HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-04-30, Page 21dcve
Dear Federal Government:
I am rather distraught.
Apparently you didn't appreciate or
weren't, quite satisfied with my annual
contribution to the country's growing
deficit. I can understand that you fellas
might be under pressure to produce
some quick bucks, but please, not at
my expense.
Now I don't want to be labelled as a
whiner but I must make an objection
about having to pay more income tax. I
know that most years I've hit you guys
for a healthy return and truthfully,
you've been quite obliging about it all.
But this year, you see, 'believe that
a substanital contribution h`as already
been made and I feel your request for
additional funds is a rather bold one. ,
So, get off my case bucko.
You turkeys took. enough of my
money and then have the unlimited gall
and audacity to ask for more. Niee•try
maniacal mandarine.
Now let'me just tell you a sad tale so
you'll have an idea of what tough
sleddin' is like.
Take my car for instance. I call it a
ear but the boys at the garage get a
healthy chuckle out of i.t. Well, I
scanned that income tax form front to
balk but could not find anything that
said, refer to Guide Items such and
That car is Worse. than a dependent.
Insurance, tires, radiators, gas, oil and
a therrnabonger for the discon-
But you won't let me claim that will
youbozo bureaucrat?
And that .section for dependants
didn't say a word about mother -in-
Does the Prime Minister's mother-in-
law, ever drop in for three week visits
and redecorate the guest room, add a
wing on to the north section of 24 Sussex
and lavish the chi-ldren with expensive
gifts and all at his expense.
I would think not.
Perhaps it would be wise for the
treasury department to give some
consideration to the poor fellow whose
relatives,. on the wife's side of course,
make a habit •of visiting each weekend
and are capable of inhaling exhaustive
amounts of food and drink.
Again, your easy to follow guide
made no mention of sponging relatives.
I would suspect that if Juan Chretien
or Alex McEa•chen entertained obese
relatives on a consistent basis, their
income tax forms would reflect such
The t-reas.ury department also had
the nerve to question deductions listed
under political contributions and
contributions made to elevate the
socio-economic status of tavern
owners. Really.
However; on several occasions, while
enjoying comforting beverages with
newsrooms colleagues, the tone of
conversation often turned to politics. In
view of the fact that I offered profound,
responsible and articulate insight into
the Liberal foreign policy and other key
political matters to ill informed
cohorts, well, I naturally a"ssumed the
beverages would be deductible.
But, apparently, that is not the case,,,
I would have to suggest that It is
rathe,>4, small of the govertinnent to
contest such a point.
The treasury boys also challenged
my contribution to elevate the some -
economic status of tavern owners. I
was just practising a healthy foreign -
aid program in my own small way. The
tavern owner is a foreigner, afterall,
and was most appreciative of iny.
Such provisions, I maintain, should
appear on future income tax forms.
I was rather perturbed that my
religious .contribution of $700 was -
turned aside. Now, I realize, the money
was used to purchase a colour
television set, but there have been
times when the family watched the odd
religious program.
A fringe item, to be sure, but the
connection is there.
So, in future, I suggest you leave it up
to the discretion of the individual
taxpayer to decide what amount of
income tax is owing the government.
Trust us.
Gt.wcierich _ --
132 YEAR -18
It's preventative medic
How would you react if
you walked into the
kitchen and discovered a
member _of , your family
lying unconscious and not
breathing on the floor?
Would you call an
ambulance? While you
wait out the . five to 12
minutes for it to arrive,
you could either watch
your loved one die or you
could save his or her life
if you only knew what to
Well, the St. John
Ambulance does its best
to see to it that you do
know what to do. In 1977,
141,000 people in Ontario
were taken to the hospital
as a result of household
accidents. Of those, 895
died, according to the
Ontario • Ministry of
'The ministry also says
that as a result of the St.
John Ambulance efforts,
these numbers can be
reduced by 40 per cent. In
1979, 98,000 people were
trained in one or more of
the several St. Jghn
courses available. J
Many of these courses
are available in
Goderich. Chief Training
Officer for the Goderich
St. John ' Ambulance is
Gary Renaud. He and
five qualified instructors
teach eight to 12 Standard
First Aid courses a year.
The course is 16 hours
Renaud says that there
is a wide variety of people
who take the course.
They rangefrom com-
pany employees who are
ordered to take •the
course by the Workman's
Compensation Board; to
policemen, students
planr?ing medical
careers, and housewives.
There are more courses
available : also. There is
an Emergency First Aid
course that is eight hours
long, a short Save A Life
course, and this fall,
Renaud plans to start a
Choking course, ,• Driver
Training in first aid, and
instruction for
Renaud and the in-
structors and .examiners
all give their time free.
Renaud says he volun-
teers so much of his time
to the St. John
Chief training officer Gary Renaud inspects the
first aid work done by students William Grant and
Lance Saddler during the most recent of the several
I am regressing.
The realization finally dawned upon
me as I was skipping home from the
store with Kool-Aid and Arrowroots. I
had meant to get coffee and Rolaids.
"Cath, old girl," I told innyself. "It's
time you realized you are regressing."
"Right," I answered. "Soon as Mr.
Dressup is over."
Oh, I suppose the clues have been
piling up for quite some time now. Like
the fact that all my best friends are
under four feet tall. I kidded myself for
a while, insisting that my affiliation
with so many tiny people was just
coincidence and that we had a lot in
common, like a passion for tree -
climbing and playing pirates.
But now .I know they have just beep
using me. Using me to reach the cookie
jar and untangle their kite strings.
Using me for an easy ride to get ice
cream. I feel so cheap.
I'm almost afraid to go to my friend
St. John Ambulance courses held in Goderich every
year. (photo by Cath Wooden)
Davey's fifth birthday party this week.
I just know that if I get a yellow balloon
instead of a red one, I'II throw a tan-
trum and kick somebody in the shin.
• My older acquaintances often tease
me about the, way my regression in-
terferes with my social life. I jump on
furniture. A talk loudly in, restaurants
and I search through &her people's
drawers. I'm told that when I watch
television, I have a tendency to rock
back and forth and bang my head
against the back of the couch.
But that isn't all. It's not just with
other people who are already children
that I have been regressing. It happens
at home when I am alone.
I think about all the great times I had
in Kindergarten. Remembering my
short initiation, I laugh at how I
thought recess was something one took
to school. And I was curious as to what"'
it would be like to get sent to the corner,
so I ran over nay best friend's finger
Ambulance because he
"enjoys teaching, and
maybe I can help prevent
some of what I see
everyday." He is an
ambulance driver at
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital.
Even though the St.
John Ambulance does not
have to pay salaries, it
still has many expenses
that depend on public
support. The government
does not,, subsidize . St.
John at all,. Renaud says
that the Goderich branch
operates on about $3,000 a
y -ear, which is raised
through course fees and
public donations.
The branch has to buy
equipment such as
mannequins, bandages,
projecters and • in-
structional films for the
courses. This year, the St.
3'otr r-Arrtbutarrce--Bri-gade
in .Goderich will need a
mobile unit. Renaud
expects that' "they 'wi71
require $15,000 this year
and, must make an active
public appeal for
The Brigade places • a
team on duty at many
sporting events in and
around Goderich, such as
Young Canada Week, the
Cancer bike-a-thon, horse
races etc., in case of
emergencies. Brigade
members are volunteers.
Goderich has 12 active
Brigade members and
another half a dozen that
can be called upon.
Renaud says the mem-
bers are always changing
because many of them
are students.
.The members undergo
constant training and are
certified every year by
St. John Ambulance,
awhile people that take the
' regular courses are
qualified for three years.
Renaud is quick to No, our intrepid police Chief Pat King was not found
point out that while asleep on the floor of a G.D.C.I. classroom by
graduates of St. John William Grant. The two were practicing St. John
Ambulance courses
possess the • basic life-
saving skills, they are not
like Hollywood
paramedics. "We em-
phasize the common
sense skills like tem-
perature and breathing
treatment, bleeding
control, and the
prevention of shock." The
effects. • of shock (the
lowering of body tem-
perature) are often more ,
serious than the accident
injuries themselves.
But he says they don't
pass anyone that doesn't
deserve to be passed
either. The students learn
the.skills by doing them
and they must perform
them as well as pass a
Turn to page 2A
Richard Fremlin applies a dressing to an imaginary wound on Paul Gosse.
St. John Ambulance students learn first aid techniques by doing them over
and over again. After passing the course they are qualifiied for three years.
(photo by Cath Wooden)
with the tricycle. Ah, those were the
And you know what? I've never had
the courage to reveal this to anyone
before, liut,...I keep Lego in my closet.
That's right, I do. It is n deluxe set
with hundreds of pieces. Sometimes at
night when I'm all alone 1 take it out
and play with if, maybe for hours.,
One time it got really had I'd been
playing Lego for a long while I lost all
track of time, who I was. and where I
was. But I didn't care. All 1 «,rnted to
do was play Lego!
Then it happened. I was discovered
in the midst of my marathon ,Lego
game. An adult friend burst through
the door and surveyed my plight. There
were Lego pieces all over the floor.
"Look at you," he snarled. ' We were
supposed to go to a party and here you
--,are, still in your overalls. playing Lego.
You area child."
I was devistated. Denying his ac-
cusation, I went 'on a Lego binge.
Finally, as 1 said, coming home from
the store with the Kool-Aid and
Arrowroots I knew I had to stop.
The first thing I did was to take a
hath. It was awful, especially the
washing behind the ears part, Then I
cleaned up my apartment. While I
vacuumed up all the cookie crumbs and
,spilled Kool-Aid mix, some vagrant
Lego pieces got caught in the brushes
and disappeared.
Ambulance techniques on their final night of In-
struction last week. (photo by Cath Wooden)
1 went momentarily wild. 1 ripped /s
open the vacuum cleaner hag and
retrieved the pieces. Carefully packing
them away in my Lego briefcase, I
stored the whole thing way hack in my
closet so that if I feel I truly need to
play, those shiny red, blue, yellow,
white, and black plastic' pieces with
those superb special effects. like the
crane, fork lift, ladder, tree, and an-
tenna will be there writing.