HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-7-3, Page 5BPSDA N IN TERRIBLE STATE rmds Help in Lydia E. Pink. hal:It-6 Vegetable Compoi91,d,. Cape Wolfe, Canada.-" Lest Marehl faas eannplete wreck. I had givea up fl be of getting better or living any, length of time,"as I was suth a sufferer j,,froitifemaletronbles. But latook Lydia- PinItham's Vegetable Compound„ and y am in good health andahave a pair of twin boys two months old and • :growing I surprised doctors and 'neighbors. for they all know what a Wrek / Was. "Nowlanahealthy, happy and hearty, 113:1d ftwe it to Lydia E., PinkhariVe ,Iremedies, you may publish this letter you lite. think if more women '41,ieel your r,emedies they would. have Ifetter health." -Mrs. 4. T. CQ0K, Lot Cape Wolfe, Canada, tRecause your ease is a difilettlt oRe<ard "doctors having done you no good, do net ,nontinue to stiffer without giving 'V. Pirikham's- Vegetable Compound a rial. It surelY has remedied Many tasee feniale ills, MO as itoilmotet- toutgeerntiona displageWn4, tumors* irregularities, periedic poins, hneltache„ eind lt nay eXactly what you need. the Pirikham wee 1 and enrleea one. It is as reeerd of constant victory •over lite oh- stinateillsof women •-•-1114 that deal out -despair.. It is au esa lablished fact that Lydia Pinkbam's VegetubleCOmpoand lies restored health to thousands of such sulfering WQiT Why denit you try it if you tieed 53 edieino? Crediton • MPS. Dumart and son a Berlin have retuned bome after visiting with friends. Miss Robinson of St, Catharines is spending a few days the guest of her sister Mrs. Paget. Miss Pearl Holtaman retuTiled to her duties in Chicago on Tuesday, Mr. FlarrisouBeeker of St. Jaeolo arrive(' home to Visit his parents Feta and Mrs. Becker. Mr. August Kith]. of Cobalt spent feW days at his home here. Mra Aron Brown Blenheim, is Visit - Log neder the parental roof, • Miss Heta Kienzle arrived home on tklatirday after toaening school in Tileonhurg. ntimber from here attended the Celebrations at Grand Bend on Tues, day. Clitton has returned- to her home after having charge a Feist Bros. !millinery department this Spring. l‘lr, Hatay Beaver of Hatnilton is spending the nolidays with his - famila% Air. and Mrs. Win. raewis a Algon- quiu Vara,. have retuned home after attending the funeral of the farmer's Mother. Mrs. Saul and (laualiter Thelma a London are the gseats of Miss Sy Kolar. mr. Afichset Iftryet /eft on Titteadq: for an eXtended vlsit. With his (laugh- ers in. Morriston. College a TheasDnets of amid reorie are East ure 'their owe homes to ortnitY „. 'cativo positions sa steuagrapb- beakkeePers telegraph - as civil servants in Act every here ot hardness activitio You may Zak& at College 1,t so wish rositioya gUarett, * Znier tOileZei dn. vidual instruction. E. teachers. Thirty!' Wears erience. Largest trainers Canada. Seven coll4Tiva fat cm= $or teachers. ated With Commercial c lonal Aissociation of Canada &unuler 84Pacd. at Vartrous Spot °sinew. College, Lander" NO VACA.TION Clittn uStuessenilege SPOTTON 8, F. WARD PesIdtrit Pincipal DilerObes in Your Scalp Authorities say that a microbe causes baldness. If you Aro losing Ihalr try our remedy at our risk. Professor Vann, of Gerinami and Dr. Sabouraud, tiro great l'rench Dermatologist* claim that a tai - robe causes baldnelks, and their thectry has beco'Verilied by eminent • scientists. This microbe destroys the hair follicles. in time causing the scalp pores to close and the .sWp to become shiny. Then. it is believed nothing will revive the growth. If treated. before this occurs, baldness May be overcome. We know of nothing that Iias- gtvcn such uviversal mnsfaction in treating the scalp and hair asBU 93" Hair Tonic. It has been de- signed after leng stutlY to overcome • the cause of hair as discovered by Prof. Dana, Dr. Sabouraud and •other eeldp and hair specialists, and we believe it -will do inore than ans.- thing else can to remove dandruff and stop falling hair; and if any human agency can promote a new growth of hair it will do that, too. We want you to make us prove it. We will pay for a month's treatment of Rexall "OV Hair Tonic used dur- ing a trial, if you will use it ac- cording to directions, and are not thoroughly satisfied. 'When we will do this, you surely should not hesitate to at least try it. Start the treatment today. Ye& rnere request will get your money back if you want it. Two sizes, 50e and $1.00. You can buy Rexall "93". Hair Tonle in this community only at our store: W. S. COLE. maeter The Store Ontario There is a Resell Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Ilexall Itemedy for nearly every ordinary human Al- i oath especially designed for the particular ill for v,hieh it is promo; ended. - inn; Reran; Stores are America's Greatelit Prior Stores - DASIlWQ41) Adene hail a barn oneh, Mr, Durk; anitti mew tern which wilt etherei ime.etiv erne ti.ts, Xbo „51,isses Alil!er, Cora, ;--icik- T9eder •Maraotla grown and Qrhas, (it400thmi: wfote t heir „osaLOS 4t1:17e'• 47klid J.„ IV,-„Iloolrilis and, on, Ilitrold, aro •St 4).VQ54.14, cliAting nit Mrs„4ohit, °Otter' of the 3.4t4 Z. pities recently had his leg broken flA it ;leak able to be out, Arthur gelleralitia wlik4 has ee 'Perlin tor mu ss to his IgtflP Imre •wItere tit lac Aanalkker 14393(bi Prr„ikettekl. In the oa. last batik 4irielaJi4-t* ilk tikrx ibsett ' Rev. t,-;renzettacit. eceiveil last week 4bY the serious *illness or Tillie Eidt of rim WITALEN eand Mrs Frank l‘ior1e3, the "h01idaYs ,with Ills brother a „Niall;„...t°u'Ltoyd flOclgsoa •has ;efurne prOe:bylueRrfaan.7.3 cr' b endd aityh et a js tu bti Nbv°ernst7 iNf-ohrtheu erehe 'slaraaameherenfT7oHith r of the Stone church, Goe ;Sunday LXVO Sear in. Swift Currant. leveRenaT GraceY of Gariano0-0e jahoe,:milsoas4arifOttee--",rastr pf,,Leelaaorasralienn.3:;,;tovtinaa,st.attnriiitieriolicntai,eetdra jefond541 ma: rPiax Isattoblirtee oesf:eitrbielo. hi, tiler set, ,h11 jet: rural (ialle;:altn:- C'talqeer4.„ F'inred's5iferatteCrQutznatv.Se. a birtad ubt111-141)' )a. 41r 1:1717"gjilltt etahre' furairetzdstol taxj../teuintz.be.prisof2Its bzryi,a4aatiouv 0, s. The elitirah fed on Let ocem •iie .v3Sgpetfiial-1 ehoir as The young teopie presented later; ult•-ip N.vas Provided by t r1e e with !several nice gifts< titeae, aeora aiated ty Mr, Roy of SE Marys. and around here drove ta Exeter and the Thamea Road Male Qmirt<a're,,, bough him jsIaotbi7n4atiurogsddoldys.,0: aa:h•arateeetie.i5,e5ro .0etit.ilorer4 gnnda3 a pine was held Dr: .pavid liodgsee of near ..)ledieine Hat in the aorth West' had -died sun- Aiieeee Mania and 3fas Mara nurses at eat .Toseatlia hopitr.f. LOT -- dot -4 have ler. called aome wng to their brothers pserione ilinese. • Kirliton Stone Church lee Be .a Ciorming, Wotpan aFttrt' 47.440.11,4040 irpmaq 4344 Ll.ttaAti[444:1414:-, 'The* 01441701S et 4 healatiff4:11KtParla -4.14., het hair, ,Zilaoy AVOlakenr49 not. "Tea"' tize. cute attractions they p044eS4 cause tthey do-ntgit 'give, proper aktgrt, a to 'the 'hair wepaert atom! are feraett''frir thearnheae„ Jag • ase. ee444.1,7e their faelaq kaatnree af!4 per, "(too to *bow ot other stamen, ig,ut ecatten they 101.0‘ii, how tO Iv* 4-tapplyiurt:' vigor laStre,.. ao4 trength 'ebe In4r. altet Lap to a few yeers ego laAT-tlS/Aht, Sage neuld, hardly. be obtained to, ana.da, Put now this delightful hair arestortar eau, la,?; irla to, U1'5 erehard 'The day straT0-13 town, W. S ,Cele asells it la alf<xeter Mr, Every W0111811 Is interested and should know about the wonderful • Marvel whh'fing Spray Douche , OP Ateecronr. druggist for it If he cannot supply Abe MARVEL, accept no ...other, but Send stamp for 11108 - titrated book -sealed. It gives vartimal3re-and directions invaluable lolarlies.WINDson SUPPLY CG.,VVIndsor. On ^ , General Arents for Canada. ah NOT low withetten- 1 Et •hidt left for Strolt rut. ITV.64 Vihirk* tcetto a a 1st V nesday 4ture 7 4130baeb, v 'Married to 3.II;5s, C Listowel, ltor, tied' the imp- igb noon in Clio pres- ot th vitiate relatives, ittf.- al tho weddlog dinner I bey mitten Niagara palta Ittr,,,Ifester rlp down the lake to the thous Wei*. an4 firenzeta will be ati home to heir many Xriends rtfter July lath. Dir. Wm. Schroeder and little, from the west are ‘Isillog • Dv Scbroeder, 'Mr, Wm. Saba oeder bus peen itt the west fur if lumber of fears. On October 3rd 18,62 it was deci.C..et to erect. a ellureb. ,of stone awl the fo/lowirqovere appointed a build- ing,' ponitnitte,,?. dtelrert Kirks Lee,- 'William Rogcr, Geo Petrie 3. Itnhorb COpeland James 1.Iighet ; Win: Dickson ohu McGregor and Alexander Murray. 1.$.63 tt,,o olturelt was built on, 00 "the ,grettna giVert .14^Y Ile/Jerk:Our- ickte GIB'S ..yes the ae arm, ,dey in Juno 191a" 'When .1 Mtn. the; littlehillage ja„ orper in one of Our wealthien ag- -lei itural elietriets end !he centre Of iie Ore t enulatiou of some ,ot Ihe /ea. Or 1 valued s'eOtnaOry, Stretch l I lag la the horizon in every dtreotio0 could, be SeQri. the promising' ,rosults. of 't.;_teit. $1,ring's work while dotted, I lie for ehtirch stle berying here ;And th.2ro Wet',3 the tine hauls & Sons and Mr, 1\-himster Col:3,0410PP..rtwed' d Th maSors were DaVid lire and homes with'. tastefut ar- TRANGE CAR OF SLAV, OREAT LADY. na Marina, Indian Woman Tho Was Fait Spanish Eto ,Flo and COrtrOitte During th*, Three Years of War Witty "ha Aztecs -Her Life Was a fterriana Stranger Than Fiction. f2.-,14(1;kil e rhe vCa&t 0. large had the earpeuter swork, awl so The and, Puitare t er 0 c 00 years ago started the ti fatone „cl.Orch ,...rect,(..d wbieh p.s:ohtylkitliiiirt'c;tbhiroier:ivstliorl,a,reks3ecod:33.0trli,oe,‘ ,,ce.-: .3,a,,i..t 1 111:31e1;,.,r) 74a0et,TA.:7t',4, :st 1 li... .1;:t,aonkleetli. taNiarsi girt- ekao, a a 1 , loeaied to, the Corabe l'I'vaY. , XtliMInrY Of the feetleas mall 70130 Wel3 ToNrr< „or 50 cents bottle and guarantVea wus John McAllister is recOVering slow from his serious illness. We are ,please4 10 barn than Coon dllor pelt is able to be out again. tind have :been visiting their sow on old farm at Whalen Biddulph, Tp, , At a recent meeting of Um Bc- ekalf •sfppointed Misses Mat- tie Bilis and, Annie Carlisle deleRates to the annual assembly to be teld in Bellevilli Oat, next mouth. Robert Bo crett and •family have moved onto the, farm for a coulde of months and closed their residence' in town. Robert is going extensively the bee business. Sacolp; Harbourer, thd leading bee man Lille section is now ir. Lon dos „hospital owing to his isyitem be- ing thoroughly +poisoned by bee sting and it in feared, that he may not sur- vive: . Jas. •Bonatron went to Waterloo on Tuesday to atteud the wedding or Wesley. Youngblut which took place last WednestlaY• , -IV. W. Flaisig of All.arnb-a;s- -who lias [..as"sed his 80th birthday,. -of Orat 'firm tias signed a contract -Dr. de Van's Female' Pills Numerous t.),,..,to13 throughotit 'Cal-, and tas apane ea years in the emplOy -•.. Avitlt I he ,so toe. for , . ; 1 I ;2.5 51 ed rs longer. a A reliable French regulator; never fails, These iforoia,..espeeee,,y (hose of the rural ( Or, Ihaiisig lJelieves, that he le the pills"are e=cedirldlY powerful is regniillnig the dist,ticti"i;re planning' to Li.Ltidv a grie.- I oldest. i ravel] ji)g sal er,mari jai lb, ;eneratIve pprtion oft e atria e sy . i , , s , -, of aiding ju t ottotfi„,.,,,, p u r i n 12., . his man he ha,8- ;,,,tiicb.ho. iiratihtraeteilolsr, , -or. do,Nran,s are sold at ,11,411'1-t-- -for tile 01IrPo4- , . _ $10 •Maited to any address • the general efforts to keep boys andel - , sold. more then 4,000,000,000 pieedies r...... sruorn Pro; Co.f, St, CatilAr1ne*4 Oat* girls on the farm: , ZURICH' Mr Stanley llrisson ltss left for Windsor \\here iiie has secured a nosition I ravelling salesman for a lima:there. Miae Pletsch oC Detroit. visited Str and: is. Louis l'fang last Nyack. • Miss' -M. Melrose 0! alaclon. is visit:- ing het ur.cle Mr, tr.hos. Johnston and* 'Mrs. Chas lialbfleiseti of Detroit nre, visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John KalbEleibsch this wctk. ,ialisa Kerr who hale( 'been in charge oe preeter's Plevartment returned, to :ler hotne in Milverton. ZIT, Wm, I..ehman, of -London- vis- ited his mother a few daSs thi5 week LT 113141211T .-Irtillar Lori has had, two 'tlealbS front Scarlet fevers. 93irtle Walters and Charles Wesley 'W,a1.. aged 21 and. 13 children of Ma:s. Waf7." ters of the • 11th line. ll'ew people are called ?mon to suffer as this mo- ther • ,bas suftered icluring the past week.. She WOS quarantined in tell house along with tn-o. sick"' children The ch'kr died on IrridaY and the °Fla, or on Nronclay morning The sym- pathy of he wliole commimity _goes out, to this suffering mother in her sa d b or eav o m co t. On •airedriesday ehila operating the slasher Mr, john liarmer bad the, middle finger of his right harrl cut off" close to the hand. 5'he wound was dressed by Dr. Armstrong.; • att 4alt et go PO kb er,, tlertty, groat,* ,t4p4kaltifitt 143;441444 ,lotrt ,tog and AA ONCrliierata Pr, Grralt0a,, „ on falling lair, 0ratjiLf,ate time, phjtfOilo„ haV4,1, 40 01414 t klreoltie,s vas gtrea 0ifahle all the ! DIST Miss - I Lne tet "tit t NiW ars and “Dter07- ffOa tat .-cdr. for EnglIn coriventot... *sank tkinkals ,a4N" /k; hold ono p4 urge pia and, rert Koren; Ohe Et trainman an tb Ratline liailIval"*. "4411410M Oederieb, was ernibed he - wee:), two ears recently and, fatally ada's r ee ete4 itt ifYi09,009 equal n Su 3414.ubtklklu;kitoll 6 ,006,6116 tetra coal only. 1,014,42 epower hos bnendevoloond. trick O'Shea ilialIvIth liotb tit .tho Ask tit tit • were inarrivil AL „St introit by Ltev, tratbrr on Wednesday .Paue "24tit. Waldret Amor, now hu Alerniug Zest The Odsurrer rad Matt Gazette 141(nidellr5 tbrSe portant Vouserrai i re n•uspapa 4 taVillt; just Vitt LOD alt10 rOlt. During Olt: the insurawo umantes a Vainttla collected in pre- miums SifigliAl;1 nun tient for fire loa5e$ The insuranco nutiliciums collected in premiums 0.4 ill. O.:A; Jind %mid 1.:,.44,44V0a, Tile Second 4:tlitiOtt Ur' LtICIlit JOtt runt :rein:lied this o4.to..1 last. oecir. lb* Jotii nal is the latest edition. of the ackystakver field, in this alistriet. it It tlrigill• lntri itleut. and should be bei.etit to Um district. it servw.5. Itev, leredrioir It yell,. who has beim ItSsi$1311g Venerable ArChdeacon itichaitis011, or. London, for the last three yiiiira as a bas come to li.irktott as locumhent ot the Luis- niou ot. Itirktort and Saintsbery. Ile will be succeeded by al r, ltiehard J. Lessenior student of Buren College William Adair Chu rks afartin aad James Martin of Wingbain fell 25 feet and were badly hurt last Thurs- day atternootk "kvh‘..tx a, bent citeY were putting in a •new harn suddenly slipped and crashed to tha ground with, the inett_holding onto it. tr,, Adair' is so badly injured that but small hope. id held. out for his recov- ery. ate has ;several ribs traetured • • - \rare injuries 55 Iter ao4 ohs-' t.41,m14.1„as opowdse ankt , 'Wirbtori braes besot fitrilitairiall tad in 0 nge4liert mow for Ow Oce43430, rts 413d anklar moots of various '444 were Indulged in. Following short skerek of the toegruga- tion. lat the Near 193T What lweg 4411- Viit,Cfretik firs4 310;10* to tits Presbyterions of Abo dis ittY lta`r=. JOhn influistoio of •tlibb..4rt "le first Meta w McOregor and same Tear nuferred ',from lo .rest.yrery acd too. In 1804. hearing V3Gdid3 C Oat year dee vk Oracey who wo Itteted lat4 March am% tetittiatery 3 'ABS torpy d it War. te tart ro gregeoi toe tint Oananortne . nistom Dorm 87 1i Colin Pleteher V ordained and inducted jle is mawii ttr ti •yinu of his maturate, bJ yol, people. lids congregation asly by removal t. but havfls re - tugboat and ar t •spirlr and orkfor the Wes- t r. good aril et. ten o o y the Sabbath Itoot u and faithful tr sa;etio- call?, Wm. It„. O. ,ltat- h I lt:LeQgrb. el lie he eine 1,7„. Ltri 0I,'091,,JtcdekraftitQ:N!Ipo!;;IPi,".ai.:" jrbettatoarcSelaili441arareadroly9ptr;ht,erese, e.e72%. it too -r *bndafinn cawL4%: lzt4Fmtf:tift INItoht:U7P411pzi.414.:al151Oa: C, W, Rea".".1- ..0043.4 dela3'., cOn, ;,..pro„olaja71,?..tit go-vs.:711,0r, eantain g-prer4 r",,y h14.sine4* Made .op.a ehiet josh -ate cf. Spalu by 010.4or xt?..e 1,0 rerWd/4 tit? P,.igt4 'deo:TO QharleS V. 04 00t0ber oog. 44.1,4.4 of etehbattl eettIed:=7L,- Pax .91710:14,othiqi, laP 244 not- o 0.4.4r44 'of; tt',R ..40iittg the lad 5t plActeklatz.1 ng and,„ a eittetitt, ,Atxtd: fagittatrig wrrair, .$117411;:alski:41:61;041144tiCILIf.;7:. la:1again, awan4::::::,1417:44';.f.1-01stp4Hek';irArT.,.b47440.45:4!: efenn ' rein, g eaaaata 01 attertvis „Li t3 iat;is • tvtt •twit, to • log. a pirorr4t4i, dirr. 344 4 g' 4114 4 4 )a With ttitt• etaa,",,who.”: shads t's stit4 leveled, to AA orUy thv,:anet the somber cypress tln graves cf flte Royal' ligtop Ottepolte- '4 t--1<a-s wa,3 Vaillatte, Her -..44,751441474Cbe. as the. jesing i.:er the Thtle 4er,4414, Stevo, interpreter. t out tOothor MR Spoubli lad,ven- th%. ,rtlare theft ti. luti Vr, 44^i 4.V" 0 wad it u it lW rs t d Rev, ,Ilen d a committee nagement, wus formed consisting ot Ilig- let Sr, James 31IcCullough Vordon Iciglien John ilfoGregor” Coceland linbert islrle and corgi! I.letrie. Sr., the anticipation lbeing, to bail!? a church al Anderson butt (be ocople tho side wero de- sirous of having os meir locality. :Thu first nerrir here was indd Itnbert Curran.. house, but when tbe log school 'muse Wafi the Methodist occupied it on Sunday ineraiegs, and tbe Presby teriane ura der tan care ot btr, Votheringham Ifl the afternoons. When. the Itippy union of lEt61. was affected. a torward inurement was desired and stepasl were talren to -pro- ceed with ihe 1.alilding of a elnirelr and at the same time seek' connec- Lim: with the' Thames Itoad station wo thee which was now( dimitted by Ite•v, and sustatne John Login. - about •the chest. Tfie; othtr t are badly shaken up. ‘The accident t 141 d 4 *11 X 44 to -we h'43rIed: 1h the i tho dumb. t .ro.;,itOrlets etil Ate the 4*4*it - 0514 at a 1 h 4 nirsio I1I11U puter to itie 1 ,i =coked . 1ore learned Ma prism 1*15o b°1" i in Yucatan. Bn the Male 'a 1111*1 fg*li1 itIlIlt ,, her g 11 ilw m0 ts gto.gb of the who ynmiz sho gdi a of V ab el I v tin„a "1 speak only sloe. Cortes ;weir in spito of the blormen g ureti. 0011' of the natives. It is the that. some- bo.dy thinks of the ;riri Slave Mena 11°1' -that she speaks Aztec+ and bfayon, more t_ PO She is heatight before Cortes* Irna, and thua she beeomes interpreto to the conqueror, first through Agoiler* '1 but very soon. 1)7 her quick stodp oi Castilian, direct to Cortes. At the time she vas in the first beauty of her youthwit't glistening black hair, loose.aas was the cust.ore. an& e expressive, features of her dark. tiro,ed with the melancholy at :row. be was beautiful. On more than cnn occasion outinates the seem, At Chohula, the beautiful Ifeces of the Aztecs, where the white god, Quetzalcoatl, •paused for twentyyears, the annihilation of tits Spaniards was, being planned. Outwardly tho Cholnilan hospitality li unchanged, -but Cortes suspeots. Marina has ineratiated herself with the wife of a Chantal) thief, and, on pretense of her loathing for the Span- iards and her desire to escape, silo gets the story of the preparations -the barricades, the eorered pits in the streets, the stones ready on the house tops and the Aztec army waiting out- side. She hears it all -while she puts together a few belongings for her /flake -believe escape, the women belli- ng her while she tells. Then Marina slips away to her lord, Cortes, and tells him all. Her loyal, strategy has saved than. And What experience was hers! Always in at- tendance, she was present at all tile, - great 'moments of those momentous years; bis plans and anxieties were hers. She enjoyed his first triumphal, 1flower-strevin entry into Chohula, and she managed his stern proselytizing ,to the Catholic faith that followed ii Ons vctores. She was his mouthpiece . and in part his mind. She gave tde 'Cortes the Emperor Montezurna's Of- fer of a daughter in marriage. In the gorgeous incense -laden palaoe she conveyed the audacious delnanad the trapped conqueror that the mighty Montezuma must become a prisoner, of the threatened Spaniards, and she passed back his dignified reply: "I an, not one of those persons -who are put in prison." 'And then, after this wonderful corn- „, panionship, 'come the final scenes. Cortes starts on thaE horrible march of 12 months to punish this lieutenant Christoval de Olid, in far-off Hon- h duras -starts with pernp and retinue" of vintners and stewards and friar*. so few of -whom are to arrive, in Marina goes with hint Aguilar dead; she is the only interpreter. , Then comes a dramatic incident. Cortes is passing through Coatzaana alo, the province of her birth, and calls a conference of the caciquee: Among thern comes Marina's mother. • baptized and known as Martha, ,tt"?.. with her come! her SOD. At "thd,i‘ sembly Marina makes herself knoW all notice the great likeness. mother's terror Is pitiable, but rifia, ha a speech of wonderful s licity, excusc- her offence and proof of her forgiveness adorns terrified woman with the jewels herself -wears. , t,ater she LI given in marria Cortes to the CastiliaR de Xaramillo, and ,saettele tseclusion married7TI *id Vertt 3 efte:4.Irtil heS. MTV, II'llut t roe 3.511 a . ?assongere ' oe- i curl cur until 1.30 a,ru., _ 1,20 S.W.-New gest Vapress tratri vitt carryPullman Sleepers and caches to Mu'W skoka harf andNor- flay, Malting direct conneetton for 3tttwhelks. falters; Laic° DE 3ay.5, Al- eiontaida Porte 11,1,agnetexan Itiva Yvette/ Itiver and Tainagand Lake 'ileelalltS Dili 1a4 open all *9 p. en a'al0 a. atia--Dally for Guelph, dierlin . Stratford 'Sarnia aria intertnedia*e , i ations it.,Stestd„ B.55. a. tn. 10.13 a. ui.-Penetang Huntsville. Nortia May laxpress ilaily except Sun' 451?, will nob run vitt Muskoka -wharf but through to 'North Aut. Wrlaikng direct tonnection* at renclinnA for lloney ilarlaar Go Mune dlaY. !Rose, Point lturry Sourid and points or. Georgia ilea( and 30.060 Islands. also for Midland at Iluntsville for points on Lake of. ')lays aint ait 630rks Falls tor Zlagnetewan Itiver Resorts. da3i21iBle*.-xcOupstt,ill1t:UL d3til;1,11.vsiv1lllinit‘tikedlr- ect convection at Slaskoho. "Wired for ,Iluskolta eLeltea, poin1 a at alentaville for omints Dn Lake: oE 33ay5. 'Parlor libraryebeffctt ear, dining; car and coaches Toronto to Ilitrilsville. 12.45 p, tn-Paily except Sunday. for Grarnoton. Guelph Sierlin, Strat- ford 'Sarnia end; intermediate sia- , tions inst cad 1_00 lp, in. 1.40 fi. m. -New, train 1,roter la aca- sons poi rit SaturdayonlY. ileturnig will leave Jaelcson's, cpoint -00. ;Ion. 1,1onday's onlY arrive, Toronto 0.15 3.80 P. m. Daily ex. -opt sunday for Ilrainoton. Coinioh. ilerlim Stratford Sarnia. and intermealate staktionsaira 5,10 'In im-New, train for Whitby stead 1,33,40.t.ui, , OshaWaBowtnanville Port Hopei and intermediate striations daill excePt Sunatts Ile Leaning leaves port Ildpe 6.20 a, in. arrive ,Toronto 8;13 a, m. 0,00 ps m.3.Sew, ti alit for Whitby Osh- ova,Bowinanviile port now, Churg. LI r ig la ton_ Trenton Belleville Na.panee Kingstoa daily- exceiptl Sundays, Ile-, turnimn will leave, Yingston 6.00 a;tri. trrive 'Toronto 11.05 a4rn.,. Parlor lit - vary cafe ear, and coaches. ; ` 1035 p. ni, Daily for Guelph, g3er- lin. Stratiord :-.'arnia Port Huron De- troit `411.1(.• tibicago Instead, 11.00 ttima a a°117)11a:• er invcai ::::0111:110(37: 0 'UT: -Inill :‘_41 '24 31; S e : 11'0110 Pnlirnall Sleciping car will lea vt? Huntsville. 2.26 9,. TU. "..MotiCiAys gels may 4occu'py car at 10.00 vs m Sunday el,enings Rev Colin Fletcher NI,. happened on the farni on Sohn Mar- tiri, in e:ist Wawanosha 1 - alti-na-Jones---On Wednesday the ISth inst Mr,, 3. lt. Illunn oE Ushorne and aliss Ida Sor.es only (laughter of Mr „. W, 3 Jones*Nvere, nuietlyniarried aciaoyttlit:Iiipeevtioe.f"Ltaono.intthe eveuing tion...Snaondatiloottro:trainthoe. young or. 1 ,slip over there andi., play baseball their. return they, will take .. UP e An, alley just jiluIllsifteclaroervyee‘rv,TtishichayeiA":1:iyvkc. , In Intl housekeeoing on tile grooms fine • cakes--they'ra 41 d ' "h farm London. Road., noorigtailnios, ft ic. s Exeterihed The bride wile; was sma*ollslt)e'ild• i c; comes. a or hen 'ecII :1•1121'elee:tranild°'bsrd'alsn:ihecc,f;Allacarlete:Qolv:nevti'l.hlt°713euell-rialne-au-talmriemil‘rv;sisallb5- ,tr got to eat suriper so me sbe won't ,,,,Pe01:11•,edi;'atawgd%CIL'Iryali111',):3;e1.3CVsili'eitethrs 14111':ilat°11 I Mrs,: -"‘„1-aGreaV, avashea" clothes fors very „rnuc . , . iaL is.teoaab.ece 1.acksoil .and wilimin card_Isi:otn,oiavu'itito-t tdn'ocaluiutig;b:l'itilyiucotlmIssle,liy.e1;tincacsdeyneclpiiinernme*s• • . . f _etealing about, 500 borseatioes were litvelarldnar01,1(1 ]USI emt.iinkm 1,,eizenetisiea::: tii\,:de.41J•leeTsdaaltoa,tio,Nnirl...itdot,' :tutirs.ti.gittril.v.tyi'c'ar ,ably.. T• wo . tmysIs;it.ii ciou es Int, , 1lorses-'lehod, lis the. ;accused arid foal:1411' '''IuLuc,3 I'v . 0 leged, that alter losing the 500 bora° .rsiii.s;z.recr,firien‘,‘t., sgi joel:.smnoiehdaiinkcitiezmt;ict1115.5 . ssIt: 311:::tIti:t )e( I, lie?;SII: le:tittn l'elflei It t:I'fl(1111C1111:1'itt:tktit'113::.efirt;:.;:riltrjoeiCrilsi:::14.1111::(01''11:1(1:1:b°1e,:a:°:SSIIIhsell:":yglii:Inielhl ctgs.naStill:ill'v''Sboaece8XIS:t‘-[01°1110:1:iieees.: 1 113:fur"116:1130'iaa-fin::::,,,va-,"yiti:eut.:1v17:r'c'i\'::::itLe',•:i.'cilt:cotnedrgii:3,.vay.ceeit::.\s.ss'a113:1,'ds'seal3he'ValeriV'lli3ns?.: a wl-1, )3' , , smirhs throughout the distri2t. . but was used exten1Avely by black- ojit a,f,pies and dam...boats all day A: BOY'S VIEW Mrs. MeGrow she °don't gra to card. clubs. She's got;leas to do, when ma as away. '-1?a,narnawill shortet,. water, route between .Liverpool and' V,ancouv.er by ,5,065, rrailes;,' distance,. by Water bete tween-elontrceal andJ Vancouver by 7. 271 -rnilaa0 1(1 haVe lots-ofun an' stay 'tome like she says to nil' not have to go l‘fickey's to play ' 1, 'sbnel..-s, she's got clubs, an, shots at.yayas out sliopin an" leavel Inc at theme where there's - nothing to, Ido. vish, ridt'e'd do lral,:hin and bak ginger cookies' ar.ct feed its on Etp, TpIe like '1411s. ,Lite41)", • 44, Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troubles and how to relieve them. Don't neglect indigestion, for it may lead tb a sorts of ills and com- plications. An eminent physician once said that ninety-five per cent of all ills have their origin ui a dis- ordered stomach. . Our experience with Rexall Dys- pepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to be one of the most dependable remedies known for indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredi- ents are soothing to the inflamed membranes of the stomach. Rich in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the, greatest digestive aids known to medicine, -the relief they afford is very prompt. Used persistently and regularly for a short time, they tend to relieve pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help insure healthy appetite, aid diges- tion, and promote nutrition. As evidence of our faith in them we ask you to try them at our risk. 'If they do not give entire satisfaction, we will return the money you paid us without question or fornaality. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 31.00. You east iny Tirall Dyspepsia Tablets in tbis coramaene only at our store; S. tireter Store Oniarlo There is Rexall Store M, nearly everytown a t h United -States Canada aril „ GianrdeateitByritanlia• e There eisA atr: qt, r Re se xt I Remedy fe?' nearly every ordinarYImmar, 1!Toa.,hrehewbRiceL1511,21.1"YrtooeFloroee781:gneical-sgto_tt,dore.r:he Partieutlir ill • t, lei us alt rereember does not consist in in on, things, butinti: purity of 01' sued it ready 'pi company, and haine Old ,Groa 414 • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST(D' the ship's is from his nick that the mixtur • 2.5. ital. or 3-nailetil et. . ' Doaaa" o at all deal' t o ricc rent