Exeter Times, 1913-6-26, Page 8THE rEXETERi.E
.157. x = rrnrrus ca;raSax.." + r tw+aa rrsa,rz+wnx�.r ._ - rrce
. aF.a�m yauaµr� udmu�rrwls+.i,.:t,faimrxa : I ear+�.ssmaY:su s}r9.amaatims a�
} ren4ti'd 11.17: to ilar.a 5'546
Wheat 93
Oats 34.
Marley. 45 to 42
uckwheat 4S\ to 5t;
Thias 51,00 a
Bran; $2 per 'ton
Pleat, .$2,,S9
Tow 2-03 t•�a,Sde £bear
Mt� I,5Q 1{j
Q3 E �;
Bsatter 2Qw, ` - i
m ` Isolators $1,.59
l §
flog s 0 m5'
Claoxa e Extort Steer,, 0,90 to. "<-00
reale. Extort Stcers 6.50 it-, 7.75
Choice 'buiej - 0.50 zo 3. r5.
Tediuni tute5 r heifers 43.00 6.25
Choice coat57,10 to 5,59,
Market Retort Thefollowing is 1
the reliort of 'the rxetex uxarkpt
C.01tMttfofstrTrtS t°,•
nano dates lata
faliiliareary thtae
?a at1
be 141d t las
Take ailvarlta
art unity,
0 $
peal wil l
Teun ,Shoes
l~aar yta laidies %ad aaI
A bpi taac id 1nae for all
atonic spof Ile scare to
a,paie aea>< wlaena ya
take your holidays..
S. ca
A' ht
d n tbi r�Qir
• n
Wgt bad .857 °?de$ 43 hay no
aissortraaert. baeaaatifall white,
wa,IStr nt ai, tO%' t?t ra 0. They' . ,
arrived last we(
have marked ria
low prices for qui
aa0 i
eatrza3 „u_
A, beautifatl.i
able for the nae
0nd 'wnn'alate$ b
Tt is 46.1 itictae>r M
value n per yard
» Orne new
ha plain aaa1 tapir°d
May Javier to slate;
.."l;' 4tax » .
'urr aeras
ria 4aal:Ra t
r 714
UMW pt ort,
They wan+
during the
sell uuly t
i° Early Summer Sale
4444444 4,o
Sale Sty.',
u 26, and lusts 10 Days.
trlxv twit till later to supply' your Summer needs. We have over
a(ked in many lines and we need the money, An inspection of our •
es ill convince you Bring the children tree. 'They'll be interested
A Few of the Bargains
(1 tri olear at (laqc
41fr f A. 60c
12 qt Grey Granite Kettles 35c.
Medium ..41N-4 4.50 to 4 e4,,
Common cows 3;50 to 4.UQ
Choi e Sheep 5. 50 to t?w4io
f-aaiath$. 8.5Q to. 9,00
R ••••+•••
4.* 9GA:Q'I f
St A 4'11
Wes i lost ;a`e?k:,
Mr..P. 'Wheelies .of
t lii+r b`arber's lfrr fie
Imre of Lo►1r 4n
11'n- Cleoavairt orer
GM of Portage
*tending. tla,x
Iindly', take notice that' my
dental office will be :closed
from the middle of July `ton
l.he middle of August'. Any
'person. desiring cdenaist'r)t a ;,
near future" 'vile confer. �a
favor liav r_otifying tale rat khe
•aaa`raCst opnortrinit3 Also
r oi< ihA rxy'bffiee is clo ed
er: r Y rOdt-escday aifternoaxl
flZ_'a�etghont :tfae �Feax,,
I2. ROd:. f,STo
Tess Olive 'lora litas been.
‘ting for weveral Bays in "Whalen,
Mssstldan.say is visiting "'oTas1 r,
)Ionte.ith Thanes Road tats meek,
11Ise, boys wile* be Koine from earn
oaa riday. They. wilt ,arrive;- lei
airs, (Rev.) U. 0. Sweet ,- a
• able ai'.dr eco in 'Main, tr-et
;y a :t nol. last ;Sabhat :.ft,
tp i yrs Wc;e-tr has ariived kern L o<
4,4••aha tine `esti owing to the Mittens. of Vii•,
T,'ie1a*l 1 Stal. hu. is eo4f4hed ig thy-, Lona
ar <3Tid° tl
0tr. 1, a rki on a f Barin
la. 11�
r'4aat A�rit'ui
oaaiatir ata a arll.i
tatAan E4-
fro1 iiia°
viisi telt
Sunday. `
Beywood ,o, cttple4
akraiaaa era 5tantA r
atis of Toronto is 357:
:lies riled itl4nads in as
i�xr►da t"3Rr�i f„�,aaeil:
er a4al Iii ‘n d to
tis fan
TO: la�aa,a,l�'i. of Varelttti+
Pioaa C
aunt, .Akr p M. Mr. �”
e m1.Bll 3odis�i
ait'Ca' arxtd� ter., 3
Me. aanat aria. I
ilrY,i Ilrrarraa 1 or ti
ty a.itlr toll. srrsel":
aitaa Iate wart itTlirl n. moonlit don wn
wrr,d;i.�itfal arik;da ads la�l'"1'uesdas
and Mire Rizhard Aur ihy and
rlawtgittea• of 7 xete,r wale Sunday
visitors rat rM home of ; L. Crain
New Era. '
1°'Fom a farmer recently. That last
Tri�iatlred of Hour was SA good my
tti'.fe 571"elated me to come, right back
ally v..et another. That avna MODEL'
rev. . iC,f,Swcet or ?nrtiarres Seth',
avlao is vi:�itinn, hi,-lit7'other Dr, Swee'i
areeta:bed a very ncceptulh'le sermon.
In James Street' ,church on. Sunday
Alas, A„ Sheere' ;and lilies Glary Tom.
lett this sveek for 9'oronto where'
they will attend the wedding of
Miss Ethel Carate Bernick, to �Ir.
Stanley George Reid.
Tr T. 0. S, raeklina of Windsor
gassed through Exeter ou his return
from Goderich to Windsor by motor
cycle and :sicnt n couple' of days
with Alonzo cloy wood.
Mr, r, Charles Ttarvey .last week
onrrhased a number of Yorkshire'
flogs. ;This ias7 the' same land that
Mr. Ilarvey: has Leen freaking n spe
5 fa G qt r: f, ?.5c inns' of bait he is introducing 110 Br
4 qt .,, ii 20c • blood. ,
ra 25 ,. fA tr 20c 2 qt ,a. ff 'i 15c • The warm sbowern of:' the 'Paste,:
Alt must go G etre Sauce Pans -ac • week brought new life* to the croi s
• and `vegitation and: also joy to the
hearts of the farmers. One !could.
ealmost see tbet hay growing.
nu'Counter. A draw with 10c
about it. Ot ur Candiethe s and Peanuts are always fresh. •
Try Purity Powder for Lemonade and Lemon Pie, A jar will •
make 2 gallon and cost 15e. We'll show yow. •
An Edison or Victor Phonograph will make your evenings pleas- d
ant ar.d the cost is trifling. Step in and look around, •
4• £+•�n•0••0•4 404*•.•4+D4404 44b•••Cr',a®•••••••••••••••••••
The Exeter ar: . Store
' e
'yo,� is �. ti ��
t tock
alp 10 house dresses left; tins week they go at $1.50 each
hidr°eus hats about 3 dozen to clear at 5c each
broideries •— all Widths'at about half price.
aTu'F'3 -` See our Jobs.
�ne have added. $600 worth of travellers samples to our
hi(lh.' includes Hosiery, Gloves, Belts,t ITnderwe ,r,
ts, Skirts, Towels, Sox, Bathing Suits etc.
rcy parasols regular $1..25 for 69(
Mr, Thos, Stnale on ;Tune "-23rd: re -
Ported 1:o the Times' lattice. that he
had Meas ready to use and that he
expected to use bis potatoes in a
week "or ten days. Beat' this if -you
A uniform salary of $1500 to all
Model School teachers has peen de-
cided upon hy the. Ontario I)cpart-
rnent of Education. Mr, C. 'I% :Houck
of Clinton thereby gets a zaise of
Garden Party—,On !Stain Street
church lawn on I'riday_July 4th un-
der the auspices of the E adiela Aid
The Exeter band will be ir, "abed
dance. Admission 10 cents. Re-
freshments served from six o'clock
for wvhich extra will be charged.'
A s$lendid Program -The' enter-
tainment given 111 Tarns Street
Methodist church last Thursday,
evening ,by thle Royal Gown Glee,
Singers 'teas one of the Deist ever:
beard here. The numbers from
h eginning to end." wiere thoroughly en•
Dyed ,hy the large', House. Thee Hal,
ielujah tchours evasi ideserving of
t:ecial mention. The choir, is .com--
osed of some excellent' male voice'
Lhey have ,made a tour of Fhe
United, States and. Canada' and will
disband en July 2nd. ;A num'ber'of
tliem will remain; `1n; Canada having,
secured positaonts.
01ubine—'Parsons---=.A. quiet but
c'retty wedding was solemnized, in
.Tames Street Methodist church >on
Thursday 'morning;` last. When. Crary',
E. only daughter o itiir, ar+d- Iters .WT.'
Parsons of town Was united in pear -.l
riage to I S. 'Clubine of W'i'ndsor.
Rev. VT. G. II, McAlister ,officiating'
Only the immediate, friends and rela
fives' were" 'present. the bride- who,.
tars dressed in. a grey travelling suit
was given away by her father. 'Af-
ter thr cererony ;Mr, algid .ilfrs,;plub-
inc motored to CentraIia; i;yhea' e';they
took the train for Toronto. `Iht rtr-'
tend:� .spending n fejt' wselxs in` or'' -;
onto.; Niagara Falls .13nffalo�,Petd'�bori
and 'other haves, ;after', tirfrr413 � leu
return to Exeter for,fa ,�Gew
atystaroe to leaving for�}r h fl`trema
in 4 alukervill 4 ,
yM all f vale' x eat �o a .adti of to v 'las
; wen nth on.. -Ll y 5t.2:,, See k.ziv
tea. tiv
.Poe -01r e* eb (
tatcxaorial s'wnpa dor' ztiG �a tc al tva
Ca?1* t- di ' err. rho �I3irl `Sine i t 1, tare
1,;:;$t ;Sabbath no epee«
The c'it)ir f,Tames Street etaar".
were ylatta rimer .nd to ft ssrao'ten
talilacr Sara tle R1wo silneir arvvaart-
liAg h' tdac t�+zt4!'Kt�t°te il(fki-aI tloarfid,
l_'"Hf)?1'E 47.
opposite F'tectrie eight Plae
We make a specialty of fil-
ling Family Orders, The
Groceries we deliver: - to yogi,
a are the best -to be had and the
prices ^e ask..axe the lowest:
Send or bring your nsxt or-
der to us and be convinced
tb :t this is the Right Store to
hay your Groceries and Pro-
visions. R
T f Tf4 AND D4F4,
W &NT lam Choice: Batter a.'d
Fresh Eggs.
I �,
T'1 4
lflaJL . N•
a •i rnitur Dealer.
'!iti;r;r,iebQ r Rrfaa la f&.botiFl a
Slav rvenari Pot Aalsa rale . where
+rte io-ittesl ia(ar : ainrcf4 lrr. G. f'aat la*
1e§ °and togctl&ez' 4te0 tear €ar Ila
tt e Safi,
Widlgcuse of "t 4Qn(l
ay of ni:tasi, were. ia1 t<
a�a°t�siidira,„ ;it t�ao ria
amiss t,�iF,ti.va..11is�rst�
?R�1ara t*�
Quartette oC
a��h ;retitled. �°,Irwa
lirar of bearers ia"a•
ryntegai yur t1#iieh(y �atcpa(s:Mf
pl3caratneCA +Fk�^rtT�dlfii
reSidenccs of Ddr. A
tela and E. Ifew,aid,.
ire aced lairs, Andrew \Vateon
aa1ee t1ae =urine- at their Mees'
14 A. klaamilton, to Mir, Ghtairi
With on Wednesday:, afternoon,
the/ grad at tifetkaerwe1l Outl
new tilted is beim built at Meals
Church, he building' will , be
construete at ' convent block With
iron, roef and' Will bald numb, to tete
aappcaraace of the cblr.rch'groaande,
»A e, and' Mrs, Ira D. Evan lee
Miss Eva Unction. of Fort William
571'h!s were visiting .`l'r, N. 1), diurdon.
tc rt this ' veek for Toronto, 'l iariy:;
4+ill a'eturtr 'to town. on gai'tttrday.
The unioxr El:wort'li League. of
Wain Street eburehi rxaniertained 'tae
Senior eagne.lash Tuesday ,evoninf;
An excellent. 1program Was *provided
;ha otys chorus belle much aft.prac
t ltd .
arse 'Lawrance and son. of 11`irnloe
man, visited Air. and, Mrs, al, .S, flail.
lips last Friday. Ther left Sat-
tarday for Seatorth, inhere they
visited :for a few days.
Mr, and .lily;, Luxton. brave re' -
turned from the west where
they were. called owing °to the illness
of their daughter! Clara,* The latter
returned with 'tho ttnd is improv-
,g in, bealtib.'
�l'he South Buron Ministerial 'As-
.lociation met an Ifenisali on Monday'
Rev, aaTer. Smith gave an interesting
varier, on Jr. '' IcIntosh's bevy' book
`'rhe Personality of Our Lord. (An
interesting. tdiscussion followed.
3. M. Southeottj`was In Clinton on
Monday attending a meeting of the
Huron County Press Association.
The meeting` waa addressed by Mr.
J. J. Bunter of Is'iocardine on '"Or-
ganization and by Mr, L; Ledo of
St. Mares on "Advertising"
Garden Party—On Main Street
church lawn oa Friday -July 4th un-
der the. auspices of ,She Ladies Aid
The Exeter ;hand will be in. atten-
dance (Aidmission! 10 cent, Refresh-
ments served from six o'clock for
which' extra will'be charged.
[Toes d.x' . ...
ted*aa .Wa
a an, era ertainment
eha rele neat I?o,c hi
and 4y
Funeraj Director
JUNE 20th, 1.91a
When you are purchasing a present it is a mat-,
ter of money and what you want, nothing else.
Then this is your store, for what you want is
here and at the lowest prices.
A good variety of articles selected from the
largest stocks, consisting of Silverware. Cut
Glass, Fancy China, Clocks and etc.
These are new, beautiful and modern in design
and of a superior quality.
Headquarters for Watches. We make a special-
ty of handling Righ Grade Watohes,
All Kinds of Repairing Done and Guarauteedj
by equippme, your stab vir
tods, We are
s or the oalebratel
The Ladies Aid of Centralia have
seemed, the following excellent tal-
lent tor their concert on the even -
of July. 1st ,IMisis May Rance A. T. C
M.-4'reader, Toronto' Mr. Donald -Mc-
Gregor 53aritone; Owen, Sound; Miss
E. L. Smith Soprano London; and
Lillian Elliott London, accompanist
Admission 25 centts.
7. ;Beer met with. an aceid'ent
which'. might have resulted more ser-
iously:, He was on a. ladder about
20'. feet int the air with a hanamet.
in his- 'hand,. 'In some manner he
fell backwards. About half -Nvay
down his feet iventt- through the
rungs breaking jt, rung Of the 'lad-
der and also stopping the fall. He
fell to the ,ground but beyond a few
bruises andra shaking np he was un -
On, • FridaY evening of this, Week
James Street and Caven Memorial
will tlay .ball on. the school grounds
0,-,ving to a, number of boys being
s't camp there 'havo been no games
day's_rgame should' 'revive the inter -
A' poblic Meeting' of the Wornen's
Institute will be 'held in Lhe
Hall Thursday June.'26,th o'clock
Whitby' will speak. on rOur conntrY's
to which the, petlie'ls cord.lagY,'
readers' ▪ 'to kindly look tit; .• e'
•a year in atit4i4i- "lid, one'
, dollar -and fifty -Cents •
Seine are fi.Vo years ',In 'DT*,
Another s nem o
er Carriers
.0 -ioula be every st e also
Hay Tools
f all Willa- an d33Cip',10113, to 01 3:1 :24nd
Good. Bare, nea ile‘q
eel three imam, 'two steel draWera
ei lock door. and outer dcrof with
onthination: lock. Wilt sell at a Itar
Mrs., W. Nv-, Taman and Miss Lila
Johns left tor Grand, Semi on Tues -
An, autograph will be :,old
July 1st,
riNrarlette Mich visiting wttli Mr,
and Mrs,. Thos. dliisett sr,
Tuesday to soca t sevtirat days et
Grand 13ead.
in London") faking in the Santeh don,
hies at: the tournament.
Church: wilt he held on the BBC',
,Mr. john Rankin. one of Me' best
known and most highly', esteemed. res
idents of fhis section. died of Paral-
ysis 71'hurUday while " visiting his
nethew Sic, Wm. Passmore, of Uk-,
borne Townshilo. fle' was V year or
age and one of' the earl„V ,pioneers.
Ile is survived, by three ons'arLd. tWo
daughters ':Alfred and ThornaS of -
borne Barry in the' west Mrs,
Westlake and Mrs, Samuel PofsisMore
of Exeter. His wife died about
eight Years ago and since, that- time
Hunkin had resided.
The :131enner ''Case— The, case
against Ezra 'Brenner' hotelt kee'pbr
at, Grand Bend charged 'with bribery
connection with. the Iocril option
January, co me up before his His Hon-
Judgeel)oyle on Tuesday Jas Hay -
Dickson of Exeter appear,edi for the,
represented, fltyv Crown Attorney sea:-
pzer and E. W, Gladman, Exeter, Asa
result' of the contentions submitt•ed,
by IT.r. Ilf.iverson before the trial was
really. started. His Honor held, It
eitity and' ordered that b, s'tated
inittedi te Lhe Court. of appear. To
allow this, to be done the case standsi
ever' until 03 toter — ooderhih,
I life had, naught but May days_
If skies werer alivays _fair.
rf all the (lays were Day days,
And no one knew dc,spair,
If all the shows got over,
If all the deals went hroogh.;
If bees found- naught bat clover,
If all the dreams came true.
If all the niris bad 'beauty
And all the Inca 'suecesS,
If in such ,)oy.,,ou4 fashion
With' never evirl,1„nissixr
acla ,gladsome,'
Steel Stanchions and Stalls
anything in stable equipment give us
Men to Fill Good Positions
Trained men are wanted everywhere; in fact, they are always
wanted, for the demand is greater than the supply. This demand is
not for the men who is able to earn only two or th-ree-do-Ilars a day
at hard manual labor and who can work -only under the direction of
some one else, but for the man who .is able.to plan and direct the
work of others—the man whose training has qualified him tc; corn-
petently hold positions of responsibility.
,institution that has done so much in the past and is doing so
much every minute for working men and women, offers you an
easy -way to become a trained man—to secure a good position in
the trade or profession that best suits yoUr taste and ambition.
The 1. C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right where
you are without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay;
..without changing positions until you are ready to step into
the one you desire; .without' obligating you to pay more than
yOur present salary will afford, no matter how small it is.
Thousands of men have secured life-long betterment through this
great plan. Every 'noun an average of 300 voluntarily tell us
of Such ad.va.nceinent. You can ,
done. • Box 799 Scranton Pa.
tion, a larger salary, and a sue_ ment to the inAnion before Wh.h I have alarkea
cessful life, find out how you can
secure it in the surest and most •
practical way in the World by .
marking" and mailing this
pon. 1 his puts you under no
obligation. It is simply a, re-
quest for further inforrnatioo.
Clip, mark, and mail it NOW.
Ad Writer
_Show -Card writer
'MennitnIcal Draftsmen
Foriunan Machinist
Po0ar-Staticit Supt
Contractor and Shiltier
' Civil Engineer
miffing EngMeof
Ll:fiLle c,Pr, gra [5).1 °I I"'