HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-07, Page 24SIGNAL-S'A .WEPNBSDAY, MAY 7,1980 PROGRAM SCHECULE May 7toMay 13 EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING WED THRU TUES MORNING 5:15 RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL (Wed.), A BETTER WAY (Thurs . ) CHRISTOPHERS (Fri.) THIS IS THE LIFE (Tues.) 5:45 U OF M PRESENTS 6:15 FARM AND HOME (Wed.) FARM REPORTS (Thurs.) WITH THIS RING (Fri.) YOUR COMMUNITY (Mon.) RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL (Tues.) ---�---6=30- SCOFF •--(F i=i•. �.. 6:45 NEWS 7:00 TODAY 9:00 MOVIES: "FUNNY FACE" (Wed.) CHARADE (Thurs.) ' BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'$ (Fri.) LAFAYETTE ESCADRILLE (Mon.) COOGAN'S. BLUFF (Tues.) 11:00 HIGH ROLLERS 11:30 WHEEL OF FOR- TUNE AFTERNOON 12:00 NEWS 12:30 PASSWORD PLUS 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 200 DOCTORS 2:30 ANOTHER WORLD 4:00 MOVIE: "RICH MAN, POOR MAN". Part III (Wed.) RICH MAN, POOR MAN Part IV (Thurs.) RICH MAN, POOR MAN. Part V (Fri.). RICH MAN, P,OR MAN Part VI (Mon.) GOODBYE NORMA JEAN (Tues.) WEDNESDAY MAY 7 EVENING .6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 M.A.S.H'. 8:00 REAL PEOPLE 9:00 REAL. STROKES 10:00 QUINCY 11:00 NEWS 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:00 MOVIE "SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MIT - TY". Danny Kaye -Boris Karloff. 4:00 MOVIE: "THE HARD MAN". Guy Madison -Lorne Green. THURSDAY MAY 8 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 1:39 THIS, WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:00 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL GAME OF THE WEEK 5:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 5:30 SHA NA NA •EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 HEE'HAW 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 BJ AND THE BEAR 9:00 SANFORD 9:30 JOE'S WORLD 10:00 PRIME TIME SATURDAY 11:00 NEWS 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 MOVIE: "PAINT YOUR WAGON". Lee Marvin -Clint Eastwood. SUNDAY MAY 11 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL. • 8:00 REX HUMBARI) 9:00 ORAL•ROBERTS 9:30 TV MASS 10:00 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 10:30 LITTLE RASCALS 11:00 MOVIE. ''NI -:RF COME THE COEDS". A,llbott and (' ' &'Ilu•Peggy Ryan AFTERNOON 12:30 MEET THE PRESS 1:00 OPEN CAMERA . 1:30 MOVIE: "RELUC- TANT HEROES". Ken Berry -Jim Hutton 3:00 AMFRICA'S- ATHLETES 1980 4:00 BASE BALI. EVENING, -, 7:00 DISNEY'S WON- DERFUL. WORLD,. 8:00 CHIPS 9;00 THE BIG EVENT 11:00 NEWS . 11:30 MOVIE: "THE, MISFITS". Clark Gable - Marilyn Monroe • MONDAY MAY- 12' EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 M.A.S.H. 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 9:00 MONDAY NIGHT AT 8:00 MOVIE OF THE WEEK: "KING KONG". Jeff Bridges -Jessica Lange10:00 THE CURSE OF KING TUT'S TOMB. Eva Marie Saint -Raymond Burr. (Pt. I of a two-part series) 11:00 NEWS 11:30 the tonight show 1:00 TOMORROW 2:00 MOVIE: "MAN FROM THE DINER'S CLUB". Danny Kaye -Cara Williams 4:00 -MOVIE: "ESCORT WEST". Victor Malture- Elaine Stewart FRIDAY MAY 9 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 MUPPETS SHOW 7:30 M.A.S.H. —8:00 MOVIE OF 1H1. WEEK: "KING KONG" Jeff Bridges -Jessica Lange. (Conclusion) 10:00 THE CURSE OF KING TUT'S TOMB 11:00 NEWS 11:30 I HE 'TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 2:30 MOVIE: "DON'T DRINK .THE ., WATER". Jackie Gleason -Estelle Parsons 4:30 MOVIE: "T.AWT FSS RIDERS". Ken Maynard . SATURDAY MAY 10 MORNING 6:Q0 FAMILY AFFAIR 6:30 JOHNNY QUEST 7:00 GODZILLA 7:30 FLASH GORDON 8: 0 0 SUPER GLOBETROTTERS 8:30 CASPER AND THE ANGELS 8:58 ASK. NBC NEWS 9:00 FRED AND BARNEY MEET THE SHMOO 9:45 TIME OUT 10:28 ASK NBC NEWS 10:30 DAFFY DUCK SHOW 10:58 TIME OUT 11:00 JETSONS 11:28 ASK NBC NEWS 11:30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 9 12:30 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN • 11:00 NEWS 11:30 THE TONIGIIT SHOW 1:00 TOMORFFOW 2:00 LADY MICHELOB GOLF TOURNAMENT - TUESDAY MAY 13 EVENING. 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 M.A.S.H. 8:00 THE MISAD- VENTURES OF SHERIFF I ORO 9:00 THE BIG SHOW 11:00 NEWS _ 11:30 DECISION '80 12:00 THE TONIGHT SHOW 1:30 TOMORROW 2:30 MOVIE. "HOW TO STEAL. A MILLION". Audrey Hepb,urfl-Peter O'Toole 4.30 MOVIE: "GREAT AMERICAN TRAGEDY'. George Kennedy -Vera Miles New country and western radio station On May 10th Country. FM Radio Station BX -93 will be cutting the ribbon for its official grand' opening. BX -93 is housed in new facilities adjacent to sister station CJBK-129 at. Wellington Road South, London. ', The celebration will take place at the Holiday Inn with feature en- tertainment' by The Family Brown, Dallas Harrns and Joyce Seamone to be taped by The Road Runner, BX - 93's new mobile recor- ding studio. 'In the plans for the BX - 93 grand opening, the nature of the regional Far a Tasty Tr J � _ at Try tNESE Phc "le 524-2242 HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 11 . 10 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 11 - 11 p.m. Sun. 11 - 9 p.m. Open Wednesdays Esquire Restaurant The Square Goderich ********* * *** ** TV 12 LISTINGS Mondays - Lions TV Bingo 7:30-9 p.rn. Wednesdays - Beginning at 7 p.m. 1- "Storytime" with Caroline Cass 2- "Surprise!" with Ronnie Varga 3- "I'll Be Seeing You" with Stan Profit Thursdays- Beginning at 7 p.m. 1 - "Simply: Sports" with Dick Eisler'' 2 - "What's Happening" with Ronnie V da rga . 3 - Regular monthly shows consisting of: , Week 1: "Foxy's Friends" Week II - "Easy Listening" with Grant Ellison. Week 111- • Week IV - "The Best pj F ipnds" with "TV 12 SPECIAL" * Warren & Eleanor. Robinson * Sundays • 2 p.m. will be slated for any religious * * programs * Monday through Fridays listen between 4:30 - 6 * p.m. for music & chat with students from Central Huron Secondary School on Channel 12 on your TV dial. L ...2+- 4****************** LAST NIGHT M Y 8th TIM CONWAY DON KNOTTS IN Irl I* VIRILE Ell€ IrffFR A Knockout Comedy! rl MAY 9th -15th FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:15 P.M. St3f3.-14;L9`t§ QN�SH9W44''9G-8:00-P-M.._...._ \ s9‘ JPt 000eu tt�ty0 o V)1,��an „sm.",e µ M� 11" - AT THIS TIME THE PARK THEATRE WISHES EVERY MOTHER A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ESPECIALLY MY WIFE Ct �ll oj. 0311P4-7,4‘05\ Ptc'e V "- t3 th otdl vin PH_QNE 524.7811 AIR CONDITIONED PR .•:;+ AM %UIIUIECT T:4. CII* ` tl signal and commitment to the six county areas will'be symbolized by the planting of six trees, each representing a county, and planted-- by the -it respective wardens at the ceremonies. "As the six trees, representative of the counties we will serve, grow and develop - I hope they will provide us with a constant reminder of our roots and the original concept of BX -93 - to service the smaller communities throughout our coverage area," Rick Richardson, president of the Middlesex Broad- casters Ltd. said. SOUND — ON — SOUND DJ ON tw NOW IN GODERICH MUSIC FOR OCCASIONS Audio, Lighting Phone 524-9012 ANYTIME / SALTFORP VALLEY HALL tt Sr 1$ ? $erg r•R RENT_ . } ?f µ CALL2942831 THS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY .MA1._9.-1.0...11.. -.. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:45 SHOWING AT 8:45 3 BIG SHOWS m nn m it's wet under.... ADMITTANCE RESTRLCTEDi ,O rtesd+s ( SCI -FOOL IS OUT LOVE IS IN. ll ' " A Gannon Group Inc Presenlahon Color Pio TEENAGE GRAFFITI �f qn NOW OPEN EVERY S: JN D A-Y--- i� 4\1\ OPEN 7 DAYS A:WEEK STARTING MAY 4th • SUNDAY BRUNCH 12.:00 - 2:00 P.M. SUNDAY DINNER 5:00 - 9:00 P.M. MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL SUNDAY MAY 11 SMORG: SBORD $5so 5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. MOTHER'S 1/2 Prue CHILDREN (UNDER 12i 1/2 Price ADVANCE RESERVATIONS ONLY Licensed Under L.L.B.O. 168 WEST 5T. I ' For Reservatiorls: 524-4431 or 524-9920 OURP1RR Inn IL GODERICH "ON TOP OF THE HARBOUR HILL" 524 4431 YOU ARE INVITED TO A FULL GOSPEL BUSINESSII/EN'S BANQUET at the WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE — 7 p m MONDAY, MAY 12, 1960 SMORGASBORD DINNER $5 00 per person (between 7:00 & 7 30) PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE BY CALLING 524-8842 or 482-7494 BANQUETS HELD 3rd MONDAY OF EACH MONTH NEXT MEETING — MONDAY, JUNE 16 IF 'TOUCAN T MAKE I/ FOR THE MEAL JOIN uS:AF TERW AHD( FOR AN INSPIRATIONAL TIME OF FELLOWSHIP REMEMBER LADIES ARE WELCOME COME AND BRING A FRIEND THIS MONTHS GUEST SPEAKER: BRUCE SRIf3LEY`'' ;Bruce Srigley is a resident 01 Atwood and who. together. with .• his brother. operates Newry Coach. Lines • Bruce became a Chnstran at an early age and later spent 16 years as a minister Atter 14 years or routines trying to please people and church boards. God led him to share his unrest with a Full Gospel pastor Through prayer he was liberated and."' entered into the tWness, of the Holy Spurt • Today Bruce es involved with ministering on ar personal oasis to couples in the Atwood area as well as FGBMFI FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 52077591 • 482-7494 • 524-8842 a "HIS DOMINION SHALL BE FROM SEA TO SEA" 9:10 i BAY CITY MICHIGAN WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL. Presents maw "WESTERN WARRIORS' CONCERT BAND and the "WESTERNETTES" PRECISION MAJORETTES G.D. in the CWEST • I •GYM FRIDAY, MAY 16 8 P.M. ADAAISSI.ON FREE SPONSORED BY THE GODERICH MUSIC BOOSTERS AS PART OF THE BAY CITY-GODERICH MUSIC EXCHANGE i 14_ Join us of the Bedford fora well deserved. R SUNDAY, MAY 11th SEATINGS START FROM 1 P.M A Special Mother's Day Dinner featuring: A Generous Selection of Fresh Salads and Cold Cuts ROAST CORNISH GAME HEN Roasted till Tender and Simmered in a Cranberry Sauce GLAZED VIRGINIA 'HAM Baked to Perfection and Glazed with Mustard Sugar Syrup PRIME RIB of BEEF Roasted to Your Liking. Served with the Traditional Trimmings ALSO Garden Fresh Veg. & Potato Our Own Oven Baked Desserts with Assorted Cheese & Fresh Fruit be ONLY$f95 • ADULTS CHILDREN 1/2 PRICE ebforb atet 92 Shoppers Square Goderich 524-7337 RESERVATIONS PREFERRED A