HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-6-12, Page 5Trft.T1131:1A'r atirl\;E 2 1913,, THE EXE ER TIMES AmEnto4's eREATEST HAIR GOODS ARTIST Ito replace hairOn the beadof LADIES .t GENTLEMEN, who have lost• their hair, By his Beautiful and natural hair constructions which. are known all over the woeld EVERY "WOMAN AND MAN can be made to look Younger and haye the natural tvotee- tion to the headwhich men s HEALTH. COMFORT AND A OGOD APPEARANCE Ladies do not miss this Opportunity see HIS TRANSFORMATIONS aWITORES, WAVELETS POMPADOR$ FULL WIGS CURLS Mr -Ge The Dorenwend Sanitary P-9tent Toupee GENTLEMEN WHO A.RE BALD rrotec and adore your cald head with butnan hair, in order to have rt. conception of the Wow -tells -11 aehievenient trt the art 'of bait conStructing, every bnid man should call and see the largg sarePle stock of "BAIR TOUPEES and PULL WIGS, which if, Doren- - vend will be shewing• 'These wonderful covers. are so natural in appearance that de- torielion is impossible, They are adjueted so aecurely to any head that they CAUTIOtleetne cff, qcept at tho wearers wish They will vve young an0 sof telling expression to the face, A Free Demonstration is extend all, came and bring your friends t he Centeatuotel, Enter, -, .r June 19tb• Will also b5 b 1b elle% Hicks Haase. Monday June 10th Blyth, Commercial Hotel, Tuesday June 17th; Gederice, Hotel Bedford, Wednesday Juue The Times and Daily ialobe or Da Mail & Empire for the balance of tile year for $L35 1111103011111111111111111111111111 To Subscribers with mail boxes we wi !send the Daily Globe or the Daily Mail and Empire for one year from date onleceipt of 2,Wra. 411011101111111011INNI1011811601,11631 Other Papers can be had at the Following Rates Times and Weekly Globe 55 Times and Daily Globe • • • . • oh," 41116600 •••••64 35 Times and Daily Globe, Rural Route 3, 35 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire I 55 Times and Daily Mail" and Empire 4 35 Times and Daily Mail and Empire, Rural Route .. 3 35 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Toronto Weekly. Sun .... Times and Toronto Daily Star, ...... .. 2 Times and Toronto Daily„ News .... •• 2 Times and Daily World 3. Times and, Farmers' Advocate .... 2 Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) . • Times and Farm and Dairy Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press .... Times and Daily Advertiser • • • • • , ... 2 Titnes pd London Advertiser (weekly) ...... 1 Times ad London Daily Free Press Mor .ig Edition 3, Evening Edition ......2 Time and Montreal Daily Witness..............3 Tidies and IVIoritreal Weekly Witness ...... Times and World Wide ...... ... 2 Times and Western Horne Monthly, Winnipeg .... Times and Pre§byterian 2 Times and Westminster .... 2 Times, Presbyterian and Westminster .... Times and Toronto Saturday Night. Titnes and Horne Journal, Toronto ......1 75 Times and Youth's Companion .... ........ 2 Times and Northern Messenger ...... Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) .........2 Times and Canadian Pictorial Times, and Lippincott's Magazine e.. , 3 Times and Woman's I-forne Companion „ 2 Times and Delineator .... ....... Times and Cosmopolitan ....„ ...... 2 Times and Strand ...... Times and Success.................................2 Times and McClure's Magazine 2 Times and Munsey's Magazine ...... 2 55 Times and Designer 85 Times and Everybody's .... • • -2 40 Times and Christian Guardian ,; 2 40 Times and Canada. 'Monthly .... So 75 30 30 10 3. So 8o 600 , 85 6o 35 85 53 S. 25 Go 25 25 3 25 • 3 40 3 90 6o 15 60 40 30 50 45 " 6o These prices are strictly Cash ill advance Crediton Mr. and Mrs., Kneehtel 'Of Berlin visited witn 'Brown on Saturday. ear, Geo Holtemente is r'onfitied to the houee with„ an a ttaelz of blood p.oisoning in his lcuee. Mrs Oakes Of. Detroit, is visiting her esarerats elr, and Mrs, G. K. Brown, Miss l'eari Ito/tertian!): of the Evan- geheal Deaconess Ifoapital Chicago is ler carents lArt and .U,r, IL llottentane. fee, and ,.11rs, t - Dan Sweitzer of 00- ba1t are eisitiag Telativea n toWn Zlisses \\faille and Olarissallill have returned home tarter a visit with Is heal* in Illerline Miss Eva Ilirtzel is visiting her sister in Cape Ack Mich. Mr. Fred Young died at his home here on }Saturday last at the age or ,3$ years l aloe.. After a erolonged illness of tumor (4 the "train. 33'uu-, erztl was nettbat the Exeter cemetery oa Monday afternoon. Re leaves le mourn ...his loss, his widow, two. bro- thers and two eieter-s, alise Mandy Einkheiner Ili:ailing her sister la Sarnia, llev. 13ecirer., U. Iloltzmann Free K and--1,1"Ts, U. Sweitzerae attending 'the Sunday Sabi:tot convention at the 14th conces- sion IlaY 'Township. Mrs, Wm, Loris of Algamenin Perk- is everatiog a few" weeres with, he Varents ?AI\ and Airs,christ Eit- her. feIrs, Sam Brown is visitin rela- tives in Zurich, taider of Toledo Ohio is vis- itillg her mother Airs, Geiser. -6^••7-^ GLANDEBOYE Ur. an 11'3. \Vat WUllnnsa lef Tuesday enorain on a trip to fleas. ilton.Terotate, .A.Loratreal, and Ottawa Mr, and Mrs, Thos. lereck $Petst Suuday at Elimville. ' Mae And 'Mrs, Wm, Gundy of T.er. mete ere visititar at the home of his 'other Air, Ilenert Viendea Jar,. and Airs.. Ww,N121bOtt and Nfr. end Mrs, E., Willicaue autoed to the avant" Xengl and apeOt ttie nay. AIrS, Thoelan Brock end Mi4S Alva' ttser ettamded the Wonten's In - Waste nnto tAliso. Craig os 'ednesday last Mr., ,,t-trooka ezolug $ alelegete. ?Ars. J. liedson who Ime beenevery ill is recovering', elahel the little elessghter urr, *uudsark is very ill with use es. Mee. "Aeletn it event a rew ia last week yisiting in London, Pledge Siguing in S. Se-Tbronete. out: Ontario Sunday June t'allui is lemreranee Sumba' in the StindaY schools end it is ,suggeated that a start be made in the effort to se- eure (Wedged, trbstainere by r 1915; Every Istratiny School Sam- erlateadant is asked to take the mat r up and have an adeirese on the thieet of ,Pledge Signing'. It' is al- so anti eigarette day in the Bentley. Schools and the International don - btu 'ledge is suggested, 'Sample literature can he secured by ad- dressing; the Ontario S. S., A‘esocia. time Toronto or the County Superin- tendent. SEXSAPITII M.- John Otaianbell bad his hero raised and is 'placing a cement well under it 'this wi/ /he u great itunrover meat to his st.ableing, Mr A. 4its4daS has ommencea the ereetion of his fine, now reaidence.. Mx,. and, Airs, W. 0. 'Pearce, and. family -Mrs. E. Sutherland and little daughter of done rpaid ,wme of their, friends a flying. visit, latSt week. A large number from here attend,- ,..ed the funeral of the late Fred ' Yount, te: rditork on Monday last. Mr, W. 3. Gould eola a -gcod driver o Mr. W White a few days ago. CRITICAL TIME OF WOMAN'S LIFE From 40 to 50 Years of Age. How It May Be Passed ' in Safety. So. Wellington, B. C - "For a year dur- ing"the Change of Life I was all run down: Iewas really too weak to walk and was very despondent and thought I was going to die but at- -7 ter taking Lydia E. Pinlkharn's Vegeta- ble Compound and Blood Purifier my health and strength returned. I a.m very thankful to You and praiseyourmedicine. I have advised several women who suf- lered as I did to try your remedies. You may publish this if you Mean R. Moems, South Wellington, Vancouver Island, B. C. eeeeeeeefe:Fe, No other medicine for woman's Dishes received such wide -spread and unquali- fied endorsement. We know of mother medicine which has such a record of suc- cess as has Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegeta- ble Compound. For more than 30 years it has heen the standard remedy for wo- man's ills such as inflammation, ulcera- tion, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains and nervous prostration, and we ,believe it is unequalled for women dur- ing the period of change of life. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E.Pi'nkham's Vegeta- ble ComPellud will help you,write ia .Pinkhana IViedieine Co. Suffered With Biliousness and Sick Headache Calgary All erta July I was a great sufferer for a long tinie 'with 113iiionsPeS,. 6i(.4-, 'Head- ache and Liver treuie. othing seemed to do me Any good. 1 bad almostven tL in tesp:tirwhen I decided :to try; FIG PILLS AL(a'ctsiTornp▪ l'edildm3,• 9uathaif ( n "4 LQ:014iht: bilrrOVed„ J baTC ust nniSiled rhe fifth box and feel as well an 4ever, can heartily wecomtnead Fig for stomach an4 liver tro;11;leasr, I& -s, i3. Epstm. Sold at All dealers in 25 aud ea 'boxes ir)r mailed by the Fig Pill Co Ste'Thonias Ont, Sold at IIewe's /rug Store, WOODRAN I• ve and Van ee and Rev, and, %Ir' S:.iwyer paid a inirried visit to s on the ',circuit,. eea rE4.eadnian occupied the nal - here on 'Sunday last eel the ab- ce of the pastor who preached lay Seitool AeuiverserY Seri000 n, Zion epeeinteleat' of thel Circuit. "Miss Lia -Ie Hogg wa3 taken to St - .ics,;eb's ifespital London on Tilers-, diy to cnclergo an opperation for uirre- We trust the operation ,..flas be succeSsful, ;111141,KE Tht. hwiw of ;Are,, 444 -Relit Allan was the -Sc'ene 4/f 3 quier ding en -)tonday when their deugh. tee eareit was united in marriege te Chas Cantle a press -tomes mer of Stanley, fb gpo,,,,, were un. ;attended thebride, beiw* given away itv hot brother, itebert', I -14v. Mr. 2,1coihrtsesriterttli at' riqon rtfrfrIliautertior, rTaii;iy,„ Niagmna in',111$ and other "eoines. On theireturn hey will s-itle til‘e Pu -n. Swayze tvho :spenT the in ;Owl with a ilaegh -anIl tlisonT(Trir, en4 '4.'4 t° LITVIIELI4 ;11deet4,0;104m, iht,)ozif4 ezelerasr, arninunity bas Islet one veto .ha'• een conseicuous figure in the oeighborhood 'for ()vex eears. Born in Fermanagh, County. Ireland. tear Enniskilen in1$;12; «be region, 141 country at the age or jri wish her floor And trether, the late Wm. Iluelafield In IS61 E -he leeertne the wife of John Aikens tine they set - ed on, the farm across from Zion elturele ;1/4,:ex1. to her oars fatailY and children or the Methodist church whieh she helped to t'staLiA4 wits the chief' in.or0St in her life. Pre. vented from ha ess of hate from taka trig am active 11 trt in churchwork she 'NA:slued her interest in it to the test. ifer husheml and four children survive her Funeral vices on 'llonday were conducted by 81;53. otletta.orb°: The horse Lolling when one of the abulta drorped Mee, John Gununoe. of wiloow Urtiee was thrown from her buggy' last Thersday morning MAW returning from Alitehell sus- taining three broken ribs and ternal injuries. She was found in the road in an unconscious condition ZLTRIOJ1 Mr and Mrs Sum -1?-uSt vi -.Red jfl Milvertnn and Stratford last week Mrs. 112ra Eaerrher of Berlin for- merly of the 14., a con is acconel- ing to reports very with little hop s for recoverY. At-o....t three necks ago she passed tbrott4„il a sue. cessful oreration with hrigut 'pros- -I:nets for an early return to perfect health. Father Itondot a your_g ,priest re- cently ordained by Bishol; Fallon ar- rived here last weekto take charge of St. testers church .Drysdale„ The new a:riest is a irative of Stoney oirit. Essex County and attended Collev at Londcn end Mon:Teal rite _parish has !been without a resident ;L:astor Lor over a year, and Father Stroeder bas been attending it in ad- dition to tooking after his oWn church in town. t - Mrs- Johnstone of Kincardine is visiting her daughter. Mrs, Julius Thiel who has been Mr, F.0Kalbfleisch, is nettinir the foundation ready for a large barn which he is erecting near his Flax Mill The new structure ;will be a hundred feet in length, ass.,.for 44- 'Vcnecl, ntani zit CTYP YOIT LI, WOILli DOWN ONE putt -to A decrease of Itrbor7 with no ilimin:- titiori of income,' but: with general improve.nieras of results, is a eoin- bjjuitjOn ivliiels appeals to anyone.. bottr-aving 111a1311i0CTF and tliore efficient machines, 'night, ;test as w1I be used . by dairy farm- ers as by any manufacturer:, 'So the questions cotne„. lla,ve ;wn ffic-. ictit co \rs? iLo tliey save or make work? Arc they SO igO9d thai theY decrease both comparatively 'anct. actually the .necessary amountof. In- kjor in Iteep_ing c0Ws, and.rat the same i:ime increase t.lict. income? " EvCry dra,iry farmer needs to answer 'such citiestirms as apilierd to bi herd. and ' 1 -hem t• sfac torilv wh-n he keep,: dairy records ' A .statetnerit Made by , the dairy eIiVISIOI 'Otta,Nva., 'regarding 'Ontario eolvs kist aa r. Va Unit dairymen, .are keeping „sixteen, aow 8 tO .do the vork 0 c. ten., Sojr ‘tposs'ible 4,0 rill, do \vii.liN'OriC one third, a,nd: re- joiee )rnsy.i.essing more effic. e nt; V S. h c.,!„ sers tteap tv it h the " ' • , , A Quebec,dairyman' after One (; w ar of cotesting- writes the 1.)airy 1)ivision. r1ut(1 he now gets as much - milk his Selected -'enNy's 11,9 :to -getfrom; his" larger. .he ed, i'OnriatO SerVieeS11 e -teen 'arieffseleerse *ere rtneretee An inerase int he steam shif. rates ef,the 0,P,It from Tiiste. to Canada have heCn }AMOY du c to the rush of emigrants after ,the eliding of the Balkan war..,-,Tbe company is said to he unable to ha,pdle the numbeis offering, Homesteaders in, Southern -41`orta who were, bothered with the horses an cattle et' ranches damaging their crops are said to have retteeted WI> three thouSand ot the hOrse5'. ao4 cattle and driven them off across the inferno-tit:mai h4U-PdarTm,The h(9,e; steaders however deity ;nal- roey kri.4 it, ;but blame the Indians,. The New Yost: Beard of Health has MA 3 On On Dr, 17 mantes, serumtxe zoen roi tobg-c- culosis Br,- Friedmann has eold the rights for the is of the Canada apdS sailed f Germany, 'kirs. intc,41,r5t who was $ellt hack Bolloway pilf:on, on '-ildendaY fat, n"k -P-44 to be released. again on Vtiday. as she refnsed lo take t fend and was becOrning rrianger- ou weak. Tne suffragetWs; are 'orftiiit Oa* 4estrwLrre eame various, paete of the an- tr and Warned for an _atteunTt to burn he Jfoyai Aeademy of Arus • Ibo t membees fettle Scot- d in. tb itestee f:ouneo have. OilneNA 00 to, v,Levidr: tome -eIe ter .Seetlend threargis pa catateeite or legislature. ot ,nnustt er 140 vaNted meetieesand else the ere,s The t,llt will net be eresse,d, tins aeasen, eau. the ,,s,e:e.t„.„ iett Lieerase ereeee (14 reeatt izz earncSt. ditiotte for the ere Wes', teraCzi,oada are ref-orte4 t far” hic en tee bele et t Bey t r - e, sa„ a.. le 00,S , naed lee 5 nd had 'asked details, e Grea0-e1'britain. 0, n C411,1i1, NOrWaY, Pets r A eitensire, vatelglea ne Palace e 4d its 4,'01n011 mllete by a feeder. firm 4. ittS17,509,00,, Tee , ne i is eatimated -,t, se 1 The Ilti.^14C Conr.atittht eonth cee imerov iteatth nag 1 that, fltnt w I be able rt td4o) take in garelen, q-pw wr Inauguration utt Trunk Lake d„ Boil Route Service between Ease 1.V LeTfl and odere Canada-Centeaeue. ing EiaturdeY Juno 7th, WeStbatt04. O and on each 'Monday woQsday ead torday thereafter. the Grand Lt trak ettailway will °prate a Kate- iat teamship „V.4:1We'F,s leaving Tor- onto 10,45 a, to, steeping at 'Brant- ford Paris Woodstoeic. Lea- den rel etre theoy arriving at Sarnia 4,00 r making direct' coenection ith the Northeru Navigation Coat- etertroa palatial etetunere leaving Sar- nia Witart 435 p, to. for emelt $t, Marie Ont., Port Arthur and Fort William, Steamer leaving Sarnia Wharf 'Mendes :does not call at Port Arthur On the al:rival of the steemer at Vort William specie' trains of the highest standard will leave that eobst at 4.45 p. in. arriving, 'Winnip- eg 7.45 a. In, next morning - The serviee Afforded by this route is the finest in, every reepect, and in. ClUdeS 4CallOr and varier vire aervice- tween Toronto and Sarnie whorl: ex- oelloot eervice on the ,boats of the Northern Nuvigation Co„ including the 'llamonici the fittest and fastest passenger boat on the Great Lake standard, sleeping carselectric lights in lower and upper berths Colonist keering carS13erths Tree; Dieing ear coaches on ,the Grand Trunk Pacifie between Fort William a ad Winnigeg Through sleeping ears between. Fort William and Edmonton coramencing June 16th, " A srecial train will run the re- verse way -from Sarnia Wharf to Toronto commecing Sunday June pth and each Tuesday- Feeley and sunday thereafter. The first east hound train having,- ,direct steamer conecc- leaves Sarnia on Friday June 23rd Full particulars• reservations on steamer and train ratty be obtained _on .appliaction to Grand, tfrunk Ag- ents or write E. Horning-District Pas senger Agent Union Station Toronto. JIENSALL Miss Nellie Miller of Toronto is home owing .to ill health fileeve Ortwein attended the Coun- ty council last week. - '1CIrs, Clarke of Detroitl is visiting hgleerenin. other Mrs, 1..Tagen Of Hills' Mrs,. It. I -licks visited her moth - or at 'Union. ' Dave Canteloo. has returned to Tor- onto af.ter spending several (days in Ecnastatille. ' 'owners are Ohaving ftheir own troubles in securing 'a herder who Nvill settle pernianeriOy on the 1.1.eynolds is improving hils re- 'sidence by Cliaving it newly Our holvlers have ,commenced prac- tise and lbe able to give a good "account of...themselves before, Jong. Harold IKerr., son of W. E, Kerr ,formerly of I-Iensall-has eater - ed the fflanailton IConCerence on 'pro- bation ,for 7the rninistery. Mr,, and iNfrs, 'Wm. 'Moir are in Tor -onto visiting lelatives, Much regret and sympathy for the be-•eaved husband and family 18 felt in this community over the deauli of Ars, Lawrence Flefferman which look place at her Lhome on Lot 25 Con ,1 Hay on Sunday Tune 1st. The dezenseci was only in her thir- tieth 'seal., Ls.2 sat (been in the bes't ot for smite lime', but no clan- er ous symptoms ‘ere manifest nn til shortly before' her 'demise. when she. was stricken with paralysis. She Was :I kind -wife and mother and a ii alit! I SedtiOn 1P4 - Scaf,ort.h. after II; ' genial neighbo% The interment took place on Tuesd:ty lore -noon 'to Janies s 8 Educate your children musically. Ste The Edison ono T Aka appreciation of music is as essential as techn world's masterpieces are on Edison Records, done by est artists. You can play them -again and agam, until you have familialized yourself and your children with the sort of music they ought to know-e/assical and populari. Stop n at your Edison dealers and have 1,.;2.M. play some Blue Amberol Records. They will delight the family. mom.. A. Ealten, :nee 1001eseceide Aee,,Orenee. se, U. S, A complete; tine of Et/i4on PhonoarraphA and Records will a Powell Main 5 10 a Sunday ,3" who was 41 Men to Fill Good Positions, Trained men are wanted everywhere in fact, they are always wanted, for the demand is greater thau the supply. This demand ia not for the limn who is Able to earn only two or three dol1ars7717r at hard manual labor and who can work only Under the direction of sozne one else, but for the man who is able to plan anti direct the work of others -the man whose training has qualified him to com- petently hold positions of responsibility. The INTERNATIONAL Conetersrmenwsert SenooLs, that great institution that has done so much in the past and is doiug so , much every minute for working men and women, offers you an easy way 10 become it trained inan-to secure a good position it the trade or profession that best suits your taste and ambition. The 1. C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right where you are without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay; without changing positions until you are ready to step into -the oue you desire; -without obligatiug you to pay- more thaa your present salary will afford, no matter how small it iS. Thousands of men have secured life-long betterment throegh this great plan. "Every month an average of SOO voluntarily, tell us of such advancement. You can do the same a.S these men have done. If you really want a good posi- tion, a larger salary, and a suc- cessful life, find out how you can secure it in the surest and most practical way in the world by marking and mailing this cou- pon. 'Ibis puts you under no obligation. It is simply a re- quest for further information, 4 Clip, mark, and mail it NOW. ° Xame • Street and No .44. ****** • Ciij, State • +16.4*** di.******•••.•46 •4 4.1. ThrradVATIONAL CORRESPoNntNCE sed0Ols 4 .Box 799, Scranton. Pa. - raAseetpaar..kvitticunt t iurthhr iiligaticAdrs m.ri. * how 1 cats quality tor A larger 'sdlney nod i,g.hadvance. efi • went tonic pe,,sititm belgrd wIdich 1 bake scarkcur X, es • Architecture, Draftsmen • Structurntr-ngineer Siructutel Draftsmen Contractor and Builder Ferman Plumber Ett2inacr II. Constructinn Eng. Surveyor • 'Mirlihg Engineer Chemist Bookkeeper Siehogrspher Ad Wraer Show.Cerri Writer window Trimmer Oben Service Exams. Ornamental Designer Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Dreltaman Fereelsri Machinist Electrical Engineer Electrician Pewer.Siatien Supt. Arohltect 4 4. 4. 4. known and highly resected ,through- out this entire , Iconirtylinity. With his ke:arents brothers and Sisters, the cainc Ito this country; in ISM and set- tled in (the forest on tlie 1.London Road. After assisting his father Tor time he married and, located on a Lan m on the fourth Concession of Hay, where he also ran a saw Mill. Being shrewd and industriouls he was, very suceessiful and - acquired considerafble wealth. He had been in poor health for two years; which ...gradually wore Out his once robust frame. He was a ,member of Carmel l'iresbyterian church. The funeral Nvilich was a ver:sr large .one was 'held June Ith -Rev._ E. MCI, ,Smith -conduct tug,t.he serviceDeceased was a brother of the latse AVM. Bell who diecl a, few ,Nyeel,:s ago. Patterson-- Horton.- - A very loyous- event Look Iplace aL the "tome ef the )brides Parents NEI% and Mrs, Nicholas, Horton, on Wednesday LTune 4th at 'high noon when: their .daugli, fer Edna gnes NN -as united in mar - riaL,'C to Roibt,,. Patterson of ville. The ceremony Was 4:erforined by Rey. i\Kr. -Larkin of Sealerth. The 'elide was handsomely gowned in Bul- garian silk trimmed With cream lace After congratulations the 'bridal lc -ar- ty and guests sat down to a suinpt- Lions repasr. Only the immediate re- - 1ative of the family were present. The bride.s- going away _suitiv grey tailored whir -cord tvI •belck hat with shaded harpy couple left Sed.reir 1: College at flome rTeo'hpoileisaanrkles foafstamiabreittpioaursi433.ounisa • their own homes to occulpy,luo- • ra'llve positions att stenograph- + ens bookkeePers telegraph- 4. .1. ers, civil servants in fact every • 'there of business activities + You May finish at College if 4: 4', you so wish ,l'ositions Iguaran. teed. Enter college any day. ,t • Individual instruction. Ex- • 4.iert teachers. Thirty' tyears .4.* experience. Largest trainers t -I* in Canada. Seven colleges t Special COULTSe for teachers. % Affiliated with Cominercial Ed.; • ucational Association of Canada • Sunanaer SChool at Famous Spot ...I.', • ton Business College London. 4., At. NO VACATION Olin ton Business College 4.4. GEO. SPOTTOIN 13. F. WARD Pesident Pincip at the,alferaoon train .6.in,id" Showerg. 'W,i,oe'.end. confetti, for .7.4.r,ontp.:,, ..D4A t • many a halpY and prpsperqus. 4ed lfe,, 4