Exeter Times, 1913-7-3, Page 7VotM Faint ant Fall Down wh...ore.vor-:$11o:Was llead Woud Si Gone. lqes. Dee -Me 13gwtny,11\fineral, N.B.; writes: --"I take great pleasure in ex- pressing myself for the benefit I have obtained from your wonderfal,medicine, S A Choice Itecincs. ! time -; Al a tightly QOvere4 jar, To make it, chop a handful of fresh mint have pouri0no• on aquarter of : . cupful of sugar 11nd. a half a, cup- id of. vinegar. Before hanging lip ch -s, care -1 fully wipe off the clothesline, which has been eXposed to the elements. Coki dried veal and peas , mixed wiii rench dressing and 'served very cold on lettuce makes. a deli- @ cious dish. Some like a tiny bit a d Dates—Remove the stones mint added to the French dressing. Mtlasuini,,s IlitAwr AND NrIEWE PILL% from rge tiateS. Fill space with ' Ailth Ihe firs& aPPearane'3 I had been a sufferer forover he years,. :a miNture of cream candy, and! delions in the lawn, g'ather a few of and took doctors medicine of every kind, chopped nuts„ Roll in grantilfited the young ones, wash them filer - I would faint and fail wherever I was suga,r, °uglily, put them in a cloth on ice or and my heart would seem au gone, 1, -Marshmallow Chocolate.,-----Maiz in a 000l Waco So theY will got erisP, was advised by some of ray friends to a nicely ilaNrored ellocol.iie or cocoa and then „serve with a French dress try your HnART AND 7,,s,.nav4 PILLS. I. and lolf.:"-e in each cup three marsh-n'T f ely used three boxes, arid 1 eau y I Mane -WS; then all V. if il ChOeulate, --,.. symp;e idding sauce is made I amnamn„;„,„E HEART AND N.EiNiz ply,s Raspberry lybip......._whip. pup cup_ coenstark,li with a ennfal of gramt- , m completely cured, i which should be -very hot, by illixipg an even teaspoonful of,' are a specific for all ruredown men and tal. of eream with the white of two /ated sugar and then adding a gen- whether troubled with 1heir4 eggs Add one cupful 0,- ,red, erious c;:ipitil of beifilag water, a lah7,-tustawr itnhetNt`eShe, agrneadtaerst orefeecriLonlednedneede i ra:SPO; er-1,7leS .aitcl. t`lirell: tab -le -Sp -0o' ns mail . Pleee ..3f butter alla lenwn mto ta&te. that they will do all we claim for thens„'f ; 0t PnWneren sugar. Fier\ e Very g the curtain l - oons used for draP- Pdee 0 cents per box or 3 boxes for e°14, Saute Par$nips Cut cold boiled 1 eurtnirts need ea or mai ia T4'inlited, Toronto, Out, g beaten erig. arid b,en e„oth bag autk tnen Wash« In this underipg th'in 'into a Clag:05e, receipt of, price trh T. milbara c?Q„, parsnips in two lengtilwiso. Dip in deruin Sprinkle wth salt and pepper and waY, l'()°Ps MaY be "bbed vi".4 brown. ry- Illuse them in the bag., They UTILIZING WOOD Wt.•• s o Every P;rrl of lho fieo is NOW Used for Same Perhaps the most interesting velopment in the manufacture wood products, has aris,,en, in the in- creasing variety of te.cs to which wood -waste eau he put. Beginning in the fOrest the closer utilization of tbe rations W-4)o(11)milt05 emu be traced through the sasv-Milla and large 1%mi-working iuthistries right down to the firms working only on MIlan specialized lines. It is now commercially pcnsibi to reduot, fifty to sixty per cent. waste formerly left in the woods by the lumbermen te no more than five per cent, by ar einlibiltution three weibdeveloped chemical 1 dimfriess, namely, papor.makin woodtillation (in at modified, form), and the inanuftieturo resin oils. Praetically, all the valug- able constituents from the stumps, tops, branches and defective stein, which would otherwise be left to re in the forest, are thus eoriverted into useful commeelities. The etilizetion a mill waste is bzting made increasingly possible by the developing markets for odd and bort lengths in lumber instead of a few assorted sizes. Many saw -111M,, use their waste products, :irt the iminufacture of laths, mouldings, _pickets, roller -blinds and paving.- ..locks. Tho manufacture of wood - from the small SI'llati'.1VOOd now being fed to the burner is also l. tommercial possibility, Even seevedust has its uses, ausl in coun- tries where more intensive utiliza- tion prevails it is being successfully manyfactured into a variety of pro- ducts. Several plants have been erected in this country for its man- ufficture into ethyl (el' grain) aleo- hol, sugar and briquets for fuel. The bulletin now: being issued by -the Forestry Branch, Ottawa, en . The Wood -Using Itulustries of On- tario, throws considerable light on the utilization of wood -waste. Sash and door factories sell or use their short ends and trimmings for the manufactute of boxes, baskets, bobbins, butter -moulds, insulator pins, novelties, skewers, spindles, spools, stakes and wooden -ware. They bale their common sawdust and sell it -for floor covering, for the manufacture of composition novel- ties, and for cleaning screws. They sell shavings for bedding, packing, and for drying wet land. Hickory and other hardivood dust is sold for smoking meats. In fact, just as the pork packers boast of 'using all a pig but, the ((squeal," so wood man- ufacturers will soon be able to boast of using all the wood but the bark— and even that, in the case of some woods, such as hemlock, is of "'Con- siderable value. Men's trousers and coats will be skintight this fall and derby hats are likely to have crowns' t w,o„ inches hhsh, says a fashion note. • What. awful 'things the women are wear-. ing this yeeraren't they? JR STOMA©II A t • B.Iks....gEs$ ,Sour . Stomach 'and- Bpiottsuess -are eaused,tri 11 slugish LiVer, for When it is not Working properly, it holds 'back the bile, -W`hieb. is So essential to`prontote the fl() 121 of' the howels, and the bile gets 'into- the ,bleod 'instead. of passin Oroughtlie usual ,channel, thus causing 4ndriy. stomach arid bowel trou.bks. ' "There is only one 13.1 to prevent ehe' iver froni becomilt Pp -set, and tt.att iS' bV Alie- use 'Of' 1,11I1su1orx'S LAxA'fLivr,i,t, nxs.. - Julia Lang,,Yarko,',Sask.,,, writes several -' year's I was , troubled th sour, stoinach and hiliousnesS; and did` not get al2.37 nntil 1 used Mil,- I,AXA-LIV,V,R PILLS. I had only :taken theth•-two weeks 13111211 reytreitble, guite and 'I Will -reedit em to all who, sidtkas` I did, The pi -ice ,,0C 4 oas!-S's-is 25 cct ,,' t saute in drippings itroi neev s,tap an. water z mut ( ottage Cheese Salad. ---Mak he hang an to dry in the hag, 1 f irises it, is, incenvenieetto Into balls sonic fresh cotta.,,,e eheeso tinder the curtains in the silting wiliell has been miNed with eroara 01ta king them from the windows, and a nt1l-40.-d g-ce(,,a iaippor, Place but„„at arty ratei h.„. sbordd be it loaves or lettuCe and drc's$ ."v1(11washed and pot aWklY r ” drY- ncli 4ressingc the , ,, „ „ , The dust and dirt v.-11,1 i r cocoanut Toast. --Toast; SnCeS ot fabric if ate mtrtains, are packed loaf cake and pour,over it the milk awa.2.- soiled, i of; a, sec",_0Pnut, slightlY thiaen,ed,,t;) A tasty fruit dislt for breahfast or wlycli Ms been added smile 5,14re0(4- luncheon is served in orange, skins, e,lcOCO411Illt- Serve hot, with a gi.at- Into onch hall ex tbo ora,"e put thg g of Outhleg ove'r -(','is'..J.ce. orange .pulp mixed v;ith a little algrjht )1a no s Victoria apb ,King oorge of glarld a QUQ4Queenr o e tiuee Ernst olfleclEttmaisebera5a.ni,xte only 'pint atflukcs. --Boil the egg -0 lettem jetee awl little eeeppw in hot water ttntil 04der, fresh mint. Serve ver,y cold, tnn of the occasion, et' in the uniform of a, Oerman Qui en of Cloth Cot gala witb 3 long h, then add a sugar, one, ping oad, Iseeisse with a ..spr?4,,,d .. /Ai ress worb W0118 y the a ot the g, Wa.scM1t14, 1114Wetl 011- the miK, saale alatarlal. nor ,Majesty wore a diamond tiara ad ropes on. plli and (lour enough te make The selectinr- a a eniteble wed a It nt diainendd 'round the neck, with a diamond pendant co a 5 batter, form into cakes and ding present, is quitc: easy if yeti fry on both aidett, tla,t4 right was about k, As Mumma Ontelet.---Leat th. yolks the, things that are aseful ase 01 our eggs, add one-half capful mo$t aceoptabia. For illatexee, an! sugar and bread crumbs, mixed, a artistic lamp and lampshade always HLPi AY af salt and the mashed pulp make a gift that is approCiated, and balumas. Into this stir will serve os a lasting reminder of Ily beaten whibs and cook your goad wisjies. ely browned. B;tke!' pionst.---Tonst slices"1. vat', dip quickly in I a water and lay on a jllatter. Sprl'adtoast with butter, then po it some melt ralik and 'place in 'aliot oven. Garnish with Ki L WAR ORTA LIT OF R VI, 0 ARIA N S WAS 1;NPRECK.DENTE11,, Tow Is Appalling When Mor- tality Among Allies Is Added. sat:: d'winK 'e:;17/lI 4,-trnaPleo radd fe"1 11;33 Briu°1! to IT... ? garia, say$ a military critic, who S OS biniself "Chasseur," Blackwood's Magazine,. is referring to rho less "of life -ealed in the official returns re- cently issued a'., SeAa, showilq that 320 ?officers actid, 29,711 men were killed; 959 officers ar,d ;,,52,559 men re wenaned; 3M3 officers and DIRE are missing_ Of Buigaria, uiation of.'2,g00,000, One wale in ry 2:5 must thus be dead, wound-. missing., The WPC perCe. male4 in the Truitocl dom e uld ho about 920,000; in t E'ntStat,-,s; it would Tamirj, Sneakihg of Bulgaria, e ofher e „of two f•ft id incautious esrtio- raliona, he eis the Sofia infantry Ilegimente Disapp 'Theso two bad unp'tsES the ornal raeloilizatio Lznstthenviet;se alLtior„irtaetett, roet vapitat The- spotone. z35Wo tor the 114,4•%S.1: r-A0dr,11 Oi 010 lakMaP had'IllarCbgd awa;y 112 1 4,1114 on his shoulder„ Judges. StrAte$, lawyers, actol'4, s,kop- opers, soi„zed it the goat tenta- ot unirerSai consertptieri, 4nd pted away IU tho 140d of ? What had been their for - T .parex, ieefnanl r t mei nah, x;ektp:' 1474: the hitter, The Sofia, rebee:aaiu to004:::: 4 p h They olo tliala r, Tho boys fon t h n qbhu;:aftietri,! mist% and for ft 16:ee T'eliinetlu'ee months' minit;a8 he nigh literatt,of Sifla Vivre practically annihilated." Au editorial in the Evening Stan- dard (London) eontains the start- ling statement that 1,vasto of life in the Bulgar linos made -the mortality of this war'considering its dura - n, unprecodanted, in the world's annais, and we road: Bulgaria LeSt 110,003 gen. '"It is not surprising to learn, that the Bulgarians have lest 30,000 men killed in the war. It waS obvious from tilie first that their reckless gallantry would result in heavy losses. The Turks 'fought like lions', before Adrianople, and, shockingly led as they were at Kirk- Itilissch, on October 23, and a week later at Lule Burgas, they still managed to inflict heavy losses on their dauntless foes, who advanced in serried ranks against the fire of shrapnel. The attacking side al- ways suffers most severely, as the Japanese found to their cost, and to the 16,000 men put hors de com- bat ia the final assault on Adrian- ople must be added the terrible struggle for the pos,session of that Spion Kop in the Tcha.taldja lin,es on March 28 and 29, when the Bul- garians were filially driven off through the rain and mist, leaving 1,000 dead behind them. Our own losses in the Boer War were noth- ing like so heavy as those of King Ferdinand's troops in this cam- paign, arid the total will indeed be appalling when to these figures are added the -terrible mortality among the Montenegrins in those attacks on Mt. Tarabosb, and the Servian losse,s, which in the taking of Pris- !Ana alone were officially 'declared to be 'extraordinarily large.' The Russians in the whole of the 'Man- churian campaign seareely lost more inen , VIM MI GUARDS. n T lie CIIUII oriner Reginient Vusi * ni Death. Exod 1. 1 0G2 by Du f Ormond. 2. 10. Golden Text, 3latt 5. slices ot crisp bacon and parsley. Ited Currant Salad.—Out up ban- 'Istkbleer'irbeigicliniegnnt°rItannici°w0„Paresv4ttl: Th° 13"Ii7 ')f Emdus begia with nuns in thin slices (just before need- a (311,11.ds. Tli-ey wen, raised iii a list of the sons ofla.cob, followed, 111.0 ed), combine with equal quantities nib 1091, during tho course of the Boer bY a statement regarding the' raf)id . ' of currants which have been strip- „ incyeaso of the children of Israel, ' . 'War, as an appropriate liompliment ped from their stores. Serve On givelf.riii.rd alarm ee- smitten with leprosy, from which loaves of lettuce with a mayonnaise *1`t the' part of .640 Queen to ill° 14- glephairritt.ic':Pla new pharaoh \. to I'll° was healed only at the earnest dressing, and garnish with a few dierlY qualities cif Irishrnin' and as knew not Joseph." The 'building, of intercession of Moses. The death currants on the stem, and burial 9f Miriam at Eadeslt is graeeful recognition of the -valor Onion Soup._slice halt a dozen displayed by the Irish troops gen- the st°re'eities, Pithem and Ilaahinas-:' referred to 'in Num. ea, 1 (eempare orally on the battlefields of South 3"3 UPOD whieh the new king onions and saute in butter until also Exod. 1.Z. 9.0, 9.3; Num. lee le Africa. The -creation of a regiment Set his heart, furnishes the opper-,' of Irish Ouards is, after all, but, a ttimtY for the exacting slave ser: 15.)' ' bro'n'in Add one quart of rich stock, . i a rdy recognition ' of the Tice r el/tired of the Hebrews in the: ii. The daughter of Pharaoh --Po with salt and peper to taste. ',Place bread croutons and a COUPIC of sibly a daughter of Seti I, and if Irela.nd to a share in the lionor of elaims of hope of breaking their spirit and ,! tablespoonfuls of p:irinesan. cheese then a sister of Mimeses the urneshing those regiments which reducing their numbers. This meth-" se, are most closely assoeiated with the od proving futile, other means are! ar,,,,eat. .3 4.,. L ,, in the tureen, Strain the soup over 1 the bread and serve at once, adopted, culminating in the royal ""dime'. '"11 '‘' bathe 4' "ae raver Asparagus Loaf.—Cut up cold as- Persal service ef the Severeirns 1 decree for thewholesale destine- . —A not uncommon tusk= for IVO- paragus to make two cupfuls. To , men even of high rank, special and whielt have enjoyed for centur- ies a traditional precedence in the tion of male children among the Fie - brews. regimental roll. There li places being reserved for their along the river bank. The one cup of hot cream add pepper, salt, onion juice, one tablespoonful are, as is Verse 22. Pharaoh charged all bathing' of Foot Guards—the Grenadier, the his people—His taskmasters and' Nile Rier :v, moreove.r, was regarded well-knoWn, Tour distinct regiment'S butter, caie'beaten egg and one eup of cracicer crumbs. Add the aspar- overseers, those having general and ibY the' Egyptians as a sacred Serve hot with asparagus sauce. Every son . . . east into the supervision over I stream, and its waters as health. Her maidens—Only women of Coldstream, the Scots, and the more immediate agus and place in a Well -buttered baking dish. Bake one-half hour. the Hebrew colony. giving' Irish—all pf which, except the Iris.h, date their existence from the Celery etwitiettes.—Mix togetherRestoration. I3u1 it seems to have river—According to Josephus, the: high rank would serve as maids t� one enpful hot mashed potatoes,been forgotten that, what has been Israelites, during their severe per- the princess. Pictorial rePresenta.- one cupful minced celery, two tea-greeed as a belated innovation in in secution Egypt, "dug canals and tions on Egeptian monuments on f really only a revisal of a corps Egyptian monuments are extant the ease of the Irish Guards; ,is spoonfuls butter, two tablespoon- and banked rivers, fortified cities fills chopped nuts, and salt and and built pyramids." The same .slloWing aristocratic Egyptian ladies the others. The former regiment.,of attended by handmaidens. pepper. Add sufficient milk to bind, which is coeval in antiquity with author explains -that the severe per-, Irish, Guards WAS raised in. Her handmaid—Referring to her shape in ceoquettes, dip in beaten secution Ives due to the prediction' a, baking pan contaiuing a little James, Duke of Ormond, then Go -v- child should be born who would special personal attendant. 6. And she opened it -The prin- egg- and breadcrumbs and place in 1662 by of a soothsayer that an Israelite melted butter, in the oven. Bake rnor of Ireland, and on the same bring disaster on Egypt ' and free CeSS. until the croquettes begin to crack eonditions as the, ot,her regiments Israel, ' , Had compassion on him—Promp- and are a delicate brown. of Guards ; their -first colonel. wa,sed to pity by her womanly in - the heuse of Levi—Levi—, Cocoa Pudding.—Put one cup 01 the eldest on, Lord Richard But_ Aml.raAminbayn °f fine breadcrumbs in a.quart of milk ler, created Earl of Arran. When 18, 20). The family of Levi lied now knew the name (compare Ex -001_6, stinets, even though she doubtless He - and place on the stove. When thick the new modelling of the Irish become a -tribe. . , . babe to be one of the He - and smooth stir in two tablespoons Army on a Roman cathodic basis A daughter of Levi'L--Joclmbed, a i. Shall I go and call thee a, nui,,se brews' children. butter, one scant cupful sugar and began, at the opening of the reign near kinswoman Of her husband, of the Hebrew women1—An offer from the fire and beab two minutes, on the Irish Guards; and the regi- made, doubtless, according to the two tablespoonfuls cocoa. - Take of James 11., it- had its due effect Aniram. then add ale teaspoonful -vanilla ment 'afterwards became iavoired sinee both a daughter, Miriam, mother, who had apparently plan - 2. A son=Not a firitborn child, implicit instruction of Miriam's and the beaten yolks of fteir eggs. in those far-reaching ehanges,whi6h mentioned in Exod. 15. 20;. 21. and ned everything carefully before - Fold in he beaten white, pour in led to such startling results. To --its a son, Aaron, according to Exod. hand, selected the place and time a buttered baking dish, place in g ,0,6,,dit the raginleut -remained taity. 7. 7, older by three ^ years than of exposing the babe, from a know - pan of water and bake three -guar- fui ,to James ,.Ii., and, afkois 10,9., Moses, had already 'come to the ledge of the habits and charaeter , . ters of an hour. Serve hot with. disappeared from , the list. of . wil: home. _ of the princess. Cora Meal Crisps.—Seven-eighths ouith wars it was isres6iit at ,mai,_ a ‘supreme effort to save the infant -Called the child's mother---If, hard sauce, or cold Ivhipped creara. Hain ,III,,s :Armk. inthe-gribin.,„„ ..: Hid him three nsionths--Hers was 8 cupful corn meal, one cepful, boil- , at D, ett. . ingen„, . is hard to believe that the princess plaquet, anti later son from death, Pharaoh's strict ing water, two and one-half tea- F,ontanoy, ni,t e service' of charge to his seivants concerning did not suspect the real situation spoonfuls melted butter, one-half France At the Re* 1 t. f " hnd the relation of both the oblig- , , ., vp u ,10„,„ a 1793 FiehrVir in-f,ants being, ‘giTiverY s°n ing Hebrew maiden and the nurse n ognnent of the - ' , ' that es born ye shall east int th gradually to boiling water and when Anny of France bnt . ' f d , le use ci-,-: t. -o river, and every daughter ye shall • • ' 1. 22). ,. , 0, e , sh,,e proposed to call to the little teaspo<)nful salt, Add corn meal it became the 92 d It - . smooth add butter and salt. Spread , , ., )_oo r, an in sav.e alil'''''' (Ex°d• , cshaviled.theBIll'Itifalinatv'isnglifdeteslrinellatiseldss nt°0 .. - serve under th-e Tr' lo . tO one-eiglith inch in thicknesS, us-- took service ender the An ark—The EgYfitiarl ,worci thus British 'brown as one' of the regi- translated means, literally, chest clu9c.stIi°1nysiil 'give thee thy wates— evenly on a buttered inverted Pall 1794 again ments 'ihe Irish Brigade. AfterBulrushes—A word. also- of EgSn- inleallParylinne:sasllassusissPtiseie'bnY. her aetl°11 -Lien -origin, desienatine• the well - V'' ae nrisciiNeenitY -it intrithse. cl Te 'its ea °Pf121111er u" -.Ns i li es iall, 10. The 1ft einhiee-°r otelfhisei°Pirli'd'hssge;liealgwehel—it, bij-b3;131'1',1iv:11-1Lboreara':°111 hadstslleere kno-e-n papyrus rceel,, Ziltivted so d 11 11 , 'f 0. 4, • ated "the brin 11 orally, the 1p oL the rivev %gyp.tient idiom. ster---Miria lnow , ars old. The first m by name is in c aid tbe account of Israel's were scapo through the Red strong Sen, ivibiteihnib$br:lisedan4dim ehri°anrucsinc41c'veourmawotnen r in 0 c escape of the Is ; rael- their tim ites m their pursuers. Later in and later the ort journey. of the people war.° draffitk instigated an open rebellion ortlei fate jay which was followed The lions from on, 'Per this rebellion or4,,,pt out under eo od's chosen leader ,she was DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERYI Wilma COMPLAINT AND ALL *WEL TROUBLES ARE CURARLZ BY 11114 USE Oft Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw e rY R Gga1, St, Tams have had the Pleasuro Fowtmes E'xrR..ker Wit7W3fx i ui4tses:itise 04trreay1woadrataezc.t:t, 4ur;r4 I ..1c1 v74-Aea„t.arhof pC=,44iqm410,m;otox egttcd tne. wIlhottt 'x'eglIl& AO friends 'sea 1115 td try the above remedy. fewite5e4 Issas completely enredor r since I have never been wh- 111 tbe house. I hAve used it -withi en and find tile SAID4 result, f haverccoiunieaticd it to several of Info . friends who ats*'J01'410'01 nt ia ,s4.171124p that Dg, Folytant's EtitTaftel' CF WiLti .-}",m---t.t-Taa41414Tis the eatest Teri.ied7 901 ' earth for all „glimmer -ComPlaintg.' w - s ef t .ing a long, broad -laded Bake en 41, iisodei.ate oven until well .soi.v.ingein North A.mericaeanel Ciit .-P*41:0 aolisderote=lialf ,s'veSt dishitided reipoye fs p and. 1796, .11, -re 'regnatent was-, orr e - rv serVe at,bliee•• ' .oceasion '-rel-n-arlah-1,e:. for' 'itS %Ceoni-' , loyal t , and 'bi-avrerY; FeW..,SraggeSti°11S6 "ities winch -‘vill fo d h 'au , aye I:a-lives not lri.daiLY:ilse-shonid be been -,inlierirte.a, t)y, its present. g peii.Shed and. 'iyarie,t1 hex 1e1)112'. 11).' " a srtwdust until le'equired fey 1. -0. kept; is a, matei.ial aid in pre,or mis sitys tbat all things "of citmphor in the clikt-tAver or closet vliere Silv,er -are.for the beet. If this be true ef only a slight flavor of °nice is ,those of us who are next best .hey- kked. in French'. dressing, try el? „a „ 001t i � 11r11L in the eels_ On' t You play eiz-:::icceu ci,trW.nilxingy • 'First, „you. in. 11 sac.. • ce,ld a e sawdustW' get dact 1bere's,3t-1» „es 8011)0 of. a co ug, <i), 0 osn agne iikfboyusa,iidiliian NE piat: abLidt vs ta da se ijav en3,1„isr sheimtoatshseeeinef aanstheearns, le3,e.etociess_ ions Parts of Sic:1132. Byi the ancients pensed with. The statement of it \SraS put to many uses, its rootg, stephen (Acts 7. _22), -.that, emoses stalls's, pith, fiber, and juice 'all be-- was instructed a]i the- learning. 310.03 leForcul-e-.(.,),..,ttheE.egeYs Ps tal• sisilharmo°n3 stf ;is :•-- itistheprisllelesandedicatina; shallow ohe NileVrecons,ruct- csvhellhewouidnatu ed. vasthead°Ptedchic Slime--- wor4 f uncertain m a l . all tir, the prigmal, though` genes- hought. to Inean' a kind of „bitu- "",mineral . ' blink' ags?.by FOES 01' GROG WIN POINT. Bri1;s11 8..,l110r Must Look for ‘`Tlirce 'Waite' in Future. "Three Water" is' not yet. abol- ished -in the British_ naA,y, but those who want it will hale. to ask. for it, instead „of asking for the money -:‘111:1,i_ joit4)oh7,aattilnioic2:„:. i2i0Emviees is. , 3 7 -eiiti,trisl;:lle111:11:::1Z-loafIl:111 Nyev at: o, , ee 1.rf.i. pint of grog, which is rum diluted , . This judicieus rnixtul'e is sol'I-ed out to the, men after their dinner., It is now pr-oposed to abolish the ration jack:et a teetotaller willy 'tiny While altogether and malce tile blue - he is on board ,ship: , Rum was originally c btu ted the official drink of the nayy in or ler'aN":„11,-(),,.1:7 But 1:i°'' ,tulise avielryiremgaetrueb ecl, dis.tleil(lr 1.41.5's. fi°,spes' "lt,laaicll,;lylti'jllne':'a'il:,r-eN4\d'cl:el'e''tlol°°'"fatl l'efil..C1-.tsslit::::i.' s . .. r I -lolaint h<)linbenis 's ...11°. e(Untsiiitdien-. ru1.% ei, ear', t' s.f.r..loin his rti. k 131 "Dg. FOWLI1VA" lug heen on the ninr# !e,c- for over 434 yea*, and so popular has econe that many dealers try to sub-, stit,:nate rhratalyttbaeth jecorawr pherp,,aratiens# 43sure •41 Price: 35 cents. nob! by The s !tame JitW a he wa yiug tit be 123114 h1d lbaeked al by til The man said tha a feared no harm; 11 ti 1 - after him for the rest af dup. Ho refused ehIorotarn1 for the operation; he NAILS Mira it would eause no pain, for he had felt none when lie eat off his hand. Ho ra- n ained quiet and looked on ealrnly while the civil surveil was at work„ and similarly during a t000nd op - o ration, rendered necessary by the heraorrha,ge. On the following morning he appeared, pleased and cheerful. Declined to attend daily for dressing, and departed on his way in serene confidence. wl en to thed civil sur. Queer Things Up at Suction. Everything, it is said, comes into tah ew atleutt_i o nt h..rtao room mri.: .tEr soonerituzi 1 Of: ulidt eirn, locks of Noise and the list of curiosities that have been sold in Lanslekr.in,the past is e urious. Ana \er ii:ve been I r,lington's hair, the hea --=-- ------_,vian In- dian, a, humanstre,urime ger than tiplhain.sedrifcri:pqa112:71. .4:4:i.et:.:0—"1:301T1 I'l wore at hi pXrrivutujoaPp1f.xviiieh was and the blue:01:170:1:32.ch Charles Paul's" hat, .esS puneersasy, bat- tered he,aelge Pa.ro-ses stehed $126., IT eo Jo seem ----e----:11 not find rpij- 1100: mars. uossas seeise-('-.1'321 sure rnAel:rdSi.ffirlei.17,tt:100,141 • +SO 0 11 1303111! husband 1, 0°613I: fle'• l:P:'6srvar• a'fieree:tti'd;:sbbc::111(felea:cif,IWS:rot7t'trliaN11:teb2eee year,s; 41 rue' e- Rus,e.)1. eelpecl.3:, 04 ' p.113z 1•31" ails° came ma dlzzy h 0 P' -i°1° 11.1 X E (13)31 03190w0j j25.i 15)13 05' 50 ''uttacat'szg 11 FV0m11V '1101333171 EET ig, tio, „ , ft :•PCIAN s, Klitrix,ury ' ' pm.„.„„ 31,Doo o4t.4 r Brits:PP:to $1,2S: 'iist ,a artici . , ..off, A.14314 DOAN PUT