Exeter Times, 1913-6-26, Page 7"2"oTr•-;r".."2r,"*-22-"C
LITTLE 13 01-1
Vti .5o qq9
Not TIfintlE ;11e
Cev4„1E1 LEve.
When R asp b erries re Rine.:
CHOLERA ITVANTUriti WAS Th a household where they are
liked ra.soberries are a, godsend,.
THE,: CAUSE. They are ea1y prepared; a titer-
• - I wag!' washing and c'..reful .crvin,••
t are ail that are needed to inake
This trouble is, the most dangerous of
all the summer complaints of children,
It begins with, a-Pioftise diarrhcea. the '-eral-Y g: nlike strawherrle`3,
stomach becomes irritated, and the eltild they are seitl'rm seld green, and
is soon reduced to great languor and though the,), are especially ,nbjeet
prostration, I to Inildew bon ht fre,en the • •-,re
Cholera Infnatti,„ can be speedily aitnos, sure to he in, good condl-
cured by the use of D. Fowtt's tion. They are practically free
TRACE Or \VIM) STRAWOMPRY• from acid, and so are agreeable to
Ales. joffs FoQ'tg, Batttsport, N. .almost every taste and digeStion-
' writes:-."lcanrecommeridpn.F0W1,1nes As a breakfast fruit raspberries ALKIONS(), A NERRY 31(0Xlitelf, VLSIT$ txti)ti4
"‘'Cl190 EN,‘911SP,MA.ii Cil
;.; VERY .11
(;{•;I:Llt-a Te•st
1 Jelin ;1,4.,
SefOre eli.t...;
flgost ?ler:mired. of El/1r fiettfaz we. •
,-- _
8a.:iS the Langtiage in Tlii8 1.'''.)113. • BuRDOoK ELOQD EliTTERS
fry is .11,,t,(pai;xg
.'',1, tr a ve iiill'ilnu:721?-1:::971: 7,:iiIiii-a 13 ,." ' w r''';''''' '''' l'i Lai:1A R.Z.L.“$10'7A5:1:1.11;rl.N.e1A;-1:K":1-11''V:11:71tt:b'Sie7d'1:°Vftlit'4117
1 i ar,tr-hisingt jahr,4fAt..„,t,bs.... ey,,a,,, 7,;,,,:,, ;c,,,t,z).*:11,alliartt,en4._ , n;./ngt-t,,tiisi.;t ,a.,1 s...,, ,,,;.lci,..;,c:ikl.,, :11._,:al 1 Icao;lia.,,,3:-41:a.-71-.. 1.,,,:it.,,/ithets!tou8,‘AireriOtoirtmrtoirz,r;u1!1.wcilo, :N•,,,•5i,t.,,a7:
Irlisnat?Ide 110-;itili!: it41,:." 4.12.,,1)0,,,T;44ti,,,,..,ylticl,-,,,, 8aT J,r;te ,1,,,ecaua4,1414s ,,1;,e.c.,„,,t1st-,::takrINT))!AgBlit:rt...d4rc.,0,•131,;47,4,,,„.6=11.474,3,1-w,--,zei
,, ,
jpe-4,31+) a,,,,d 3,),;.;;00 11 tflto .',l'oattg nations, are toztt-skiti-., a.,•-• 42.,;-41,-,1 /) ,;-;;;;;;,, a „,,,-,a1 Ai,.
historv imerfear'pr,,,,- 10.,WZ;14:,;.” ;1'1. 10 the V reeling.% To,the.),),- att' '''''ve-,ti Iwo' bul"liles., 1 via.; eutaWaetely called.
/- / a
-esson$ uas beela ,,,,,,:;atiaereet all) a;,,i wr, Eet151-trice- to lOtttugSrn,, Tr-%:, r-'7:' MY'''.1r.,>e'ii-e Vibi'-'12 ''sra V1.7 ilDer, ES
Itl':Iii.;e•gi4'indi3 illtlic:l.lnig.;C:le tta•k;,* t'''s :ile; .7 t".:f: ';',kel,:41ejilte!Prt rntstist4:4atron --: -'o) rr a:i: :11''. 1414-7311bi7.-rt:;;:,,r2 --'-'4(111:71;:W•aEnti)-'17 17:'eleirrAaa)g't'71
marlacaW,e for Itheii ''''`,1,,: -.,?'t a -ad -
A..01.11 ,
sia-Ailcanee, 4,4„atilang (2_;;;;50 to kill:10;20N tat p",..Da.,,,,y4afarl.f qu-ery, BuR00,;;,r4 „,,,-aD Thrrairr,,, the boat
ExTruact Vitt,D STRAWBORRY for " are ide,a1„ Having so little. acid "Pl " k bl I 1 1 tl Ke '
'tsc,n -sesent trt t ay w.45; ee ebrafed Madnd on T
kis reinar a ..e p toto.grap i 0 ' Ile StlattlY-natttre lug of Spatia, 46; ficoxn the reax.,,te pait.,
- - .aeoh Is ;[-i! eli'4.2t7i; patUarktO.,,, t!Ae; ' ''''' 4 ) -
., - - I peats, figs, b naulas ant,l„ sweet or- .,-,1, ,
he was out of his mind, and did not know an,e3 in tb.;:s.. res,lert,,, forwa'''''s taker' at th, e ra' ilroad..StAtiOrk i';#1 Paris en the occasion of fa a ,r , 4 4 ' ri,444,, Tri,,tp a.,3,41t „Alm, r i. • „.:f„ov „ , r;;;;,;;;,e; vf,-,-;a47- „1,na Es. nuaamfactm....,410„dy by
„ ,, tz,3c,r .,.„, yle tv.e ye tle tirtot,ehre..& ..- • ,• - .. . , e •,.-". e -i- -, „,,,•"„,„ „.. - - ..,, , .,,
any one, I gave hill!, "DR. Fowt,f_Itt'S,- I ..i...,1,11'it$ .,,,,•1 a ol '` s'itotod not the „King's preSeitt NiSit., . The King WitS, bilgti,;11;' amused 1,17,1 an irtei., „, 11 , - 4.- - 'I,- . ..'• --,....t."'",..-4 4,,,rtur, con,44tr1.2,,,_10„.411.14, intior0 ?le_ , ,,i.,,,vi: 1, ..,,,-,,,,,talaotall (,..1„,,,,, 1,,,,im,,,,,ted,
1 b - d t the, same niea wi,,,,,x 3. 11.0,,t,atpu ot ttx •
Cholera infant -am baY was fh,ay rank with, sweet peaches, aaidwbote t t b„ 1 .1
SO sick 1 did not think. he could live, as '
tAaink ott k'a,ta4P.";', kzowz1 .relrat,,,ly for al,d15t9J.kte4111 Troubles..
tre tho eK a' it has tz,-,1",:a tt% e 41/04A!w-"1,, rut tbIrty.
and the first dose helped hitn and one , tit t nut
t4ko ts rts'oi not '
Alon, Poinoare President, k•)If Praiice :to fait, to please.,
.- • A t ,t Atternrctt ttA 4tRseingp:;,;:ik
att.*, tegaro. gni^ lig00:4; ; - ).
Vat lit11112V.," ati4 wart, v,4;ti. -"?`
nt that occurred at tlia Statton, an Us opparfarte .anttletsna gem- Nn.. „ 14421"42 hittlfe never ,rnowita
bottle cured him, reconimended it to ser‘e _
frierd whose children siek, and it I :.-creals or other starchy' food be- Pelled elen the et''iollS,-;111111„4e4.
cured them too."
1)a, IF:c1WLER."$ trri+ART tAt WiLf„.14, starch_
t'f the' kri'ng fe:d„, e:S 44iw' rtamar61:efi' ..114;11401;14.fortulal.lite r,"0„4
„ f (on left), to be infected by the contagious mirth aiid p1211
tbe tearke for ktver sixty.five years served. eQ1.4 and fresh, cream, the -Pitt t/te in a poree- te, -;11 pn n
is a reref,,dy thnt bas been breakfast rasltherrie..5. ezfIx t 1.1,44erilf4faxvkon desieff:077,30,044tnIzoitl,,,-14,141t..1410c%470,44, ut„:gF too wtotikov,13,44 orioetited 470
anti tt-1.° been ase<1 thuesands lanis Or theY eln daiattlY serve -41 ha -in all4 stanti ------------ . I' stt,.”:' ttAXIetitr- fah reeri and ritOttNe-t h • 4'1
cause acid retards the dio-es„ien
Cr' snme broadly at the DIM of the royat head et SpainLC
- k1/28t 4C``ta•; , t vt, „
ihes dmiug these Yeari, YOU 'are Irnt 1411e sv
glass dishes with a 'rtEn",, " '
50 makipg ally experiment when yon buy , at et tt.tti ice 13 Iteo,t t -le then the davor,Ing, may be nitwit nib.; Yetk he t'4.. veligi'00,*"4,eetilv*U "i* l'Ell'4114F4'' 1141 artt'' "'"''''''"*"**4( 4.14'lle*e1 42)51 Will 113v°'
"Irr many in this wav choose PlolitP1 Perf taid -11 toe N,h-lio-ti cream. allowed to cir.p 4,1roft or loom amT,,,,kwolfga to Itop 14;ttt tots, put; k
_ 4,, 41.44,44,44 444 44, , ,por
but ,re and aef Fnewf„Tiansnn Ponared er them. To ProP411‘ TVA and 1,,vhen It is thtek ellh' na,ore Ineallared th4,1) when 4.4' 'he tIte'Vte4;41P•i- itetht4 lia tr1424 6.°414 0'3 t1'4°W 014tor the' Po-- ,11,04ont Street Ifailisay,
when you ask for it, as t , „
imit„tions c;,;; fanlou$ “:;Indy on the berrte5 and Pat them III e4,141,14 Pour the. ‘.\11t.f.,e. ntto 1.rfV1-i-(iltax t 1 a t.42 -,...e fro -La la bottle itself. lots Jehovah tiebind Iheareheba 41114"Cel'eee" YP4e4r t'444g1t c'Y4P"'4W41;V"'"'ikr,,,p4:t,w,,iiatro44 Rit:tig,ut 14,r
marker Pureelalt glas4 di31" 7-%"'"e inotild and Put i31 the box to If tile skin ou the heel ft hroken,t, and that the diotifte preseface 4e, ki,$)-;;IITII'31, X4aw that,pretattate 'has, „.„ „„
,).t.t‘Kot t 11030 ;tirt*t* vonetamcot
Thc 12452ee 3$.7„,atid it ismanufacttVed b,I'rn P °(11-1'1.1 tuirt'9 "(-) "gar 411d llardef.t• ‚332 04 wh4.41("d through tl'e rabbing of pornps,loompadies lam to bless him, Tie 141,1P"' `.'4=4"be4- #5r2 41.4,441 ,eity ot, 411. ti)e
0 break an eglz, take til, inner skin rise3 tt.1 this relelation and is ap, V1741°1t 11'4V"`dr4 0,7er
only by the T. Nfillusin Co, Limited, water hoileti for 10 admit es aud eroani„,
'11 I t
lt, hot, over the berr1es. P512 -
1,11 iht± '4100 tolvi uPiliy to tho heel. 'parotttly A lo.etter Ain& jkl+Zig, yelar4 %%eq., powerful', TOO VA21,,,lf"°
- - - --- - , — - - tbelik intuiediately on. the le'-.‘ tord,,, ;
114 1U'
itmel,i'leohli, aliti (.4441 ,,,, A bite, fic.:11 iii. a$ a rttl.'e. n'lat're cll. ; ,l,,:iu, ante, the" paitt Will c-',1all1i00 ' eattfident botatme 4,tf the snotnes, 44f lara ',IPPPelt tnit "qa.43 ).'e'r ilr'4'..'" '.i S11444441 44"14" 13r)14g IC°*"11‘.% A It4"'"11'
Ceremony 1.3crfernied ill the Savred be given a more ificfnal,,-, flavor if , g71-1,119' than °1-1.F,;'.."'-r"*4.4-* ; ; 144 pa.$t plattn. he prtAyeses O4' "Atf". Itre''; Bitl;'1,F e,f,',. R,474$ ee'en ‘..^,t.- . f 01441.Y 42f Contlerie 04PiltAltt45 tai
liter, are berries ar att4ed to, eetleat to ineroas.., ..os.), fA?rtals ,,,,„.10 s„Ispi coAsir,'ITonrit:41,„,!..',14.1.4,11.51,5'Il1111710'431;n4 1.4" 141'16ttn'ttatioat ..r Viiilet in (1'44;175'74'4111: 14)t.:1:4i741;!:11141441V;V17531*1449114;
I'irlil Near Pelting. stemmed., currants, half as many as.. all'8114 ;'9. en '44‘c,r, 4, /1"41' .4 °.5.5‘- 1
Nott that thitni, 'has becoine a ilk:, +hen; ' ' ' ',1,001.at.tt Snive wilt ri.move ink ottil 1711,0 til id of ac,d, mot ood 4„onie„,, tot,t Hot - 4-- - --- , - -`'--, -`1.---.. ;11fox,'...-1,1.1.1, .07.11d04 it)t-o 2.1....t,tent
pnblie, and the old order of tltitrgs ' ' ,!. stl,tillS trent tiliger; So Vkill letnqa 4'4 atid 4lovc% $4it4 lilsit aerafatio.s.s oiatti , 51,,,IP1c4.45f-\'''",„14"5'.'''""4''''''r ""x!..5'55'51 1. '1'44 1.'5''444-4.!*(5-6 5"/ $./t) 4-'-4*'45"
t, vha t.1.-'J,g .,,.... ral)141y, will at1;:v, oue ShoeleAke, DIttlItilings tlild rrgtrttl• 4 itti;40.. ....,...og )1 ki'a; 411, til 444 411,40%14 kilrtttgg! ;41 1,44" 14;?.. z's'l.'43,11t,
tpatte .... nr, nn, -ane.. -4 to aittnttd to --Tihe 1).F5,t ,r„a$Pberl'S .51.,'9rt'e,''l'Q 15, , Itroqed greet, )teppers make 3 ;kynt,tk i;+ki l' It'la+ t C., t 1 • i t41-0 Nir44115 t10412.2t " zre r....t ..n..,- . ndl ••,..5-4-111v., AtAtoott 44 10.#0 fereltnattary
ellax irioi ;Flaw. eermytotty or i he 4,,,ariv, Matz° 'Ill il nnWait finn&IL ,,1 liana 1 delieaie finishinit ttetelt to a steak'', Wilit'r Tilr, ril:'--s'rERN PI:oPyr4 l';'"" -*-4'' '4°'''''''P'44."411*Ittl" 44-' gr'''' *I %P4116:q'5"11 *14*I''''t "1'1: ' ' ''.: 1 ''' r ---'":' V3'9°114447 ill": C'4111' '''rf'''t37g4g f4'"""44'..
4)14344k,i, ever t•I't4 WM4 2i atgf20;;0111414J122 '''' lv;)"' ' * ""*"" "'"`"°' '''''. ' *"''''' I ''''''' l• ' " 'I ' q 4 2 '1'.2'
, -sprint.. p'-owtog, with+ front time - " 1- 1* I ,ttrl'Y ts a areal teUidiree ail0110111; ;44;1;:r. 1)01N(1. 140.141)104 110 itlitql,3%. phlp,t, fo:iy,,V*2111tIt;;;2 Atii12;:sttil1g ia011/1 0,;11Iltii;2;',,2)2;, "- I t,,,,e 114'"i1f* '"; 1^1'14 '",,11,1',/, C.212?"3"
'''''''. "" 4 ' " ;,' ' - - ' - ' " '''' reeioe ealls for, t re et irfn ' o c •
rtmortre,tr:al has been performed by' it'Allr" 4 t33)1"Puarif431 ttit $.9811P" 4'' 14" ll'olsek"e1401"'a SeAstloitIF ultwIPPlIes. tltti' hlee;i444,; that vtat*aiNoottilt 0 kis -'" l'': '44'2 1.".41.4 4z 'of* vq,''It'l.
lho (,h;r.,4.,,two ompernrs in the sovred poiirtell 0,! „s..att an...4d titcsoit teattaPoonflItisil Before bog:inning to., paper 4 .., 7. ' a04irende""4„ and 4-5 ocatooi,5,14,4"1„4!"'4,1 14,4 Ili, .4"t ,,.1.,,,,t1. IttterA..- fret fatilo -1"• ..'n'td. lezInc5i'V 4L14' lly'll''4'110b41'* "'"Ite-
field fitc4a, pekingi I bal,1.0,,,, poliv,Aiterto itliet„...satodgrevtlirierri Itutt,e, u!uu,,,,s, see, ttlat the ehipt„ procroso or tile veeat vreit ,Tuto johuvo as 41, prioro cif ti,;„ti ""' ario41,1 ri,i,,,u,ai ga,rk tapmetima,a, „:„Nered for-, ,,,tt",..""n.t." tu,..Nortla Citila; 4.4 1;414k:ill.. re.n;
Tilis vurivivi eeremony /vas, oh, f , ;„'' . ,.=-',.., . ar o e.„131, - ' " b t I q ;,' , . rEigei•;;Iifttett, oiled the car eat 4-A04- ' 4;04 4*, t`,Vs,* 4C"'"-gPlatelf4"•,40 fl,fats rim4.,ilea,9.,
, and rtth tt in well• Then filowlY Inalte sore of 'drolly of little wood- W;sto; A great hkoratall tet.ent. for 14*.o 4"11 t‘tie°' t gl/a4ti" 11:444 i''' ZII'lr' `P4)1114 i,''41./11,.lre")
sort.eti for the puritese of iinpress„ gl et.Ittlitti half a cupful of lottter,i ilefore ai,tatia,,, Ottrt),,n seeds itt a Few Feinted ,t,
lug ur.oll tin* (111t14 541 people trio tod entmgh ttoik, mixing. nil fne en toilets,. ittifragraplitl., ittivitk %it'll iwlln thi, fattatc,„ 4.,,,,4,4„1.,,,na plaint that C'totteda. tii. tr.itin "";14,40'3" a •'"52"444444g*, 41'" '2'41'.01 4122 "; 244116114"t
sti(,,kir.g to bite farill„ The mnpernr, time, to orake a soft dough.. Jlatie 1. ilias.i• eat glass la bluing water Jotte t"flzpatirfek f.s. hn4 coaro ofd 4a.lpeplu,lilallitaQ,at 1.10„14,!'401v3:,11.0.4Afehlr.„:154,11ii,110,0140:: 1 It.1:41;1414.*411t;;t4ta:111:111'1,,t, att"Itintl;'-etfattlt 1:44iti: i'. '414t1"1:.'3'.h'14.1"14.14::;Cli'llttl'it. I4f/I'lul't:e;°4141161)34.1)r'51
iniporta4ce of tilling the earth and
aeetti,t..,910,(1 to procoe4 in gr.t..at So t. and wash ille berries and i Add tt ping+ of sugar, us won ss ttilV,k44,Qefaerel,"4"5' 41'4/W14 t4A 4 'ell.grit 4141 61.44.1t$4;;; :,4-11;;Al!t:*:Tel'eat'AAt44;t4.11114°U;Ith' ii°4114,11:4!11 }ilid'tielr44'4":::141'''Ititi.4.14t4lita'71t7'4::;;41514111;;k!:;44411:&'4;t4n4itilif4elt)'6',C+111reiktligt1:i:
4.0e1Virillattit'd by his retinue, was 'isilt1) atIn11,471)rtolt‘ivint lit.lnYears(otttletlf:toti,...;is‘ tsr :,.;;Ititeiewtsit It to italre the uttunat nod hves 1,11 N10142114., HI halm rtr f il IT i
state to the saered field. At each then arnalt. them, N„.itit enonli 511„, tettarn tt flowed hark nith porton-
, 1,,,,,,,a le tk-, spa,* ....ohatenittenvoreg a at to '14:a :1 4.'4 It te,114,. tit t .
of tile fotre corner$ of the field stood gar 0 sweeten 1 , gi 1,..: tiltfIrslloillts,s,. to the Arttter wiren boilluK . Tim largest omit/112o /21. 41,,Atiiv4,;;1141.V Itent re.4,4lItli, It...14,4m ,,a4t041„e,i, ote tix4if ,a,, ri the I, 0),,g....ft 11/4,ttato.,,,, !,d ,ip:14,4,111.:"tia, 1431,1,44;0410 1-0e11,e.rirmsott:t21::„ t::11;
14 heat and other cereals were kept. layers, Spread (heat over the top. 1 ,da111 td make a large part of filo plauttli in frtlit,,
1- „ „ , r, itantootoo,.„0,0,
lis the ruitidle of the tiel<1 nittrthers or else serve the eake witli it e,atice 1 .......„., i.;,,,, .,, , , „ among the Clerinsit invaders of 11141*1* 4" tilftV ill,r,lifk3 t te„," 114: H...5' 1
;of Magnificently attired euttrtiers made of crushed berries heated , m tnake ea tinv, ers last, set, hetati.;5t.tawkeeilk c4:1)",14,!1/,'-'4',.'::;.;:t4t4,Alt„:11t40, NV -11011,4t: westOrtr F:ltrvIve -- tile frorq, "rd4•44 itttt''Illt""t` tw't,n,f4 4ttli, 1414',!'"14" IT : w.,-,---,---*
z,111-1,4, o., 1.11 1 ,' •
41,04(1, aloft, 11111 Ily,,,V01,0red flags, with sugar and a little 'Nvater for; (bola 111 a pail of ‘,..n,t,rs, ni) to t.hrir 1100, itAmpod 14,4 310 tht, ,t,4,4:tytwr 044 larlAlleT44.10,055144;voin.X;t044t0,114.41101;f1INiktietiol rvi,flutiottnate 4.‘54livyteet:17.11:,,,rv.7 t4.1,Titelrk'it'litlt 1075540111:4":54,t ungs pall ...fint,hiat, (410,41.
whii..- tin.msaIlds of farintirs looked 15 minutes lit tt double boiler. 1 neeka 0„0„„ ni,115t.... ,A.,4....i, dromnet. ,_,_ , . . , ,„ t ,,, the ther,ekre dvitmcidered 144,114%,.. Ith.111,,, „...,Iftto 113.141,34, ramitary aamaaiiim
411 MN. 01.4•11 VICArlt40°;* ;); - -121110 .
oil, each holding'stnue agrietilfAral Raspberry dumplings that are To save the loleis of ,:,-otir silk It is roportrd. that the Giltigl 110,44„.„st and al, ,,,,t, 3iital.4,1104,t trait,„ the makm...41,„11 'that tftet aro 14 41,1,), ; Lave bc„,,,en trliptortmotam41 stt
ill)plonent in his hand. ligiit arid ‹lelleate ;Ire made in tilial sroeking5, line tiro 13,QCIS 4,4f your 'Irma* Pae'file will bilild aa elevate).* tit ltig 4(2.2.4 44J554432.. yr„tn rt,,,,,,a ,,,atk dattiter 4.4 'it,',144t 41,144414#411 13)1• th'i'll vitirte guns drawn fly dogs„ whielt
and holding a whip ill his right tsvo tablespoonfuls of butler andi
Phteing his left, iiiintik on tile plow, way i lioil /t, cupful of Water" 'With 'I sliphe.,,i,: ,,,,lt:,1,,,,,,,i,)i,g,t.,,,,,,,,,,,,bes. ,,,,,, I .7,:,,,aio.,:,izeo, ..,t\7,,h,,,, JA.,,,,,e.n.vil ii,,,,;(,,,,,,. ,s...,!,,,,,,,,„ ;,.,,,,,,,,I „,,,,,,,,,,,,, :1,:l .4-4 re,..ilteti $ cry ../.1.:i. im, ! are saki ti prow very satisfat:t!ir,tt
molly, 13,y pre,artitogemen4, the over t ite fire until the batter leiives to spread sinentios. '' z)et oral exettrsilOas NN In ig, 43LI.. ;1 Mit tor Int,ttet tirta, h444 .5 444. 41-P. nal 1, , +4 54 4 !i.• i,,,,, ,,tdit 4,t14;4 4.4 t IS al ti; '', IS111131104:14tlitt,14itell'N 141i;ZVAI;14:;OrP5eta'Ukl,A.1:1:1413*Airt:YI,
hand. the emperor began tile cern- add a cupful of sifted flour. atir I sure to hare the bittler soft eneynolt , .
4 °filters did their allotted share, the sides of the pan, thou take', Tarki,,,,h t,,neling 1nnk.,,s tile bot i 1,1iithi pear /nail al2114 111-tfirt ti't Vert tilre for the inottt part situte tuttt bitall t, hitc.441 14 :4011,01° t,,,t 1.1"42 a f., lit tilt, -4o.n,,, at Itra%0Als„ liatet.shourt
s'e4111,1t4Ti:,41,;'4'.st.',cds oui; of baskets, as 'beaten eggs, ' 1 f • '1•• IltItill,,' fin miAl fell OnTY11111;11.ni ;At: e. lice." at' ' e 1(bn't.11 11 ' U 4 . 1 1 t r "IN M .•;11 141; htti' 12 1.° a I .44 121 441ir '1131 .1' 40 1 4 ;4114 g hg tht l., rt
if s4d,Jitig 1,1Le,,,, whillo the ic:ittlperor
fttil 'if' fbiailtinig Pt°\1;‘?taltee111.1:;tc.:(1 °Pa litlitc°tIllint -,i 't N. :,(1:*.fv*'elir...i.t‘ii:;,1-1:elft,,It.:i'll:11-ti I'Ll.:I-sb'1:..t.:c.114'.11:•trt- , TLIaViltitIlitlel rea la'ar(eli1110‘...‘4106L"r‘t3..*Is51.1.11.11..ti,4::):(1 1:!etttlililitpt'elPre4:1410.44iii;irk,41161...!5:4.14,att."s4lallv'elit:'4It ,1)4n'Ilttl'4:04,41...4:flil 5:+1.:1741.tra4r5R,J9lilig4411:1111r-Azieltblritlake'nzallg:vitvlavulre1140,1 lial43Y4tILZ:47.1S1i
N‘lIS um%) V....Awl i,.iie piew, wilicit NV.118 411 a ,11.01 Ayer. ‘„ tit ro UM S lei,
hitched to it richly capariwinicl size of the sttucer 01 232 teacup an< is .dry hf.fore Plating intO the ore/1. ,.4.Lo.m- tsuita„ ble fur fruit riosislx, illollitetir 1,10'''sittti. to itl t411141.4/4 "a` Wa!" j444r1441 4 :l4415 'Will 64'''ralat0(14 1144 . In% iStiai. ttt 300 'PAXIsiti,,,
i t Tt0,11.1111 'NIS tht' 7iOtt;131 %Al 4,11. “1.14‘0 41,011 ,*43 It1.1" traitapoilatidot j . ,
. I
tile dough tip . v. • n v ... n .4.110 . , r ,... i (Poen o y ears o t, 4 + .
, '
Toronio, Ont.
ha phvoe 4 few minutes., atorw4t4 w a_41, Lam It.,,31,ortett st.-notent of el2A11'10 street transpor-
. 4iinocm. 4.,0111114% ;.„
chill all night. 'rhinos 'Worth Nowlin.,
2344 It ;Nil! aditn:re iirraly as the. real 'litho, 10,04-41 tpf ieggver, Solt. rt1:45; kiek, 171Arater'4 oui°Xeti kr Ttryt 7441..
p ei ries can a so e pre,pare
tt intrilion, where, the, seeds of Fill them in ge/iereiilly. betweett tlie F1,,tt;ts, f ,tvailable LS 14'‘,134111,n111-v411*141 451V13231 , b;$,, 140. wt..4,1!_vers.. rpntrastird -1witit. taller 1114! ° 5";14,1ti 45'53051itift3414 And 04, 'few
' * l l'itg hoes and others. 140111 the fire and e001.. ,Add four i ironing pad for laees, altd Nelfite tel'son.1171:ie,":dilll.gl'hitisill.11,' ca'l 1111.14'140,roilrit vlurttil.re';:i, 'al 11,1,1" -;*0,i!t; t4' he; :".1,11414, ''..c44'!:41w,1,414, 'It'ng,, "111.,:„N„*"14,1:(1:-„:: 1211,4'144g1"'"2,;11"2""'" 47,41rIlliestil441111.411 014132320514. 51*
It 1 1.0g V4 1/4111r 140 ket int/
by two -sif ernperoi;'s body- fttls of berries. 1'111 , s ith 01(A( 5 tja
litilloek. draped ia 'yellow, and lcd on each rounti put two fah .1 3 A cloth =pellet a 4 ‘ered,
toon„, „ , 0 ?mei rit,it trees near IA ;01.411 I*" ( „„,..
tho 34.
guar2. to cove,- the fruit and bake n';', MOVIr stains irom enameled t, ks remult of a whitier'S StleohN fuorite uife lie was The smtion it* the tlerot pronounr. „ 155"4"11'' be°t1
1Vheit the emperor finiihed his 'buttered Pan fur 2° minute:3 in a.. sils. ' i Ping on the Law" near Rivet". ROY keilannillg in las disimsition and ed "dee,,p,„," am.1 your ii,eat in ilie.., 1.7„,,poina,,nsts have heol, made ,ork
stiut. 41( the oin,r, tno. royal princes moderate oven. Brush the ditmp-; In warming over cake or steamed and Norman Thoinpson recently , tortrvellonsty endowed ultit talents,. train -„,tatir "Teservation„." instead Germany LI the ttFe of pigeons, for
before laaking them to give, puddir,t,..,s, place in a colander, in_ brouglit into Barkerville 217 Pelts, i Xtor(sover-• he Was tt; F.'111 Ohat f IT'011710i :_,.a.'.,kirtg ttile lift•btty took the.: 4,3.34554.45145'ritypftsts,, The. pigetinot
went through a, similar perform- iings
4 glaze. Serve -them liot or i stead of a fiat dish, and they will There were 1 14 'marten skins in the ' dance and peasessed 414,,ep relialotts' typist out inotorr.,alt ,F01,1 ItatSt /',N''' are prowded with miniature Cain-
ance and after them nine of the the'n
void- svith a sauce made of rasliberl be much lighter 1 lot. insight. Tits story is OAP of tile, press h thus:, -The eletattor opera- eras furnishe41 with slintt4."rs tf*,tt
highest courtiers took a turn. Thus
the ceremony wtts complet-ed, anti
the royal plowman and his train re-
tttrrted tti the palace.
Now that so many other ceremon-
ies have been done asvay with, the
world mildly wonders whether there
will 1)e another spring plowing.
'rite illotlern, China.
In harmony with the spirit of the calls for apple sauce, rathe'i• a diffi_
‘rers. Crushed tissue paper:is ox- rui;ntie.d. about 75 buildings and prcted bN their envirountent and used i'tt Edmonton to devlote ; , of ‘f zone of ('1 'e''
l f (1: • • i ras )berr t • -
, tinies, the Governor at Nanking lias ' . P I te en or Po Is -n6 d, INN al. , , - ,these were blown into the lake with ail the data at band. lie lives 'il...od4ings for Men-- ,,,e,reid t b ,
• .
of herr'es 1 itsed, there is no danger of the :3' blew ;through 1;..c,ten,a,-,_,,„, Later brightness. filial affection, brother- „GO 1 1,, i , ,, )1131311,1eleb-'3‘).1,,g4,;11;11.S*7111111(elert:iPg1,141'1:aed.Veiribt".1:
modernized the front entrance to season. 1 ie i An asbestos pad or inat makes when the cyclone of Sunday, June for us a,s a shining expitneitt of quite a good. phrase..
,... ,
his yamen. All those large conspic- °rust' with a laVer C4 aPPle saacei
. . an excellent flatiron rest. II this is
nous outside gates to the right and and "ye/. wit-il a la:vor in the summer ot 1S94 it did not ly kindness. moral purity and t" ''''''s* 'ennl'truetnm (21 e'4't '"44'..et14`111
. ,
mill for six weeks, and the forest' piety. What insight be called his If you ask witene a house or shop 41 the juingdfr.al.' ,-,kttailIN.,'a,e3;"0.Ar
left have been torn down and the
and sugai. Put, on an uPPer crus , cover of the ironing board taking
. ,c,iii,side court has boon oleaxed of i bake till the berries are tender and 41,
"7".".: . . ' fl 1`(.• burned several towns in the business career is 520 striking an is in a, (-nua-dlati city you will be e,sx liat ;I' 3,4 43211
,'<) ., • '\ " an 1 ei 1, ' rile.-- 't'i .to.,
inising resit - . ,
i When the drawn work of lineril The first boat. of the season nr- choicest iti3Oa of the itorld's litera- t...r t.nok out the stenographer in al are relcated autoniaticallY, Thel,
ries and syrup or with hard sauce.
Delicious raspberry tarts Can tbLye 1 cov..ers is worn out stitch a piece rived at, South Vert George Oft May ture, It is faseinating in 48 int er.3' tnatollttkiie.'" "'`Ott4M1414...tr" .i,,, iillt 11).1 31-44 se.- free from 4,0lected
made by cooking paste in pa of insertion over it and cut out the 2. It was the ehicotin with 05 tolas est. and astorrisiringb. rieh in ibt t tormant Ilse. There i't• no prokt- point, so that they fly toter tittk
tevse-:11,i.::vgititisusglarelr Is ar:i(illwrhiieriepoecri ; „tall part
beans in waxed paper to keep the .
paste from bubblmg-and fining! a bitsin of water in the oven. This with '20 pasengers mu] GO tom 01 is hot mereb Ihmless-it is' exalt- ciearr.ent, Etkoi5iL opautoritaa., bone .takert are developod. and
the. shells with fresh raspberries, win be a hop in keeping the meat, „eig 1 .
, juices in the meat.
In roastino meat,'t - s'ell t t ' -ft '4 i ed ILI e 4atne dac n r 4 I '' t* ir 'ill 1 ds t" "..".* *4. * •—f r trisp 4 tl ,, I t vraples they
Imo' erneath, I ofi, also, The ,BritiSh VolUnt,hin, 1111:7_1:1::::::. J,Inotse:eilttisv'et:Ita,,,rin;00:1:Isieleil a.aa:::stt,04.3:12nliiliorti wtisowaot;;;te:Llit:it.i 8.47:01:Itsmf:::tiiert;_i.:70....14 Ii4Vils11:ltr7s
,,, I IS Nt e o se (...‘ tes.$ a 1 1. i ., „ wa-0 e. ...o,t ue i °per s - mai , in ;413;11,111, 114,1 ptt t rune n . retnrn ulnae rt, 11 10 A, ; . .,
ti b. • I t I N'-' b' ti l'• .er a • ' f 1 •
'1.11 104 tee water commenceo eu oe er4,..r.zeo, excepyng, peraaps, mon peotok% ......a.ke you grasp.% .;. appear on tne inin-
. _
cream.. I _A cloth wet with alcohol will be get high in British Columhot on .sonte of his Official atts as Niceroy A tailor's shop: After Las ''Stag •
' Another sort of raspberry tart 1 found excellent for cleaning mir- 'May 98. .At Kash> the water sur- of Rgypt-and these must be inter- Rooming House2' which 1 saW 'Zone of Snenee-
It a rubber sponge is weal•ing to si,,,,„,
all the .,,t1(1•:.-tiiiie- fixtures. In the, bel-"ve c • • illui„t,ration of the -effect of chai•aCe• told something like tlis. Queen
1 11 asplierry iee. Ci.ealn calls for pieces malte a bag of Turkish itoivel- ,7"--o 'figiire,s of the Liter -national
niodt,rn rv-otit ha's been.ci•ected, and three pmts of rasPberries' c'
.ling contest for April con- and potent in our day, as it has Fo.art;), ,t;..g.itP.1,711504j.,1: ,r'll:.etnnteei:,intrs'i'il2n;c! •3:1-:fti:IfilIst'''''.111;50.1e11::'41:tliillenIVi'‘tviiiti,In'ina'a'ra'd24.1mil:
,place of the. three front entrances a 1 ',over ing, put the ). , - ' t 't .4..
I ieccs in o I ,,,,sew 1.. ,n., nv`• - 1:er on success that it is pertinent and c p, - ..s, , ,
' hour Mix three pmts ot cream witti The value of fruit ji lc f ih climate B 0 has for stimulating eight characteristics of Joseph have ' - , •
Toseph in N ;LI 4, le,e strt ,t, or i_t Liar , •
The,se, on file block ,./ Q . ., - i. • -, 411 the -next fourteen miles there
all coin., anti go th.r'ough the one an'd mix them with a' euPful '-il- "P a:nd it.will he Praetiealik a: ne'w 'I5b- '
doo,„ 15.5151(1151 , s (ji r,t.nk . r ;., ,,,. , th stand 101- ; " - - thine t -o snow what a wondei•ful 1)een., in e'very past day.
• - .. i t t C 1 •••• ,e. • "I 1.. *
J IIN.,11 screet, wirien
.. _ , two . tablespoonftils of shei•ry. tion is no longer.a question, but a •
heavyweight breeds making reeords *""t1). Filial devotion. lattildr- list you :-kse instead of dress 11u1S.'' NV111-; ag,:-11-•^1 .lear('' 0 ear Y.
Let:. but „For newt:. on 1.,,o.u.r v..0•1.).ee.a.tl,ne ,ex,th,l: <firfitIltittivri, 3:13.10,5thae: ,
4111,11 a cupful and a half of sugar arid l)etterment- of the nbysical condi_ egg -Production, Nct, enI.,v are the been enlimerated:
C 0 1ST1 PATI 0 N 1Freeze and when stiff take out the faet,-. therefore n<,-, bi,eakfast•is righf that have never been equalled, hut
dasher.. pot -the berries and 32 1515.2 without, fruit. the w:hole. of the pens 11;re nearb' (3). Unselfishness and
. readiness Prince littpert I noticed this cond-
. (2). - Absolute Inirity and lioriest.y. shirts: -shirts with bosoms." At ,,,, ' WAS
, i'. -'t1 ft I th' 11ER 81.00u
, hour anel a half: wli en they- are removed, and then ing on siinultancously in tl-to United
. - in the cavity where the clasher was Patent leather 'Sliees slionicl, be doubling in the average egg yield
, . ,„ . .
Soon FeIlows, If The Liver and set away in ice and s'alt for air - . f li, - '
cal e it t. wipt.A. wi 1, a so c o ,
per hen those. of similar contest go -
is Not Active. Frozen tasPherries are a lighte_r a few dyfps ,,,,f olive oil' slionid be states and 'England. ,
------- dessert, delicious ..for a very warm rubbed into them. The Ilse. of the term "blind pigs"
C°"'tilpati°li is °Ile' of th`-s-- most f":- da -y. To prepare. thlan wash a quart To clean carpets, take 083 51 gili of 11 used in' connection with illegal
, ,- ... ' . - . . -..'J raspoeii les. 730ii ;t. .cupful of -t, u rpen title and one- of -ammonia' tra,ffie ,•in liquor ll.as heconle esta-h-
olleilk, ' and' -utile saine time one of the , - f ; , ,•
.1, . - - 1. , - ,. .,.-, .•--, i,• ' . '‘ t 1,1nest serious of i he nmOr ailments sugar ttAI(e ts ro1IL11watel traoi shako well pnu two tabielIs e.( hl4 15 Is s(.to sai lai1-51
tie:ver• ttll
, asY171:1 PI,. acid. the J:aa15, )- 1 ,Sp,;9;01f11.1S 320 cluart:os,. water and oi igi n a, blind pigs \N. e ec,ent
1ftoti,011, of',..,t5i,e` bowels,51 4132 ,e444241 14243 10 51.221124 51, add',tlie •spottire the 'etfipet. "cliscovered 1.'ete Jautie (ache,
• tilo 62401y 011e )k1,10 1 1100 01 1.115(51 fen -Ions :;,tund •Intahg.,a 32111411 Ipvg 1-41.6 l';:itchcit which, being 41 railw;iy canap, 132 111
aspires to 'pey,feet health„ , , \'3 hen It'taX.b:tlu-da§ht•,-fr 40241 and. put ti e \Yee one 's 0.2 (11 the area 511 Iciiieh-tlie sale of liquor
Keel),' the ,bewels Piikr,Z)1 ,32110632-,,..; Clip. and . gloves ,in .-it. He is not allow,ed. shil)rrient of se-
,* 1)24 IIJS. 1210 (132' ,1‘111,BuR2,1s 11 83 `1 1-1 Y With, 51lic frozen :tO 'Put, them 5124 13' ',yen fine large pAirk.I.r5 was recently
'-and.'3'<)11‘.*iY1 (1 2224 the 'vet)" b'est 1221511 .1421. an 110121 01 0-„t'‘'1,1 en he 'eto)les in 13'orri " received- at :Ghat ,place, the. eareases
435132-1*ji '10 Crea311.---llasl'berrY:13a' Pirf-s "(If shat'ed Yellow b,,sin-g c..overed -tvith strong sticking.
of health, .
O. J.- P,T.X3,,..FY,"'Nred,icinellaf, Alta, ' varan 'erearn. is a hot day de.,sert ' -
. 1‘..iitening and co,rnrnon. soda An aecii71(n.l41 led 111u> loc.al chief of
.251 15.1 1Invv.e. been 1(totit51et4 ith"
.1 .-, (15 L-i,o, ;iire
0101ConStiPatir;41'1-01-ill'e laSt COttpls:‘ 4)1: \\-' e- • ver thr' 1r1 the least '0l1<>- to iiivesti,g,ca.tc, and lie di s-
outil t gre,U, Inany '1'1' a Pac--kag° `it Cl )>5 'vater maices a ge°€1 clean --eel inside each ',One o;f the 1)1(11
• '
• ted c1" 11,;j:t.110111: any sticeess, 1)1; t tion foi- 1101:,11 in 115111-83. r? p:aste for entnelecbath's, 'zincno 13
1tst 1 beard LAX. -1,1411 \\ 'nthe. nieant.uiie51151,15,
, , Both pork and whiskey tvtte
Prr,r,s, so 1: gave tliain a „trial.- and 1)ega11 loash a. -(1 >2 12 rasPberries ivith patei)t leather shoes are wiped fiseate,d,.
'gettie.c.- 'better' rigli•L awt-Y, and /10'W 1;1, Ot sugar. 5183(1 let, tlieni Ok :After eic,11 wearing -witti a sof
3.e211" \re,' 122 " clire "' j51-1' ,stalid together an 2105.5.1. ttip inoistened with
1(402.2111 111 ,1icii to 41.254 •();nC‘','' ,';;I:)01;t; ot'ercain to a. stiff froth. Sti•aii1. 4 tilei.ruc
to haip cal v e rti se me ut •"ess Ca e,
(4). Good Eats.'" "Eats' frequently
(5t. ),k.'t,1A:,h• c-i.s,h__ee_rf,tuilnptf-.alai*'in
G,.„od,., .;'a'nd ,use„„d t•-cSto s ,ite-o.mo.t_:fi,ea'un ,'ocfood Iia;n•,n, ,:,theji,loesittsw.:i1,loer
(6). Faithfulnessin littltliiiies• witt Ynniess0t'f("
,.,h°1i1i,:°tt.al,re"d . ;F°' r •T' , , rneg, e:
- ' Years Bu;
(7). Resolution 1131 elltorPrise• (fe, (prkle) a ,asFlnai5CuedByVlbur"'s
(8). Patience and perseveranoogrotesqne 'Hit hitsiriss cala- HeartandNvrv'.lils'
These qualities are Ivitliit the dian brushes ag4tinstyoli he sats, - _ •: -4.:1:1
reacof 11113' I834111 andwill 4)151-510 iiit`PardOn nie.TliftAtrerica1 , MRS;3°Sr}SI1Box2,Cieel-
man' E life successful. • for 4or)-' r:95e(2La,le!nalLiSask, • 4 write itlese
1c,._<few lines hoping they will be a help- to
11110girttell "o 11 ,1,neiisk1;s°m'cleiferilgfralliert111lfilerve''
tiliclt is the Aluttitaii 711116141 of 5y1. troipie,coctoretlfortlree years hut
114e1,,ieeifsi,;143.in.4,ni;a2e4:1)eioTsga,s1,continecioget 0,se1 trirthree
7,li?0,,,Ii01se:01.0-,\,ciI,ts,,,drffereitcetors,222,1. g. no .i.f.,i.
2v 111111 132514141 intt43332
1ssho3 il24,iic1\s1e,i„tied.all the drags 1 o1(1find hut -545
:1c:::. (tl1(,wiic11iv111,,,,,:.l,1Lit1:,3:e:asttIl(1t6lk:te.itil:(:sa11the bittctii'c:er :1!/L1::I-lERT's:11:\PPiI.;5
\32 g11eas.lsl1aiilaft::t11;:::1ii\„„:,),i_1t„i11gs4i1.tci:7frtak:gfi‘eb0:.1got.gre,.-.
llare7011 tA•entv-vive cenits.';,:31a,s124r1":izt,T11t2i:‘(1i1i:INasso1bini onl1veigied
125.1 iV'aSCinflete1Yclred'1164''T'el1;ar”
tomer:'that iolitragelyus1 51 32.2 5)' 22 i: 111 5.2441205224 1-SttO11Sto(a-anCiAiig1)15It.atd
(lcti at Selirnidtfo4.511251.2 Il5.41511)13 ;;1 11 4' >5.2 i; 10 Call it can 110w worktlis1>11-1321051 511 2
cents.0111hni5.._1111.11, 50(4 11.41 tred or lagged outIfa' 11214 ol1
.. '...-'-‘1e,11.‘, '\),' (1011 't, -,,' (I It ' ' 11.0141 Se(),tiar, ci, -,,c-11,0 ),c0•3313 .,. + - . lik;- to bear 11101151 of riw ca,;(• f. -eaould„, , . '
4 32(2
ma,,' good 1:0 -all 'Li.' keeP a PIP coming rain. ' : for ,tt-eiiiy cents, too. \\ L.s. 611,1'1','ie4-i to hezir thi-' .) 051112 :Limited, 'foronto out.
, Been,„„se li,l, is 0,..,,,, .,•,,r t„,,,,,,„:1,..,, 54p4 11. \lt, -.11,,,,i1i.,1„,,,., 1-,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,, ,,S.,,,,ii ,,,,..1 , 1 1:10.,3,1)5,,,,a.tr:taliii.06:.1111:17sercIrariI133,`:q1:illesc,iiiorf,,,:t. (zt, ,
0, vell,'' replied the I.u: C,113, i`, r,,inarl-.4•,(1 b.; hi,: gid ;-;cctl'ef ;Iry LIH11 1, _ Priee; 5) c(.-1,1::,-' per 'f)°'x 'r 3 1"''z'''''s fc't '
11-- -t; 32 3252 4)1.1-('1, 4)5 'eni 1.0. •-,e L' 42':151 ' 4' ''Ic'; '11'''''' '''' \'''-' '' ' c'''''' ' • receipt 01- 1)1•;cf. by The ...1......elill•ait-11•Ce.„,..,,,,,,,,;•;,i,
'do.(1661ilditiOrrenia 1154 :1>lp Clear411:
144 Yla.lf',','for' rto.-Iqr4,03(2 ^s .a bag or draWer n'4'. of., the . atmosphere. one of
•recCilit •
:Orn dttst„ I tbe chatottAefustad, signs ol
•41o. •