HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-07, Page 5I
Mothers ark wonderful....
*from page 4
stincts about mothering. That's the only
reason -the survival rate for mothers i
so high.
I think about the mother who told of
what she had learned from her family of
three boys.
"I've earned that a live frog will go up
the vacuum clianer. And that if you pour
orange juice into a steam iron you get a
dickens '+of a mess. Amt I long ago
learned that two wet toothbrushes do not
necessarily ' mean two sets of clean
But there are other things a woman
learns from being &mother.
One such woman wrote this: "The
most important thing in the world to a
boy is just• to have a .mother who cares
about him. A mother's most important
duty is just to care."
She recounted the story about a boy in
a private school whose mother had.
arranged to take him home for school
holidays; but year -after year a-s-ihe -
holidays came around the mother would
phone with another ridiculous excuse.
When it happened again„ one of the
boy's buddies said to him, "Face facts.
Your mother just doesn't want you."
After that, the boy could be seen
shuffling about with his hands in his
pockets and his head down. Sometimes
he mumbled to himself.
"She does want me," he'd insist. "I
don't care what anybody says. She does
want me. Of course she does. She's my
You guessed it. The boy began in-
venting excuses for his mother, to ex-
plain to his friends why she didn't come
to get him for holidays. He just couldn't
ce the alternative and he went through
lie with his head lowered and his eyes
.cast downward.
' +++
Mothers everywhere will be honored
this weekend as Mother's Day is
celebrated by families near and far.
If you are a very young mother, it will
be joy enough toget a big hug and kiss
from your husband with ' the verbal
encouragement, "Gee honey, our new
daughter is pretty as a picture. Lucky
too. She's got a one supei mom."
If your children are a little older,
Mother's Day could mean breakfast of
hot orange juice, burned toast and
peanut butter and cold coffee, served in
bed. Nothing so bad could taste so good
as when your very own children arrive
proudly at your bedside at 6:30 am,
smiling broadly and announcing, "We
made it all by ourselves for you. Happy
Mother's Day."
When the kids get about Grade 4 or
Grade 5 in school, that's when you get
the treasures for Mother's Day. A
handmade card with a special verse,
originally written with you, in mind. Like
this one: "Roses are red, violets are
blue, I am so glad my mother is YOU,"
You'll put that away and keep it forever.
At the age of 12 or 13, you'll get more
-treasures.:..-. Thus tifrre it Eauld--be.....a _
handmade shelf ,fashioned at wood-
working class or a hand -embroidered
wall hanging made at 4-H. No doubt
about it. They'll get a special place of
honor in your home.
In the teen years, it's cool to give mom
something more conventional. Maybe
some perfume that daughter likes and
won't hesitate to borrow. Or it could be
an Italian cookbook from the son who
loves to eat pizza and spaghetti.
It really doesn't matter what the gift is
.... or even if there's a gift. What does
count is that your children remember
your big day and make some attempt for
it to be a little different from other days
in the year..
It may be a telephone call or some
flowers from children far away. It could
be a grown daughter who cooks supper
.: or a grown son who says, "I'll wash
the dishes tonight mom."
Or it may be nothing more than a
smile, a hug and the whispered message,
"I love you, mother of mine." Wow.
What a privilege and a joy for mother
and child.
It doesn't take much to make mother
happy on Mother's Day. Conversely,
forgetting entirely can, cause a terrible
pain she will be able to hide from
everyone but another mother.
In a time when families are crumbling
at an alarming rate, and divorces are
catching up with marriages annually,
mothers are still recognized as pretty
spacial people. There still remains deep
within each of us the longing to express
our affection for motherhood as it is
traditionally known.
Mothers need this reassurance. They,
more than any other family members,
are being affected by today's changing
life styles.
The fabric of the home and the place of
mothers is being undermined. Women
are being advised to break out from the
restrictive, imprisoning and inferior role
of liouse"wife" -arid ----lto"rn-emaker--an d -
mother< They are told to find them-
selves, to exploe their inner dimensions
and to understand their personalities.
More and more young women are
opting for career ahead of motherhood;
self before children.
There's nothing wrong in that perhaps,
unless it is that womenttlgare denying
themselves the opportunity to do the
very, thing they were put on earth to do.
They are rejecting the one aspect of
their lives that is guaranteed to bring
complete fulfillment. They are turning
their backs on their purpose ... and it is
leaving them empty.
A few years ago, one of my children
underwent a word association test. The
object was for the examiner to throw out
a word and the respondent to reply with
the first word that entered the mind.
The word was "mother". My child
replied, "Wonderful."
That's how to feel ten feet tall •'and
beautiful when you're really very short,
dumpy and plain.
Happy Mother's Day girls.
Haydonsays Ainslie deliberately misled
Dear Editor:
It is just well that I was
too busy to respond to Mr.
K. F. Ainslie's municipal'
perspectives im-
mediately, as I see now.'
that the delay saved me
time. Mr. R. B. Dunlop
has spoken out on behalf
of the -Board of Education
and Mr. Don Wheeler has
expressed very well what
had to be said on behalf of
municipal affairs-, a
subject of particular
concern to' me as well and
to which I would like to
add, a few personal ob-
Mr. Ainslie's
credentials indicate that
we-sholil.'d not suspect
him--ofspeak-ifig--e r of
ignorance. However,
when he gives specific
examples of expenditures
without mentioning the
income side of it, the
alternative conclusion is
that his lines must be
calculated to mislead and
create altogether false
Mr. Ainslie states that
the municipal day nur-
sery's 1979 expenditure
was $27,176 and leaves, it
hanging there. It is just
as obvious from the
financial statement, but
he does not say so, that
the parents paid almost
all the cost, with a small,...., complain about the.
difference paid by the marina. Last summer's
province and only $900' records show that nearly
.paid out of municipal 450 visiting boats docked
coffers for a full year's at our marina, a good
services to nearly 120 thing to remember when
children. we talk about the tourist
It makes a, different industry.
story if one looks at it Mr. -Ainslie's. special
with 'honest desire to be criticism seems to be,
fair and -factual in all aimed at recreational
respects.'"' and related "soft , ser -
The municipal marina vices" as well as at
Mr. Ainslie questions, "interest groups" were
made a small yearly objectionable creatures
profit for the town in dropped on us from outer.
seven out of its first 10 space instead of simply
years. As it starts to show being our fellow citizens
some wear and tear now -whose needs and in -
and as it is sensible .to terests are,,. every bit as
keep the repairs under legitimate and real as his
control on a continuous or mine.
-_.-.b.assgi simaar—.to.__other _w Theme pay taxes; the
public properties, the can expect part of it to go
municipality now pays a towards their needs. Are
small share- (I'll tell you persons interested in
at the- end of the seasonpreserving the town's
how much it is, as it heritage more of• an in-
terest group thin a
depends on many factors
and how much revenue
will come in) of the ex-
penses, whereas the
lion's share is still paid by
the boaters.
You may wish to
compare - the beach area
across the channel costs
as much in upkeep and
services, with no revenue
coming in at all. This is
rightly so.
But then let us not
III 14-10-6-
The Kiddie Corner offers a unique service to the
Goderich Area. 'We sell "Gently -Used" clothing, in ex-
cellent condition for children.
For those parents who wish to replace their children's
existing wardrobes, this service provides a ready
market. Together we set the selling price arf$ payment
follows sale of the articles consigned. You 'will receive
60% of the re -sale value.
For tht se who wish to add articles to their children's
wardrobe, we can provide you with 'these special out-
fits, at modest cost.
Call or stop in weekday morning at:
290 Gibbons Street
Phone 524-6812
soccer club or baseball
team? They all have their
rightful • places in an
orderly society.
Incidentally, does Mr.
Ainslie realize that the
Fire Department is
counted among "soft
The boards and com-
mittees who, according to
Mr. Ainslie, contribute
their share to the Town's
fiscal burden, are ac-
tually the bodies who do a
great deal of the work
that makes life worth
living; they donate their
time, energy and en-
thusiasm without which
we would all be poorer in
many different ways.
o else would do .that
:, .,rk?
As far as municipal
taxes go, it appears that'
Mr. Ainslie really sup-
ports only sewers and•
asphalt. That would be a
terrible place to live in. I
look upon taxes as putting
our money together to
enjoy the dignity and
many of the pleasures of
a more civilized life..
Yours sincerely,
Elsa Haydon
Write a
to the
Youth for Christ
has long history
The organization of
Youth for Christ (YFC)
began 30 years ago in
Clinton. In those days,
monthly rallies were held
in various locations
extending through the
three counties.•of Huron,
Bruce and Grey.
In recent years, Y.F.C.
has concentrated its
efforts in Huron County.
The earlier family
oriented meetings have
been replaced with youth
oriented. activities. Bible
quiz teams compete each
year for a trophy donated
by Dr. Bern Corrin of -
London, formerly of
Wingham. Christian
fellowship, groups are
encouraged to meet 'and
weekend retreats are
held for Bible training in
Christian living. Other
annual activities include
a skating party, fun
night, youth banquet'and
a chicken barbecue.
May 3 marked the end
of a year of meetings in
which former Y.F.C.'ers
were invited to par-
ticipate. Rev. Joe Baker,
who is a former director
of Y.F.C. spoke in
October. Saturday's
meeting heard Rev. Don
Talbot of Waterford,
former Y.F.C. and for-
merly ___Qf Bayfield. A
special Bible quiz mat-
ched the vigour of the
regular Bible quizzers
against -a team of wise
"old timers". Dr. Corrin
presented the trophy to
this year's quiz winners,
a team from Exeter.
Three.teams competed in
the regular sessions,
Exeter, Goderich and
Zurich. The evening
ended in refreshments
with a special 30 year
anniversary cake.
YFC programming
continues during' the
summer. The next event
is a youth day, July 5,
called Cabin Fever,
.ending in the .evening
with the annual Chicken
Barbeque " at Gascho's
park near Zurich.
W. J. Denomme
524 8132
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