HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-7-10, Page 1444. bier skin is always clear, soft and swoons, `QV1ed'by other women and admired by men for she uses Rexall Face Cream A pure skin Cream delightfully soothing delieiousiy fragrant and extremely pleasant (loth to use and in its effect. At 25e a jar For sale only at Cole's Drug Store H1RTY-NINTH YEAR --No 2050. Huron &: ad sex Gazette EXETER, ONT ; CANADA,, THURSDAY MORN JONES & �VTAY PHONE 32 some Hot Weather Bar This is the month for flol Clays, and YOU Wil garments for YOUR Outing ant suitable White Goods In piques, Bedford Cords, Voiles, Repps, and Listens. Wash Goods in G uglutms, ?xi Chambreys , Bedford Cords, Aluslins and Voiles. ens Suits In two or three piece Summer weights ,either Light. or Dark. A good range at reduc- ed prices. Come now and get €c bargain. Glove s and Hose For the warnsweat- her in all colors in Silk, Lisle, Cotton or Cashmere; Wash. Dresses For Ladies and Children in a lig var. liety of colors and styI- c , all at redneecIpe ces fanop ParaSoIs a We are showing some real new patterns and colors, ,just the tiling for the Hot Weather. Wide Embroideries For dresses at all reduce prices, 2,0 small designs to choose from White Dresses Only a dew heft but they are real beauties Ail to clear at `r- prlc. Straw eats Every kind to choose from 10c up, All straw hats are co be :leafed out at Cost price, All Millinery at half price. inery shapes still loft real good trimmed flats an e� Shoes for flen, Women and Children We are showing everynew Idea in the, Shoe Lane hi or White, Brown, Tau. Black Primps, Oxfords or High Shoes at allrice p s. Phone 32 Jones do May, Exeter w WASH DAY HELPS Half Holiday Wash Boards 25 & 45 Tubs Gall. 75 to 1.25 Agreement Boiler5 1.50 to 5.00 Washers as Cllr� �.5U the Great Labor Saver ----^ - -. ;33,;4=-,4,49Y71,4;',4.7`"„f. fin . Washers from 8 to 10 Stove Brushes : reuau�lrru.lr��t_uurt� -Jt� and HE PERFECTION VACUUM CLOTHES WASHER ScrubBrushe ,sLown tit Boiler washing clothes, s fiedal Binder Gold d r TWINE ',Use Py , . Plymouth Twines 'for the 'best results (ioId Medal 650 feet and Sale Tag feet b 550 ock a stock We have Plast6r Paris at aliarro1 HARDWARE AND'STOVE STORE )3L, A 13300STI:11, 2kmericar, Lumnbernlan.has oms=, timely advice on this sub,ieot neat his ass a'pE1 plicabie in out totvn ,anywhere else. Jc aspli1 that if you snt' to:;see 1.he town „rotiv 3,011 yooldi emrinber -that yore. are 'a art of it, and chat' its grov Ver de - nits as ranch on Soli 'Lt v3oCs your eigh''nors 1)on a: 'get the idea that h • „Ipatilr'e Oros miry of tp' town rrsis a fear:' for it is , the bnsirpesa e roaym . ahove ail don't erit- hose' 4vho are huildi fig 111): the 11. un ri ud do nothing youase4f firs ,r s e tri t en Your surport just that ipurh •.lsa rfd,eiP. their work will 'be. ',De a .booster for your.' town and, 'lend sour, ..00-operatio1 to those who;' have the "nerve In tart first: It id neve' `too early to',stare:, and it. is ,never 'too late to 'begin, , i nioir Services.=Ori July 26th, and 7th union Services will he -held 9y. MainS(;1eeL Gii ' hodasts” <airrl ,'Coven` ,T'eesbyterioits. 'Sirvie'5 v✓'il i be: held' oar. *th e' 20 Eh:, Cay.en char li the :.motni g, and -3M:tin street ir:i olio;= evening` and ;will; be Fever -ed, rh'' Collovvang$abhal;il. Step,. S 1?. Slot,..: ill co an ;the serviise , rgltalc';I12 , xul�e Jai; We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business at half past twelve o'clock on Thursday af» ternoens during the months of JULY and AUGUST, otn- J. A. Stewart W W. Taman S. Martin and Son W. J. Hearnan W. J. Beer H. Spackman J; Senior J. Grigg F Boyle B. W, F. Beavers. Jones and May Joe Davis Mrs. Yeo. Geo R. Bedford En N. Shier Advocate Printing Co. Tithes Printing Co. Ltd. S. Fitton A. Marchand riargr A QAR0NT0 Tri Centro of Shopping and 13isi1less Distract, nSa ai00Ma3-ion wide Private a ''. Rath `IIROPEAN AN'l .' tEr3.19-aN PLAN A la•earte Restaurant & \h9 H T QMPSON, P1100 ,4414 Exeter ouc The .councilmet tat the. Towu Hall on :Monday evening the 'Itis inst, Mr. Doyle being absent* Minutes of the last meeting were read dad approved, Hartouand Scott that the accounts he passed as read; Electric Light Co. 115,04; Tmperial Oil Co. 23.01; Bell Tele phone 7.00; Ross & Taylor 12,85; Geo. Ford 140,00; T. B' Carling, pt, Salary, 37.50; W. J. Bissett, pt. Salary,; 42 Jas. Connor pt.S alaary, 3'109; 6 *Hite ness, belt ringing, 25.00;; Exeter band, pt. grant, 50,60; Tbos.:i:frauldon,. street, watering, 38.0O; T. Flynn, labor 3.t'0; T. Creech, labor 0.00; Id. Davis, labor,. 4.00, Silas Handford, labor, 2.0; Mrs xhefe, cleaning hall, 5t'; Sweet Bros.. plow, 2,00: Wm, Creech, labor. 0 00; G, Orange, 120.); Nelson d`''ale. 5 00;Re R01341so1a, 5,00; J. Bell. epee>i Wt ekes' 7.0s; N. Vale, labor, cemetery. 04; J, McDonald, tatbor, ;,erneter:v Comfort i'exal Root Powder 25n itexalk ,Foot Bath tablets 25c : rllitn hotter for these sesta tired is e t ,d redder* adte 2a,ttg feet{. M -.kis herr', a.ox els s9, Creatleltef; EittleVost,. ole 's, rue store G, JULY lath, 191 in advance OS; Scott sand Barton ti>:at we charge 1,50 per cord for cement gravel deity= erect witi'in the carporetioaa. ---Carried. Scott and Hind that no one be allowed to;reurovo'grayel from the corporation pit, -- Carried, Hind —Scott that anyper3oriorper- ons found moving gravel from the. orporation pit other than the earibloy- ees,will be saaanmerily dealt with. — Carried, Crarnunication was received from Mr. W. D. S;,uders re drain across Main Street and the smith side a tine Commercial hotel claiming that the aid drain iyaa flooding We 1andand it ouucit did; not [lake sts ee to wimp -0 Ice trouble he would be t<orpeldeal to also action. The conned Will • matter their coosideration. t and Barton them the Conn the Canadian Express Co. to he telephone syetyreni in their os the convenience of their pstcrrere. - Carried. Scott and pend that from now on he council meet promptly at 8 o'clock -carried. T. R. CABLING Usborne Caul C1 Usborne Municipal Council met a he Township Hall, July rith. .<4.11 t embers `vete present. The rhino of the last pleating were rend ,and preyed. The Council agreed to fuenish tile and construct ae, drain on side road con. 12, applied for by Mt% T. McCur- dye he to draw the tile and oversee lae 'work of constr uctiou,;y After carefully considering plans and tenders for strengthening, rein- forcing and flooring the steel bridge on Con. 4 and 5, Lot 20, the tender of the Stratford Bridge Co, to construct UM abutments, and strengthen the bridge by a concrete arch For $015.00 was conditionally accepted (conditions relating to time, excavating etc. not being definate) and the clerk was in- structed to write them accordingly. Accounts amounting to $721,67 were passed and orders issued in' pay- ment. t. Council adjourned to meet n i Satur- day Aug. 2od. at one o'clock,. atur- F'ranci's Morley, Clerk dttTJLES OP Tllr ROAD a r Tile "Weekly Globe. -"Published at Port ITope is ,justly angry because, many drapers, ;net only automobile but or 'horses. riieglect to obey the tines of the road. In an article. of 'crotest this Lection of the municipal act is given. It S. 0 'Chat:; 326 oe, 1.-"Iligh, ways r.•ovid,,s that alt horses and, vehicles shall turn to the :right' in tweeting others and give :half thr-i road. Sect 12 provides in case of a rig lheing overtaken by one travelling at a greater speed "the person so ovehaken shall 'quietly turn to the right, sallow the said vehicle or horseman to -Lass',' to the left of the course; Many accidents result 'because of tha carelessness ignorance ,of the rules and willful neglect of , the, drivelrs 1 In. Exeter frequent cases of dr'iverts turning 'to the wrong side of thei street have been fortunately : urs, n.ttended lay accident. Section two gives a new interne'• 'tation to the road rules governing' the.liiassing of one vehicle lby anot-her Its has long been: established by cus- tom that the 'person who over, - takes another must assume all the trouble of get•ting 'past. The reg- ulation making it•com;oaalaory for the' slower travelling:rigis a nensible one and will be a;ppreciat.ed by not• only. auto ovvners, but liosscssors of good, horses. Some drivers of slow, horses still ,persist` in keeping the centre_ of the 'road and holding back others,' who are moving at a .Paster speed' This is wrong from a standpoint of�.� common "decency,` anl is nowt an 'oL fencc:against_• 't•he law, Magistrate , Cohen, of Toronto gave notice in `his court t "the a•ovd' rules must ire obeyed Be would not'' tolerate infractions. p11 A,111.12-3 ROA -T> 'aT ..:te ' ILo'licrt Heath is v isitiug in this'reighbo,'hood. Quite 11 1a `ge crottrd turned out to witness 'the 'return of baseball brtvveen our boys and the.boundpry 41 -4141 the result was t Lo 9 in la'ssor. oC the: 1`harties !Toad. Pax arannd Here are haying and tile ero, is a little on the hrbt. wide. The rain of last week e k vt. as tLo+- > - }. , G ia,Lls .,. •i 1,I,rC LlatCd r.1* Lilo t1r1TT Cl'S: as t1Te:�:,.laand -was badl ' in ne 3ee�b� ilii: ,�V111a°tint 'hackney of. Got ary;; visit* ca �r has5tlti�otlic. :1 orae �'�1butl Inst. prier.;:" _ s ` air i ON €li Ta ?1" Pointers 7"-04:- go -d `rlo\N a .:c sc s t.ox? fir„ ' o her own. 0 Qnh' tQ r th5s, ak1T and tai Fret the. t i .- lanais azt-r n ^ttrasialmi'eti i io q 4'4" reel c HiQ ttaila ic. r •44 - is aeI .4 s tlpn :far` The a a;. old t Na re gets hold of kbit al ars to It tat W, B ,,ale resat ago y ST qu Toes of tbix week at thcr;l' mail flene atl was day .fir flee Exeter ?Chris 'ilea?li(:', of Fairfield, to isuddenly early en ,Mon ey ,ling last. The 3eceand al - the 'Rh l-theaag!►, not to the: beat of health orad been, able Co be up and :around and she 'had been out on Sundaes. she took ill :during the night end d` deed aliant .halt bast 'three The deceased ,vas in her '3Gtla year and is survived lav lac' ,Mist 4',d, tv,'o 'For.s and one, lhngltter. They have been resitleals of the t.nd concession for about threat Years cotning here front Beboaggeos, County Viotoria to which place the remains were taken for interment W G,Carling Dead—William Will.i l .Ci Carling 11it Aril thea o1 s, Christie or town died at his summer cottage iit White .Rear Lake Minn on July atli flea was apparently in Chest of laoslth and Spirits when he 'was stricken witli a dizzy . spell and ton- and on- aa expired, i rare n; d,- aid could reach him. Mr Car- ling was ono of the host known res- taaarant hien and a'Iirominetct fig- ure in eat. Paul business life Ile had. tlived at St. Paul for over 20 ;pears; x hen a lad he same to Canada from: Yorkshire England and ;spent bin rlife a e 3 ^ lip. in town. 1 c1t e Laic, tv Elmer Gower—The u M F The Fal of the late Elmer Gower who died, at his home near Crediton was held to the Exeter cemetery on Fri- day of last week The 'deceased who a was 27 .sears of age bad been, ailing for abort a year bat had only been: confined 'to his bed a' week before his death. Up to shout a year ago he was lemployed in Zwicker's istore of 'Crediton and being a bright and upright ',young man was held in the highest esteem by everyone. When , able he took an active interest in the Methodist 'church 13esides ;his par- ents Mr, and Mrs. inoberi .Gower he is 'survived by three brothers and .3110 sister. Aeid''TI t1 ",,sniith Resident Dead— The death oceured on Sunday June 29111' in The 'person of. John l).iyman aged 85 years and 7 months De- ceased was iborn in Devonshire Eng- land in 1827 and on comil11 (0 Canada) satlled with' his tsarents in ,the town- ship of 'Hope. W4.1 -hen a young man of 1-9 he took tip his first .faranr now, owned by his brother William; later moving: to Tuckersmith where he has since resided besides his Widowed wife he leaves two brothers 'William of ['shorne and Humphrey of Sask and one _sister IrS, Niaria Blatchford of London 'Township He also leaves y ' ,and three ce a familF of seven s n� o a d;iu ,htel's..Humph.iey,Jobo and Jos- eph.. of Saskatchewan. Charles of Us- bone Too 0133i'. James.,.i•Ienry. 'Thos Card of Thanks 11iem tit the 0k3ard tnhitry. was ana t'erd.ina d Stel cru noon by ration, an it. A oa aaytlolct, 1aeneaatla aa. bower 01 ever'; green ozltl tvilc frac esrll, Tho bride" dress was of wary* srzaaain with, eabado lae.drapery cnultht ulr with 3>, buelcl of r,arilhants and its het* tri°cal: she, sae Tied n, shower: bouquet sir 1''Wee elf th ulleyr nd, white ea'rfi tiara s. See s.i rasa*r,the raiaaru•s gift, n, necklace pearls and peridots, sand a handsome gold bracelet watch, the gift of the groom's father. Miss Florence Stuatrt of Toronto made a lovely bridesmaid attired in blue voile with hand•paint- ed panel of Parisian design. The room's favor 8 � to her was .a pink Caari- eo brooch set in £illigree silver. Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury of `Toronto plaved the 'wedding march and dntfug the sign- ing of the register Master Douglas Stanbnry, of Toronto, sang. iu fine voice .� "Because". sa . r . A a the to de' t 3a not' the happyp coupe 1.ft *+n an extensive trip down the St. Lawrence and. through the Maritime provinces, after which they will proceed to their home in Edmonton. Both of the .contract- ing parities are well known in Huron C'eunty, the groom having formerly bean principal of Zurich school, while tri e eared e was one of the a popular young ladies of Bapileld. Their many friends extend congratulations and e 6s t is w hs e 5 w r- e' of On W'V'ednesday the 2nd inst. a very mitts weddin rota place at Spring. hill Farm Motherwell at the Koine of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Watson when. their niece i TISs Jessie A, Hamilton teas united, in.anSrriage to Mr Chas,. Monts fh of 'filar. Thames Road TJs borne. i?roni'r:tly at ;five o'clock p T31. while 'Loheiigrin's 13ridal 'Chorus was being 'played by Mrs, Vinet'ta 'Kerr of Crediton the bridal party entered t.Ite 'drawing room.: The bi ide was tastefully attired in 'a cream niassaline !silk adorned vt'ith. face and 'pearls.. She `yore a bridal veil of embroidered brussels nee crowned with orange ' blossoms and carried a bouquet of -white xosebnds She was led in !by lier uncle G1'Ir, Ari- d, ew Watson proceeded by little tlas a Elizabeth Hamilton niece of the bride. as flower girl, and 'Master{ Charlie Campbell nephew oL' Etch grocan as ringbnarer. tiUhen the bride reached her assigned 'Mare he- side the groom before a beautiful bank of ferns a hymil suitable Far 030 OCCal"Sinn, :burst forth 'sungby the MatLer«-ell Choir. The ,:aremeno was [:informed by Rev. Stewart 'pas- tor of nlothervell l?resbyterian clnfrchr assisted, by Bev. Nr. Fletch- 3' 04 Tho.nses loo, d Pressabgterian Leh rr trip \�%lii;e ronraratulations vvcre bring xtend:music was again rendered y 21rs,;i1err after vr•11i47411 an "aao-.le vedding 'inx st was partaken of lio- n the lawn. The evening -was very li^as.,nlly 'til: I r all t g i t'ainme�rip bit bis :osipth occasial1 &ni.dt _ g7i'ocit+_ gid. i''' c o—oil's gift to the lbrid•o 'itsa31ltd,(1,rt r, nt, i'„se4,"111', e,arls,; to tin,` flower girl"a;Iocke(:1! 125 chain, to 4:13e ring bearer a' ('h'11. et tie din. and to t111 •''anist a ai111y 3 cls comb 4Numerou5-cc:,- 3' l rid nicht gifts tctitify to the; good 'ill extended to the happy.' couple, Mises were present to the nur104:1 S one he, mired and forty. ''.P.hursday: iorninn iii, and firs. 'bio i'e i' L sift 3 a honeyMC OD 'trill: t, -o 1'o ants LC brides g0.ing away eostlime•, navy blue serge'..ivitt) "tuscari t, 'C: ion t 7-st' sel, 13'r' th, vv' 1 y ill Iseii i r. <I.heir ' •e'sa e' i rico c or_ thy, Thames mom's :dine farm o4�::the ihanies sad„T SbOrna Theg good wishes of' .,..host of friends arc theirs as they ilencrl, tut is oat a life Fv e, tiCa-s3 of suInesa': in trice comrn,ia.uty, as` , ell:; s; Sue of harp:nese ' 34 rptvsp=ray, .r °t`ih t7 0 /Mrs, Vance,' and fArnily desire te s Fo:resters and also-, their, tieig,hhors and friends d:or their kindness and. , death of \ranee,' s Potter 'teacher. 1.4 3rd Lo Sr, 3rd Kennet:11 Pat Ur' Page 68 ;, 13ciatha.-1)1,siardine 65; R lila ,IZny 41),c fore Cotrim .. irta+aT9,:4 wog,.. histo . 1 � mop%rot.nit is ry ftniretcts end treat tl tions in Ontario now tp 14tH t;roduee av'0111 rfe .r, Ontario, :not nut,side o! :lhie r7tit- rip, deretoeirtg in all directions. ha; values are irrtr.rosititr itt tlruiv 1 a atl rorig. end radial liner will per - stimulate , ream. Foil tree factory^ fioav tis; are nverWOrkPki with f orders sl only ,'1a - the inability at :tbei` sit Veolale to itets.l ease$; -tri l:v,- 1a1: as let, towrr..-should :have a lee. *t o_Laaildin* n'" 0;74at"oar r a b,srlct'ci matnioapali 4 , , a'iatis rbc lar;Y,'st'hla>«1: of at, hid N'ortla merle/in ol. nd i ' relent ' , v,.: Co.Cil rls'rfn1 inorensc .in seal have 'Y ''an in „, ., a s.:n [;liter-' ter "it'h:.th'q titaa'c' mo. L 1,' ``J3ctt.t Teed -3 al'satnd,uir,e or r'i,a+.t,r ,peeper distributed by yublic service o , azatton; the highest sand best l tin , ulus to ngriculture"mast' b, a lay the Matt'. i ' fford,se tliines �t e la reeve all these' ., aro under away. Ontario is to 1 e the country for 'Lee; next' twenty years I3uy a, farm iu Ontario, improve' it. live on. it' if you, an, start in to raise :s family 3 or bees o. S5 trate, girls on its. Clear the l stone it, drain it, keep' it dean. treat it- well; get rood roans. "thrid I : he 'toavnshig; it: will pay you 'back trans tithes over. The finest glace' in 'tile world to r;aisr stoney is ,tri Ontario. 'but: you've gots to be 11ka earnest where you, etre. .doing it, and' all 5' ^aid 1 a lid ,a do it ..flit. Qrtai�io too gaol a'1,aoe far any (wither slip shod efforts. - Opening of Riverview Park ocordog of the Riverview Park . The 1Vomen's- TriAltute, will hold: on FridaY evening July 18th. Grand disnlay or fireworks and horifiri*, Band in attendance. An invitation Is extended to all residents of town, and surrourtding countrY. Silver collection at the gate 'to defray ex.4 renses, Baseball STANDING Won Lost James Street 5 2 Main Street 0 7 The interest in the local series which had subsided owing to a no of the players being, at camp has again been aroused. . On Thursday evening last the Main Street team gave james Street a close run the score being 8 to 7 in favor of Tames Street. Following were the players: Main Street—Statham, ICycld. Hey- wood, T. Elliott,. McTaggart, H. till- liott, Durdle, Howard and Hall. James Street —Rivers, .Treble, Cole, Bode. Piper, "Luker, Davis, Ford ana Friday -night „Tallies Street, lost,tbeie second, gani.e to Trivitt-Memorials, The game was a good exhibition, both Boyle and Bisset pitched excellent halt and held the batters down to a, few hits, ,Tames S'Lre'et eri ors costly. - Duplan Bissett, Trielmer Bradt,' Pat sons, Iturdon and Senior. Boyle, Trehlei Creech,. Laugh” iPaso 334. 44.44 411,