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Exeter Times, 1913-6-19, Page 5
sP THURSDAY JUNE 19tla 1913 ,AMERICA'S GREATEST FAIR GOODS ARTIST Prot Doreniwcn� of Toronto To Central ti4iel, Exeter Thursday, June 19th to replace hair on the heads of LADIES & GENTLEMEN, who have lost their hair, By his Beautiful and natural hair constructions which are known all over the world EVERY WOMAN AND MAN can be made to took Younger and have the natural arotec- Vion to the head, which means REALTH COMFORT AND A U00D APPEARANCE Ladies 4ito not miss this OpportR nity, See ITIS TRANSFORMATIONS 11iWITCHES, WAVELETS, POMPADORS, FULL WIGS, CURLS ETC The DorenwendSanitary Patent ou ee GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD In'otec and adorn your mid head with human hair. . In order to itave a c conception of the wonderful achievement in the art; of Bair urians i g . r tt i nx tree;tng, et ei.y batt man should call and see the largg sarzxiile tl3ioGk of TOUPEES and. FULL W1OS, which Prof, Doren - wend will be slatssG"iatg, These'wonderful coverings. areso natural 'n appearancet p t de, tectionle impossible. They are adjusted so securely to Any head that they cannot cone off, t:gcept at the wearers wish, They wall sive a young and softening expression to the face, ,A o Fre. Demonstration is ex ro all, come and baring your friends he Centnal ]Hotel, :Exeter, oaa Thurs" lay, June 10th. WM also be at Mit Chell. Ilius House, iionday June lOtb Blyth. Commercial Hotel, Tuesday Tune 17th Gettetece, Hotel Bedford, Wednesday June Idth, �lI The Times and Daily t lobe or .Daily all& Empire for the balance of the year for $1.35 To Subscribers 'with mail boxes we willse.n' the Daily Globe or the :Daily Mail and Empty .for ono year frail date on receipt of 2,a Other Papers can be had at the Following Rates Times and Weekly Globe . , , .. , , , , • Titres and Daily GIobe , .. , .. . , , . 4 Times and Daily GIobe, Rural Route . , , , . , . , 3 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire .: 1 Times and Daily Mail and Empire .......... . . 4 Times and Daily Mail and Empire, Rural Route3 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... • z Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ...... . , .... z Times and Toronto Daily Star ~.+....:..2 Times and Toronto Dai lY News .,. , .... .. .2 Times and Daily World •3 Times and Farmers' Advocate .... .,.......20 3 Times and Canadian Farm (weekly)...So Times and Farm and Dairy ... .. , ....... t So Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press .... _ _ . , .1 6o Times and Daily Advertiser ................. 2 35. Times and London Advertiser (weekly) .....1 6o Times and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition .......3 35 Evening Edition .....2: S Times and Montreal Daily Witness .. , . 3 53 Times and Montreal Weekly Witness , , ....'.....'.. 1 85 Times and World Wide. . .... • ... • ...: 2 25 Times and Western. Home Monthly, Winnipeg,._. i 6o Times and Presbyterian .. 2 25 Times and Westminster ..... ....... , z 25 Times, Presbyterian and Westminster .... '3 25 Times and Toronto Saturday 'Night ....3 40 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1 75 Times and Youth's'Companion 5 2 go Times and Northern Messenger , .. it 3 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2 go Times and Canadian Pictorial ...... s ....: 1 6o Times and Lippincctt's Magazine . , .. 3 15 Tithes and Woman's Horne Companion 2 6o Times and Delineator . • 2 40 Times and Cosmopolitan 2 30 and Strand .. .. _... 2 0 Times5 Times and Success .. • 2 45 Times and McClure'sMagazine ... z 6o Titres and Munsey's Magazine ........... ...- 2 55 Times and Designer . i &5 Times and Every body's ................ e ...._. 2 40 Times and Christian Guardian . . 2 40 Times and Canada Monthly :.1 6o, These prices are strictly Cash 55 35 35 55 3,5 35 So 75 30 30 Iea ti in advance,.'. end Your Order Ire Once TH E Crediton EXETER TIMES Mr, and Mrs. DaveKuhr, Sebawing Mich., are visiting Mr, 0. Kuhr of town; Mrs Oakes has returned to herboime in Detroit after spending a weele with her parents. Mrs. Otto Brc,zvn of Sebewiug Mich, is visiting her mother .Mrs, G, Mor.. lock. Mrs Staebler of Tavistock is the guest of Mrs, J. Shroeder, Miss Alminal; aeger ori Toronto is visiting relatives in town. Mr, and Mrs Wenzel spent Sunday in Zurich. Mr. Fred Young is in Wyoming at present, Rev; Grenzebaek of Dashwood and Rey, Brown of Zurich renewed ac- quaintances in town on Monday. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church are serving ice-cream every Saturday in the building owned by S. Banes.. J. Preeter and family visited S, Brown on Monday, Mr and Mrs 1)apbner of Se hawing brat, e returned to their home after spending a fesv days with the tatter's parents Mr and Nits G. K. Brown. Gee aIle Item1tt it till confined to the house tbronglt a.iaac as,. Mrs Coultnis and son Rev of Toronto spent a few days in town. Miss Gertrude Brown of Denfield visited Miss Myrtle; Brown over Srin- clay. Mr eaiser of Buffalo is visiting ret- atives in this vicinity, ldiss Rota I(ienzle of Tilsonbury vis- ited at her home here attending the Bro tvo—Kienzle nuptials. Mr. Jos. Fiekbeiner met with What raig htl 'Brave beena serious accident ecently` lie was on sus way to title until they beached the bridge at be landed on the tongue and in try. inMe to stotithe horses one of the lines broke Be iwa$ oppposite C o flax iraill 'when 'the accident .happene ed 'awl. the horses 'were net latol)ped until fiver, reeobed the britifge' at tt, '.river, It was fortunate that was able to keep Iain position on tongue thus preventing ventiu,g any ser, eeident; On Wed nestle evOlin g of lar week, a largely attendeda rceaption 'vas. „held in 'Carmel Vi eshyterien church' in 'honor' of Rev. T, S, Ilen- dorsosi nowt or New Westminster 11Ir. and Arse It'ndt Sona were in 'oroma attending The 'Congress of General Assembly. Mr, B nderion watt ''pester of 'Carmel Church foe some 1.6'etre. l;revioua to the incise tion,° or the goreseatl pastor and the many U'riends of .Tr, and :Mrs, lien - denten tank advantage or rt' "reception in 'order t'ha,t ae :many as xia.sible could Ineet {tfteue '.luring their short,^ stay, here, end a very pfeasant and social evening was. t !picnt. Rev,, David 'Buchanan of Galr:denia Ont., and John" ;Buchanan: ea the teaching .start or 'Antes College Iowa «pent a feiv days' together Here with their Barents here during the ']cast wieh, Mars., Matthew Clark sr, lzlneaks or shortly taking nother trip to ec,r nativet home in Scotland. 0. C, Patty and David \\r, i+oss were in 1Blyth last, west: attending the Distriot meeting oft the Indety endent Order ot Oddtcllows. , • Reeve Ortwein and T; W. Palmer have each lead tlicv ;fronts ot their etores nicety ,repainted, Mr, and Mrs, :Wm, Moir rcturneel from: Toronto last, week where they have been attending. the Congress and Assembly. • Sirs, Anes Boss recently' of near if;rucelield left here last yvcck to visit friends In Sheldon North Dak- ota,. and intends' spending a few months there. WOMAN SICK FOR YEARS Wants Other Women to Kr ow How She was Finally' Restored to Health.' Hammond, : Ont. " I am passing through the Change of Life and for two years had hot flushes very bad, head= aches, soreness in the back` of head, was constipated, and had weak, nervous feel- ings. The doctor who attended me for a number of years did not help me, but I have been entirely relieved of the above symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound;; Blood Purifier and Liver Pills, and give you permission to publish my testimonial."— Mrs. Lours BEAUCAGE, Sr., Hammond,Ont.,Canada. New l3runswick, Canada. I can highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham,'s VegetableCompound to any suffering wo- man. I have taken it for female weak- ness and painful menstruation and it cured me.' — Mrs. DEVERE BARBOUR Harvey Bank, New Brunswick, Canada: Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- poundimade fromnative rootsand herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to -day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands. of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham lab oratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. Every suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Compound a trial If you, irallt�SpCCIa1 advice write to dia E. titiklialete Mediicine: Co. (conn- dential) Lpm; Mass. oar �Ietter ,will be opened,t,reaidi,an a> 'savored by a lfoman and held ing o ,,confidence. est Vitality Causaed by Kidneys, ':Stomach,•and B0vei • Disoriers it John` N. 13, rfie{)teighar Ifni ` `ll i41D ,brother; was' a p,reat sufferer from •kidneD stoma la, .and bo`•vef troubles and was given pp by two doctors. II xsasadvi ed to try your i«ig Pills ulaioh he(lido el after tali ing five lees he was t » pleie1y re- stored to health and is Lettee to -day thsan iso ;zas is n, far ye. - . Yoq CC3A not rerommc,nd fig pili:,+ too blgh.- ly:3'., W ;.. Sanvers. At all dealers 2a and 1)0 rents or the Fig £ ik Co, St,, Thomas Out, Sold at Iloweys l.)rugatore- tl l:Rt3N"D:1.L' and. Mrs. James Stren> tar , '—atelia ase visiting .yit4 the for- mers i;rother Mr, henry Straua, Mr, Stralag, who wer.t west over ttirenty years ago has 'prospered there„' They carte east to attend rite Pleat Coogrss at Toronto. Oliver ':read Elgin Reweliffe, Cecil Ilarri5 M'tgie Strang .and retie Sanders of S, S., No 1 1 -re \y'riti[i ooncarr»nce evarrainati ons oris week Mr,.'polyp and Clarence. Mr, and trs. Wood ant1, 113ro14 wore I+ondon- visRare lo't week. 'J. AI, :Robertson sent the, l irk ills home near Clarttth;be nt, rs, Artbur Mitebell we are glad ay is irinitreet nr naeriy, "gr, ':guar: Biltelxford is innp;rov. Ing graduzdiy. ':ir, and atrs. Herbert' B11ate'hford +vho have been in fhb west for a nnm.iter of years are visiting under the r.arent,al roof. The tarsi mail .delivery in. `tla� lea-' i.ity aeottru to give szntas(ach 11,1, Mie. and Iafrs. I&s v, 1'-av o tram Ste, Tbomas are visiting at Mr. Frani; Downs. Stephen C4a' anvil "ltne `Coatxat'i! at „g t ry. Tctaa ravrnipa o Ster hen cony.. i d lir, 'the' To'vn dull Ga'e'tiiton, ofi Months, sklae+ 9tla• any of June 19'' tat; 1.ia..•n, Bili the mean' be were nresenr The n.inirteR of the previous meeting were recd and adopted: rinl;beincr— 1Cellisrman--That IVB, Farnromb G, 1•;. be re,lu Steil to ex, canine the four bridges abetmenta and floors constructed by Robert littlebinsan during the Beata 191.2 and that he give us °cava opinion. in Writ- ing concerning the 'Mat ter in dispute and wherein they are innilt faulty according to the elane and specifit:- 'tions. If .he findfi than fouler. nc is to give ne hie euggestione hon to have the +Dante rerr,,'died to elm - nth the ennditions of tete plans sacifiention5 and ngreemont: Car- rlcd: Johne Rollins n t tended the counell meeting at re•7ues1 and was inter- viewed in reference to opening a a ,ravel pit on his 'Meld anti it wen nu - reed tint Mr, ;Hollins receive Son n. cord] for the gravel end that 'ne must' at lois own. e:cpeaze keep. the lilt in proper repair and drain It and grade it and build a road Froin' the line fence bctevecn ,Lot 8 in the S. 1;. Concession and the G. kialf lot a Con ,; to the nit anti] put uta a gate and attend' to it', ' The following orders were livid. Win. '44liite Grnvel contract S21.2ai P. Flannagan. Commissioner 2.33 B. G Seldon 44 sacks of cement 19.30; P. Flannagan rete wesbout31.50;Kien'- etc and others gradinrr 60.60 1t•Dav at' ,Gra re' contracts 16,50,' J. R•_ Es- ser. Commissioner 2,50; 7ei5. !Doyle concrete tile 4.0f". J. Cornish gravel contract 21.00; Rat' -vele Commis- sioner 1;50; J. K.S hroe ler ret' cul- vert .6.50; Wilson An'lereen gravel ccntreet 106.55, eras. 1aoy-ee• commis, siontr 10.00; Felix' Wild Concrete gravel ' tile. 6.00 Jns. Tenney [:t pay crrrtract 24.00 The Council adjourned to meet'` again in the Town Hall Crediton en Monday the 7th day of July •next at 1 p. .m. IiE.NItY EILBER • Clerk. LQOA lis Si •I%ydd and daughter, Miss .nary Xydd of Watella, Man.. are visiting relatives to ant) around this cominunity, A report of the Fourth Annual Sunday r`:*chool eocvention of .the Cred)ton district has been repaived and vwttl , arpear it (4e 'Times next week. air, John Deaver 1r ns his Aln'eil , house, 3Ii C"aspsex- Wolper of the Coshcri line is lr aildR a ne7.er house, !'Tx .Stan.ley )3riss;aei, of St, Josep➢lt has passed ,the "Say t'r**»>'>r�talSedi leak exanination, nlarging" Mrs_ Prank 3.essen'leer `v of 3e .. lin i-. Vi,sit"ng rear:sea in to s\'xi and Mr, o r ks. vicinity for a fey: Weeks. $ l �.o'irrogde is "s'isiriPa friends in ;Tiehigan for asink and; '.tr Elinor- \\Tillert is taking Mr Sehaoede»- pT aea on Ole: farm. _MS' Minn Doi a o:' Kansas ac former - f rol. Z rieh is in eo=,;.a ellinz; cri fd Iarlends, Northeott cif :' aid or tf = nare, 1)-.ae f oe tp'Ee,`; eat 1`..t$ i.n I'orqtato for \t eek to attend tae al oz i et A i~a r : i:ee, (Dr.) i3„eta the talc of the eff-''t” of tee I)r'..MeLatig;lllan \','in, 4'airr.:i of a:rlc.hilI, taught rue auto, sant] .sir, i, Brnasornsbir the 1a , \$,,,. uadi'r- tand. that ;ltr. 14okenshire e ill er= 't a hour' an it rtii5 444aai1114'r, The Semi Annual cle,etion of lbc ft'leers 'of the, Y. P. A Evau`zeliea.A el,arch took pileeeneen. Tuesday evea- t tr'the reeulti es o1lows; ^T'resident ,1G, IF, '14roevm 1st vice prase MT,icS ss>i vi"e 1pri,°* M'irss PP Wurt4 ice ;t^a es. 11153. Ethel ,Williams, 4tl Piet :Pres,, kTa a (':brie 041414axw, Tarsaa. Mr. Ueeege ,rT;:se, Orgenist 7:4Xias 'Te. Gainer, Assistant Ornsst, "tiffs O. Bar WO Librarians B. \1"etdo �teirin ;t roy ,n.. ss Ezra. 1 aert;lter of Berfaa for - r liviO 'iu Il,ey Town,tti; rl'ed rid:ln Jatene Cth after a .slsoa't She 'wa'g za daughter of der and was in Utz. prima iaftn heing. 40 :reeve °td, BeeiJee sorrowing husband eaeo lea'tvcs a naily" of fix daughters to tta!+tarfl trio loss of u.:hirxtihenr ted wife and mo- th+ ir, "rhe luneraal was ,i,t'tl zat ;13,Cr- ala. tarts. (Ar) ''arehanatt, died Toa':. onto on Janie Gtln ;atter are ilia oss ex - tending over al'O&. -f1 a monalis, 'Site tend reactn el, trio ager or 59 ►ears taut( leaves tic rnourn her lose, bar ,AOs- band three sons,. Georlra of Sudbury Milton of Toronto and Norman of Phteroborottgh the two daa.ghters who are living at home being Glare. :end pearl she r.tso lea- ves ;two taootheee and fetor w`sistcr:a and a great maze friends in tnia section who ninecrely regret her demise. t1'tr., Buchanan was the eld- est: daughter of 'the .ln itv �ilolnael'' Zeller, and only lived on 'Toronto few ."ears moving to that city after:. the Or. gave tie' his practise in this own. Inauguration of Grand Trunk: Make and Rail Route Service between Inas.' tern and Western. Canada-Conimenr- ing Saturday June 7th. .Westbound. and on each Monday Wednesday and Saturday 'thereafter. the Grand T.tunk .Railway will ol:erate a spec- ial steamshi't J xpreass leaving Tor- onto 10.45 a m. stopping at Brant- ford Paris Woodstock. Ingersoll Loa- -don andSti°ath»oy arrivinat Sarnia 4.00 'p; ,m, making direct connection with the Northern .Navigation Com- ranv's palatial steamers leaving Sar- nia Wbarf,,4.15. p, m. for Sault: St, Marie Ont., :Fort Arthur and .fort William. Steamer !leaving.: Sarnia Wharf Monday does not call at Port Arthur On the arrival of the steamer at Fort William special trains' of, the highest standard will leave ' that point at 4,45 p. m. arriving Wronin- eg 7.45 a. re.- next morning ' 'The service afforded by this route is the finest in. every re4,p-el, and, in - eludes 'varier' and t arlor lea fe service - in een Toronto and:: Sarnia Wharf ex- cellent service on"the ,boats or. the Northern Ivleati n Co, including g the `Iimonic' the finest and fasten passenger boat on the Great Layer standard sleeping cars electric lights in lower and utl:per. berths Colonist t .leclr ire cars Berths free; Dining air coaches on ,the -Grand Trunk Pacific between Fort William a.nd Winnipeg Through s'leering ars b tw-:n'Fort William arid Edmonton commencing June 16th. A slp:ural 'train will run the_ re- verse iv ay'-from"Sarnia Wharf to Toronto eorninecirg Sunday, June `teth and each 'Tuesday:;I'�1 .day and Sunday thereafter. The first lean:' bound f a"a,in 1ravine,• direct steamer coneec- le<ves enema • eti idayJune 23rd E a tieul r5 1, CI ationa pn i ca_m,ei i (1 pn t`l psi letlOf entS ll writetFl� 'sennel%��`A �,trr��,r'4 r'i ii I ,'Tr inAer? ',•. nine I1m dict'' Station Port'n FALL OF THE INCAS. Fate of the Great Race That Has Let' Only Traces Behind, Whet berouu' of the people \rho terlit the (Mee° ruillsi Were they the ant'estur a of ":hose stolid and down trodden lntliaaiaa wham one sees today Peddling their rude �tenres in the mar- ket elute of Cwirer" Mr. Bryce' dis- eu. t the question in his "South Amerieu," Ile says; 'l'he sudden fall of a whole race Is an event an faire in history that one seeks for explanations. It may be that not only the royal Inca family, that nearly t1u whole ruling class, was ry i only the war, i'il\il • r,"tl in .. t y destroyed peasants. who'had already been serfs inkier their native sovereigns. But one is disposed to believe that the tre niendous catastrophe which befell them in the destruction at once of their dynasty, their empire and their religion by fierce conquerors, incom- parably superior in energy and knowl- edge. completely broke not only the spirit of the nation, but the self re- spect of the individuals who compos - edit. "They were alreadya docile and they submissive people, and now under a new tyranny, far barsher than that of rulers of their own blood, they sank into hopeless apathy and ceased to re- member what their forefathers bad been. The intensity of their devotion to their sovereign and their deity made them helpless when both were overthrown, leaving them nothing to turn to, nothing to strive for: •"The conquistadores' were wise in their hateful way when they put forth the resources of cruelty to outrage the feelings of the people and.stamp ter ear. u tbwir hearts'!. et Your enloyrrlent number of•*ee I Edison Blame imberol +card was `vented on the idea, t produces the most clean l� quality cu lifelike And beautiful tone you ever beard, It will never wear out and indifferent band ng e f it or dropping.it O til, door won't r al t» constant in its ability to please. - Your Edison dealer will: beglad to la Blue ArnberQl; Records for you. 'Theme** ison, l w., tOO t,.r r ikle) v .. Crg.o.g.'. , A A er©mp,'Ie;tea trace, of �staca I`IcanQ�a'�I+ho and Room. Pow L, .1n Street Hardens ot the elesporus. The gardens of the Bosporus are one of the most characteristic fea- tures of that river -like strait. They have, moreover, _ a definite cachet of their own. This is largely prescribed to them by the nature of the soil on which they are laid out. T1ie banks of the Bosporus slope sharply back to n height of some 400 feet and are 'bro- ken by valleys penetrating netrati1b more grad- uallyBally into the rolling' tablelands of Thrace and .' ,-;a Minor. Few of (heir houses, ti t i t . do ' not enjoy some view of the water and of the opposite shore, rarely more than n mile or two' away. The gardens of the houses are accordingly laid out with reference to those views and are determined in form by the steepness of the hillsides on which rthey -lie. They are terraces that is one or many according to the siz$eof' the garden. Seribnei'S Men to Fill Good Positions Trained Hien Inc wanted everywhere; in :feet, they are always wanted, :for the demand is:greater :lean the supply. This demand iii not for the man -who is able to earn only IWO Or three. dollars a clay at hard :manual labor and who can worn only under'the direction of some one else, but for. the ,man who is able to plan and direct the work of others—the man whose training has qualiiied:; ]iiia to:com- petently bold positions of responsibility. The l rn ttateTno" r. CORRESPONDENCE. Salaams, that great institution that has done so much in the past and is doing .so much every minute for,working men and vvoncn, offers you an easy way to become a trained mac—to secure a good position in the trade or profession that best sults your taste and ambition. The I. C. S. plats enables you to help yourself right where you are without losing an hour of work Or a dollar of pay; without changing positions until you are ready to step into the one you desire; without obligating you to ,pay more than. your present salary will :afford, no matter how small it is. Thousands of men have secured life-long betterment through this great plan. Every month an average of 300 voluntarily tell us of such•advancement. You can do the same as these 'men have • done. If you really want a good posi- tion, a larger salary, and a suc- cessful life, find out how you can secure it in the surest and most practical way in the world by marking and mailing this cou- , pon. This puts you under no obligation. It is'simply a re- quest for further information. Clip, mark, and mail it NOW. M1b e7 ss •• ••sss•♦•i a♦ a t• s * 4e * . e*... • INTERNATIONAL COnRESPOIiDENCE SCHOOLS• a Box 799, Scranton, Pa. A Pleaseesplain,without fnnherolilfgation on mi°Tari, • how.] can quality for a larger salary and advance- M • merit to the position before avlrlth 1. have marked X. dt. 4 • • e+ Ad Writer 5he..Card Writer Widow Trimmer Civil Service Exame, Ornamental Daelgner Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Draftsmen Foreman M.ohlni,t Electrical Engineer Electrician Power -station Shpt. Architect .A r ch ilectur.I Orelt.matr Structural Engineer Structure: Draftsman Contractor and Bulkier Foramen Plumber, Civil Engineer R, A: Construction Eng, Surveyor Mining Engineer Chemist Bookkeeper Stenographer • , rk • i dr • N • ar • Name • • Sfreet anti No • • City •• O: t t 4• O t• of i te • •♦. 4 a+ s s e r• s. - THE HIRED GIRL HAS WENT. SHE WAS HIRED. SHE WAS TIRED. SHE WAS FIRED. BUT SMILE—You ;: can get *runner byUsing ourWANT-AD. lcolnimns. Colie eoat Home T 4•, 'i Thousands of ambitaoue young s people are east -Diapering in lel ,I. their own homes to occulgy _ luc- • rative positions ass stenograph- .p.� ers bookkeepers •P t, epiaere or 'business acti'etttels, • You may finish at College if e,' you so ry 9 wish :Posit' • teed. .Enter, college any day._; • Individual instruction. .Ea .,.p ]pert teachers. Thirty wears •;�I .l. experience, Largest trainers,, + in Canada. Seven colle3ies 1;calcu . r�e L Special o e for teachers. Affiliated ' with Commercial Ed • ucational ,Association of. Canada 't• Summer School at Famous Spot :i.. ton Businests Collere Condos., NO VACATION • Clinton BusinessCollege ,p GEO. SPOTT'ON B. P. WA I'esidt nt= Piuclp l •3* i^o,7r•r s'l' .'1'4'4 4. b+4II c4,4•4,$+:t .p: ers.civil servants in fact every 'fir