HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-04-16, Page 49Flower guide for your garden FLOWERS 0 AGERATUM * ALYSSUM USE Low edging Maas bedding, Rock garden, Cut flower, Continual bloom. Low edging, Early end continued bloom, Mese Dodding. Days to Sprout Seed 16-20 Plant Height SUN AND SOIL 6 In. Full sun or partial Shade. Tolerate. dry Soil.' 10.20 2.8 In. Sunny place. Cut beets after peek bloom for fuller flowering. 0 ASTER - * BACHELORS\BUTTON * CORNFLOWER *,BALSAM * BELLS OF IRELAND * CALEND.ULA • _CALIFORNIA POPPY Cut flower., Masa bedding or "border, Late bloom. Cut flowers, Mann bedding. Low edging, Cut flowers. Mae. bedding, Late blooming. Fresh. or Dried. Bouquols. Cut flower, Maas Deddidg. 7,,15 15-2b• 16.20 10-15 1.6.20- 10-15 1.2 ft. Full sun. Avoid ground previously In hetero.. 21/2 It. Tolerate, partial shade' and poor soli, 10-12 In. Tolerate., partial ahedo and poor soil. IVs -2 IL Partial *bade and cool. molet soli. ' Mpse pO, lTg. LSw,ed.ging.. Bock garden. Earlyhlgdmjng,_. .. * CANOYTUFT Maas bedding, Fragrance; Early blooming • CANTERBURY BELLS Masa bedding, Tall bpckgrdund. Cut flowers. ❑ CARNATION Fragrance, Cul flowers, Mass bedding, Late bloom. * CHRYSANTHEMUM, ANNUAL Maps bedding, Late blooming. „ 0 CLARKIA Cut flowersMacs bedding. 2 ft. .Easily grown. 1 Vs ft. Liken cool weather. Poor; Boll or come alkali soll. .- $ tn. . -• Sunny, dry location. Will not transplant. 10-20 15-20 10.15 1 0-15 1 ft. ' Tolerates come shade. Any garden soil, 2 ft. Shady, cool, motet location. 11/2 ft. Full sun and good soil. 5c2D 215 ft. Full sun and ample moisture. t 2 ft.' Tolerates come (.hada. Fairly cool and motet soli. Maae'bedding, Dry winter bouquets. Late blooming. 7-10 11/2 ft. Full sun and ilOht eon.Rock gerdah. Mass bed., Cut flowers, Early bloom. 15.20 211 ft. Cool, moist situation. Cul flowers. Mass bedding, Early and cont. bloom 21 3 ft Sunny, warm place. Tolerates drought. . Tall background, Cut flowers * COCKSCOMB • COLUMBINE• COREOPSIS * COSMOS * DAHLIA -DELPHINIUM e FORGET-ME-NOT PER. ' 15.20 3-4 It. Sunny situation, well drained. • Mase bedding, Cul llowera. Late blooming. 10-15 2 ft. Full sun. Cool. molal situation.' e Tall background, Cut flower., Early blooming. 15-20 4.6 tt. Full sun. Fairly Huh, well drained ,oil. Low edging, Mass bedding, Rock garden, Cut flowers, 15 • 1 It. Sunny location. • Early blooming. . FOXGLOVE PER. tilt GODETIA * GOURDS •' GYPSOPHILAn'l * GYPSOPHILA, ANN. n HEL.ICHRYSUM_ te HOLLYHOCK, CHATERS *-KOCHIA * LARKSPUR * LINUM. ANNUAL 0 LOBELIA. * MARIGOLD, AFRICAN * MARIGOLD, FRENCH * MARIGOLD, TAGETES' * MAT.'EHIOLA * MIGNONE r 1 * MORI-IING GLORY Vine, Late blooming. 10-15 .10.15' II * NASTURTIUM. DWARF Low edging. Rock garden, Cut flowers. ' 15-20 . 1 ft. *NASTURTIUM, GLEAM Mass bedding, Fragrance. Cut flowers. 15.20 2 ft. *'NASTURTIUM, TALL 0NEMESIA • NICOTIANA Tail background, Cut flowers 16 5 It Full nun or partial shade. Goad ge,dan loam. Mass Gadding, Cut flowers. 15 1-2 ft. Partial shade. Fairly moist, cool situ llq on. Vine and dried fruits, 15-20 10.15 If Full sun. Any good garden soli. PER. Small (lowers for mistyllke spray with cut flowers. 10.14 3 It. Any garden Boll, Cut flowers. Mess bedding Early blooming. 16-20 11/2 ft ' Any garden soil. _ _ Dry winter bouquets Cut flowers, Maas bedding,. Late blenming, _ 15.2. __ 2W -{t.- -Full-sun,-Goed-gardm ea.Aoe,. .......... ..... Tall background. - ' 15-20 6.8 It. Full sun. ell drained Boll Avoid moving. . Tail background, Summer hedge. - 10 2 It. Full sun. . Mess bedding, Cut floweret Early blooming. 20.30 2V -3rh ft. Full sun. Avoid moving plants. Maas bedding. 15 1Va 11. . Full sun. Ordinary Boll. ANNUAL Low edging. Rock garden, Mass bedding, Late blooming 15.20 • 4 in. Full sun or partial ahedo. Good loam Tall background, Mass bedding, Cut flowers Late blooming. 8-10 1-3 ft. Full sun. Warm .011, , Mass bedding, Low edging. Cut flowers. 8.10 6-12 in Full sun Well drained son. Low edging; Rock garden, Continued blooming. 8-10 8 In. Full son.'Well drained soil. Fragrance in Morning and evening- ,0 15 in Any Qerden soil. Page 19 Interest grows by Russ Gomme OMAF Interest in horticulture is still growing, and so is membership in t11e Hor- ticultural Societies of Ontario. Now, there are more than 55,000 hor- ticultural society members in 252 horticultural societies located throughout Ontario. There is no minimum or maximum age to belong - just the desire to enjoy horticulture and share the secrets and experience of growing plants. Members represent all livelihoods. Perhaps the senior citizen in the next apartment is a member. This contagious activity fulfills the lives of people in all walks of life. - Many school students participate in Youth Garden Clubs, sponsored by hor- ticultural societies. Several ,—rttiYrinitrlity-gardens, created through the joint efforts of municipalities --and 'hor ticultural societies, become challenges for members, especially young people. Vegetables and flowers are grown to perfection in plots allocated to each member. When show time rolls arct„id their harvest of prize plants become entries to challenge neighbours and friends, Several horticultural societies organize flower and vegetable shows held in c'onjunc'tion with fall fairs. The:. activities and e '-'--"`FFagrance: Cutting with other flowers. 12-t5 1 ft Mout soil. Will not transplant. Vine, cut flowers. 15-20 dtt Low edging, Rock garden, Masa bedding, Cul flowers ., 15.20 8 In. Loam soil. Frpgrance, Masi bedding, Cut flowers, Late blooming. 10 2 ft: Full Sun. Rich, moist soli. * NIGELLAAN Mess bedding. Rock garden, Cut flowers, n P Full sun Very well drained light soil. IPartial shade it moist. Nasturtiums bloom more freely on poor soil. • 15-20 11/2 ft Grows on poor soil WIII not transplant. SV Low edging, Mess bedding, Rock garden. Cut flowers 15.20 6.8 in Moist, cool, rich soli. 'Partial shade. Early end continual blooming ' rl PETUNIA, LARGE BEDDING Mass bedding, Fragrance. 10-12 2 It. Full sun Warm garden loam. (1 PETUNIA, DWARF. COMPACT Mass bedding, Low edging, Fragrance. Mass badding_Cut flowers. Mass bedding, Fragrance. Cut flowers, Lata blooming Mass bedding, Rock garden. • Mass bedding Early blooming, Cut flowers. — --- . Mess badtling, Rock gertlen Lowatlglnp. - Tall background, Mass bedding.Cul flowers Mass bedding. Cul flowers Mass bedding, Rock garden, Cut flowers. Mass bedding. Rock garden, Cut flowers. Cul flowers. Mass bedding. Dry winter bouquets, Masa bedding. Fragrencd. Mass bedding, Cut flowers. Tell background. Seeds for feed. ' Vine. Cut flowers, Fragrance, Early blooming PHLOX_ ANNUAL _S * PINKS. ANNUAL * POPPY, SHIRLEY e POPPY, ICELAND ... * PORTULACA I SALPIGLOSSIS I SALVIA 11 SCHIZANTHUS • SHASTA DAISY 1 SNAPDRAGON STATICE 1 STOCKS * SUNFLOWER • e SWEET WILLIAM Maas bedding. Fragrance, Cut flowers, Early blooming second year. VERBENA Low edging. ging. Mans Late Fragrance, Cut flowers. L 'Il-VIOLA Low edging. Maes bedding, Rock garden, Early and comfnued bloom. e WALLFLOWER Mess bedding, Cut flowers, Early blooming. * ZINNIA Mass bedding, Cut flower.; Late blooming. 10.12 I V: ft. Full sun. Warm garden loam. 15.20 8.16 in Full sun Well rained soil 10-15 1 ftFunsun Any -good garden sell. ' 10.14 2ft - Full sun Light sell WIII not transplant —15 - _ ' 1Yr fl Full sun or partial shade. Light soil Avoid moving .... -15 —4:6 in Sandy, dry soil-Toleralas tlrought. alkali •-- - - sun ly r . _._ . _._........ �.. . 15 --2Wit Full . Fairly rich gertlen Boll 15-20 • 11/1 11 __ Sun or partial ehede Well lined eon 15.20 t5 in Ful sun. Moist gertle,A n loam_ ._ • 10-15 2 It. Full nun Well drained soli 10-15 11/2-21/2 Ii ,Full pun or partial shade Good garden loam 15.20 241 ft Full sun. 10-15 1.2 ft. Foil sun Cool, mole; garden lo_am ._- _ - .. 10-t5 —"Vali:" Full nun W4,717 411, Boll. _ _ _ 10.15 6 Il. Full sun Vary rich, well drained loam T- /t2 ft Sun or partial ehede Well drained soh. ... Irrogr'ams of horticulutral - 7520 -- —1 1t. --Full nunn.. Warm, dry roil. -'_ societies are varied. Many • - 15.20 6-8 in. Shady. Cool and moist. Blooms quickly from spring �ti(' ll't ICS, . like those ' in sown seed. - - - 15-20 tyl r' Beat In cool climates with winter protection. Clinton and Gone' rich, 5-10 11/x•3 It. Full sun. Thrived In•heal. Rich, warm,,well develop new public gardens drained sal. and parks in ,thcit', com- munities. Some organiie short courses for local residents.. MHst societies meet monthly to . discuss * Seed usually sown outdoors where plants are to bloom. Start seed, indoors if early plants required or outdoors whensoil and weather warm. • Biennials and Perennials — sow seed outdoors June r July. Protect plants for Winter. HOME SAVE ITIS OUR FIRST ANNUAL SPRING FLING! A IVEMENT CHECK OUT THESE SUPER SALE PRICES IN EFFECT TILL MAY 31st 0/0 OFF MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST PRICE ON ALL IN STOCK DASHWOOD-DOORS- & WINDOWS ✓ik t -J When you buy Dashwood you're •getting remarkable quality! Buy now from us and 'get equally remarkable savings. Save 28% off the list price,. You pay only 72' for every 11.00 worth. Plus,' we have over 112,000 of inventory in stock to choose from! Quality, DASHW/®OO selection and prise! See us today. . iNv.,snn,Es LIMITED FLOORING REMNANTS s; specific horticultural sub- jects: Beautification com- petitions, organized by the societies, encourage., to spruce up + their premises and neighborhood residents ' to plant trees. Annual clean-up and plan- ting campaigns are equally beneficial. The lives of people in many communities have changed dramatically because . of their interest in horticulture. The attracti ve appearance of several Ontario corn- munities'can be traced to -the dedication of horticulturally - minded people who realized the. need to create pleasant surroundings. Horticultural societies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to en- courage interest in hor- ticn-Iture:'=- -- For many years, the provincial government, through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, has provided incentive grants. to help horticultural societies maintain local horticultural interest, Every municipality is permitted to have a local horticultural society. The local library, municipal office or Chamber of Comma ce in your com- munity will knov, when and where your horticultural society meets. If there isn't a local sol iety write to the Ministry if Agriculture and Food, Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Branch, Ontario Legislative Buildings, Toronto. Ask for instructions and requirements to fol m' your hor'ti<'illRit'al sot. 'Pty. • SAVE o O OFF THE PRICE OF ALL -LUX F:.iri� 5, OFF ALL WALLPAPER ORDERED UNTICMAY 31st FREE INSTALLATION ON ALL KITCHENS BY BELVEDERE & MERRILLATT PURCHASED BEFORE MAY 31st IT'S THE SALE OF THE SEASON! DROP OUT TO OUR HOME CENTRE TODAY AND HAVE A SPRING FLING WITH SAVINGS! GORD SMITH CARPETS & BUILDING SUPPLIES-' r .• • t1/ Stie• 1 MILE EAST OF GODERICH ON HIGHWAY NO. 8 PHONE 524-7123 „WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD DEAL ON Kitchens, vanities, exterior plywood, nails, garage doors,' paint & ac- cessories, ceramic tile, brick, hard surface flooring, carpet and more... - S VSE -- • ��r• '7• �f i 'f 0 1 y� ,r �rr�t. �14•w•- }^1` e,.. • • ,{ r S% �I t�Y(� ,,,r' `�p'' ..sir',.''.' ir trT�Y• rl-:I� •� `l ,OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAYS 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT