The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-04-16, Page 54Zurrhtn, ..•,j ,,..h r. uruilrthli• in quid u
u'cll as yrr, n trail restos.
Green machine
A few pl;uits of summer squash in your garden e;ui turn Mil
vuluahlr• fund like a production lino. One, swilrhrd on h} sun
mor hoar each green machine ran produce two to tliree „quash
per week lur eight lit lwrl.r Meek`.
Ma. hr that', tthl simmer
squash place, high in t he
ranks of x.allrrhle tegetahh•,
... number like and climbing!
A single plant cart produce Ili
to :if; fruits a.i•r,,ging one
halt pi um{ each.. At III tont.
per Ill. .int ;try' eats u; $1.2)) in
$7.111 in squash per plant eai•h
season. 'That's up .to 811 rents
per sit. It.
Hut Illus) ryrrynne plants too
muc h •-„ e.en uxper i.
enred gardeners. Three or
four hills of two plants o'ach
arc plenty fur the average
sized I'arnity. Even one or two
too many squish plants can
force you into deliberately
harvesting fruits at batty
• sizes. This isn't .cry efficient.
Wit h ,just 1 he:right miniher n)'
squash plants in .k our. t4;irden
you will. hake to program }nut•
proriin•ti'an noire i:url'ullt°
One way to increase ihr talo,'
til I'''r,',' \Ides to produce
before the mid,timiner glut
slice, squash prices,
Increased brat, nnpr•.ot.rri
dr;tinage, increased i•ar•hon
dioxide ;t•nd upfinli/ed le. el,
ul plant nutrition ran all work
together to.t;itr )nu ,yqu:nh•
Ili.' tt ill ,•deet I.el. pre ,'nt
,two week, before ) ou't' .
n, t. Iridis Irani cocoons'
nom hhnr.
�"linet• squash is iii i as
For warmer. better drained I,l alar a, ii is.t, Iu.I hlo. "I”' •
soil. strut II% rn,tking hill. or
rea••on i, iii.) toil '•sill use
quit nuurnd,. 1)1111.0. four•
„quaJr Ion salad I"U r.
hui'krir of saint ;old rn:unn'' fnntls and ,lips ,\I�o,. surplus.
in a IL; it in and le% el opt, ; lin he Iro;,'n
a hill ,ihnn) th • divneter Ail a
garbage r'NT"-
l,n5 ..oe Ir."ui n"":"'""I'swanlid. 'Hie • soil • d1,ces trout soup, to bread.
within this raked area will':
warn) up IWs41r• and drain het V:rn h hill of s'1u;,'h "an ,bread
ler..\l'.,t tie mound ttillkeep I' Io yo\,'r 11 s1).It. Thal niuch
your feel oft' the arra whorle spa -0 could .y'eomrnod,it,•
sginii'.hi roots an, i'nrui n n. rr y Trr" ,'getali1T•
tratr•d. ('uniport ion front) our " hl •It, in a .111,111 garden.
weight can squash the air and ''''Cr d he a real
life uu't nl' soil.
le. •I, of carbon dioxide ,uid
hent ear•Ix in the sea,un e.rn
ha -ten matur•,1.. 1ou ,y 1 the
'loge h. nrnrporal lit:
organic niail,•r .unl s,u"I.
Then, poll make hood, of
earlopir, h)-irrlrluu; rle,,r•
grlaair m,•r• :WOW, id' Ir'pud,
of w ire "r w and
Thr• c,ui,i,ir' trap ,i:ul.coo
r,ntrale h,'.11 and e,b„n
iforiAd'. IAii nni,i, liowt•%Cr•,
lailhiullx open ,1 IIIIIi'
chi uney in the lop of I hi.
ranuiies each nr'n'milg in
order to pre% mit your plant,
front' cooking, And don't for
,.Eel to roll or pill up the rdgr,
of 'hl• ramp) .In;lttll .to ad
toil bre. for pollin,lting ihr
Cn nh('r• kr) I•n m:lsinuring
sit ash %alar .i, to bar• esi
Fru.) at larger ,I:e,. 14o,i:ntso
n;udrr n s'lu,i,h h; held, ❑ra
,lea to (i,•\,'lop iou:;h seeds
;un' It;ud ,kin, there 1, no
nerd to liar \,',1 I1'011, al
ii,,. 1t'ait until t.hrt weigh I
to _ pounds. hu) .no loru;er.
!,r„i illi; large fruit, .on the
Now, hor'n's a ,rrret that w ill
assure you .altuthlt' early
rips of s,)uash. Increased
Temperature is
for good carrot
Carrots are one of the
easiest vegetables to grow.
But adverse weather can
cause them to do strange
things, reports Cornell
Take a popular carrot
variety like "Chantenay” for
example. At favourable soil
temperatures of 60 to 70
degrees, roots will assume
the normal wedge shape. But
if you lrarve'st-'roots which
develop at soil temperatures
of 40 to 50 degrees F they will
be long and pointed. Soil
temperatures of 70 to 80
degrees F will produce short,
So. if you• 'trim ...i111i,,h
irru.lrnrl , ihrl•e should Ito no
mors' 4'intttli.e nlid,ununer
ori„ '•\\'ill sunit•h,miy I urn
of')' :ho green machine!"
the key
stumpy roots.
Prolonged low tem-
peratures can cause carrot
roots to be rather pale in
color.' The nutritional value
of pale carrots is not as great
as that of deep orange roots
which have higher amounts
of betacarotene.
Prolonged low tem-
peratures can also cause
flowers to form at the ex-
pense of -edible roots;- -You•
will, see flower heads like
Queen Antie's Lace. Don't
try to eat the roots of
seeders; they' Will be woody
and tasteless.,
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