Exeter Times, 1913-7-3, Page 1er Skin is alWaYS Clear, soft and smooth, 'EnVied by other NVQ/33,01 and admired by 'Alen fel' she aseff Rexall Face Cream a pure skin Orem, delightfully son -thing 'deliciously fragrant and extremely pleasant bOth to use 411d. nite effect, At 2e a jar For -sale only at Cole's Drug Store Huron &M ex Gazette Foot Coitit Rea -11 Foot Powder Rexall Foot Bath tablets 25c Nothing better for thoso sore. tirea o and tender aching feet, Makes hard roade4 asy, Great Relief ; Little Cost., Cole's Drugstore t: nit T.ELIRTY-IsTINTIf YEAR—Nd :2048 At t EXETR, 0/iT CANADA, TUB. JONES & 1 PONE WEATE WANTS EViaRYMING YOU WANT o the year we want something cool to war for the o/iday and summer season you will find us well prepared for your wants, oru1H LaUDs 0 ewe torse orers ira ot to Ose front0 J3mbroideries fl widths to ohoos s ell Patterns Red w e for 75, Dresses and Waists A very fine showing of Wbite colored Dresses and Wasts tor the tvarm weather. Call and see them. osiery and Gloves Rose of Silk, Lisle or Cotton in all shades Gloves of Silk, Lisle or Taffeta in both long or short. Fer Sox and Underwear Sex el Silk, Lisle or Cotton in an colors. Underwear in all weights, Com, binations in all weights. Shoes Summer Sh,oes for everyono in white Brown, Lan and Patont Low shoes, Oxfords & Pumps rn a vauety of style Straw Hats Soft Straws, Sailors and Panamas are the good sellers. We can give you the very best. Shirts and Ties Soft collars and Cuffs or starched cuffs with a big assortment of Ties in all colors. Also wash Ties Do notmiss this Big Opportunity. All Trimmed Hat at Half Price,. A nice lot for you to pick from Phone:32 1111111111111111111MISMIllak. Jones & May, Exeter ..immelimmumumnimimummaimameas FLY TIM PROTECT YOUR -FAMILY! PREVENT THE FLIES FROM GETTING IN YOUR HOME BY USING .Screen _ Doors & Windows SCREEN DOORS -$1.00 to 52.00 WINDOWS -25c to 50e SOLE AGENTS FOR :Lowe Bros.' Paints New Brunswick Plaster Chi, Namel W. & B. Lawn Mowers Campbell's Stains Anatite Roofing Lowe Bros.' Mello -Tone Dustbane Several Gasoline Stoves for sale cheap. Also a number - second -hand Ranges. 4 liARDNVARE AND STOVE STORE Is hinted that ETis Honor Judge Baesbali 0::teig,:lfrIP0eat:°:latgh'ea or yen-fs p111'011 75' 1411 a d ay do so lhefore, long- and CD- eSerVed holiday. Int ease of his • 'Caking place Judge. Trolt would fikely trocaote to the senior, Judgo ship, of ate `County for ‘vhich he is e t Loa and la f the legal e' J Liar judge Vao7 by 0113 0 t°48\71°ef hc 0008(3'. ArlI(itig likely 7tjfljter iS DarrviSe:r ajltd •,7 atop ich_,ot,4,ert cr°,tc 7.4 't;10',I. bill a eq..0,R h wl fli TP a r game .betwepn' Coven l'Ietmor- ials aiid. James _S tree( 1..cheirinled for las.t Friday evening was 'postponed (wing, to the garden (party. The craraeIbetween;Tiladia Streee and Ca yen Meniorials on itronday evening had, 'a very linhatpoy ending. Slain street 'was leading 'until the fourth inoings ‘v ben their fielders blew P1)-(1 MenaOria38 '0' '1 12 In the, first of the fifth v ° ''SkP:rneet et.°firoST;(tig batri at Line ° d omoi,esn- 1, 1.1 4 'oing aRilinst,,t'4howt•j941 ' thcl „ts !BORN ,- ThaRD-111 Ushorne Tune 22.r.4 to Mr. and Mrs.. Hilton Ford a son": CL'ARRE-In Ushorne on Tune 25th. Io Mr, and, 'Mrs, Ne/son Clarke a daughter.. MARRIED GRIFFITIIS--FIANDFORD---14 In the Trivitt Memorial church Exeter. ort ;Saturday Tone 28th Miss Lydia L. daughter of Mr. Jas. Handford to Mr. George :Griffiths, of Torontei Rev D, W. Collins HOOPER-CAMERON----On June 16t1Miss Lillian) Maud daug•htet' of M. and 'Mrs- Duncan Cameron og Loudon to Mr, Thos, 'Carbon. Tiodper of Vancouver 03. CI, 'June 125th at Si-. Patrick's church' lElizalbeth. A. Kelly' to Pai`rick 0'- Shearaioth of Diddulth by; llev 'Fattier Quigley. EIODGSON -1VIT3IBMAY---.1,5tt Sask atoon. on ,Tune 21st, Miss 'Myrtle igarray, a Toronto. to Dr, /lay ,D'odgsorn o q'esSier. Sask., son of Mrs. W., lloclson of Elimville. TtJRNEfl --ALLIN--..In Ontario St. church Clinton, on' June 25th' by/ ' 'Rev, S. J allin father of he bride assisted by J. E :Ford, Fernie 0- (1ei ;daughter ,of'i Rev. J. 8, and L'Nirs lAllint to Fredrick E. Turner of Regina Sask, ROSS- KEYS-- A t the home of the 'brides mother Mrs. David Ross 4Y MORNINia, JULY 3rd, nia Ratepayers consxdor Loan 1.,30 meeting of the valePaYers in- terested' in .the pro ito, o h'e ClnOocralri obaini ooni,C0,121,13.90,yhoelvd-niri: aer last: In the absence of Reeve W 3. Ileaman J H. Scottas Onoloted eth'e:tthoair*.. gi„Sslated (lie object) of the eating. Rod explained the provosi- tion diode by the. confpany which is to the effectthat in consideration of free water thieflY for fire pro- ection : a fixed assessment for en years and a loan, tAV,L'n't,Y" h0010fld dollars the ceoe'pany Wotti'1. arantee to enlarge and their 1anand to.employ least, fifteeo ands within 'tile first year, Mr. ; Walter 'Connor. of tbo Connor Tachine Co,,was called on; lo addraSt; bc, ti ng Fie .'-aled that ;he oninany Aaa;1 received several offers or ttsist'iince from other t maw,' and. t-hor before giving ith-ant ape -tosavt,r ttlPl t1P0idt'd to see -whai `E.xl.tee would ,do. The comliany 1 koown to , ate visers, tc or s v -z th hove been An, 011 exPerfmental tone improving- and perfecting soy., era) lane,s, until at the.. ()resent time they .-a,re unable io meet the demand: Mr. Diadruan "asked hat sorority town wetild zIrd 03Talor stir1 that the comnawevelued their t plant eurkininent rind nateht$ siNth ty ousand doiFt,s. The so. " Fatisfaciory• 10 z th,- niioi who ht1<1 visited (it Glatltnan stated that )'or yealr's ter has reer. ,ieed the* ber reed intitistrie's and that lic• knew of no rv more •ivorthy of 81,Nlie porf 1;k0-joonrzwaear flopi•ession in, the roouby marintt pd t the in'esent: tiree A011 14 i'o'dir• ear to float' n featt of ,P20.,A01). In to in t erest of Connor liroe„ and 1, own he moved that n complietase uneitited by the 'Council ';'11isf lotorv to the roinnany to escertain the mo- or( ion that' WiMtcl hef*iV011 jilt town. and hlso FOl" if the del,.:-:nturo could be sold lortallv. iNtr, S. 'At, sard61,8 1116,,61it, I he )roposition 'wn's wort he of ..eie Mer- it -ion and support. Imbed rie-' 'are the 'backbone of a Plneo and we shonld onr lbegt fn rv end keee." he Vonn'oe 'kfaehipe fo. T G., „Tones thangts4- ritir- ns 1011111 Make MI4taie, ir they 16,s6 1 he Connor Cri, Exeter ritizonq IclIONVti t he earth:rim, nee doine. h rid 1- hon the rateravers aseisti them. Tie hontrItli '.1fr. Glad- mon's motion a gonfl one find se onded it. 'NIP. V. IT. Dickson said he bad al, ways been an admirer or the Connor Eros, /Almost every reensition has something 'to commend 'itself but he never knew rine, wit!, so manY good mintd to represent' it. The Connor 03ros, had started in a mode'sV way and had worked nr. entil they linve a Inn chino solooriar 1 otitor innehireq on the stuarket, 13' losintrt "(het Con -1 nor. Coin'pany we arc losing'; the best lnduStrY Exetor has' had a ehanc'e of ret'aininfg Exeter is the hest; town ori ext Lb' and. the beit1 way to Imild if/ up is by iridustries. • :Nfortday evening the :council selected the following Committee to act•and :make a Tenor/ at a tneetim-4 to be held later: X. W. Taylor, A Stewart. S. M, 'Sanders: Jos. Itirray and W. rleamair. a„k,liss Mabel `Waltertt, ttent be. First in toniclon, Miss Young of SaCt-k-at ew a is.vis- iting Dias, 'alcEvoy. • e. Miss Tillie Yeagst!r of St, Mar is home (for The vacation.' e Mrss Lulu Alartin Tetureed Sunday after ,&nencling„ week 1Vroxe1-er Mrs, Xl .j. Christie Wpent: 'the hell - days with her 'parents at EV} th'- arines. Dr. and Mrs, Ramsay 'and two children are vlsiticg relative's over the holidays: ,Mrs. J-.0 Gould and d emitter :Mrs g3ishdlr and tsvo children. are visit:gig Mri and Mrs, Thos, Sanders'. Mrs, Wre. Foster and two c.hildren of IToronto and, "Miss 1\larg•aret fEIand- ford of Eroe'kville are visiting at their tome'. Mr,, and Mrs, .Dow. Mr, 'T. flaw - k -ins and 'Ideeg hi er Mrs., Jas. Bawden. visited, - :qr., Jas.. Martin, of Seaforth, over Sunday. (M:rs. Blatelaford and daughter 'Mar- ion, Spent tee week end with it he for- nor's son Lee, at Varriston !Miss K. Meraul (presided Iat lain Street organ giuring WfTS, BlatehCords sencel on Sunday. a n'Nci.1 r ‘1,1761 1‘,Irorhsh CLhoa'Nsv4isL c)autillmae dritJ ojerr. .1.'poe..31Carofses\lh h., 311 vilaltstritiagve ek 1(\1 artzlm Michael I'letehay. On their rdturo IVIiss Verda Cana accompanied. them and will stend," a short. visit there. LIoolper - Ca meron--lThe marriage 'look' (place on June 1.61.11, of &liss Maud Vaught er of Itir, and Mrs. 1)unean. Cameron of ' tondor. to 'ha, Thomas, )3arton. Hooter, for- merly of Ixeter ,nophew of Mrs, Win. (Bissett,, Mr, anti Mrs Hooper will reside at 2123 Main titreet Van.conVer C' , lGriff.iths-alandford"W ttniet but I;Tetty 'Wedding took iplace at the Trivitt Memorial church, on Sn'ttarclaY Julie lf.ltb at 8 o'clock in the norn- 10 - D. VT. uMtect fain.dford George Griffit.ghs of Tic?rr Inisa'nbdr er 'oil -tile Mir., Gordon Griffitdas brother' o9 the groom, aated aSz,,goom,sman. • k 1\fr- and Mrs Griffith t • ;Killop on ,Titne 1.8th Alargaret, f to ftev, igelvin .Kevs 13 IA' DIE'D vANCE---On the ',F 7).- UrsIborne on June I29th. Itrilliara John Vance pa. - ed! 68 ;sears and 15 tlays 13.01VE7---fn Exeter on'sitloriday. 'June i3Oth Mary Eatdd relict oC jate. Charles IRoave, Iher h5t-h' yea3„- It1VANS-At '.Victoria Ifostital Lon- don, on Friday. june 27111 John Tilvans, formerly of , Exel or, in. 'Ills - uflth ° ' LIOATIS-In oir 1.1xursdny thme ;26th Charkoete Jory., beloved wife of VT,rn' f,e•wiss aged 75 yea-cs 2 inonths and 12 claYs: ' - ICA-Y.1-YTAN-In lTuckersmith sorin ;:11:11.).se ' „2-9,th John Dayruan,agecl e s • and; 7 months Funeral ThurS'daY ea.ti.:e.Hr2y(.d-„cloolc, to the ,1:.:xeter. co.ma QtY,AREN."--iln !Nlichael's''Ifosnital " Tordilto, cif) '3ne t3Oth 191,3 James ,nQtliiirs.jr,ay aged 29 yen.r.s and, 0 Dridgeford Sas1,-„;• On .-J..tine 24th, ijr, 1)` Hodgson:, 'aged, 41 , *ears 13 roonths awl 2,- alay's,, son' f 6i t' 14 edgson 41 3. 101 1. , 'Inorning' iraiat. for "n't " 13'111; Y: fin:7131' •-, ince , Big Day at Centralia The Centralia, Metbo ist dameup- held their reputation for providing some splendid attractions, and a straw berry festival for July ist on Tuesday. The weather was warm and large numbers turned out. In the morning a ball game was played between Kirkton and Centralia, Centralia. 'Winning out S to 5. Coles and Coles were theKirkton, battery ard Jackson and:Dempsey the Qentralia. The score by innings- Kirktou 0 0 0 0 2 / 1 1 Centralia 2 .2 0 Q 0 2; 1 - Another game was played in the aftornoon between the two tearo entralia again winning the score be- ing 13 toll. The 1Cirkton battery was the same while Donlan, and Dempsey Were tbe Centralia, battery. Snere by inriinos Centralia 5 2 0 0 0 1 ta 1 13 'Kirk:ton 0 1. 1 1 0 0 2 2 I 9 The following are the results of the races. Race for Boys under S yrs. - Ralph 'Redden, Walter Hyslop, Ricks, l eefr°erneGDkalv5y.unfler Kathl"n ick Race for Boys under 12vrs.-CooPer MeCurdve. Harold Boyle. Harry Coates ieef6rsllct 12 Yr57Eula Altt,fee Es eey,Aahel6nol, Race for Boys under 10 yrs. -.--Archie Robins(); Leo Glavin,. Charlie Cronan 1-1,40E) for OirIs under 10 yrs. - Ruth Reddeo, Verde, Hicks, Thelm %SI.: inner Wheelbarrow Race Oronan and Willis and Willis. Caudle13aceRa:on-an.Cronata and Glavin vin Needle and Thread Race- Essery Seery, Redden and Abbott. etahlatd.trcees.w c. nosocaur,dvA, hub pot Race - g Boot and Shoe Race-Gerahl Hanlon Ewart Powe, Leonard Abbott. Hop, Stop and Junto for Boys under 14- Salton, Abbott, Sambrook. EiLfionnttg, Sump Trevethick, Carling, 100 Yd. Dash -Cha, Paul, G Morley 220 yr], Dash -G. Dutton. W. Mack, Morley. In the evening a. splendid concert was gived under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. Miss Smith of London, Miss Rance of Toronte and:Mr. McOnt cheort of London proved themselver excellent entertainers, while Misses Gladys and Iva Essery and the Misses Isaac appeared to much advantage in their piano dnetts. Miss Lilian Elliott made an efficient accompanist. Re.., It, ;'own of London preach 0(1 ss'o very' able sermons in (:he Methodist church lad!) Sunday. The church services next Sabbath are to be ronducted by the Pastor Wel3latchforcl in the morning and A. J, Heywood of Exeter in the evening. The contract for k1ecorati0.: the churph has been) given to Mr, Van. - der Peen of Toronto, a man of blo-th natural and *aconired',ability and it Ring Mr. Ilandford's father Mr a couplet of months the Centralia I church Will be one of the most bean - Will, in the land. ill, Harold Dublan. bas com'uleted his tourse in :the 'Chatham buSiness College where he won the gold "medal fon highest Standing and the silver medal for rapid. calculation.", Ile is, at karesont holidaying' at home: • ha M. A; Shiley of Clinton. is vis- iting at the parsotage. Mr. Ewart (Ina tchford Xeaclied home on ..),Ieteria.y night for the 'boll; 1 el-avs: I The renaams of the late John, Thom'pson were brought, by I ra i a from ,London on :Friday last and ir.- terred in -the nursery e.emelorYBe held reached fthn age of 71.1 ' Miss Pyin of 'St, Mary's' visited‘al: Mrs, DuPlan's over Sonday.. at. Mrs, Jas., Walierls' is y is i Ling Ir ObItuary . The e'ebaains of the: 1te James Quarry, who dicd in St. Mitshaers hospital Toronto on June 00th were brought to Centralia mid the fun- eral was lieid on WednesdaY from the residence of Mr, -1), a. OW -rein to Mount Carmel eemery for it:ter- m:re... 'William 3..V'anc died at` home, on the NF„.r.,x-1,. of r.storn'2,thi SundaY last after- being ili for aver Year with Paralysis. "11,1, (.1 -,;s" -ti vas 58 years nwf if; day'i old, Ho as been A reSideot of 1.Thlrrle, sin - a Mere Jad mid bbq ma ov frit,nds ak the.'communitS% " sidcs. his; s rowing. lvitiow he i5 survived 13,y two /laughter's ,and one sO21 kl-r; SiMPOI1 i of the 10th vonces.-tioa ot TuolveXt- guitli and *Aivina and TAIIII('s at hOMe Ael:var; Vivaa:retw:dvasonnwmentli:r:f 0 Me= Bethany ,!,‘fet baisL,'03044 q7 Stiff anlee&.netriorlyve.,ioludt Itev, Diod "at Crediton -T death oc- cured in Creditoe on Tharsddy of 1,,a.j,le %,•ov et e kw 31 'Cl.ttltNrilso tzteu jcior7y5,,, 'relao4vse (12 months 1r.4 12 day=. The decaas-ed w I t been cocsidertod si!rioo,'4., Obl age had been ailic about a year but only duricg tbo Fast 1.1.45 w,'-'' had, ; n(l, a cororlication of, di;7tri,S;3 the eanSe Of .iler death. 'i.)-te deceas. d had been a rcsicler.t of theSei carts Since a young girl. Th,,idea2 her hiasband she i.'' survivyl by three dang,fatets and, two 5:0E:i, 75:: Allan et Dundalk; M.r.s.,, F, Clarkl or Crediton' 'Mrs, Raph:ey ef gerriten Obio.,,,,larnes in. Bauliote 41-10, Win i:itonAalg4o,nquin Pad; Mr, J';',, JorY of was Add to ihe rxeio.r ct;mei,2ry oil' 'enhald 0 a Oster. Tb' ftnlerel wn, is a brother and '',,lese me, Oldest Resident Dead . es Rowe passed away at I 0mQehon arl" Main street on .Monday iast in her 05th. year. Ia spite of her advanced years the deceased lia.d. been quite active up to last September when she W41.9 taken ill and geadnally bkicame, worse. Before he illness she WAs. possessed of all her faculties and at- tended the jarnes Street Methodist, church every Sabbath. Iler alertness W1,1,8 remarkable for a person of her age. F'or the past four months she has kept her bed continually.: The deceased was borne in Devonshire and was married to Charles Rowe who oredeceased her an March 2nd. I90S. In 1S50 they came to Canada settling to Exeter where Me. Rowe conducte0 a tailoring business. The deLeased is survived by two de,ughters,Mrs. Chas. Rowe, of Flushing Mich, and Mrs. John Braun of Exeter. The ftlneral was beld to the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday. Died in (:he 'Wesi-Wortl was re- ceived bore of 'the sudden death of Dr, D., 'Hodgson which ocanred on Tuesday June '24th at Eridgeford 811.,k Dr, lIodc,zoe ‘.- 'iscl, venix 3 mod flas and 2 days old, afe was, a' ;sod of IMrs. W.! 'Hodgson of Elim ville. , Ifc' was t born. . a't -Whalen and grOcluated at Toronto University. After practising for two Sears bi Staffa he went to the west where he has been ten rear. Tlie Dr, was a great favorite and in school -days was. a great atheletie Laking interests in l':=ports of many kinds. Ildt is 't-urvived, by n . wife. his haother Mrs. Wm. flod,,tson of Manville seven brothers., and two sisters ;' two treaters at (Ironton( Dan and jarnes: John at 'Whalen; Tilos,' or Is:itscoty. Alta f Nelson of Hrimiota; "Chester of Toronto; Dr, ROV of Tessier Sask; hl.rs..1.1. Skinner' of Elimville and Mrs. Ftiewwelling of Mirror Alta. Re was buried at Tam- aska Sask„ on Thuteeday.. 'Former!, Resident Dea'd-The!, death Toronto; oceured In' Victoria ;nosy:gal London Ntrs IThemas of L^ndon. is iVCr. and Mrs. S. Martin. . visiting ha 1k.. ld Rollins and (la -nattier 'of' 'Detroit' visited in town over [het holiday. Mr, es,Parkinson 0111 hold an auction sale on Saturdtr: next. See ftdv, 1-Pag,e 5 Mr. and Mrs, Perry Dignan and family of Toronto visited kr.r. anct "Mrs, Jas. Dignao 'laver the rieete. LOST -Between' Exeter and. 2 1-'2 miles west o.2' Clandeboye-a plaid band ring with the initials IT. R. en- graved on IC Finder rewarded by leaving atTimds Office, The Thames Road School held their annual picnic on Friday last. The 'Mani Street ball terena went! out and olayed the Tecurn. Qanie w1tn 'Bethany ball IolaYers. The_ laCter 1,von mit 14 to 1.3. Fell Down Si:airs-Mrs. Richard' Deihridge. is laid 'up at her irocrie (.4e result c..f falling dolv!o stairs, on - Mond ay c ve n :She 1hd. gone p • stairs and war., ,trying 10 see.ure iri ome be 1110 11,i'S.Sed her footing and fellaeatl- Iong ,clowu the c",tairs. receiv-iin, in - 413(10s 'to her tack ribs ankleaol also internally, 'She StIf1.6rcd O great deal as P reIsult " Arm Broken-Johe Ilogarth. sOn Of taeil4 01.01(1 na tti161 oafeeSiratec,11).1hte a ,11,in-1,e,F3it; we,ek. Ile was driving„ home with a load of .erncty apple barrels r\vii,en the horses bec-e,rne friottened and it:1 .40 f 14 'cl;c10 v1 °3Ik5G\144, 11183 OLi 7.130 10511 •Ci sei 18137,an Ia rIctliri st7jb klrO 540 0-113] over -43ecs s oe cl by rre on Friday last, of Mr, John Evans 41 former: resident of. Exeter, who left here 'for London' about eight' years ago and since' that time' has bech one of- London's leading contraptors and builders: The news of his idea.th1 came as a g, -eat surprise as he had been ill but a short tinateL rh'e de- deased was born' in. London and lived in tliat city many years before com- ing to Exeter and whi/e here was e.ngaged in the building and contrac- ting tbnsiness. Besides his torroavina, wife whose maiden nauae vras Louise Shute, het is survived by four Sons and one daughter viz Adolp'hus17. ,Hilton,. Aldwir j. and Charley S. all of tendon and Mrs, (Dr) Harn&s vluey Imeat ins'pector for 'the Lomita - ion of Ottawa. Two brothers rand two 'sisterIs also survive( The fun- eral va.c.„., held on Saturday from his late regidence 967 Queen's Ave, Lon- don, to the Woodland cemetery; AL mong those from town v,ho tl thefuneral were Mr, -\AT. Ereble Ilardina and i'viiss E, cling and Severe WItidstor ,'filo 50131.110 "1 on of , Township' had a taste of a . near clone„Thursday afternoon last; in nestier„, with' the electrical. st3",:in The .60 ft, barn of Jos -ph 1301'1.001 '0 aoorpletelf .unr,cofed the, root ht.ing; carried over his bo as, while a raid ou the salne, farm !cia,s coraplote-, oi:).011.tii,;(1s;..4t1.E,,1:11,n•Lii.c.‘3a1,..Til.clIgsi.,3th,eu,12":,1:-;,'a.''irn:7.viii,glai'sy.'t.:.:,‘6h.rt:31-3,..'ti,;s: .101 le; 1'1;7 eAIS ,.11011 , :1,\'"o 1,5 ,i3la,rishard; S b,tor Itt 111 $X 90 per year in advance PROMOTION RESLf LTS 01141(1 I 041 111 '3e, ISr, '.1?evre0 139 Marar...ret Sharp Jac Hordont ; W,alker 07; ,Nlinie; 65; George Ortwele 65: GratO •Ve`r,":,'• ling 65; Condom Davis 04: rOfti„a Ricer '63. Hardy CI, Rog Fletcher CO: On Irial-.1dal loh:nn'" Lrilu Bristingc, C!, Vo'Fiiegf Jr. I iiarold. 75: Violet -;t1. Mallett 67; Charlton 651 W111 Znefle Verda h.,1..nglif 63; Rugene DriNJ,c, Ofro...: Mji '1717,019, Iffa;rtleill ft C4ordon Bedt'Ord P,Ivor's1311 8e1t301. 31.7-1Torlors HealwIn- 7-6f Pas,s Willie :11Fawn 69: Oora Saco tiers 67; T,7'ddie r',Vavlor Normart; NorrY 60; On (vial Trer.e Easterbrook Cora Ford' 4, . 41 1 » Gladys Ilarvex fildred M'areband Pass; Clifrordi Oa nu ill; Thdentl ' navis ci4; Trer Hill 61; Di -ow/ Ratet VI OW' VT s Da 'le SI; 7Clan a ,, ma Vennor 70; nelie Go'. 1.'i Ili 1.4 a6Tibromul6r Vi‘rfla '70; real "A lire" Vine, nt Raveled lo' 67: Belle Gotslall r6.; Stella SanderS On. frial ITildred TTorten Da.yitt Sr, 11 to Jr, 111 Ifortoys BusSell 751 Pasci liarne.7,5 70; Charley 7? 1140 "Gert col; Tz:Plvirc ,Tesc'phinelDevie 61: Vlore Vineent 132; 001: 4)4] 30311 JjI41rCd Wood Ernest. Wellff 111°701ex 'curdled 115 'Average aten-r I e :et; 'IT, Kiosman teacher.: s unn VII prorootod to room VI Verna 1,Val4 kt,r G. Ifind 74; If, Mignatf ;PE 1 rothy acwill 74; 11tahle Jolint0 e Beverley Acheson: 70; Nargileritc, lotz flrl; ilecornmended PerinSane Nre Vale` llildred Norry It, Taylor verne lIarness; Promoted nto Sr. Kt Gordon Powell 82; Willie Ortsvcia '71.: Max Weidenhammer 70; Vranie 93arr 65; Grebe, Vedder, 01; May Ble 'worthy/ tti:1; 2tulty 111,; Wi(sver 00; 11 Jim Morley 1'1; Cyril Boyle ;. aeorVina *Hatter 716; 'Betty, 13,rolvn 01; Lyle StaiLam 'St No. on roll' -39 average at (-pada neo 16; E. Quackenbush, 17, Ronin From Room Vill to Room Va- gary Elworthy 80; Grace Creeolf '79 13er tha Russell 78 Ifiarray Scott 70' Ethel rfoultlen 67 ;',.LO'rne Britnaeomile6 64; On tiial Earl Aran. Frazn. Sr. Pt. 1 to jr, pt 11 Afargare Gladman 87; Ilarry Selelon 87; Stu- nri` Stannury 84: :Mildred Bowe; 78. Gerald Long, 76; Ruby Davis 75; Hel- en Dignan 74;' Fred. Hearnan 72; Fer- rol flarElein 70; Lester Davi,: GO:. Elossona, Powell 67 ;' Clifford Wehe ster On Trial Leveret Wells F., W. .044.444,1•4100 444444,44.44 Eight Days on Browse and Wintergreen Word came( from, 'New Ontlrio. of 1. y unpleasantr ,experienc.c an remarkable test of endurance by lase Exeter Old Boy whose modesty re'." vents us from revealing hiz nato.r, He 'writes us that: ea013;' in IrPfrrtig` while doubling a trail he betook himself to the woody and rocky - coastline or a northern lake. Poe eight days and nights 'without particle of animal 'or cooked .Lob'cl tiny kind, .fie endeavored La get to his destination. On. the morning or the 9th day he saw two men in a cad oe. Calling:them over, they 1008 goe hirn'. to civilization, and comfor't; Def. yond being a Iietle shaky in the legs tawfnendein:zetIdshooetinb'icts:sqsislekistesdtihngemliatouc:r!naev'ylihonrg'eluthobP°,ienatir..: hired( him, Ete tals -Its that) :Win• tergreens and browsc, with lets of water was mnstlY the of fare butt - that beef!, steak1 and onions wero: much, preferatle and be was not long in getting them: By, following the trail lie was supposed, to c...et; omi in one day -and had only Laken enough' food for (het 3)RUINICEN M.()TOIStiSil'S e is a criminal offence , fon Oiler- otives of htilwa".I., trains to be drunk (while,' 011 (1117Y. ,,The same Ia\v, .911ou1d. he 'aIpplie<I, .to nien,. or 1411-y. opera 11117 hiotor cars.' LA. drunken eels on a !passenger train, may be t:ha ea -Ilse 011, 0,1:rightful ,catas't-ro'Phe., but; wii 13 0 Dlany 031f1cial and nOn'of.- Beat obsea:vers On watch ai3, engineer, ('3 ), y 0 '00(31- 8000,9„ to a cat while int.()xicttetI,,-,” The.' 'dange 571111111 a yno6t crist may,caus6.to Ol'S riot near , 1,7 so .*,reat as 'that' 'tvhicla 13113-,a,drurtkea 130 4-81-13 br 111.,‘ ulle kik Crli ,drink ing (.notbri,s(s. A" ea ). vi 77.5 numIher of hoodlums au heard ,yriay stain; o'very, village or (own, tavern.; 1 th,- no' one 'le,' 7'1.:5Y nay 711 the -apro-nri,t of, lianor. li7ii4 May : he consi1med. ,41.1k6. glass may . 4'onie ,ca7313' 11 tiffitt to s ;yor tee I, a It zeet/ee 17 k't!! 14 11 11