HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-6-12, Page 8o g ..
S�ll1'-, SStMi9B
k IX,ETE:R T`IVil±4
�vav�raf_ eve esv¢. e
1169Li.i*.A1f;Rc14..iII1l.9iibiFQiAi fRRIDillti�(t
Hot ` er Days
There is cofrl'axess and Pelatforts with style, a and spiel did
g a, u • 1 New serges tweeds and farad°
ar&rr� �. l e �� QUI; c .ot�aarrad. n � a �'
kind ika o u d: lathing' der al.:tnxent. We want
rid yQ will rte assured that, our prices are
woratet s yon
ydaRl to See t6p{ r
at Valos a
a :0.0
Straw flats
The Season's newest to #'atws
rid Most up-til•'fi ate eh apes..
Iarxy Styles' to choose friar.
ilea+ e s lead-
range of,wo-pteeesnits
and cdxwbinMtiOnS, ranging" In
price teem 50c toi$'4l(l,
eu to
r'as 1h'er$ 41? tens ail kir
r f awrl.Iaaxde, 'lir#
az wa girl Qlotlres tiara
1' �
4tilittl; ktre.luew sake collet
i<I re to e'artis, arsd aa. ire
ah�wlale'ttei tae at„la, at..
nryw' aiuiz
nnini 10 i• away
pit ease. WA e hnv�
as well a nanny dallier styles.
Cases i ,
rOi • o��o 6.o �I �
Market 1 e!i o t—The following is
tthe rePor t of the Exeter markt. stir
• rested ug to. Jerrie 12
Wbeat 93
Oars 34.
Barley '45 to 4S
,S ekwi,eat 48+ to 50
Pias S1_00
Shart., P3
5azar,. $22, rer too'
¥ode lio:r 2,10
Taw grade flour X15.0
trggs 20 and ply
Butter 1S to ''0�;
Dr2�d apples, 40
r a.an . •,1 2_ 3 'to 1,50
iia:<gs s9 555
C,hoiee Export Steels„ 6.90 to,7,09 p
biedliuiri Exo t Steers 6.50 'to 7.75
Choice butca ass '0,50 to '3i.15.
,Mediae„ ter heilers. 6,00 6,23
Choice cov.Ps 5.10 to 5.59.
Mediuia osis 4.50 to 4.74,
Cosi non .:ow s 3,50 to 4.t',Q
Choice Sheer, 5, 50 to 6.00
Lambs -8.50 to 3.40
`The boys go to czars; next Mond;
t London
Mr„ Frank asainwell of 0110P r was
a ,1 town 'on::''ednesda3.
Mr. 'P. 'Gillies was in 'Woodstoe
this 'week on business,:
For tv-seven automobiles in arace
LQ the \4 Carnet
l r (Dr.) Cowan of Lotdon, is vis,
sting 'with '•ttrs, ?lfonieur,
l s,,..IV. AT. „Taman. and Ron Ted
are visiting ir, Z Toatrst94k.
r FczdusoaoP ororo
-isi a
Mr, C,. Snell of Elin?vi13i> several days
fast week.
J ,Mr. Griffis of �or'on£n visited nt
9 the'hotne ,of' lr-, Jas, .Handford over
fMrs, . Miller and famil'v
of Stratfi.,andord ina?tozed to fir. i3, Wil
liars on Sunday.`
••40.44 r*••9r*'t*•a
e tree•q
4•t••••+• ••t+••••
Hurrah! for cheap
We have bot heavy in this line and we have.
marked it at quick selling prices
Preserving kettles all sizes up2
Preserving t z to �.., qt.
prices 15e to 350.
A°a garden party ~Wilt be held on %the
1~lain Street lawn) on Friday 3'uly
r li. 'PArtteulars later.
Dr J' , Gc Starr, v anal
m i.s a °� , i?x t 1)
A. Ross 'rnotared to Lo tdltia^i Tuesday
xo attends a meeting fhe Soverign
7/at 'Co.
The weather has beeza *hails: chilly
dttr og the cpast week' with several,
3'si1 Pa F 1 go frost' nights wbi,,h did .ttLuite'a Polo
PO damage.
otgr Win: C rrnei twit? '.
&'iciaze .fent' 3Stla U l
ire " sill `"ro`s'e one naiad
J, Heywood attended.
in Lembo or Monday.
tttex Preis town art, lahan
,lorth rotees., 'flus ~seek.
sail lire Dims F, Ilooper
day' hist, mar St. Alarys,
€ oil i .il <*t.il":arys Ls':si1e i
ei Tr�T T.a T3:pl.er has
.rid s, S n , 13thers7. a it
ai in; l;�e#�r 4he fat +ar
a ea.ia,
r.4 daughter Lily "fay
Centralia 1tiibIr. r son
txdlrewe, 1 IAC
Andrew i? Ba
:sty Cangil,
dxt filar
la as °, W,.ATartin IAA L. D. Yin-
in-' are ia OOderlob this wec'b ,as
'men. 'Mr. ,. talon Was 41CDP
and ?TrsA "phos, s`eld'om or In.,
e -o11 motored up TaeSdaY apo'v}s-
d their son 13. C+-.. bei" left
dirrsda.y for 110rll.a,
eta R'aion. s:r>n.'ai;itarrgWith relatives
i„,„ d,
it sldarw Vole of o et
.ell as :Ie?riQ rarx t?xe la®n'
say arlt"r'aaool,
a;rry . iWcxrtlrl` of i ° araaa
+�+, taade gaa1:
i1 orlon lb o
o'dtiali lila
Taman and It. '. 1
Blstit, Tuesday act.
Ie Meeting ef'tiri�
Ito^rs arrrd W. 'Mayr
la ft .title we k :for the Soo. They
took 'the noels sa,t' 8ai nIa; p rid, ezirca r
to aro They -
{Way amino t two weeks..
Cdr°_ nand direr. tiewtocw of Ingersoll,
accoraapaaxieit 1 ' k.. I.+.real aUnopar
ouavrd uj>''arid spt'ntirttas 11Int;'a lair#tx
dtr twilit Alr..nnd M. A..hooter on
> be Loka'
curt Tzaeter .123 Indei:endent ;lr,
dIoT For attend Divine wor-
1 ship on Su ay Zone irith at 11 o•..
teak :Members Deet in .lodge room
U4 o'clock '0, Anderson B. S.
We Are pleased to note fn. the re
jant of the Toronto University Ex.
xminations Beg. D, 'Turnbull of Tar-
au'har has succeeded' in. obtaining
first ci,•as& honors In 1'hiloso»liy in
the till Sear,
Wraa'ii, your dairy butter in 'print;-
firinked w'rnppQrs, We an prepared. to
Mint your name and address ora
butter raper for $2.00 per thousand
or. $1.25 ,Joh 500. Stara;, using trinf-
l l p ra .: rrs
Mr. and Stirs, rtobt. 'Gardiner, Par-'
,Yuhar annouucc 1 he onraegement of
their. eldest daughter Isabelle M. to
Air. I3en Lrd, L. George or Battleford
• Sask.. marriage to take .Iace tba
• latter part: or .Tune.
• Arr,Bobt Howie of r3ristoc St. Lon-
• don. accomnanied by ilia, daughter.
• Gertie and Master Robbie also lair.
• f and Mrs, C. Quick of South; London
autoed,lig on Sunday andvisited the
former;s .nephew Mr.1 and. Viers. C.
AV. Christie cot Stephen. ,.
James Street 'Epworth League
held an ice cream' social Tuesday
evening. An exeelent musical pro-
gram' was given after which icer-
cream and refreshments were ,ser,
ved. There was a tine turn o`ut and
a pleasant evening was spent.
• 'The 'Glee Singers, are a wonderful
• combination of male voices consis
ting' of robust bass' clear and well
• pitched tenors. 'Their effortswere.
vigorously .atiiolauded. Daily Stan-
. lard Union of I3rooklyn N. Y. Hear
• them in :James street Ohurcb
• day June 19t1, at 8 D. no ddmisr
• sion. 25. -cents. c '
Pie plates, jelly cake plates. 10c Wash basins 15c +
Bed pans 90c Come quick arld get first choice
Special in China Cups and Saucers, "
dd " Dinner and Tea Sets.
Our 5=1 =15=25c Counters are interesting
Another contest on at the Candy Counter
• Ask about it you pay no more here
• than elsewhere Come in often.
The Exeter Bargain
A City Bankrupt Stock
of Dry Goods
Will bep ut on sale at the Exeter Bargain
Store Saturday, Juee 14th,
This stock - includes a line of Ladies 1
piece wash dresses,made in New York d c
worth up to $5.00 each. We will sell
thele at $2.00 each.
oots, Shoes, Clothing Dry Goods
Doer Noth.Of Post Office
and 'Ars. 13:V F. Ilcavers sand
eorge wbd3 Fain* :fti "cn &1'entling'
ts1 w-eelr irr Brantford • and'
t 4An i turned boon/ Or‘
o$ v
S,M. S.snders ansk ,I, .Elliott
0lialtozr ' IQraday, The 1att-
writing' on. examinations in
nue€Foawith. rarinncrwbraineer
Another ;shipment of potat-
oes arrived last Monday.
rty iia 0or"anedr
milt '.'seu1QTbz1
on Jrd'
Bee -
51 ar'aF41{'I1�, �r
tit sk hen
had) vrench ng it
Atra.,lvm. IIodllae r<ret dvitlx a Fain -
lux accident oraf'fhursdns• gventi
Sin; Wale4,ping down) the back
jurst' a►k du* when she mis4
leerfooting aed, ,fell forward '
right arm breaking it as tbo
Coates lair itaiaorne ball,
'inisfOrtui'te to break a sanallr
bone it.;his foot on iStondsty. Be was
OSsis}in€: to raise a 'bars. on 'tire
fairanof Mx-, '11� I,). Hunter' and he
ai short distance avlth the above
vo 'travailing musicians with a.
hard and violin struck!,, town, on Ator.,,-
dtay aan thane a d'ata.ves of the cit-
izens,.A number of young men se -
mired' their services anal held _ a
dance in !McDonald's hall!
"Mss Gladyal Missetti took f arc in 1
a reotial at the auditorium' in Loa'
don *,londtty evestiiia;,, by "cupils oat the
London. Conservatory of Music, The
London Advertiser in commenting on
it saaYs."The " la:rograamme opened
with i striking
e f
f the
iltendelssohax'Gonaarto in 0 mir.or fat
Miss G1atdyis l3isssett, irx wh'ic'h she
was accompanied ou fleet. -second oiano
by°,Mr, Percy.
The Royal: 'Gwent Male Glee Sing -
I ny
a>r a i Ie
Gard of Thanks
!Mr, D. x Brooks and ?1.0 Taylor
wish, to gratgfully acknowledge the
R' '' s o kind c 1
R] t f � n �3 Of the .e
Many a4 a; 1" og e
of 'to a3
xte extended ,Mrs, ks
E e r � n cdmoo
during her long illness and wee' es'
sure their hat 'their;",kindnessa to her
will long be 'remembered by us, We
also whish to ext.reSs our thiinks to
the n. ans• fricods who" \tent r.„ letters
rrf condolence and sympathy.
John n, Kelly ventriloquist, coin-
ediall n, id entertainer, ascending is
his - rt rafes'Sion int afrrip' Etpe,
will make you laugh, laugh, af'• tale
at. •. Carmel picnic .lune 13th; Ad4
mission free dinner and, supper 4'
each, •
Successful Students -.•`Miss
Comas wes soccestsful in' obtaining,
First .class horrors in >3Soderns ixa the
third .year exams at the Toronto:
'brei 'ersity. -.Messrs J. A M('i~i, ,h-.
on and W "Monteith were successful;
tri rising their _ second year to the:
Arts course and Messrs .Iobn Waller
and Ddt..loncs• the first year.
Miss Katie 1 Oaixi?ra formerly o
eter.. and titiss Jetm, B, Nom,,
daughter of Inspector' Tont pf Coder,.
fel; were e,11141 ,for the Tulips ltpasitl,
ship for tlaircl, year Moderni
at 'the Toronto University, This
males the third year lea succession
that Miss Torre has' Avon a schol,rz•sirilr
The yozr?g btdre't as'a; ac he„ olugi•;tt-
ideated: on their high standing,
Nitre young erten were ordained ir...
to `the N,Tettiodist Minis -tory on
1 wT ",kle ordination services were -
.Re W. G ,
McAlister w°.iro Wins assisted by a
Mirnber• or the other ministers. The,
-ndidates Wern. Mgasto Frank Dur.
Walter R Donnellr..11, aa, iIugh.
tetberanoiton.,''osenla Jones, Mil-
ora lteys 11. A. A. +Sinclaair, 0, V,
`izaasiras J`,11r, l^", ter and Wro. lea ,ely
Fine for
Little Folks
Inexpensive and easily worked. No
trouble to show little folk how to use
Book of
directions with each
2 ;to $12
llawey s
„ro ilms le oefot 9"a.m,;.
dveloped.same day.,
vill b
ors who gave, one, of the most enjoy:.
'aria concerts ever heard "here last
night in the Methodist E':ibscopil
church. ,The soloisei were, almost
indesc.riabable'`hecauSe of, their excel-
lence : and these present at
the concert have trouble, in finding.
words to picture 'the .xcellencc and
merits of the vocalists. The Even-
ing Sentinel Ansonia: Conn.
%tr., :Dan. 'Truemner `ol-- Dashwood
meti `with an.,accident't while bring-
ing a load of 1Pigs ; to town. While
coming dovt'n rthd comet -exit . hill the
king bolt Pulled, "out; and' thdr wagon
vent 'over the; embankment. i<'Ir,
'rruemnar \t°as. thrown : from' the;
wagon 'and -the pigs -scattered, in all
directions. +Tho ,lborsea turned
around and lrarr' for home. Mr, True -
miner's son'tvhd walsrfollowins~ belired}
to ,round dor `the pigs and Drought'
them •to 'town., -
On. Friday of last wveelt just one
week following the death of her
daughter, 'mention of whose death
was °made in the,- Tzm.es last week.
Mrs.` Frank Hancock passed away
at I:Maidstone'Sask.. 'Thea ale used
had, been ailing for ,some 'time with
Drigh:ts disease and this „with •'the
shock of the'daughters' 1eath 9iovcd
too much lot her. Sher was
ter'._ of IMT, and, Airs.: Jas Creech of
town !Miss Je''Sie' Creech immict&-•
iately; left for Maidstone.
Deibt Wiped' Out—The last oay-
ment of the 'Railw , debenture b
has been paid off. IorScas
Exeter bas (been paying an annual
debt of $783 'the bonus and; intere'3t
given the Grand Trunk for
the Can
road. Phis wear `n
ming ;Faictory start' cial] hack
the town thein loan. The
e se mtatm-
ounts to $500 a'year.
should ,greatly .relieve the . towns
finances and Tug them in excellent
Banton,,6tree t ! ethodis't;` �hurch;l,
w as Well filled lastnight 'w bent 'rho:
7toval 0tale ';We1sh,Chorous; 'who are
touring. 'Canada, gave the .first ' of
o delightful concerts, .the', seco act
one, of which` twill -"be given in th'el
same :place 'to -nig -ht. It is 'seldom
that, llamilton has .been favored with
a musical Concert o -f. such =high, _claiss
as 'the one pat on by this company;
of Welshmen last. night. :Every mem
bar; of th., 2ninpa.ny;;-is an artist of
the 'highest- order and t ht singing of:
their-ehorouses '.lua°rtet°tts�.!. duels
otos etc. .wads ,sufficiently nleasing
to .'brie:; forth a most hearty 'er
col e to every 'number -Hamilton snec
i;ator` `'June 7th. 7lear them• T.hursit
day\ June loth in M James; street
_Admission 25 centw '
Every Regina Watch carti
with it a un> versa•I guar°ante
purchase means, a " if you bi
Regina from this More, we end
dorse the universal guarantee,'
which will be honored by any other,
Regina watch agent anywhere
Add to this, the manufacturers' ,.
absolute and permanent' gua.ran i
tee against str'uctur'al defects and
you will see that youeanfQt Make
a rrliista%en crrclxashI g a
Wins Gold Lloyd 0od-.
+'iat,son o and Mrs. Godwits for.
!pastor of Aster Street church,
anted, ked, in *leanistr^i and has titan„
ad ra aaeti a in Welland, Mr. ferrel
ardlavrn Was eueccssl;arl in carrying;
a[f 50.00 gold medal aa4' the Art
Co110ge in;Washington. 1e'ey hcnd.-
ed a, list in' as 1ie14 of two .hundred
students. As he is still in, his "lees.
flee futnrligureshl. an for 'him. 'as artist Is.
Among the cizlaxehos- Owin 1rx
<dbseof ViAir«, a. whet
Is attendinnceg' the Bc.ires,byt,erlShao'rp"Co.n-
'ess at Toronto'attested was 'aonduc-
ted in Cavan .elturoh' last Sa'hlaat 5
morning Zrythe Session, The ser -
Mon, was ikreacberd' by liar,, Itohinson
of "1I'azrondale. There WOO no DerYIce
in, the evening, In' Wain. Street
d itiara); Mr.„ Ed., '',Tones occupied the
rlpiti both *xiorninf.S and evening
aired to the joules Street church, Mr.
A nT 1l'ey'woodl +preached" Mr. Hoars.
insert iS a. layman, while the ,latter
two are divinity students. The!
services df all .have bear • laiflixly
spoken. or.
'The 0 ,r:"A, for Huron—The Can-
ada °.i'eml:erpance Act is rnanifelstly
firaxring in Iiub1%a favor, Conxen'•�
vertices of representative temper -
once 'workers .have deeicle•d Iwo air-
-Mute al;etiticns praying for its !sub-
mission in Algoma, Sudbury.
anate and Parry Sound Disticts also
'the eounties or Peel and -Welling-,
ton ,aao.d the city of Niagara Falls.
Ptatitions are also ir circulation .in
• r x' n on
Q t rx'Cou iso f ;1"Iur and rchoris
from several paces' ahosv, :they aro be-
ing largely signed. 53russelsa have
completed their list by a uood
gin Deports Froin other municiikal:'
sties show that the work is being
rushed, 'forwards. ah tint: petitions: are
shlvnppcseAtted. to be completed at an;: ear-
i 4Nf•oo••e♦.00M••••*••o
• •
Howe •
Furniture Dealer
Funeral Director
Phone 2oa
• I (�
Ontario e.
ee 11 the Famous
Brockville Canada
arriage Co. buggies
Thest Eaaggies are an ra, fine
btdlt and especially finished.
style, especial]
Also a Shipment of
Whether you have any -notion of buying or not
step in and see our the ne west thing in buggies at, ri x
these Buggies ben urchased in
enables us to sell at right rices.
load lots..
ay Forks, Ha. Loaders, ra stuns Engines, Mamie
Spreaders all . line Implements
and� S 1�� ',911I�13f3, trip
Opposite Electric Light Plac
We make a specialty of fil-
ling Family °Orders. The.
Groceries we deliver to you
are "the best to be had and the
prices we ask, are the lowest
Send,or bringsyour next or-
der to us and be convinced
th -t'this is theRightStore to
buy yourGroceries rroceriea anci'Pro-'
nide Haitter arc
We are Sole Agents for
made in Walkervilte, Ont. We GUARANTEE Tei
Cents for every Button that comes off and Twenty -Five
Cents for every Rip and for every Six Stamped Poeirets
out from worngarments, we willgive 'you ong pair of'
Overalls or Smock Free.
oc.Get the habit of saving your
Sold by ..Jones Sc flay
:The Leading l'Ierchant In Exeter
Guaranteed by the Walker Pant and Shirt Company.
pring Renovating
is in keeping. The housekeeper is pretty busy these days, . .
Its a sort of Stocktaking time in the house, and it is
always sure to reveal a need for somet.idg new
in Furniture of whiclt'we have a great
voriety of the latest designs.
'W e also have samples of Wall Paper: of the most
artistic designs. You should see our
Colors GUA ANTED g
Ila 'fit
at� iter '�
Jas0 .,
Undertaker & Ftii°I�iil