HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-04-02, Page 23GREEN GIANT FANCY VEGETABLES SUMMER SWEET ,OR GIANT PEAS, CREAM CORN, 'KITCHEN SLICED GREEN OR WAXED BEANS "14Oz. TINS ocux sranv CRANBERRY SAUCE e � e WHOLE OR JELLIED "14 oz. TINS BAG COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE ..8'9 ALL PURPOSE 1 LB. BAG CA iLuS • Nursery Stock • Rolling • Fertilizing • Aeri-fying • Verticutting • Seeding & Sodding • Instant Shade Trees Mothers Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance 524-2401 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY „APRIL 2,198( Father Moynahan passes away Reverend Father Raymond Moynahan, saintly and beloved pastor of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Parish in Goderich from 1959 to 1977, died in hospital in Windsor on Wednesday, March 26 at the age of 75. He wSs born on October 11, 1904 to John and Mary Moynahan. He was ordained on May 26, 1934. He was assistant priest of St. Mary's Church, Wood- stock; pastor of All Saints Church, Strathroy; and pastor of St. Peter's Church Church, Goderich until his retirement in 1977 when he took up residence at Giendarda Convent, Windsor. He was predeceased by his parents and three brothers, Ernest, Gerald and Bernard. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Aileen Boyle of Windsor. Funeral services were held at Holy Name of Mary Church, Windsor on Saturday, March 29. A very large. number of pint ,,_ concelebrated ma -s -s. Principal con- celebrants were Bishop John Michael Sherlock, the Reverend Monsignors Fergus Laverty and For Wedding Banquets Funeral Designs, Green Plants, Hanging Plants and Pots, plus a full line of Fresh, Silk and Dried Flowers ' head for... SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 8.2 Sauih. St. Goderich PHONE 524-13761 EVENINGS 524-7243 GREENGNNT CORN NIBLETS FANCY QUALITY 0 GARDEN OOCKTAIL- Lester Wemple and Fathers Joseph Hen- nessey and William Simpson. A number of Goderich residents at= tended the funeral mass. Many religious sisters were also present. A large number of priests who were former pastors, teachers or' students at the time Father Moynahan at- tended the seminary were • present at his funeral. These included Monsignors J.A. Rooney, Andrew P. Mahoney and Joseph. A. Feeney and Fathers W.T. O'Rourke and A.L. Meloche. • The late Father Moynahan huried--at Heavenly Rest Cemetery in Windsor with the final prayers said by Bishop Sherlock. A memorial mass was held in Goderich on the same day, celebrated by the late Father Moynahan's successor; BROWN 'N' SERVE - WESTONS' ROLLS A BLEND OF VEGETABLE JUICE 0 R PKG. OF 12 28 oz. GLASS 30 REGULAR OR 24 SUPER TODDLER n SYRUP PACKED - 3 VAR. BABISCOTT *2.��IDOLEDIAPERSPINEAPPLE 19 oz. TIN REGULAR OR DIP HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS 200 g. ALL PURPOSE YUM YUM OR SWEET MIXED -ROBIN HOOD $ 1111t FLOUR to hg• BAG .1?9 PICKLES 32 oz. JAR RICKS PICKLES SWEET GHERKINS` 24 oz. f. NEILSONS FRUITE'`LUS YOGURT ASSORTED VARIETIES 1759. CUP CUPS FOR ALLENS MILIA CHOCOLATE HENS & AA s "EASTER ,WISHING WELL" 5 1/2 oz. PKG. ITS 95 FLAVOURS WIDE QUICK & EASY FOR YOUR • FAVOU R ITE DESSERT 3 oz. PKGS. FOR s BETTY CROCKER WHITE. CONFETTI OR RASPBERRY ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX 15 0z. TAKE AIM AGAINST CAVITIES 9 AIM TOOTHPASTE 100 ml 'TUBE SOFT, MEDIUM OR HARD WESTCA;` E T00THRSHES 3F WELCHS CONCORD OR WHITE GRAPE JUICE GREEN ,GIANT OVEN CROCK BEANS r McCAINS FROZEN FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FRENCHS CLUBHOUSE MARASCHINO X10 oz. 149 PREPARED MUSTARD_ _1JAR _ 59' RED CI1Es'' RIES 12 `oz JAR 199 CHERRY HILL MEDIUM, COLOURED OLD OR EXTRA OLD 19 oz. JAR CLUBHOUSE L.P. MANZANILLA 79° OLIVES oz. t29 CHE DAR STICK_ -3_ 1/2 - lb. BAG 12 McCAINS PARISIENNE OR FLORENTINE \ SCHNEIDERS REGULAR CHEESE SLICES DOLE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL MIXED VEGETABLES IMPERIAL - QUARTERS WESTONS EIoz. ,L 16 oz. $f79 19 oz. _ o 3lb. ..._2m19 CINNAMON SCONES _ rF 4 69' Mc6•A+IYS GHOC-O-L-A-T-E-MARBLE-{1R-BANANA DEEP 1' DELICIOUS CAKES x',59 *------%' MEAT, CHICKEN OR PIZZA McCAINS CORNISH PIES $ 49 lOoz.1 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA FRESH BROCCOLI McCAINS DELUXE PIZZA SUBS ------ 12Oz __$179 McCAINS PEPPERONI PIZZA SUBS 11 oz 179 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA CAN. NO. 1 GRADE LUSCIOUS FRESH STRAWBERRIES FANCY DECORATED BUNNY CAKEEAC,3.7: 0 0 SIX GRAIN, SOURDOUGH OR TRITICALE BREAD 16 oz LOAVES 2 F 0 Si R , BUD OF CALIFORNIA CAN. NO. 1 GRADE HEAD LETTUCE_ FRESH SWEET DOLE PINEAPPLES ONTARIO GROWN WAXED RUTABAGAS___ PINT nA PRODUCE OF CALIFORNIA . EA_ N8 CELERY STALKS 1 LARGE B.U.NCH 69¢ 99r PRODUCE GREEN DONIONSCALIFORNIA N0.1 4R 990 EACH _BUNCHES PRODUCE OF U.S.A. SWEET YAMS PRODUCE. OF U.S.A. NO. 1 FRESH lb. _16v CELLO RADISHES _ _ _ Y169' CALIFORNIA SIZE 88'S 5 Ib. 35° NAVEL ORANGES Doz. 199 Nzehrs ALL ZEHRS MARKETS CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL TUESDAY APRIL 8 • WE RESERVETHERIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU itis GODERICH �R HWY. NO.8 OUR MANAGER IS: DALE McDONALD iVENINGS RD. OPEN ,WED., THURS., ERI., the Reverend Father conformity with Vatican A.F. Loebach, P.P. II specifications and was In paying tribute to the responsible for the late Father Moynahan, construction of the Parish Judge F.G. Carter, a Hall, under the church," parishioner, said he said Judge Carter. would be remembered in "One of his last public Goderich as a humble acts in Goderich was to man, and a constant bless the commencement visitor to Alexandra 'of the Sesquicentennial Marine and General celebrations. Hospital and the psychiatric hospital. "He brought the in- terior of St. Peter's Church, Goderich into "He will be missed not only by his own flock but by the citizens of Goderich in general," he concluded. AA A REVEREND FATHER RAYMOND MOYNAHAN briefs from Goerich ecreation B---a-d--r BY CATH WOODEN In his March report to the recreation board, community centre mitnager Peter Imanse stated that gross receipts for the eight-day Young Canada Week totalled $12,364. He said that the arena -. staff received many compliments on the condition of the ice surface and the cleanliness of the arena during the week, and added that it was a "pleasure to work with the members of the Lions Club- who organized the tournament. ++t Imanse also reported that, during the past year, approximately ,120 chair seats have been broken and 25 seat backs damaged. The total,cost for repairing the chairs was $593,98 with $470 of the cost collected by direct charges to the user's• when chairs were checked at the end of the functions. At . its 'March 27 'Meeting,. the recreation board discussed• a letter from To.m Thompson and Brian Romig on behalf of the Lakeport Steel bantams and the Green and Parent midgets asking for reim- bursement., of a $175 auditorium rental fee. The groups held a casino night ..in ..the auditorium to raise money for the hockey teams' trip to Montreal. They made $1100 at the casino night, but the trip costs $2400. The board passed a motion to waive the fee. + +,l+ - A delegation from the Goderich Figure Skating Club attended the March 27 meeting of the board to request $1000 in subsidies. to meet expenses. The group fell short a few thousand dollars of meeting its operational expenses this year. Even though the town's finance committee has deleted the group support budget of $3500, the board wants to assist and has directed the request tb town co'unci1. +++ The Laketown Band also requested financial assistance in carrying out its concerts. The board reffdred .the letter to the cultural committee. +1+ • In, answer to requests regarding insurance coverage for the town;: Clerk Larry McCabe forwarded a memo to the rec board explaining coverage. He said that Goderich is cov.ered by liability and negligence for all - town employees, comm- mittees, boards, etc. However, the individual groups organizing events Boy falls into pool Goderich police and firemen were 'called out late Sunday afternoon after Dwayne Leddy, two-year-old son of•Q Harold and Dianne Leddy of 222 Quebec Street, slipped and fell into a ground pool in his back yard. The pool cover was . covered with several inches of water and ice and Dwayne was in the cold water for ap- proximately one minute before his mother was able to pull him out and start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Dwayne . was taken to Alexandra 1VIarine and General -Hospital where he was kept overnight for observation. Commission says no station The Royal Commission on Electric Power Pl.,a n n..i n g_ .._. _ _..(. Ho r_.te r Commission) has advised the Ontario government . not to put a thermal generating station on the shores of Lake Hurori, south of Kincardine. In a press conference in Toronto, Dr. Porter said that Ontario Hydro should consult with ef- fected people before any .._dec..isto. _.__on_._._ma3on.. developments is taken. Philip Durand, the Chairman of the Huron Power, Plant Committee, which is comprised of 18 organizations and municipal government, said that he was pleased with the report, Goderich & District Big Brothers' Association would like to volunteer to' be a BIG BROTHER I understand that I will 'be contacted by a member of the Big Urothers' staff. - I am o mother of a fatherless boy(s) and would like to know more about BIG BROTHERS NAME AGE OCCUPATION HOME ADDRESS PHONE (RES.) (BUS.) Signature (Please send to) BOX 382 GODERICH, ONT. Jim Mulhern President 524-8631 Dorothy Cornish Secretary 524-9421 should have their own- insurance wninsurance coverage. If anyone, is hurt (e.g., hit with a puck or baseball) he can sue the municipality and the team organizing or conducting the event. • The Intermediate B and Minor Hockey Associations do have separate policies, and McCabe said the Old- timers Association should have its own. Police investigate two weekend accidents Goderich 0.P.P.• had two car accidents to investigate over the weekend. On Friday night. Leslie Walter Roden, 28, of R.R. 5 Lucknow, suffered a fractured skull. internal injuries and ay badly gashed arm when his, car left :Huron County Road 22, struck a large tree -stump in' -a ditch, soared - 100 feet through the air and landed upside dawn on the road. Roden crawled from the wreckage and walked, 'dripping blood, for 2'. miles through the bush to -his home. O.P.P. officers followed the blood for. awhile but lost the trail.. They went to Roden's home •after finding identification •in his car. • Roden -was home when O.P.P. officers arrived but had to he talked'IMO going to Wirigham and District Hospital. He was. later transferred 40, Victoria Hospital in London where he is listed in fair but improving condition. The . Lucknow fire depart"tnent had been called out to hose down the Roden vehicle which was steaming and threatening to catch fire after the ac,:ident. On Sunday morning at 3:10, O.P.P. . officers investigated a single car accident on Highway 8, 1.3 kilometers south of Goderich. Derrick Adamski. 19 and Paul Johnston, 32, both of London were .-treated fir minor Injuries after the car which Adain kl was driving northbound. crossed the roadway. entered the west ditch and went down an embankment. coming to rest right side up in a field. There was ' $2 9On damage til the car the accident is still under investigation. ILIEE, IYISAL%ILITY AND MORTGAGE I N S U s',' N C E INEOEYiE AVERAGING ANNUITIES GROUP BENEFITS R.R.S.P.'s H. (SIAL) CLAUS London °EPICS Life 271.1A20 tdOMIE 524-2495 by