HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-7-3, Page 8T IT P ETER TI`IViE "THURSDAY JIJLY 3 1913 !4tf'w,rl4 AlittAAM t t+GOW Y R mlfYY r[lR rtrs'.o 11 RRlItYiY6R ti6 tit •R"5?!! ,?r'WF WfM `a+Y.,.ts'X14.his;II+ISA{iFWIRF+.!+4s,4w9& !m'a *+M# ' • 4larl:et Rel.ort--The following is Ire report of the Exeter marltet oor. eared urn to 4adae, tl5th . Wheat 7.93 Oats 31. Barley 45 to •13 e.kwvbeat .4S, to 59 eas 1 Uta Shorts ?-3 gra $22. per ton; Floor F.,‘2.80 Ji)W i. rate flour $1.54 Eggs 20, '29c - Dried .'poles dL, hog=s, Otoiee Export Sic --r 6.90" to, 7.tit7 _. ,' 'edii;um E'x:Torr Steers 6,50 to 7.7: Choice but oho-1'$ $. 6,50 to 40 5., , :Medium but=h „ heifers 6.00 6.25 Choice Cosa 5.10 go ~i a•I) Mi * to < -- et1 as cows ,,.' Common cows 9, to 4. 0 C -oize Sheep 5. aG to 6,00 La.colr. 8,50 to 940 See RHONE 6 l e Waists AL VACATION NOTICE ' kindly, Lake Azoiiee that my ,dontat office 'will he closed from the middle of Tiz r 'to the middle of August-, Any Ile sort. desiring dentistrr, in, ,tear futuro wuili confer a. favor^ fY, notifyang ime'at llae tett—(lest opportunity Also zaotd iht? ny,rlathee clos 1I"erinesd v afterisnooned &lrrouahorat,: fbe rear. PRR, lit)DLST{?Nt ex til he solid T tt▪ a it4yantti R any Parasols t tatch any + ree;i. The t 1aigh prkeda ou velli' for the hat suwoler rrak: Shoes ladies and, men, Shoe for ail out lie saws to take a ysaaa when you id aye, assoe waast;4. arrived have Wart;+ w prime n`.the , tobuy autiful white Price. Thd eek asml. ht>saz at very ly.11iaa and itis 4 vaalue at Tett' Snit* sat girl°s -11 srlita, caches ware', eNtVP+ of h' ♦T. .314/sllel t l <hxtlaagh illste Charlotte:rent lir i tae in :irirear ci;Arc'. ir04 # ,I;, Elmore. Son ior of Toronto was Biome over the holiday. Miss til"lie 34 -Callum of London is home for the holidays. ' 'nr-,1`)ed'Slt,ddo24; of Ti0Ldon s`L'ent khe holiday vrsitlrg lwfr,, Leon, Treble Miss Carrie Dyer milliner of Strat- a ford )stere d hone Tuesday for the •:'4 { LOST—Cola mit but ton wwrr; "$• Cr herr Pinder kindly • a Times Office r t&k tat-, 1- ?Corr.; v `':o c► o wwarkilm 41 Parkhill 1 at, he (tome, h Italo)?t'•r a, home fro! the holidnyF, rl-rn, 1laenrey F+ Alain Str 'fakdractll ,r fee; Treble days llast 1F w•ee A#r.. "lifk "Ira:voy of Toronto ,is rtRri .with relatives is town.. ilt s 'Idle Bowe- has returned home krdachi'ng &1400A rtc*ar Iaa;er--oli "'y has returned to raaded "Visit in De, ea, matt acy , pais sa)ada fir:. -Frank Rr,'g1 t or ar. r RTarrH0.Pit Atent ° the holidays with his Le -fleets - on the Thames. ames 'Road. r}ri.i ,,I)s C'Ia:lrlad Ict„n sl nz T. ore visiting' . he loft. s oar- cd Ir f rah 71. 11. n a dealer last week, '1 rood eatttwtitog on Potting n t all oilier CIO°sT3 net uta ,dling 0111 'r al:+?:I, r)ki' 1€rAr> I`0L0 !me returned` to poilkhall otter spwrandir.g his z a ..tion with WS lrarents Mr..,oe% "urs !-"`alar. 'Atte Hoerr Ceriatrn reFtasredl to I4rataf rr'd the,' week t o ra-,sotraadr .tris position inthe book :rfte8rp ridi:i is vacatition tri town. a tt, .Sherf. peached A uitaer- erntot- vc Granton ,era Saludi wit” Ir,, 4.r er v reel' tats).) ttrnk• flan =las tete Presbyterian chturch Corals.) rtwt cal tlw4, liar it hist. sns sal goalal szayr me to cordae, right back {t laera 1a t was MODEP Shirts cwt In Whiter Tian nl1 eh darts collet♦ Head 'tie for weath ra' AT $f 59 d1 011 ood. Bertha daughter tit ala I e use Coal oil Stoves during the hot auFrinrer the hest t tl. rte sellonly the, .c1.n erica n A. slaarine, uk r '►cent age . 'M'il'iw' la.tt dad); Satttarela7t flat} -west. Shit t- y boat ns I Fort. "1'k'Itllotn. SaVa•iel Thomsa of e the g )sets o£ Air 4 tint.. tes.i o1 CSborne rand tta a Dliltng of ITensall .are ,l nnIford .artys Mord azul Elia B;i1: z..rhrd home frmo Chat. °liege, ttsr d. N. &IToward .1s visiting for with Mr,, and 3frs, Tl. rtoxl art Garr:nal .fiend.. Doderieb Bowling club intend, n an, bowling tournament•; conxi- 1ng I ucsday July' Sth. Tarr ltheett heeStella k tor Bend wheretlrt.y tt•ili e°dent , the summer,,. FOL'iND^LTH, James Street' church lawn a gold fob. Owner can have ;sante ".by veiling at the Tires Office 312r. Gordon Sar,llcrs of Grand RAS}- tris Miele, visited, 'hi,' parents " for several idass during Lhe Past' week MIAs Tillie Hey of Harn'ilton spent Sunday 'with her parents Ir. and Mrs. ,Christ Bey on the Go'shea Iine. Mr. Prank Shears, left on Satur- day, to risit for a coupld of weeks. with .his brother' !tielson at Por NV I Mr„, John Ilaww loins, of the' Lon- don Road northe has been seriously 111 at his 'homier Ile is doing' nicely and It' is hefted he will soon, be around again. Pour auto loads of Oddfellows mot. ored to London on Sunday to attend,; the funeral of the late John Evans. who was a member of the Exeter Lodge • o, 07, Service of Song A'P lre.ciatied—Tbb, James 'Street 'Choir' were Irieaasntl entertained, to a s',trawberry. tea on the ,church lawn; on. Wednesday; even- ing of lass; wveek, by the Quarterly Officieii :Ind i.P,riistee Boar -ds of titer" church.; The services of the choir from Sabbath to Sabbath are great 1' a'11preoiaLed: and, the '13oarit a took this means of expressing h —IL' an- • C•r c i,c., ir eon. A. . very -enjoyable able t' r .tY mi• c. Mr. Tom, 'Carling. )caves today for his ho me in Brighton after spending a week with Mr._ and Dlrs, IS, Fitton. .IIs' will be' accompanied by' Master Gerald :t'itton and Jack Matthews who will visit-. for a firm:, '}le Was alio accompanied as, fir, at.. Toronto by Miss +A'my the Iiftle dao Thier of Mr, and Arrs wr John's. wvho ill v -i5 it with rela(tives in fToronta., IIIoni }from !Camtp--The' soldiers re- turned, liome from comb: last Fri -day They y all: looked;'hale and hearty and report an excellent rinse at' ,Carlin -s, 'oig'as. 'Ihe boys (Vere a`littl' dis- `- ointed in losing ;the cull. present-. l b the r Daughters t I', Y h P, S 0 S f the rn-liz-e i Goderich to. the company of h y the regi. mailing title (hest record .. .;if. the rifle rriatges. T' coixi` rrn'w vs r ha ,: I ' v. ' the Cal twice C 1 C a1 1 ' P 1( this year tool thrr d rIa cc. T 1C POCS ho w ecer made acreditable ,showingas their ;Misfortune to 'lave To shoot 1 i1, r)'1. 'jni rain. 1Io:ina to V. t' I'n, e (7ntn -r i i . rt a r; satcrviev in -'1;0 T. J'r '-5..editor or :Of 1' •6' • tt`r. • Il,, Ohio rlte't ua11]ican sa]d that the mail int, lists of. hi- "paper; were `becortii;ng thiclt w✓if:I4 the names of eersahe who had 'moved from (Jltip to Western 0.nt4nrio., I can ;tell you wvc don't Itkc it c et h err lie said, tiCtrieihlnk I . that we 'have: di eounf;rlt th,IC'iv eaxu ,: )illy Ias good if not bei t;ci that ter n1 Ontario, , 11rought' wyhie)t J an,'. dirt trnveIled )aQc iY house Aandd 11ul;1di4t Arc houi •;Orme. STEWART. • 4+++1+4++++ Early Sumer Sale ! • a •: Sale Starts June 26, and lasts 10 Days. • • • a • • •• Why wait; till later to supply your Sumner needs. We have over stocked in many lines and we need. the money. An inspection of our lines will conrance you, Bring the children toe. They'll be interested A Few of the Bargains S PSHQT ALBUM PRESERVING NEEDS 2 Reg, 1.10 to clear at 75 12 4.4, 75 .. t. Ft 499 :i .. 8,5 <( to t. SOc a 25 r. xa " .20e All must' go c 12 qt Grey Granite Settles 35c. • 4 qt t, .t " 20c • 2 qt " .t 15c • o qt Sauce Pans 25c • Don't forget the Contest at the Candy Counter. A draw with Me• ••a'chases. Ask about it. Our Candies and Peanuts are always fresh. • • Ito, Try Purity Powder for Lemonade and Lemon; Pie, A jar will • • - 6rr Au Edison or Victor Phonograph will make your •ant and thecost is trifling. Step in and look around. • • MAW• • • • • • 4 • make 2 gallon and cost 15c. We'll show yow. • evenings pleas- • • • . • • POWELL'S BAZAAR • • • BIVARIETYG • STORE . @ ► ++PGOA+.Q06®9.9 The Exeter r. ,r. a' 1 More. RY! you want some Stoc ii:y0 hollse dresses left, this they go at $1-50 each h )etas slats about;:'3 dor s e to clear at 5c each l der' o ICS =-;. all I width t, , s a a about half price. N 4.: our:Jobs. Our added '$GQt'r worth. of travellers samples' to o.kr tn.c odesH Hosiery r Gloves x edt s yt Underwear weal ? irts Towels, -,Sox ing Snits etc 1 aast)I 6 sr6 d for 6 rx1, 1;hillnnr, Orlefk gaaaTia*tatt- Jarat y ,Trinafox• reef; rbua•a1l inpl and wvilere ire will ep m1 as con- -before dri: araottths -before returning to or, al. lien, "3. G. Powell proneh"dl ln. Goderich, on tau r.siday' hast wvhih ftov. O. W. aker of Weeglham 'Pre v i'di two rell' bCee'lltablci fi°rtlsQf' Xr, ,brain Street. Miss Minnie Ne'etta has oi,brrrlcalt hnm.3 after 'rlslt1npl ,.her eistd tT. Wolperat narrow. (leer nleec aces:m r:auied her home as visits bete for a few 'weeks, \frs, Wes, Welsh 'Who is with Mr. ilrrelslt nta London, visited wit her )pother °n .few daass, last wee)..: \.firtrio°: •'oish is not itn`proying vary r1i idly and ns;t,' b (ve .to ' D tbrougb an over ltxr, T. dlalydlette' :has retnrnedi to his duties. at 'the Baan), of Cotnmerce after' holidaying at` his home is God- erirab.lr, T:V. Jonas leaves 'ii'ed- uosda3' :or his home in Ayr' on his vacation.' There was a contInnoug rainfall throughout Manitoba Thursddn9 night with great benefit to crops which in most nares are badlyin, need of molt- ' tore:: The outlook is greatly 1m - Proved as a consequence., Mr, tend Mrs, Patrick- of Pint and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest fun.ford of tilorlctl e who hare been visiting their uncle Wmr Duasford and -other relatives and friends around here re- turned home in, their auto this weak.,. Early potatoes—The earliest' y 'po- tatoes reported this year., 'have been grown 'by Mr. F. Wickwire.. They started using theirs, on the 26th ,of June' 'and ,have been enjoying them. ever since. - The cotai:foes are & t o0d size It •Gold Medalist—Mr, l[laroldr Darden of Centralia is to be congratulated on securing the gold; medal at' the Chat- fram, ,3usiness College. Harold is one of Centralia's :copular yowler;men and his ability and integrity warrant' the esteem in which he is bald. flodcson•,bfurrae-Dr, Roy Hodgson son. of Mrs„ W. Hodgson of'Eliaiville was united in. marriage sat Saskatoon Sask on June, 21st to 211-s blyrtlo :vlurray'of Toronto. After +the wed- ding fhe ha!tpy eouple Ieft for a weeks 'trip -to !Banff. 'They will' be at home tq their friends in TesLier Sask after the, 151.11 of July.. - tiewv lost Office Regulation.', -.The e have issued f 'ce Department o t O fr post th" '1' din e C r a {•on .for # id w ) . ria i a ne t; g tutting up of any kind .of notice' written or ,printed, in any Post office unless -by a del:art:ment, notice. ;l:'iye pu+blic, .need .not become annoyed if the Postmaster remove': any notices roti "up in the office. Those, . are his instruct.ionl •" A Success -7 -The ;Garden Pasty held by the Ladies` Guild of the Trivd'tt 1 Memo iaj. church on Friday evening last w' as a. .success in every• 'par' - 4.1 'par- ticular, large number ' gatered on tthe beautiful church -law.a. -The; 1 ovenirg was quite wnrnn grid refresh- men{'s were in good demand, .The Exeter band': furnished eYcellent )nus is for the occasion. e a n ,- o bn': t of 'r `b c't wa • •au. t r h r" u r r c 1 the 1 izlc inevery home is to read, 'the" papers,. Never were', oareTs ready as much. T3neiness inen realize the truth of this nil the z h 11 to 'date 1 ones are';telling DcoI7e through the. heal PapersWhat: ihe have- 'to sell snd inviLin0 inspect or.; The, adver- t" 5 n CO :: f T 1' V wVla ) D: r tx g Iums o eve y a e ,ne tai c nod possesses en interest that they;. : 1, _ zltd, not,navera (1!ctt Iden•:. V;inres. One of our .lo ieht exchanges said last( week that, "—[1oreen!= to -day feell-aggrieved if the dealers do not: • keep' thein inform^d of, their stock through, the medium of :the good many1(1\' 11 la ers'r ,- many „ lust n o ws new corners :a.)¢ loco tii.g' herd and nil ural Y iher `read);lhc ntddlocat 110wv4.^ y It set Barytaa,r,s F'tiVrt% lhl Ci °.°deli o xc tant i pco'pie roni r gee' rem ,.rte ..,t,,r",., . a7 t ] 6 511;4, Opposite quietly fishing, ed dogs blacksmith and yas Gettable' PHONE Electric 47. ...:. t Light 'lac le We make a specialty of f)1 I ling Family Orders. -.The Groceries we deliver to your .. are the best to be had and the Ames we ask are the lowest possible. Send or bring your next or - dere to us and be convinced th It this is the Right Store to bay your Groceries and Pro- visions. IRE TEA ARO Ogivir STORE WANT --Choice Batter and -. Fresh Eggs. ♦t.......•.•b.I. .....4p4+$ s 4, • - ,. •' • • ■ s Rowej St • 4. • •Furniture Dealer ;. • • R •. .1' • and• • ••'' •• + •-- • 4 Funeral Director • • Ph(1H2Q 1 4 4, • . aetea', Osntart o • t • Ir• Potatoes nether shipment of potat- oes arrived last ,A.tollday. JONES & rim) Sa e dol' tial 0o04 safe, nearly rnewG i height S teat; three incites, 'two ,ietoc`t drawers steel lock, door. and doter diiroi'' with combination .loci:. win) sell At a Jar gain, ..4iply at "runes `Office. , Mr. D. Rowdifte,: in town over Mr. Thos. aery from 'T, :ion sale last Mr. Etl. Kauai, Hawaiian :nest of Mrs. is eo daring g Strawberry 'estival will :truth lawn 'o supper and 3and in attondance. Dr. J. W. ;an Gerald ±ciday Dr roves will leave )ountry. Cones will accompany ktontreai. The First in town. warn). A be day at while at rine. Thrown misfortunes was the ast week, adder and was" riding motor cycle ran out thrown vas somewhat eived a black 'then bruises The canning. lens .to -day. a. S Mr, Ed, Powell -'rs, W. W. Mrs.. 11IcIntosh . ,,t. ,n • r srt 1 A a g Mr, )rhos veek with Miss, Clara"`Davits 101710 after Ninghamr' Miss Lela solo est s tin da Y The h e.>✓ eier c ,t`or. the ''11 on •the 1I'r.,and v. a mil of 6 r'rr line •rtil.r,llardfoxd.'s `as, £landford, r 1 II Z 0 1 LS e is r Se' n y a0 'not c _.. ,'li 1 _r Ath e' e vc.r -)Hari NTlierever 'hitter N' he 'e'er,thc liis,'Lime ro` -et no and )h. let thy 3e``ond the 3 'I1 ".- la v .. :il 1 fG = r r 'IZ•"' e ► c s tk k x. l) a h Ser tf i 1w ';its 1 ik ^'t1ini et,.t'.'1 , Alt+ i, d•' ,,,c'% of Granton, was Sunday. Elliott purchased the'tan- H. McCallum at the :acus- Saturday. St, Clare De Lacey, of . Island, was the Torn and Mrs. W. D. tine past vein( Festival—A. Strawberry be held on the Main. St. °eridtty night, Admission pragrant 25 and 15 cents and Mrs. Harrison and are visiting in town. On Harrison and Mr. S. G. for trip to the Old' Mrs. Harrison and Mrs them as far as of July passed off very The (lay was ,very number of citizens spent Grand: Bend. others ;Went some took 'in the cele-,brations either Centralia or Elim - from Motor Cycle—That never come single-hand- experience of W. J. Beer, On Monday he fell off a on Thursday evening as he along Main street on his abor)rt ten o'clock, several , at trim near Mr. Russel's. shop. He 'run into a dog oft. The motor cycle smashed and Will re- eye and beyond a few' was unhurt. factory starts canning' r i, is visiting Mr,:•'and 'Taman,, of London is aI r h` . I)elbridte s, Harvey-ss his family'at'Grand IBzr_l. returned I,o ver visiting` ,her sister" in Gould: sang a very in. )brain Street; church mOtn rl a g 3znri'suPl?lie8 the mu Garden party y. held at =Llz-': ist of.:.Tllly, • ... \ Mrs, Wes e Ha r ., e..l y n'dfoxd:aud ik W Current i u f x nt` re 5a lc s r; are vis fat-her ,' llr., 1 s ? •. 115• T31t T O . IT LTi biotticr who It ath nee ped.. w who t, his ;race -or.cr.e<I-- c c • 1: men in anguish ''cry; in so •r w 'o 'tears are' shed ; star of hope has .fled canlfoi :t died. su-(',alias cry to ,Lnee in' vain, charity est.1'1., ))oats°)ol o 'a ,, , d C.., r by f i ii, ad r N ), t • 1 i . I sit world a c xdl t d . . ' • ; o`f t ti"" h i ' y. u: ,..t7 y it al d t a orr' r 1t e. iii Fir3jnir . a cry }}Vt1 ''y U1 ale 'Tr 1 .prd ePi . 1, n,7 S tfi i,9n ti 6 P, . r, t' n..0 G .`,r A Our. St re WILL SOLVE MANY fi IVE1)1)ifi0 GIFT PERPLEXITY When you are purchasing a. present it is a mat- ter of money and what you want, nothing else, Then this is your store, for what you want is here and at the lowest prices. . 1 e . P c A good variety of articles selected from the largest stocks; consisting of Silverware. Out Glass, Fancy China, Clocks and etc, These are new, beautiful and modern in design and of a superior quality, . eadcuar'tcrs for 'Watches -We make a special- ty' of handling High Grade Watches. All Kinds of Repairing Done and Guaranteed A.MARCHAND Stable Equipment your Iabtn by ogalippio, ' your stab e N up to -date methods. We at'e slt'for the celebrate . '. irros1. rte ° Carriers Wrlich sdr slid be iu every stable atso .Day Tools of add I: n . ail d3.lea'i riots, to in33t e rer (1.01311,1(1.013(1.01311,1dd' P Steel Stanchions and Stalls • Foz° anything in stable equipment give us a call We ,. Snell Men to fill Good Posilions Trained men are wanted everywhere; in fact, theyare always wanted, for, the demand is greater than the supply). This demand is'. not for the man wvhd" is able to earn`orily two or three dollars a day at hard manual labor "end wilco can work only, under the direction of some -one else, but for "'the man who is -able to planand a2 c s di• ect the work f — 0 others the nrau whose :training' has qualified him to.com- petently hold positions of responsibility. The ID;TERNATIONA.L CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS', that re that great institution .has doneso much in theast and is 'doing so.I P .1 much every vr i i i n n u n rte for wyorl.rua men and:women, offers you an •. easy way to become a trained man—to-secure -a good position in the trade or profession that best suitsyour taste and ambition.' The I. C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right where without. youarevw ant" losing' an hour of work or a dollar of pay; .without changing positions ui:til you are ready to step into the one y'ou desire; without obligating you to pay :more than: your -present salary will afford, no .-matter =howv small it is: Thousands of )veil have secured lrfe-1 ong betterment throb gh'this great plan, -,very month an,average of 300 voluntarily tell a is of such a:dvancefnent. You can 0:: `t10 ..'the Same as tliese inn rHave ♦ ♦13TeR♦' TaI0onet♦ 4♦ ♦RR♦ESPO♦NDE♦ICE sten. ays o dote; ♦ Itox 799 Saran mr ra::' PI If you' ace>>7 n , @bout I- r a`1i -wee iu t, rol,r{ f y _n , good- pOS2- ♦ t,*i Ibn nn m ai;. ho` r L.y' oc t o ,,h h 1'1,144 1, dnmaO. -,na- b tion, ,, larger SCcifir';. and-a, SllC--:.mcn!,to Ntc. p-',,Tion-uefcre,rh, cl, LhSi• bessful'life find out: howl: you call, e AdWr 5 k .Archaocturn1 Draft man` • sn6yv•c t b •h♦ t F e c rSt Ict, IEh I scoter. in:the 12esue surest told most W 6 Ido T I S ,m ion, ♦ nn ra r m etlea. . way 'Cc t w In the 1 n r, r na „ p 'world b - e Jnr Y` O I ..F Inn,° ser ba; l 9 r -• a •" Slla,l.l71g' liA Cl Sn allln ' -tl).$ CO ,:-; f1 cn ,n cn, Cngln ce• Civil Enp n cc% .y r. i ♦ Meer., ..,I Droftsmn n Su,ur C r)01,, uctlon Env. ' Oil. -`: r'1. _ , . .- , 6t 1 . 5 writs v n 1 Olt lrllde- t- . ♦ Ferdn n M, f t • a U nvor 1 n ^p nrjli aer obligation. IT is sirntily a re ' ♦ eine! 1'.., n „nr .; p„.. r n t } Si E7ookkae a k1 test'"for fortes) in 9 a ul,`tr l Cl Q.. • 6tunagrrjpher g, (. 1 Mark, a " . ndl', i a♦a + a♦.♦ + a ♦ .e a w o y ;. t, r , k..,, a I k ,7msy. ,I • "r H r rut t r• a 'l ,4