HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-07, Page 27ater dower thakes iargest. coaitribution to the big... Record demand for electricity and record Contributions to total generation by hydro- electric and nuctear plants highlighted Ontar io Hydro operations last year. Demand was up 2.9 percent over the previous year, to 9 .1 billion kil w h f d att hours ur s ram 95.4 billion in 1978.43'0o ydro says in its 1979 annual report, re leasedst week. eek The 2.9 percent growth rate compares with 2.7 a year earlier. Water power, least costly of all Hydro's energy. sources, con- tinued to t he, largest contribution, producing .: 38.8 billion u• lowatt Win's, an im- provement -provemeIt of 8.2 percent over 1978. Nuclear's contribution rose to 32.3 billion kilowatt hours, up 11.6 percent over 1978, moving it well ahead of coal, which produced 28.5 billion kilowatt hours; up only 5.4 percent. One of the most im- portant events of 1979 for Hydro occurred outside Canada. The accident at Three Mile Island in ' GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR,. WEDNESD "recognizing that few•. world things in this w or d . c an be proven absolutely safe," concluded after the lengthy hearings th t a . CANDU is acceptably safe. Even so, Mr. Macaulay states that Hydro and federal authorities "are Pennsylvania brought intense public scrutiny to bear on Hydro's CANDU reactors here -in Ontario. r Chairman Hydro al a Hugh Macaulay points out in the report that the Ontario Legislature's Select Committee on Affairs, H y dro solgogr at SAVE 39%lb Eviscerated, Frozen, Vac Pac GRADE YOUNG TURKEYS 10 to 14 -Ib average lr Direct Tractor Trailer loads of Maple Leaf or SAVE49ye ib Regal Brand, Smoked, Cooked 7.80 PER HAM A SAVING OF UP TO (Our Regular Price Ib 1 .28) MAPLE LEAF 500 g ROLL SAUSAGE MEAT 99i� NESCAFE COFFEE (Our Regular Price 6.99) White or Concord, from Concentrate ( Buy 2, SAVE 76c) BuH WELCH'S y aa 40 -ice regul-oz btlar price of 1.75 - GRAPE 'JUICE get a 40 -fl -oz bottle for LUNCHEON. MEAT ( Buy 2, SAVE 54c) Buy a 12 -oz tin a ` our regular pri..e of 1.53 - get a 12 -oz tin for GAY, LEA Fresh -Chip Dip SCHNEIDERS,'SINGLES, PROCESS Cheese Slices SOFT MARGARINE Blue Bonnet CHICKEN NOODLE Lipton Soup Mix ACTION PRICE! - TR) gtub 2lor ... ACTION PRICE! 8 -oz pkg ACTION PRICE! pkg of 2, 8 -oz tubs pkg of 4'envs SAVE 305i A&P, Assorted Varieties Including CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 450 g tin tie bag i 16 to 20 pound ik �b average SHA1tK BU PORTION lb O7¢ POTTRTION Sliced A&P SIDE BACON va0c pac 129 Country Kitchen, Ready -to -Serve, 2 to 3 -Ib average -MAPLE LEAF +1 69 HAMS lb MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR OR HINT OF MAPLE Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF, PURE PORK Sausages 500 g VAC PAC L39 500 g TRAY PACK 1.79 CANADIAN QUEEN, SLICED 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 9.9¢ lb` 9 (Our Regular Price Ib 1.28) SHANK HALF Ib 99¢ CENTRE CUTS or I5'� BUTT HALF Ib 1.09 HAM STEAKS ib Cut from -Canada Grade "A" Beef PRIME RIB ROAST First 5 Ribs only (Our Regular Price Ib 2.99) Prime Rib Steaks lb 2®9 (Our Reg. 7(1c:1:111 rc ice 16 Ib) 319)' ( SAVE 7 Rib Eye Steaks Ib4®79 Ib AY,, MAY 7, 1981 1;.�S'1 E'' 7;A,,. doing everything tbet is ahr humanly and roes/3 possible to enhance that, record..." The report r DOW that Hydro continued during 1979. to operate with no occupational or public fatalities or. injuries occurring due to ex- posure to radiation in the nuclear power program. Such emissions were generally within the target of one percent of the federal Atomic Energy Control Board's° limits. Ontario is increasing its dependence°op nuclear power because "we really don't have, at this time, any alternative," Mr. Macaulaysai.d. Only small scale hydraulic sites are left, fossil fuels are in- creas ingly uneconomical, and alternate energy sources such as -solar and wind "seem a long, long way from practical ap- plication en a major scale." Hence, nuclear power, "until something better comes along, is where the° emphasis is going to be." Among the report's other. highlights was an increase in the sale of electrical energy to the United States, to a record 11.7 billion kilowatt hours compared to 10.4 billion in 1978, a growth of 12.4 percent and yielding a net benefit to Hydro's• customers of $154 million. Mr. Macaulay said Hydro is eekingkfurther sales to the United States to offset the roughly 20 percent surplusin generating capacity after reserves. The year's financial results showed an overall improvement, and, for the first time since 1966, Hydro's debt -equity ratio improved in comparison with the previous year, to .848 from .853. Failure • • 0 • from page 6A residents to register their financial interests in farmland. The . Minister said the province should. know the extent of foreign ownership in two years.. If it is • -excessive, consideration would be given to legislation which would require Cabinet approval for land pur- chases by foreigners. This "Act to Require the Registration of Non- resident Interest in Agricultural Land in • Ontario" is almost identical to the Private Member's Bill on. the su.ject, w is twice introduced. Labour Task Force Province -wide hearings of the Liberal Task Force continued this week as task force •-ch-airman • Ron Van Horne, (Lib- London North) met with labour and management representatives in Toronto. Previously meetings, have been held in London, Kitchener, Hamilton and Windsor. The Task Force, which has been formed to obtain grassroots' participation in the preparation of a Liberal labour policy ' paper, received briefs from a wide range of organizations including the Ontario Federation of Labour, the Canadian Manufacturers Associatign, the Ontarlb Public Service Employees Union, the Ontario Mining Association, Professor Harry Waisglass, the Diredtor of the Labour Studies Program at McMaster University. While there was a considerable variation in the opinions expressed by the different groups, the major areas discussed were necessary amen- dments to the 'Labour Relations Act, the question of union security and union responsibility, management, rights and responsibilities and concerns about good faith bargaining. Task Force hearings are scheduled for mid- May in Thunder Bay, Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury. A day -trip. to Ottawa is planned for early June. (SHANK' HALF LB 1.99) NEW ZEALAND WHOLE OR BUTT HALF Lamb Legs Ib .1.69 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR OR ALL 6E EF Bologna 500g vac pac 1.69 SHOPSY, COLE SLAW OR 24-0Z CTN Potato Salad 129 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED SHOPSY, PASTRAMI OR PKG OF 4, 57 g POUCHES Beef Liver 191.29 Corned Beef 2®19 A&P is a Frozen Seafood Shop! HIGHLINER; FROZEN Fish Cakes FROZEN, PACIFIC Pink Salmon FROZEN, FILLETS Red Snapper BLUE WATER, FROZEN Fish & Chips BOSTON BLUE 24 oz pkg 1.49 Frozen Fish Fillets Ib 1.23 HIGHLINER, FROZEN lb 139 Cheddo Sticks 14ozpkg 1.49 BLUE WATER, FROZEN 1b2.09 Haddock Fries 32 oz pkg 2.19 8 -oz plcg 1.29 BLUE WATER, FROZEN, BATTER FRIED 12 -oz pkg 1.89 Haddock SHOPSY, ALL BEEF Wieners BURNS, BREAKFAST 1 -Ib vac pac 1'69 Sausage Ib 99,z MARY MILES, VAC PAC Bologna Chunks Ib 99¢ MARY MILES Wieners 1 Ib vac pac 10 29 n stores with Deli Shop! Sliced, Pizza Loaf, Jellied Turkey & Mix & Match Ham, Otde•Fashioned Baked Minced Ham Your Choke! SCOLD CUTS CHNEIDERS 16 l 99 BRANDT, COIL Polish Sausage. lb 1.59 SHOPSYS (CHEF SALAD LB 99c) Macaroni Salad 6sz YOU'LL DOiiminimmismi better WITH Frozen Foods from A&P YOU LL DO better WITH A&P'S White Label Products \\\\\\)lWIIwiloo ?ft )(1111\\\\ SAVARIN, FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES r Pot Pies 8 -oz pkg 2 for 997` FROZEN, PEPPERONI 22 OZ TWIN PACK PKG -Aloro Pizza 1.99 (Our Regular Price 1.29) YORK, FROZEN, FANCY, FRENCH STYLE 10-07 PKG Green Beans 2f0,99¢ YORK, FROZEN, BABY Lima Beans 12ozpkg 79¢ YORK, FROZEN, FANCY Cauliflower 10 -oz Pkg 79¢ WHITE LABEL, INSTANT 2 -LB POLY PKG Chocolate 1.99 WHITE LABEL 128•FL•OZ PLASTIC JUG Liquid Bleach 99¢ WHITE LABEL, COMPLETE Cat •Food 4llllll\0 Colgate REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH Colgate 1OO mI lube 99¢ s® Yabetter I H -PS health & beauty aids and general merchandise • ASSORTED TYPES 1.5 LITRE PLASTIC BTL Marvel Shampoo 1.99 SCENTED OR (Bonus Pack 200 ml plus 50 ml 'FREE') „!UNSCENTED 250 ml AEROSOL TIN 1kgpkg 99¢ WHITE LABEL PKG, OF 2 ROLLS Paper Towels 99¢ WHITE LABEL, 2 -CUP Tea Bags pkg of1009.9¢ Right Guard 1.79 - SANITARY NAPKINS • PKG OF 30 Kotex Light Days 1.69 GOOD NEWS, DISPOSABLE Razors Pkg of 2 4 pkgs 99¢ ( While supplies last) OW air° AIME