tufts ticeisai•le Other (cit liin is (-Arita! to In ti cosi mid ni future years Other long tern. assts LIABILITIES rcurrent emporan, loan, Ai (mints pat alio and II ,•/, It I. Other riirrent Net long term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts 577,612 129k25? 1,129,087 2 19 L350_ ••• (10,070.) 1978 Actual (339) 1,225 7,905 754,496 70,178 16,138 18,084 454,485 22,400 , 215,178 817,089„. • 59 1915 Actual S 113,101 - 01,199 1.5,597 1978 Actual 298,276 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31. 1979 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year Expenditures and transfers Munistpal expenditures Cent:nil gosernment Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social arid faintly services Recreation and cultural sees ices Planning and deselopment Other Total eXpelldilllte 'Daimlers ranst its Ii t.ciuicili of ciutity Transfers in s.jioicl lmaids Total transfers C.111e111111111t, iIiicI transfers Resculle Municipal purpose.; axati011 Payments in lieu of taxes i• Ontario grahts . -7,- Other grants " Fees and.service iharges 1'. Other... ° Resenue to 'pay for municipal purposes-: Region or county requisition It sation P.IyIneIlls. itt lieu 1.1 f)ntai to grants Other Resenne to pay the region nr.cinility requisition School board requisition $ Taxation • Payments I'll lieu of taxes:* Other Revenue to pay the school hoard requisition Total revenue Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year - Analysed as follows: General revenue • Region or county School boards Special charges Special areas Local boards .• Municipal enterprises • 1979 Budget 189,718 . 315,678 . 504,026 . 1,04,681 82? ,799 9'1,109 71,880 469,934 34,697 3,32,8O4 . 371,925 , 1.2_123,892_ 1,495,817 ,4,821,n21 . 1,949,810 56,0.03 • 645,106 • 131,587 239.372 111,401, 3,134,139 317,070 4,785 51,127 37v, 167 . 2,108,803 • 15,779, • .1,124,582 , 4.631,903 0 1979 Actual S 980_ • 255,044 524,075 959,742 • 867,509 • 63,946 • 27,176 • 506,052 • 63,761 • . • 3,267,305 • 376,645 . 1,140,699 . 1,517,344 4,784,649 _ .1,946,706 . 54,097 647,091 . 175,577 . 240,364 3,295,014 321,085 ° 6,311 . 51,327 , 378,723 - - 1,125,275 • 16,355 329.578 , 210,420 4,043 , 1,232 297 111,586 329,578 1978 Actual 292,,464 _ . 377,786 438,859 . 891,947 , 807,436 . 61,831 . 25,781 420,882 . 78,164 3,102,686 _ • 374,912 1,225 625 ._ .1,400,537 , 4,503,223 .1,846,034 52,558 . 711,407 . 111,720 . 195,360 • 190,804 - ------- .3!107$883 . ° 314,701 , • 6,264 55,D17 375,982 .1,010,702 15,502 1,025,7_54_ _ ,4,50_9„619_ . 185,907 1,965 301 3,039 107,648 , 298,860 • • •ANALYSIS OF REVENUE FUND. EXPENDITURES for thelitll em/cu December 31. 1979 total resenue upperier purposes school board own purposes purposes - - ,. . 'Mallon Sole^ tipper tiers we column 4 only I 2 3 I . . $ s , s $ , Taxation from schedule 7LT (or requisitions front scliedule'211T) Direct water billings on talepayers Own municipality - other municipalities Sewer sur chat cc on ditect viater billings • ov,ii immiCipality , other municipalities Subtotal Payments in lieu of taxes Canada ... - Canada enterprises Ontario.. . The Mnnicipall-as Assistance Act The Municipal Act se, tion 304 Other Ontario enterprises . Ontanollotising Corpitration Ontario Hydro . LiquorControl Iliirelot Ontario Other Municipal enterprises Other municipalities and enterprises , " Subtotal • Ontario unconditional grants Per capita general Per capita police Per capita density , tioal nd special tiSsista ' Traissina Resource equalization General support Northern special support Ontario Housing Action Program ... , ,. , - Sulitoial. 1 ' 3 4 5 f, 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 II 19 20.. 21, 22 23 24 27 78 ...„. ,. 2,865,627 • 299,755 10,535 217,149 321,085 . , • 1,125,275 1.,19„.267. 299„75..5 „1.0„535 - Z17„.1.49 _ „ _ __ __ 3,391,066 32j,95__,, 1,12275_ .... , -•-. .... ,, , ....,....16,355., ..„ . . .10..355 . . .. -, -_------- • , .. 1946, 706 _ .,, 14,351 . , . , .,„. ,.. ... " ., c„. 4,P....0 . _. .40,523 5,240 , . 4,767 . , 7,832 „ • . . ' 7-78 - ,..,... . ,..,_4_,5_47. _ 986 .14,331._ ... ..._ ., -..... 3 272 19,621 „ 4.2.4 ' , 4,767 , ... . 7,832 _ ..... ._ _ . _ 1A,16-:.3 ...f.i.01_1.."._...., „ ` ... _„ _ .. -----1,327 ._.. _ ...,_ • - 54.091 _ . _. - . __ __,_500__. 2..5 _.._ 72089. _ . . . - .nee -. _ _ .2 67 053 _.„.._,1?,i,d51 _ 52 005 „,.. 72 9-80 I _... ,__. . .__ 215 726 134 951° -__ _ 526_2989 51 327 475,66-2 Revenues for specific functions ''' ' -• -Ontario specific grants - . Canada specific grants Other municipalities grants and fees Fees and service charges 29 31, 32 ' 1 71 429 .. ' ' • .. ' ' ' ........171,429 ----- - _27.5.577 240,364 . ., Subtotal Other revenue • • „ Trailer revenue arid liatices .• , Licences and -permits ' .- - Rents, concessions and franchises " Fines ,-, • e- Penalties and interest on taxes Investrisent,income-;from own funds -other: Lot leviesand subdivider contributions ' Sale of publications;equipment, etc. Contributions from capital fund Contributions from reserves and, reserve funds Contributions from non -consolidated ^ entities . . .. . .. . . .t I . ,.. 'Subtotal , Total resenue t . .. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 . 414 45 46 47 48 49 50 5j _240.364 587.370 . ' " „ .. . a ' • , 587_370 . __ . 20,288 - L ?9'`' , . t ,168 ; , , 20,288 t • 90,501 ' '3,299 19.168 95,164 95,164 2.759 2.759 • ' 711,17Q • 231,179 4,815,367 378;723 1,141,630 3,295,014 ANALYSIS OF REVENUE FUNp REVENUES . _materials:, tuppliei salaries,. 4ervices, wages and ients and, transfets , inters . employee .., net long letTn financial , to uwn other functional . total benefits ' debt Oman espenus funds transfers transfers . expenditure for The tear ended December 31, 1979 General,Nivernment Protection to persons and property Fire Police • Conservation authority Protector lull' 11(11) contrql -Transportation seri es Roadways Winter Coiltil Trarisit Par} ine Sit r.r.insportto liar.1....r . 3 4: 5 Subtotal 1 99.1,768 60,107 ' II,804 /11,3/9 991,768 1,170,611 , 315,648 7,102,0492,7 3a,62R' 118,184 b92,,298 1 ,4',5,051 1,152,516 52,611 ."78.,114 718,114 1,116,918 966; 176 798,866 7,387,124 7,660.238 I n°1.1'111.91.'1 sers I. V% Sand:It> 5101111..1,1.11' S1.0(1•1 ‘V:IIIVIarIrks 4\ 41,•iti '(iirli'c nun mini • Oinbap.• disposal Pollottriti r 8 9 10 12 13 '.4.4baca.al .L5 Ssit hom l' Health sersii es health s.i I Public health risiii-.1Vons 'arid Ilospitals Arnhulmirs. Cemeteries. Scui'nal and farinly sersires Oeneral assistarne Aisistan, e to aped petsi..ns A.ssi.flante lo children IVay Re( reation and r ultural venire; Parks and tecit•at on „. Other tt ultural • . . .. , . 1 2 3 4 5 . ' 6 . $ $ Si S S S S , S 7 144.123 1 • 30,933 1 286,714 - -30.1±93 17 lc, :1 2.1 „ 24 82 8'09 T.- 28.112 32,995 3,552 ° '16.500 1.. ,_. . 68 989 18203___ , ... Is 117,264 2.4 1.6 SOO • 41. 203.639 8.917 148.068 1 1991036 • 50,1624 ., .23,927 13;148 15;666 23S,O247; . . . 22,120 i •08,004- ;'.49,C.86.'-'--22 06,5 - 253.911 '7C437,080 7- a • 2„,091 . (39,985) „ 39,98.5 r • _83,1980. _ 50,162_ 87,725 60_024, 959 74_7 1 I 1. ? • 1 7 019 - . 3,165 .. .145,584• .I. .. 76,268 t 1°4,111- ' 46,415 . 187,893 33,596 12,688 i::. .., ..• ., 113 79,725 ,. . . :.„ 75;542 ' fJ„222 43,668 ; t ' • - . -_,____-- _ . ., .-....,, ..,.... , 170 ' 19,/66 °'')li, t I , 33 71,962 IS Suhimal 16 2JP.962 Subtotal Planning and deselopment Flannins and coning Commercial and Industrial Residential development Agriculture aid reforestation Tile dr.imagrishmeline assistance 196,835 18 19 .,Pfl 208515 41 4.7 43 44 45 46 Subtotal 47 I'd' and telephone (speeds) 48 -19 Total 51 1,529 1,019 • ' ..„ • , 12,817 •7,;;440 1,753 2,000 7,660 •1,753 14 817 I ,• 1, °- 31 . -- 32 .• 1 5,214 ' , 27,176 _____, 34 .' 1 35 _ . _ 1_,_ , ____27„17,6 I 36 11 -1 27,239 1 191,494 . ; .78,482 -.-: 39,875 • . .... 485,870... . 37 . ' 3 76-1 1 36 1 8,395..38 4 707 . ' . .,. _,_.11..282_ 39 .. 506 052 40 1.? ( 16, 500 (26.,500),„- 155 768 26,268 355,515 _ 72.688.-. 70,838 186 012: 2 3 4 5 6 7 719,655 9 tO 11 12 i3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12,9137 _ 26 50,959- 2 ,-278 29 63,9.46, _ 30 • 1,201,695 • I i 1 5,518 1 4,126 .. 17,768 - I . 189,200 11,058,388 775,196 j_ 97,826 7,047 _ 5,145 _51,569 6,3,7,6] 3,267,305 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SI J-nka.iil_ngifsiterst,y:auolmfentrh3ejEnnc,Iyuidroesn:7„e_l_ii Provincial projects Service charges , 52 53 Joint projects operating charges se-waterwe r , 54 55 0P0.1b O.P.P. .ppao3Iniciei nngt sctoonot rancvat s „ 56 r,0 57 58 59 Short term interest costs 60 Total of column 5 includes: 0.11 C. housing authority deficits Grants to charitable and non-profit organizations • 62 Gfaol-sA•e-troi-versi-fies-arid-c-olle.ges- 61- 61 Contributions to UNCONSOLIDATED Joint local hoards Health unit District welfare hoard ' (ionic for the aged 1.1 Line I of column 7 includes: Members of council 64- .65 66 67 68 69 70 71 17.768 4,825 72 29.095 • ‘