HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-04-23, Page 11The Goderich Ftre Department was called out on Tuesday morning to fight a blazing implement shed on ,the farm of Walter Pearson, R.R. 2 Goderich, The shed, its contents, and a pile of debris nearby were completely destroyed, although the depart- ment was able to save a truck parked beside the shed. (photo by Dave Sykes) Op Monday, April 28, • .there' will ble no school for ,the pupils of Holmesville Public School as this is Px'ofessi'rona1, Develop- ment Pay. The teachers will assemble at Victoria Public School in Goderich to -participate in a number of workshops. Once again the Grade -4 pupils„ are .,attending Vanastra -'swimming pool for lessens. The first class was held on April 11 and will. take place for seven weeks each Friday morning from 11 to 12 a.m. This activity is financed by both parents and, the -Huron County Board of Education and GOPE4iCtf SI.GN.AI 7STAR, WF l ESP t: p. was ptiog.coloot we 4re.gr'atetul to both parties for their support. On Friday, May 2,1V.iiss Down' and Mrs. Chisholm's classes will be travell'ibg by bus to Kitchener to see the Garden Brothers Circus. More information regarding this trip will be sent .home• with those pupils involved. As of Friday, April 25. hot dogs will no longer be sold at this scheol.,. However, pop, and chips may be purchased on Friday only! On Friday, May 2 the price of pop will increase to 35 cents a can and the cost of chips will remain at 25 cents a bag. Federation host Resources reps. The Huron County Federation of Agriculture's monthly members' meeting will be Thursday, May.1, 8:30 p.m. at the Holmesville Public School. The topic is the laws which fall under the Ministry of Natural Resources' jurisdiction and how Seniors hold. pot luck diner for 40 by Blanche Deeves Next Sunday, the s ille e_ inthe HolmeChurch will be held at 9:45 a.m., daylight saving tithe. Lasrt Sunday the regular service was held and Hugh Lobb on the violin and Del Schlpen- dorf on the guitar ac- companied at the organ by Mrs. Verna Lobb assisted in the ministry. of music. Mr. Oestreicher talked to the children, telling them about the apostle ,named Peter, a brother to Andrew, whom they learned about the previous Sunday. The apostles were the first followers of Jesus. The theme of the minister's message was "Make a• Joyful Noise Unto the Lord".. The offering was received by Elmer Potter and Ken Harris. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Dres Beck of Ottawavisited with Mrs. Huller and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Batkin and also with other relatives and friends in Clinton and area. Enterprising seniors The Enterprising Seniors of Goderich Township and area held their first pot luck supper in the Holmesville Church on April 17, ' •It proved to be a success with 40 people' present and the delicious and bountiful supper was enjoyed by all. Mervyn Lobb said grace. Following supper, John Deeves, president, called a: short meeting to order with . Mrs. Jean Lobb at the piano. John welcomed everyone to the meeting and Mrs. Cudmore read the minutes while the treasurer's report was presented by Francis Powell. The• card report was given by Blanche Deeves. Correspondence was read by Irene Cudmore and Mervyn Lobb in- troduced the guest speaker, Harry Baker of Bayfield, zone president, who spoke on the rules and regulations and how we should 'take care of other seniorsespecially ones living alone. He also suggested a phoning corn mittee. Mr. Baker`installed the officers: John Deeves, president; Irene Cud - more, . secretary; first vice; Mrs. Jean Lobb; 2nd vice,, Everett Mcllwain; treasurer, Mr. Francis Powell. Blanche '"Teves `"tha d—E'lairre Townshend for coming to take pictures and John Deeves thanked Mr. Baker for coming to the meeting and giving his interesting talk. The entertainment committee was Hazel McCreath and Alice Porter and Hazel got' everyone moving with Simon Says. Watt Webster, played his mouth organ while Dora Heard whistled. Alice Porter had the group play a game ,called Canadian knowledge. Harry Baker, Stratford Fair Grounds Ph. 271.5130 Saturday, April 26 8 p -m. - 8 a.m. GRADES 7 and up admission '4.00 skate rental '1.00 *No person 16 years of age or under will be allowed to leave, between the hours of mid- night and 7 a,m. unless picked up by a parent. (strictly enforced) (adult supervision) (for health sake - roller skate) REGULAR SKATING Thurs., Fri., Sat., & Sun. evenings Saturday & Sunday afternoons sur oim.esville. news Blanche Deeves, correspondent 482-3383 Mr. and Mr's. Mervyn Lobb favoured the group with their 'singing and Happy Anniversary was conveyed to Alice and Bill Porter who were married Registration for softball is on April 26 and May 3 at, the township shed. Del Schloendorf, Art Bell, Pat Rivett are the' softball committee. Swimming 40 years ago odApril .17. will also be repeated this John- Deeves introduced year. all the new members . The Enterprising present and the guest. Citizens are all asked to Hazel then had everyone bring an article for play -things on a penny. 'Huronview's Friday which proved to be fun. ' bingo games." The evening closed with everyone having a very Community notes good time. Don't forget to set your these affect farming operations. Any area of interest to those at- tending will be discussed. Art Carr 'or another representative of the Dept. of Nat. Resources w ill be the speaker. The' Huron County` Federation of Agriculture's Land Use Committee has studied the new. Fisheries Habitat Protection Act and has several resolutions concerning it that .they will present to the' Mrs. Jean 'Ginn, Mrs..: meeting. Isobel Sturdy, Mrs. Phyllis Cox and Mrs. /A� Irene Cudmore all 1�UX. meets travelled 'to Goderich to the Victoria Street UCW's auction ssa�le. Adriiission to the sale was a white elephant. All ladies .'en- joyed the evening. Jean Ginn and Irene Cudmore attended the thankoffering' service at Ontario Street Church Sunday evening. Harbour report The Algorail arrived light from :"Bray C•ity`on April 1.7 and 'cleared with salt on April 18 for Parry Sound. On April 19, the Algorail arrived light again from Parry Sound and cleared the next day for Torohto. The E.B. Barber arrived light from Thunder Bay on April 20 The Zone Rally for clock ahead this weekend r a load of p.o h -:and S°entox rrs e--sta-rt dayligli cleared for Port tantey held April 30. saving, time. Registration 9:30 a.m., Happy anniversary to the same day. meeting 10:30 a.m. at the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porter On April 16', the Labradoc arrived light Hensall United Church. who celebrated 40 years Watch for the annual of marriage April 17, from Thunder Bay and newsletter from the 1980. Our very best cleared with grain on Goderich Township wishes to you both. April 17. Itreturned on Mrs. Grace Walter, April 21 forr another load recreation committee. of grain. Huron Landscaping Ltd. Member of Landscape Ontario PRUNING trees an -d -shrubs R. R. 7 Lucknow, Ontario Phone 529-7247 Dungannon Open 7 Day a Week SURFACE PAVING — .patio stone, interlocking stone, brick SODDING AND SEEDING FENCING — rail style RAILWAY TIES — planters, retaining walls, play structures, edging PLANTING — trees, shrubs, ground cover, hedges WEED & INSECT SPRAYING — 100 gal. and back sprayers LAWN — rolling, 'fertilizing SUPPLIERS OF — peat moss, bonemeal, grass seed, fertilizer, bark chips Professional Design Service ,; TREESw 4• er:r; SIM BS 'fr 4 Mlles South of Lucknow on Huron County Road No. 1 Steve Caslick Iles. 528-6843 and Greg Alton 528-3540 The Huronview auxiliary met in the craft room on April 21 at 2 p.m. The president Mrs. Leona Lockhart opened the meeting by reading a pOem. Mrs. J. G iffiths read , the minutes he last meeting and the roll call was ' answered by 10 members. Discussion then followed to try and get new members The Blbssom Teais planned for June 4. Mrs. L. Lockhart read another poem, andthe meeting then closed and tea and 'cupcakes were served. The next meeting will be May 19. On Friday, May 9, the Grade 5 students will be touring Casa Loxna and the. Science Centre in Toronto. More in- formation concerning this trip will be,sent home with those pupils in- volved. On Tuesday, May 13 at 8 p,rn. our annual spring concert will be held. Mr. Blackwell, our music teacherhas, put together the concert. It will feature an operetta en- titled "The Pied. Piper" with 'the performers in the play coming from grades 5, 6 and 7. The concert will also feature four selections by the band and three selections each by the Senior and Primary Choirs. Tickets. are priced at 50 cents each .and will_-gn_on sale. on May 5. These are limited and will be sold first come first 'serve basis. On May 7 I would like to assemble 2,0 to 30 volunteers to wota through ari . exercise re,o'arding "Charac- teristies. of a Good Teacher". I assure you that it will be enjoyable and educational and wall embarrass no ' one. We will 'begin at 10:15 a.rn. and should take no more than an hour antl'a'half. Pa BRUCE ERS IN . 86 North, 524, .S ' Eh ER VALLE TENT & TRAILER PARK • •:z Situated on the bank of the Maitland River, 4 miles east. of Goderich, on Hwy. 4- - Designed for Family Camping - Modern service building - Store for your camping necessities - Swimming pool and playground - Excellent fishing Fully serviced sites - Seasonal sites avail tt)i- FOR RESERVATION: CALL (519) 524-4141 OR -WRITE R.R. 2 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 1L0 O Be sure to see our SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY! 1980 Grooms are in good hands with us I i�r'.ou at \our Best 'tailored t+" fit tor':n,.n" Come in and choose'from. many new styles and colours "See me to get THE FREEMAN LOOK for that very special'' ' .^ occasion. MAIN CORNER , °" EINTON "NEWLYWEDS" 1980 " HONEYMOON TRIP to the BAHAMAS for one week! Draw to be'mode May 12. Be sure to pick up an entry form here. 484.9732 popularity increases each year' Just ask a corn grower why. Ask the man who grows corn year after year why he uses Ekko 80W- and he'll likely tell you that Ekko is simply the most effective, flexible Herbicide for annual grasses and broadleaf weed control. Many growers found that a herbicide program in a continuous corn operation allowed the build-up of annual grasses. The solution to this problem is Ekko. Ekko controls those problem grasses and broadleaf weeds -whether it's applied pre -plant incorporated, or.pre-emergence, or post -emergence with oil. Ekko is also effective to control quackgrass, especiall when used as a splitapplication. Whether your corn herbicide program begins with Ekko, or whether' you use it as a rescue treatment, you'll find Ekko most effective. Just ask the grower who uses Ekko. Ekko 80W is intended for growers with a predominance of annual grasses in their fields- and who plan to grow corn in the same fields next year. Ekko offers superior control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds; flexibility in application timing; and complete safety to your corn crop. Ekko is available from your local dealer. Before usi rig Ekko 80W " read label'diregtions for correct application. • One Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario'M9C 1B2 "'Registered trademark. CORN HERBICIDE CIBA—GEICO' Agrochemicals Division E-108