HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-6-19, Page 7JOKES BY THE TOBBLERS
Boys and Girls Say .Some Rea/IY
Witty Thinge Quite Dino.
When the Stomach is Wrong the
E, Whole Body Suffers—How to
Keep It ,Healthy.
Indigestion is oae of tatO DIOSt
distressing maladies afflicting man-
kindi Tho, stomachis enable to
Stories of children have a charm perform thc work nature calls epen
all their own, and there, is a reason it to do, and the resnit iseXtreme
--the humor of a child's remark is pain after eating, nausea, heart -
unconscious. burn, painful fluttering of the
Willie, aged four, had been in- her ick headache, and often a
vited out to tea with his mother, loathing of food, even though the
and, while he was beiiag dressed for sufferer is. half starved. People
the occasion, the delights in store with poor digestiion aro prone to
for him had been depicted in glow- try all sorts of experiments to aid
ing terms, the process of cligestion, and tberei
While his mother eliatted withlis only one way in which the trouble
agitheir hostess, Willie sat in eolemn can be aeibially enred, and that is
eilence, and at last the lady of the through the blood. That is why tho
honee rozei
ow I mast bring in. tea," she
. announced; then added: "Would
Willie like some tea?"
flis Star of floe.
Thechild eyed her in As
went, and, in a deeply -hurt tone,
"Why, that's what we came for
Outside it was onowing hard, and
the teaoher eoasidered it ben duty
to warn her charges,
"Boys end girls should be lieu
eareful to avoid 'colds at this timo,"
the said widen -lady, ".1 had a darl,
ing little brother, only seven years
old. One day he went out in the
snow with his new sledge, end
caught eold. Pneumonia set in, and
iu threo days he was dead,"
A hush fell upon the seboolaroorn;
then A youngster in the baelt row
stood up and Asked ;
"Where's his sledge'?
It is to be feared that Tommy
was not so kind to his little brother
Robert as he ought to have been,
.1Ie tried hard to shake him off, so
that be might go and play with
older boys; but Robert stuck close,
"You should be ashamed to treat
your little brother in that way,"
admonished father. "Ile ought to
be sacred to you."
Tommy made no ropy; but later,
when, ho believed himself to be free
from parental observation, he ad,
&eased Robert fiercely:
'iilways taggin' after me If you
weren't sacred, I'd break your faee
for you,"
Edith, aged six, had just been
told that she bad now two little
baby brothers—twins.
She looked thoughtful ---very
thoughtful. At last she &poke;
"That's funny! Minnie and I
both prayed for a baby brother, but
we meant the same one I"
Their Selection.
Another story told by two little
'girls:, this time on the, Way from
school, is equally worth recording.
They had quarrelled, and Mabel
became vindietiiie.
"I don't care," she said. "You
are only an adopted child. Your
mother and father aren't really
"Don't care, either I" retorted
Jenny. "My father and - mother
picked me- out I Yours had to take
you just as you came I"
The inspector had called to in-
spect. Had he known how well
Miss Primly, the school -teacher,
had all her little boys and girls
trainedhe would have been on his
-guard. As it was, he eyed • the
youngsters benignantly, rocking
back and forth cia his heels, and
with his hands thrust deep in his
pockets. ,
"Now, children," he begane,in
uctuoits tones, "I wonder if yoa
know who I am?"
There was an expectant silence
and one small hand was raised.
"Well," said the inspector en-
couragingly, "who am 17"
"You're no gentleman," was the
piping reply, "or you wouldn't have
your hands Pi your pockets I"
tiorce of Example.
tooie treatment with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills curea even tho mast ob-
stinate vases of badigestion. They
make, the rich, red blood that
strengthens the eitomach and its
nerree, -anis enabling it to do its
-work, The proecee la simple, hitt
tho result means A good appetite
and inereased health and pleasure
in life, Mr„ R. Luesier, of Sorel,
Que., offers ample proof of this.
Ho says; "For several years I was
a sufferer from indigestion, Anti the
torture I suffered after xneale was
often almost uneadurablo. Often
would go without a meal rather
than undergo the sufforing that fol-
lowed, Aocompanying the trouble
I had headaches, dizzinees, and of-
t -en a feeling of nausea, All the
time I was taking one 'medicine af-
ter another i the hope of getting
hut without email Finally
I road Of tho ease of A similar stif-
ferer cured through the 'use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pillnd I deeided
to try them, I took therpillssteadi-
• Lor about six weeks with resitit
that I was fully mired, and could
eat anything I eared for. I may,
4 that I have nob since had any
•Itrn al the trouble,"
you ari> suffering from indigea-
tion do not Waste tme exporimerst-
but begin to eure yonrself to-
day with Dr. Piuk Pills,
which go right to the root of the
trouble through the blood. Sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co,, Broekville, Ont,
Can Be Rept Practically Fresh for
The following is taken from the
Farm and Fireside
"There are just two methods of
storing eggs for future use that are
worth considering. The first of
these is to place them in a cold-
toralee plant until needed. The
other is to keep them by the use al
water glass, or silicate of soda.
This is more convenient,, and for
the family costs less.
"Eggs kept in a solution of wa-
ter glass for eight months are prac-
tically as good for' every kitchen
purpose as freslr eggs, except for
the purpose of boiling. To be boil-
ed successfully a small hole should
be made with a needle in the large
end of each egg, to permit the exit
of air from the egg, which other-
wise will burst the shell.
"Water glass is not a preserva-
tive. The eggs keep in it by rea-
son of being hermetically sealed in
their shells. The eggs to be kept
should be perfectly fresh and clean.
It is better that the eggs be infer-
tile, though this is not necessary.
'Another requisite is that the re-
neeptacle in which the eggs are
placed be of stone, earthenware or
wood and not ofmetal, which might
rust and discolor the eggs, and that
it be perfectly clean. The eggs naay
`13e stored all at one time, or as
gathered front day to day.
. "-Water glass may be bought at
any drug store at from 50 cents to
$2 per gallon. We buy it in tins
containing about a quart and cost
fifteen cents each. These tins will
preserve fifteen or sixteen dozen
eggs of ordinary size. Each quart
of the fluid should be diluted with
eleven quarts of water, boiled 30
minutes and allowed to cool before
mixing. After mixing pour into
the receptacle which you have pre-
pared. The eggs are now placed in
the water 'glass. We generally
plape them in with the little end
down. The fluid should come three
inches over the eggs when all are in
the recentacie.''
Jane , Was the elder, and, at the
party, telt responsible—for the he-
, ,
havior of her younger sister
a? 3.
Madge.. -
Therefore, it., shocked her terribly.
when Madge proceeded to put
hard-boiled 'egg in to- her mouth---'
whole. St,raightway Jane. reseifrom
ir Win. Dillon Otter, li.C.B.,
neral Otter, or Sir Wliam
Dillon Otter, K.C.B., 0,N.O., as
he is now, is the most widely known
of the five Canadians honored with
knighthood 'in the list of King's
birthday honors recently. Re is
the "Grand Old Man" •of the Cana-
dian military service. )Efc started
as a private in the Queen'e Own
Rifles, and served in the supnres-
eion of the Fenian Raids in 1366-
Ile also served in the Northewest
Rebellion, in 18$5, and commanded
the first Canadian contirigent to
Smith Africa in 1899. That ieto
say every time, sin
sine awayback in
the early sixties, when Canadian
troops have beea called on to fight
the battles of Canada or the Em-
pire, General Otter was in the cam-
her place .at. the table; ivalloci over ,
1110 dinner "bY. tihe''t°11° ° 1)110 be the b'tiinea fowl has been class-
ed as belonging to the same family
Ai woman can make pie, out f
d f wl He -has proved
a,lnioste any old tiling. e omes o „
to the (lelinquent,.and adrniniteed
r • , ' • • .•
a sound box. on.tlie eat
,11„Ladge had a tearfail tale to tell
her mother .When they got
arid'. 'Mother remonstrated ' with
Jane. , • • •
'How could you, dear 1'' ,she
asked;"A0din publio, too t'?
was the reply; •.`ilE: just
...wanted 't.p. show • them that, eVeniiif
Madge .•rbehaved • ' , badly I, at
least, haiveipoid
naanners., ---London Answers. e
Have Been An
Untold Benefit
New Brunswick Woman ?raises
Dodd's Kidney
She Suiferied for Four Years, and
the Innittor Cotild Not Help Ile
But Dedd's Eldney PiUs Gav
Her a New Lease of Life.
Porton, Carleton GO., B., June
10 (Special). --"I find ,c,old's Eid-
ney Pills the beet kidney medicine
htlYe ellOr nad. Thev laa.ve itc,en
of witold benefit to me."
The speaker is Mrs. John S. Dick-
inson, of this place, She is enthu-
siastic in her praises of the great
Canadian kidney "remedy, and net
without reason
"I suffered from kidney trouble
at started in a cold," She contin-
ues. "And for four years 1 was
never free of it. I Was treated by
a. doctor, but he did not seem to be
able to do nee much good.
'I had rheumatism and neural-
gia, and my joiuts were stiff my
useles wore eramiPe4, and 1wes
alwaystired and rierii0114, 1per
red freely with the slightest ex
ertiooi 1 was depressed and low
spirited, my linibe swelled, and
had a dragging sensation aeross
the loins,
"Nine boxes of Dodd's Efdnay
Pifla made a pew woman Qf
Aro not Mrs,. Dieldnsonis. spire
Lorfts t1106e of any rundown worn-
out woman' They are also the
symptoms of kidney disease,
Dodd's Kidney Pills give new WO
tO run -dawn women by curing
their kidneys.
Sir Wtflia
He was appointed
and in 1910 became InspeeLOl
General of the Canadian Militia 0
the expiration of the term of Mae
jor-Geueral Sir Perey
being the first time in the history
f Canada that our senior officer
was a Canadian. In December,
al% Generti, Otter retired from
the serviee, and was succeeded by
General Cotton, chief of thO Tanen-
to distriet.
General Otter has been a strict
diseiplinarian, but he has been very
popular and has tivo combination of
edesty and daring which wins the
ospect 4:4 anon, especially in antine,
out door work of any kind.
knighthood is richly deserved.
N'a other medicine -will so quid:1y
euro colic as will Baby's Own Tab-
lets. They regulate tho bowels,
sweeten the stomach and drive out
every traee of this trouble* Con-
cerning them Mrs. Wm. A. Smith,
Itockhaven, Sask., writes: "I like
Baby's Own Tablets and elways
keep them in the 110uSei. Whenever
my baby has eolie I give her a
couple of Tablets and she is !soon
well again. I know of no other
medicine for little one,s to equal
them." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at '25
cents a box from The Dr. -Williams!
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Studies of Prof. Reichert of Char
aeteristies of Men.
'Prof. Edward T. Reichert has an-
nounced interesting diseoveries of
blood characteristics. He says that
as soon as he has completed his ex-
periments he will be able to differ-
entiate between the blood of a
Chinaman, Indian, negro and other
Dr. Reichert says he has found
tha,t it is possible to tell positively
the blood Crystals of one animal
from those of another. He ,clescribes
his discovery by enumerating some,
of the animals that he has re-classi-
fied. In the old method of classify-
ing animals according to their
tribes, the bear was always placed
in the same family as the dog, the
wolf and the fox. By the new me-
thod ,of comparing the blood crys-
tals of those animals, Dr. Reichert
has proved to his satisfaction that
the bear is related closely to the sea
lions, and the seals, and is not re-
lated to the dog, the wolf, or the
You can't judge the qua ity In the ,bird. world Dr Reicher
The One -Terns Idea,
i"Don't ivou think it would be a,
"c;CPC1, thing if cur legislators were
tin4Oto one .terill
eta on
✓ ias
also to his satisfaction- that the
guinea fowl's blood' crystals are
like the oStrich's.
Dr. Reichert's report decla.res
that the crystals of man's blood
are light, rectangular plates and
rods, and those of the „ orang-
outang, the chimpanzee, the bai
• boon and the monkey, Are nearly the
Same form but Still se different
that each can be:distinguished from
the, others, In the same -way the
blood crYstals'of,the gorilla can be
.diatinguished from 'those of the
erang'-iontang,, and they have a ceri‘
likeriessitio- those ofitha negro,.
m f
waste matter fro,the 9qdiwhich
c°11Cet° •th,er.q /.9t Tici el at ie4st
once adalY, it deake and potters! t
•ebod ca n biliousness, in
todiald sick heroii.
tind other harsh r .011 t
irritate the delicate I
bowels, Dr. &torte's Ellt1 Root
Mk( entirely vegetab
the bowels effectivelyI?, thoiat *teak.
ening, sickening or griping. Use
r. M ors eLs
1 11
man 'who an oeeds m
sed of equal parts of
ad cheek,
nian will get along p
wall e keeps his heart warm
Lis head cool.
Some men are more teusibive to
the toueh than others, as many
thronie, borrower has discovered.
We CAO get ueed to anything. The
longer a man is married tbo less
he seems to mind it.
The fellow who blow bis own
horn is always it soloist.
Charity begins at home, even
when the home doesn't need it.
liven the eontinual chringina of
one's mind is apt to wear it outi
Betting is a fool's argument, but
we don't realize it until we lose.
The people who are quick to take
offence have no difficulty in finding
a plentiful supply,
It's a good thing to make your
money grow' but a -dollar always
looks largestwhen it'sithe only one
you have,
If we had our lives to live over,
it would enable us to make our
mistakes easier.
Success is always due to our own
efforts; failure we can blame on
someone else.
Even the people Nyho realize that
the wages of in is death console
themselves with the thought that
payday is a long way off,
Travel will broaden some fellows
almost as much as a padded vest
It isn't ignorance of the la,w that
defeats a client so often as the ig-
norance of his lawyer.
A woman hates to feel that she
is old enough to be justified in ly-
ing about her age.
The girl who thinks no man is
good enough for her is quite sur-
prised to find that the men are
satisfied to have her think so,
Money a man has saved repre-
sents the good times he didn't have.
Hair Dry and Lifeless. Almost MI
Hair Out on One Side of Head.
Used Odic= Soap and Cuticura
Ointment, Hair Coming in Nicely
and Scales All one
176 Adelaid.o St. St, .10M;
oared ray little boy or a bad case of dan-
druff with:. cutieur4, Soap arid Oiintinenr,
d andr
romied on ids
bead soon after
birth. 1eio ints
VR. -4 dry aria iirQ-
Citskes aod aiiriasti
cub on ono
aide of Ms b.end...
1 vaashed the lit,
e head twice a
claY with werna
V.(,? l's and Cult -
Soap; drieil It; and Writ
ato otichra Ointment mad in about
ea hoar took a very fine little t.a.mab., and the
dandre would lift oft in sheets, Aga some
of ti,, hair woadtteoe too, Then I woaldt
pht Sante Ottiicursi Ointment on auci lopes
pain, tat time to rasa tho beati agahl,
VOr.--tt a iiimo be.4 et Ckitieura Ointment
with the CutleinA Soap mid Ws tAr
coming in nicely and, eba welts ail Celle,
Today he llatt s II -ICS a head of Lair and
ra free from dal3Oraft es you wouta
(Sicaed) Mrs. Cir,,E'essr,iidiir
411610 nIsof Ctiagariii Poan Anti tie=
of Cutieura, Onxp.5 are °No Mit4P4044
trben alt oleo besroiled„ Ovid by druggists
And dealers Averpsfierei Liberia sample el
eanti planed free. th- ati-p,
Address poet card 'Potter Drag
Com., Dent. 32Di Doetoa., 11. 8, 4,*
Dalmatian SpecieThat Under-
stands Cookery.
The extraordinary habits of the
harvester ant have long been
known to naturalists. Certain spe-
cies not only harvest and store in
1 granaries the seeds upon -which
:they, feed, but actually plat and
cultivate an animal crop of their
food iseodsi
Still more remarkable stories are
id of an ant that is Common in
Dalmatia, the Messier barbatus,
According to Dr. Neger, of the
Dresden Forestry Sekool, tiffs ant
not .only cuts leaves and gathers
secds, but actually makes bread or
biscuit! The, seeds are first sprout-
ed, thee carried into the .situ and
dried, then taken back t
dergrotind enamiiers, where they
are chewed ilito a dough, The
doughis then finariy mode into tiny
cakes, ;chic:1i are baked ie the see,
then carefitiiy, stored for filtilre
UF -e,
From these oliservatiions it would
appear that, the, art of cookery is
EOL confined to the human race, All
-eking is done h, the sun, whether
;lis the ripening oi fruit or in the
iilesid in a stove. Ihe
VACCINE TO ROUT iriiiviloio?
hieago Health COramissiolicr Pre-
dicts Its Eradication.
adication of typhoid fever
near future through Art
mid vaccination, is the nrodZc.'
of Health Coromissiotie
Young, of Chicago.
After several years af exper
ents hy tho governments of the
United States, Great Britain,
France, and Germany, more than
100,000 immunizations f aern "the
great American curse" were re-
These conclusienS,
states, aro accepted by pr
all authorities:
1, Anti -typhoid vaecina
fors it notable immunity again
phoid infection,
. 2. It reduces by 75 per cent,
case incidence of typhoid in group
of individuals submitted to nrinn
3. It reduees the fatality rate
typhoid about 430 per cent.
4, The disease runs milde
roars° among tho previously i
munizecl who contract it than
does among those not so treated,
The health commissioner reecnin
mends all Chicagoans to obtain
anti -typhoid vaccination before
leaving for vacations, as this class
furnishes a large part of the city's
autumnal typhoid.
Sass '-the ireporiino
Please the
Home Folks
By serving
They are among - the
good things to eat, but not
in the cook book, because
they require no cooking.
Toasties are always crisp
and appetizing—ready. to
'eat direct from the pack-
age.- You save heaps, of
time and avoid hot work
in the kitchen.
Some rich cream—sugar
If You want it—orcool
fruit juice, with these fluf-
fy bits of corn, and you
have a dish that is fascin-
ating for any meal of the '
Toasties are sold b
grocers everywhere.
Canadian Pastaza Cereal Co., Ltd,
Windsor, Ontario,
; beat outaineol from fuel is
; stored IT sunlight, set
1, Tim Arab and the native Mexican
speak of rine fruit. as fruit which
.bac been cooked in the sun. The
!ant has somehow learned the Air
iof see cookery, tlm ovally& with
1whicii it irlei§teMi the grain proba-
bly taking tho plaeo of yeast And
sweetening through changes set up
by its, influence upon stareb,
and P4L.
htst!P•eat — then oe
aninfateum tsoubt
Any Ileadaclie .Cntek.
rackeige, T
her towns sod- eft
;Aga etlier tom.
W4lONOft5M '*t -TOMO%
0 ERRE 7631E.
-- proved tarps,
Pest graiu ?qui
Write eiieuratP,Ps4P?r,
Trade. lifuseholdt. $4,01t,
tlMjt #
EMPliOnlEis "ES 'IOU
right- "Learn barber 4t1TSY
Sur -0 inoinvnienr for bilrfier. 0,0 4.712:
tornvon azetaeee, een#iaet Pract)re ctn%
You for Priiiiiien in,
abort time. Sood tor eatalccue. !doter
Coliegai 24 Queen E., Toronto,
PIe, iI
QuIs5ssst cure
t P
never POVatI to Mese whit
Ws Me, and this
W tbe Assistant
11, Canander,
bettet dieino %ban
iiron'o Pills. W WO them rerular
Nr of marvelous cures that
Lnsr else. Tlicia oleaMisi tb
net. at; a tonle ell the
blood, ealtveri digestion, lie%) tiro stern.
In and malio you feel strong and well.
indinmaion and stoniach
am VOria41011, that, the one
nreseriu n is Dr, lIatuilionie
nr ompokied of natural vegetable
'tUe, Dr. Hamilton's rais essers
real power.Yet they are harmless. 'navy
ths tsonnected with the stow
and bowels. In consequence,
rood 15 properly digested, lilt blood is
pure and nourishing, tbe body is lent
strong and resiotis disease, all
and ntoreiceepers sell Dr, Ilamition's Tins,
, per box, .5 for SIM, or by mail from
the Catarrhozono Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and
Eingsthu, Canada.
Not to ;be man wbo has to move abut,
but a slight application of "Putnam's"
softens the thickest iSilelul and curca the
bunion quickly. 31.1f3t US good for warts,
lumps, and eallaueee is Putnam's Painleas
Corn Extractor. Use no other, 55c. at all
What Ile Did.
In "Little Humorists at School,"
H. J. Barker tells a story of a
school mistress who asked one of
the little girls in her class, the
daughter of a man who was not
always so sober as he ought to have
been: "What is your father"
"Please, mise," was the prompt
reply, "when le's working he's a
bricklayer; but when he's out of
work he's a teetotaler."
Kinard's Liniment cures nIstemosN
Still Reep :Kissing Custom.
The custom of "tutti-men" par-
ading the town and exacting kisses
from women and "heaclpence" from
men was observed recently at Hun-
gerford, Berkshire, England. It
dates from John o' Gaunt, about
1370. All the women inmates of the
workhouse insisted on being kissed.
At the laundry the girls were par-
aded and each tutti-man selected
two to receive his kiss. The men
visited other places in the town and
found the women and girls for the
most part quite willing to share in
the celebration.
So Elite nN'ran—and a Man.
Husband --Xy love, we must get
rid of that cook. Did you ever see
ao worse -looking chop than the one
I've just put an my plate.?
Wife—Yes, dear; the one you've
just put on mine!
finnard's Liniment Cures colds. Eta.
Then and :Now.
The Governor (sternly—When
was your age, my boo. I was mak-
ing an honest living. The Bay—
now look at you!
ti—ige-12" Try Murine Eye named
No Smarting —reels Pin o—A oto Quickly
YO no Try ttf,or Red Weak Watery Eyes an
Granulated Eiellds 'illustrated
EY' e-satei
1I1 each Package. .3105155 Is cern
e e tri Vdni:'..ferrglbff PITbagrinettritld2' by
Drugglets at 15c -50c per bottle. liurIn
al re Eye Salve In ASeptie Tubes, 2.50-100
Moline Ey Remedy Co., ChIcago
"Ever lose a surgical case?"
"Nope. I thought I was going t
lose one once, but it came out al
right." 'The patient came nea
dying, eh 2" "Oh, he died. Bu
his heirs paid for the operations.'
Stinard's Linlment—C—"ures Carpet In Cow
Beware the Dust.
It is safe to say that if a sarnpl
of dust be taken at random fro
any office, warehouse, shop or Inc
tory, and properiy tested for germ
the tubercle bacillus, or the ger
of •censumption, will invariably b
found to be present in large num-
bers: Now, it in the inhalation of
dry, germ -laden dust that, is the
commonest Call so of consumption,
so that anything that tends to stir
up 'this dust, which i,vill be breathed
in, is literally "tempting Provi-
dence," nspec:ally in weakly and
anaemic persons with consumptive
tendencies. As far as possible re-
move all dust from your work and
neighborhood by means of a damp
,dusier ;'never apply dusty fingers,
stamps, envelopes or other objecti
capable of carrying disease germs
to your tiongue.
55 sleiiiaaata.
toe lartio
ichrttend St. woiti
orcnto. Kong It, =7244
\Vesulsome Ant eipa
Quid 'aid soca
Uve ut workini."
'What area working ab TIOW r
"Oh, 1 a&do/rf nothin" now,
lot it gite 80 blame tiresome ex -
tin' 1 mity have to begin almost;
arsy time."
YS LINIMENT Is Tho entr iiirdi
iseniIll&td for at my store ad the onlY
ne we ep for sale,
Alt ibo peopa uSo it,
leasant Bay4 Cli.
. swear
Queer Job.
"Here s a man who has a queer
said the Cheerful Idiot, as be
up from his paper.
'What does be do i' asked the
"He is bookkeeper for a
replied the Cheerful Idiot.
Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Home is a place where a man ca.n
and do other things that
it anywhere else he would be
in for disturbing the peace.
Gibbs—Don't you think some ol
modern dresses are rathex
Dibbsa-No '• but I'll re.
my opinion of their wearers.
Capacity 1,500 pounds.
) Wired sides. Fully equipped. 10 ILIA
i engine.
• Price 01,000.00 each.
100 Richmond St., West.
Toronto. Phone 11. 2072-5-4
rmaarca, ---c--
' Lawyer---Thei prisoner pleads that
he has the •grip. your 'Honor.
Plaintiff—That's right-,ihe's got
Vacation Trip
. Niagara 'Falls, Torente, Thou-
sand iIsland, , SI. La-wrence
'Rapids, Montreal, Quebec and
, the ' Saguenay River—ono of
lin tnis rels1 most iMpresSive
, scenic womlers.
i tow rates fortiekets 'including nlealo
,and berths. For infor-
'nation apply to local
ticket. agents . or
illugh.n.,Raternon, .
' :Gen., Agt.; Toren -
to, Ont., or . IL,
-. Foster Chaffee,
P.T.M., -Mont-
real, Ulm.