HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-6-12, Page 3SLEEP WALKERSitiCREASING
Banished Through tha Use of Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills
Mon emnimeed NusieeSo Well That Following 'wasting cliseaeee suoh
1.10 Ce4Sed to Work
as fevers, any people find dife-
'hen Awake. clitt regeiu their formee streegtli.
d They bene hreathlesseand tired
we ere au mere en. lees familiar out, at, the least exert -WO their ap-
lst, with the ordinary caees of," theugh death Tia4'Etal'in ihern
Faid a" welt -known brain speeiall Petit°. is Okla wed the oitee feel
sleep-walkere Which. are probaleytim the fane. The trouble he with ,Prmee Beery wee Q400 sent to him
Poweeiletind Throne.
The new power behind the Brie
tieh throne is Lord filtaMfordhane
or "50:prole," ae, he eie. ,usually
known . ebout the cou.A. He has
just taken over , the' duties' prin-
pI PeiVahe'"secreteeYe te,a,Kitie
George. Hedis a:strange:Man, ;0,nd
the HeeeTeerreePendeeee maY-nere-
hetexpeeted have'en amount of
hackbeee that.OlaY even /teake
liana -a-ege 13eyatt ,
He is, probably the only ,seember
of -the Boyal, honeehold wlee has
ever administered a rebuke one
of his Malesty'a chiJdree, Little
as old as hen'eanity itself. But the the bleed Isidch has not returned at Buekinghera Palace with a mes-
stertiehlg term ba,5 taken rehlte its eoranal eouditiou and is li`elc. sage fawn the King, Boyeesec he
eont yeas are 'a-5 little known, to Ing In th refl e°111)..ese1e5 withcArt rushed into the whih good health is roone;delivered his
the public at large as they are my's- . impossible.
terious and imeanne even to mena 1ru that-knocketel a: pile of papere- 'off his
llee teyeeif whe, less osboneie is e9 We hams kink Pilis prove etheir Ineeeeep,s wee. eeeeee via
Stu.ely the vagaries of the braineig.reat .1011le value. Bvery deee helps tease a aeie Leee tamfores
Th, ese pew and amazing manifees to make new, Kieh, red bleed, which. bano "and when you haVe dime so,
tatioaa or somnambulism are prob._ means health and, s, deliver your meesage to me proper-
jealaly the re -silt of, the severe strain Theodore Foley, Athees, - Ont., le, area always remember to do
Pa Oft the braie, by alinoet cease- san(s 7, "Following 'an Att of tor- in feture,"
less high pressure at -which it has Phoid fever I was left in, a very In addition to heleg his Majesty'e
to work, wea an4 disheartened condition. eloeest friend and confeleettal ael-
Only last, week a, lady came to The Pnaallest, exertion left me worn
coneelt me about- her son, whose and tired out, and 1 wee hardly
doings, weep causing; her great; able to get areuod, and naturally
aiaioe t:te is a yeeseg peeneer felt. despondeut, 1 etestieled to try
eoatitierable promise, end is en,,,,nr„ William& Pink Pills and the
gaged OB pieture for next year's 'Iroved .0f OW gratese benefit t
academy, me. I am vow as well anti stroTta
Night after night, his mother told as ever, and eau do all, my OWn
Mel he would leave hie bed, tieess,! work, and aa we, live on a fa-rm,
go to his studie and 'paiat 4Wity goes went esaying that fliere }a
at hie eteevas for hours arta, time, lunieh to do, I feel, therefore, that
eed every mooting he I caenot say too much ie praise of
Dr. WilliamsPink Pills."
11 Tee are suffering from th
utter effete el fevers, la grippe, o
any aeuto disease, you obould be
gill to get new etrength to -day
-through' the temie treateneat with
Dr, Williame' Pink Pills. Sold
dl menelleinertlealers or by mail at
centre bo sa bones for
2 eti from The Di', Williams' Medi..
(,-o, BrliJ1 Qlvt
emezed at the progress a his pie-
ture awe the ooed Wci'k 010 had
ineeteriously been put into it. Ire
' had ne recollection 'ehatever
having dor. the work hintnelf, and
refused to believe his mother when
at last ehe'veutured to tell him the
Wiote and
fed Artlele.
He-trie n
time with snh po
min ins mariusex on the Are, e qui
At lost lie W4$ obilreed to eoefese is epte44
to the editor that the task NV4,5 be- . ere perent,
petal himgling info China. Phi
EC o Nen
diflieult sibSet.
egain, mud each
reuelts that ho
rico Q
She Was Helpless
For Two Years
Why, Mrs.?' Baldwin Reeommends
Dodd's, Ifideey Pine,
She Codd Find Nothing to Cure
ater Rheumatiain Till 04 a Neigh -
or' Advice She Tried Dedtre
-Kidney Pills.
5t, 'Walburg, Sask., June (Spe-
cae trail reeoMMend
Deeld's Kidney Pills or any 4.0staffering from rheureati.ele," These
are the wordes of Mre. Wd;
. A, Bal
a hiehly respected reeklene of
teas e.ace. And Mrs,. Baldwin elves
Ler reeeress :
"1 eees nearly helpless with risees
matisne for two yeare," she states,
"I got medceine from the doctor,
and tried several other remeelies,
but nothing helped me. Then one
of any 'neighbors advised nee 'to try
Dodd'e Kidney Pille., I bought four
boxes and they helped me aleaseet
froin the first,. I have used nearly
two dozen boxes and ems neary
Thee liteumat:'ha
site of eliseeeed klkineys.
show -a in. Mrs, Baldwin'e eerie.
I beadaebes, Stiffness of
irete and haekteche, her Sleep
beoken and nerotreshing, aed she
WR5 always tired and nervoes. Her
Bodes 'ewelle4 and the was always
thirity. These are a f‘31-Aptu.rus, of
diseased kidneye. Whoa elle cured
her kideeys with Dodd's. Kidney
Pills, the symptoms, vanisheelea
es did the rimetnaatieme
ea Is Kedged itround
by Ilestrietione.
ser, Lord Ste ferdham
f the Queen to a
ly shared by Sir A
n, -the keeper of his
Verse. Net 1911g,
.11 posed to deal with
i porta. eoramunicatieu 59
on 45 it was reeeived, While he
penning his reply the Queea
entered his room and aeked him
in Betit
r smug
espite the
A few days later he was ;reamed feet thee both the British Chlh. whet he was busy 'with. no ng
eo receive a eote from the editor nese Goeeromerts are. eloixtei their peeeed tee paper over te her, and
4 .4
thanking hiin in most camPliment- utmost to atop the sele of oprum, explained the peVert of his reply.
ry terms for the very article he interesting dead% about opium 4,114s stamfimmarn $cen thisr
a„.4 been.„Ilattble wItitee cultivation were given to The Lon- tow her Majesty. Viten she was
AsturanY etuough'etein
ite, editor.,,,t,then Daily Mirror by a ceeee6peer joid that he had nut, she auggeste4
was joking. ..But-lle
no en tag. tan' dent with an intima( enewieege of thatit would
goiug to tho ofaco the lii.Y8t"i°118 the illdttlitry. PoPPiehe" did, and thetleteactib°i
arfiele was prOdUCed iu his own he said, "etand very high on tall, boy despatched to him.
handwritinM and, as he eenieSget" straight, eiteme. It is the largo, lee possesses a, rather grimthumor
of hie OM): Ho was standing close
to the Royal eirele at one of the
eourte recently, whop a portly lady
approached the preseuee and began
to make some rather ourious move-
ments in her effort to appear dig-
nified before the ICing and Queen.
"What's the old lady trying to
do!' ho euquired of the oourtier
next to hint,"eake walk, or has
she got a pain anywhere V'
lt was quite the best piece of work
he had ever done. He had no re-
elleetion whatever of having writ-
ten it, and there is no doubt that
but posted it in his sleep.
Not long ago I had a patient to
whom such a feat as this would
have seemed eonunonplace. He wee
elever composer, and be toldeme
that for years tuest of his work had
been done in his sleep,so much so
that lio rarelY ever tried to work
(luring his waking hours.
Morning after morning, he said,
lie opened his eyes to see, on the
table by his bedside, pages of music
which he had compoeed during the
night, and not a note of which he
remembered writing. If he 'wished
to tompose a song he would study
the words just before retiring, and
almost invariably the finished com-
position was there to greet him
" when he awoke.
This man was highly neurotic; ab-
normal in nattily ways, and I was
not at all surprised when at. last
his brain gave way altogether.
Chatted and Smoked.
fleshy poppy -head which contaies
opium juloo,
'Next month, when the flowers
have faded, the poppy heads will be
he must not only have written it kni
ready, to be bled. A fe with
thick handle and several thort
blades is used.
"Ono or two tutu are made in the
fleshy, thick green akin of the
heads, on the side towards the set-
ting sun, During the night the
opium juke oozes out in pear -like
drops, and this it; collected in the
morning on the 'backs ef crescent,
shaped knives. Each plant yielde
two or four grains of opium juice."
Mothers frnd baby's teething a
eaurce of great anxiety --the
one beeomes restless and nervous;
he becomes cross and eannOt sleep,
and sometimes. constipation, diar-
rhoea, colic or convulsions seize
him. Baby's Own Tablets will pre-
vent all this. They regulate the
st-omach and bowels; allay the fev-
erishness, and -baby will cut his
But the moet remarkable case of teeth without pain or worry. The
literally hundreds that have come Tablets are sold by medicine deal -
within my own observation is that ers or by mail 'at .2. 5 cents a _box
of a. man who can do and does any- from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
thing wehen asleep that a waking Co., Brookville, Ont.
man can do. Not long ago this
man was. staying with a friend in For one man who can't stand
the counti•Y, and not feeling well, prosperity there are a hundred who
retired to 'bed before' his host and never have 'a chance to find out
fellow guests. About an hour later whether they can or not.
he came downstairs into the smok-
ing -room, to all appearances as
wide awake as any of the others,
mixed himself a whisky and soda,
lit a cigar and joined in the gen-
eral convereatierl.
He talked quite brilliantly,. ar-
. ,
gued on a wide range of subjectse
from home rule to theology, and
at last went off to bed with the
rest.: -When, at brealda,st, the fol-
lowing morning, he was reminded
of some rather stertIihg statement
he had made the night' before, he
declared he had no recollection
whatever of the circumstances and
that hehad not eeen been -in the
,smoking reom et the time. He re-
membered going to bed early, and
_nothing mere until he awake in
the morning,: He had been asleep
the whole time.
Mrs. Keepup Made it her private
and - particular -business to have
whatever ' 'her, neighbors had,
whether -it was a question of chick-
ens or diseases,' so when Mrs. Gote
there eompleined to her one day of
insomnia, Mrs..Keepup was ready
for her. `'I haVe it, too, very bad-
ly at times." "What do you do
for it, Mrs. Keepup?" "Why, I
have never -found anything that did
n `good except jest to
et 6444ffl
MInard's Liniment Cures ntrdittioria.
Satan finds .,mischief for idle
hands to do. Otherwise there
would be fewer popular novels.
glinard's Lininnint Ctires Cart In Cow, '
Le Fano, in his "Seventy Years..
of Irish Life," tells of a peasant
who said to a gentleman: "My
poor father died last night, your
Honer!' "I'm-- Sorry for that,
noW,Id answers the other. "-And
what doctor attended him?" "Ah
my pOOT father wouldn't have a
doctor e , he -always ,Said he'd like
la die a natural death:"
IT .yott Write statioesa;nree
elefeeicet .'ealerepetteatia, Lemuel,
The Grocer Could Not Put Old
• Peas On to Mrs. Newlymade.
"Hints on Going to Market,
murmured Mrs. Newlymarle to her-
self, running a practised, Inger
clowe the index in the hack of the
"Young Housekeeper's Friend and
Guide. "Here it is, tan page
sixty-oneee— I'm, yes. 'Green
peas,'" she read, "'when fresh
and young, have bright green
pod. Never buy those that have
become yellow; they have passed
their prime.'"
With a confident etep Aire. New-
lyinade entered the.00rner grocery
and walked up to the vegetable
counter. Ellie settled her glassee
more firmly upon her nose, and
scanned with a critical eye the
stock that was displayed. She
frowned a little when she saw that
there were no peas with fresh -look-
ing pods.
",'Something you'd like -this morn -
madam 7" said the grocer,
briskly, 'stepping irp and rubbing
his hands'smilingly.
e.."1 Wante,c1 to get some green
replied Mrs. Newlymade,
"bet I don't want these; they're
noCfit to eat when they're as yellow
as that. That's a sure Sign they're
hold'. These are so old they're al-
most pure white. I shouldn't think
you)d ever- get4iinybocly to buy such
po-or-looking things." -
Mrs. Newlyraadeelooked very se-
ver•ely at tlm grocer, ,who grew very
red turned away, and coughed with
"I elieuld think he would be
ashamed," thought Mre, Newly -
made' "but he needn't -think I
don't know what's what. He might
just as Well understand he Can't
work Off ally old stale etock onsinee
if, I am new at housekeeping!"
The grocer walked down to the
end of the counter and laid his hand
on a basket. "Here.'s some green
peas over here, ma'am," he said,
huskily, wiping his eyes after
his coughing spell. "Them thinge
you're lookin nt there are wax
,"Have _yell hot water in your
house "Have II :MY dear bo
arn never out of it."-
generally ratiliz.ed that
ar hedged round by
"ellen?. A% boxin
der Queenehury rules,
These regulation; whiell are ure.
der eanotion all theeivilized
uutriea the world, are designed
e fair play for the ,corebett-
When i intended to bombard
place,'due D9 '9 eshould be given,
that all weal and thildrea may,
h removed to plave of safety;
d every eare mnat takhu to
s ehurehea aed heepitale, as
woll as eller/bide or etturation-
lAballeliali:ine, doctors and nurses
are protected in every poodble awe
and aro 'int to be taken prisoners
Or in Ally way nieured.
Any soldier robbing or lautilat,
ing an enemy is liable to be ebet
without trial; and death is the pen-
alty for wounding ertkillies a
abled man,
The bodies of the onomy aro to
bo earefully searched before
and any articles found on them
a-hich might lead to their ideetifi-
cation aro to be 'sent to the proper
quarters. .
Exploaivo bullets must not be
used, and querter must be given to
the enemy whether he -rusks for it or
not. In an attack on the • enemy
there must be no eoncealment of
the distinctive signs of the regi-
ments; and the use of poisons foe
polluting drinking water isstrictly
lkfathentatician Figures Out the
n Food Question.
If any eine requires a .clear head
it is a teacher el mathematics. He
renst reason in' the abstract, as it
were and full concentration of
mini is necessary if correct results
are to be forthcoming.
A man, writes:
"I ara a teacher of mathematics
and for 15 years prior to four years
ago, I either took a, lunch composed
of cold sandwiches, pickles, etc., to
school or hurried home and quickly
ate a hot dinner.
"The result was -that I went to
my afternoon work feeling heavy,
dull of brain and 'generally Out of
sorts. Finally, learned about
Gra-pe-Nuts-food and began to use
Assisted by an occasional use of
Cuticura Ointment, No ether eine!.
Beets de SO much for poor roin
plexions, red, rough /lends, dandruff,
ahd dry, thin and faniog hair,
eater -4142p arid osifiemt sal thrslisteS0
the world. A liberal umpte ctely.i.b„, eats aa-seeee,
C44 0, 4'34.4 90 t.MPPgPit tt',9 4041444A4.
sesip.eip.terettee. Ad 004 Rottx Praw faicark
cape nee. 4% A0404., er,
hpy Go to Lot ol
Towe of
EOW poopto ar
ant onetem whieli is
the Tower et London3an'
midnight a, beef eater and
yeoman porter secures
m the governor's house
np." Having received t
eye, tbey prooed to ties fre
"Eecort fortlio keys
the porter, anti a Siergoit
privates turn out.
The procesinon then marches
axed the sentries they piss issue
nsual eheneuge of "Who
there l" to whieh the answer
Arriving at the entrauee. to
Tower grounds, the Lion's gate, ti
porter lecke the gates, aud th
party returns to the guarelerocen,
the waxer ehalleuging as before
and receiving the eame answer.
However, on arrival at the guard-
room again, the sentry et'enforied
there stamps his foot, at the eamo
time giving the usual challenge.
"Keys," replies the porter.
"Whose keys!" the seotry asks.
"King George's keys."
"Advattee, Xing George's keys,
and all's well."
The porter then says, "God blase
King George," and ell present re-
spond. with "Amen 1" The keys are
thou Saluted and returned to the
governor's house, where they re-
main until the next night's cere-
it, for nay neon -day lu-nch.
"From the first I experienced
greet' change forthe better. The
heavY, unpleasant feeling and seer
stomach caused by the former diet
disappeared. The.. drowsy languor
and disinclination to work soon
gal:re 'Way to a brightness' and, vim
in ray afternoon veirk, a feeling
entirely new to me.
"My brain respoede peompely to
the requirements put upon it, and
whatis of more importance, the re -
suite have been lasting and more
satisfactory, the longer 1 have, used
Grape -Nuts as a food. -
``aly wife had lbeen suffering from
iVeak,stomach accompanied by ski;
headaches ,.nearly all her life. She
is invariably relic -red of these when
She, sticks to Grapo-Tuts, either
eaten dry or with milk. Her stom-
ach has gradually grown, stronger
and her 'headaches loss frequent
since silo began to eat GraPe-
Nuts . ' er e' s Re a son ' Narne
given by ' Canadian Po see na
Windsor. Ont. Read the booklet,
"The Read to Wellville," in pkgs.
Evey read the obese letter? A new on,
a,UPciars -trolVtliP4tcr4111194 ThoY /,1r11 --
d a Iteruan interest, KA -r.
nost People Owned Few and Life
Was Very Simple,
All light literature and snost his-
tory books eerwee an imereeeieu,
writee Mr, A. G. Bradley
"Blackwoode," that the alave,-
owners of the southern .Statee: Ie
those of the West Indies, were a
small caste oerahsg swerrne of
elaree. Now there were 60,000 in
Vire-ina'a, and ene-balf of them
owned less thari five apiece,
one family, Only 114 had la',),9 and
upwards, and 100 oegroce of afl
agea represented at the most 210,,
QUO. Land was alwaya very elicap
for n oTd eountry, being abundant
el, usually very poor, either na-
turally so, or worked out to a ter-
ineenceivable to those who
haee stover tested it As secs/rite,
slaves were always taken in pre,
fcrence to land, being reaciily
alile in. the cotton Otates, Very
few people indeed had aa estate
WOrtit over 47,1Q,000 freehold, thor
alue, that is to say, of art oetlying
400-zeere farm at that tune on a
average English estate, and the
eaeivelent of *lee annua income of
soores of West India femi4ies,
wideb soleetiMes ora -ed from 2,00Q
te 4Q saegreee. Contrary to the
eepteel eitperstitiere there ware
ne rgo houses in. Virgiaia,
There were iwt le the State
that if dropped down in Engiend
S2;..,000 2, year weld not
JiaverepaOdellCd and added to a
once, It was the 1iaCoaselea4 iet
well-hred simpbieity, content with
bat rniht he sculled the homeepen 1
iteienoeeeee of bait the
p:upergurt4es, or
the 04ter WOr:,
ade the eharin of Virginia
'ts people,
Always Baul
ready baked
to articety;whole,
mealy endfuL
vored- Resting
only is fleet
W, pewsele Ninety pother.
y traeksgq,,
and 4V1-er towrga
we se
Coustaut 1flgestirn
cooiwe tIA 8U sieK
Y Pr,
O5' *seer
1, InoWa4aripoer
0 then,
Tried lrard.
t Angry Dieer—"Waiter, you are
not fit to serve a pig." Waiter—
"I am doing my- best, sir."
Men Swear—Women Complain
Just beenues Visit corns nehe-easy to
cure them with Butnantes Corn Extractor:
it acts painlessly in twenty-four hours.
For corns, warts and callouses the, only
thing is "Putnam's"; try it, 25o. at all
Sounds Delightful.
Lillie May, the colored servant
girl, came to her mistress wearing
her most expansive smile. "I would
like a week's vacation, Miss An-
nie," she said in her soft negro
accent. "I wants to be married."
Lillie had been a good girl, so her
mistress gave her the week's va-
cation, a white dress, a veil, and
a plum cake. PrornPtly at the end
of the week Lillie returned, radiant.
"Oh, Miss Annie," she exclaimed,
"I was the .mos' lovely beide. Ma
dress was perfec', ma -veil mos'
lovely, the cake mos' good, an', oh,
the dancing an' the eating." "Well,
Lillie - that sounds delightful,"
said her mistress; lest you have
left out the point of your story. I
hope you have a good husband."
Lillie's tone ehanged to indigna-
tion. "Now, Miss Annie, what you
think? The good-furomeling nig-
ger eelaber tern up .
to does:apes-a in in
tot writrit 'Mr. Ralph Cleramens
vbridgo "1 luta a stomach On
d in sozno way to perforia its we
,tillott seemed more or less arrest*
thin, yellow, norrous. The
stenbecuie distended and impeded
ssront1ytho action of the la art, for
often et nlit it would do great stunts,
times my tome ached most terribly. A
friend who Ind beau cured of a similar
C0Zld1I.Gi1. advised um to take Dr. Ham-
regtzlarly. which 1 did, The
result in my case was simply marvelous,
)r. n11toii Pills removed the
ongtbened tho stomach, excited the liver
to normal action, the kidneys W4242.4)
eased of excessive work. Ile:0t1 soon
row within um. I can now eat, sleep
nd live like a live man."
Bo advised -use Dr, llamilion's Pills --
they tire sure to do you good. Z5c. per
box, five for $1,00, at all druggists and
storekeepers or by mail front The Ca.
tarrhozonc Co., Buffalo. N.Y., and. Ring-
ston, Canada.
Colored Glass on Plants.
Experimenting with various col-
ored glasses in a green house, a
Swiss agrieultural expert found
white to be the best, orange forcing
the plants but injuring the fruit,
and violet increasing the quantity
of fruit butlowering its quality.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Tr Murine Eye Rem y. NO Smarting—Feels
Fine—Acts quickly. Try It for Red, weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus.
trated Book in ea -Ir Package. liturine Is
compounded by our Oculists—not a °Patenelfed-
Icino"— but used In successful Physicians' Prao-
Deo for many years. Now dedlcated to tbo Pub-
lic and sold by' Druggists at Zs and gio per Bottle.
Muria° Eye -SaIo An Aseptic Tubes, 24e ens 60o.
enorine Eye Remedy Co., ChIcagt?
All Depended.
Traveller (hastily)—"Porter, have
I -got time to kiss my wife good -
by " "How long have you been
married "
Minarci's Liniment Curtis Distemper.
Ills Nerve Was Sound.
A certain eminent London doctor
rarely makes an error in diagnosis.
In the case recorded, however, he
had to admit that be had not read
all the symptoms correctly.
A man had come to conselt hire.
After- the consultation t,he 'doctor
wrote out a prescription.
"Iota had 'better have this made
up ab the chemist's," he said. It
will cost you about half a crown."
''Hall crown athe hetu
,p:atieniai:a to
claimed. "All right; I'll get it
go, he added, "I say, could -yOu
lend rue half a crown to pay for
The doctor {,asped. He ree0Ver1
ed in a second, however, aird asked,
for the Dr esGriptiort. He scratched,'
out else item, ad returned'it, with
a sixpence. -
'Now yOU earl have it made iip.
tor a sixpente,' remarked,,drse:
ly. 'What 1 scratched; pet was foi
Ychlr, nevVe• -
an of the old sehool, patient
entleas n. rle, but, with a
1maetdo thatMade
a little testy wiUi iersans AVIL9
consumed too miich af his time with
trifling complaints. At ono time,
after listening to a long story of
her ailments from a lady 'Rile Wall
to little ill that elle intended to
to the opera that night, the -dtom
left the room with a sigh of relief.
He bad jest got down the stain
when he was tailed back, "Doc-
tor," feebly asked the lady,
1, on my return to -night, eat a few
oysters?" "Yes, madam," roared
the doctor, "shells and all."
At- arrnOuth Y.11,C.A. Boys' Camp.
held ttt 'Basket Falls in ..ktigust, i found
11INARD'S 1.1:SIIIENT most beneficial for
sun burn, an immediate relief for colic).
And toothache.
General Secretary.
- Cost of Lunching.
"Do you charge for bread es4
butter in this restaurant "
"No sir."
"Then gimme some."
Minard's Liniment Cures Gouts, Eta.
A Real Good Time.
What constitutes recreation de-
pends, of course, on the point of
view of the one who is recreated.
This anecdote shows vihat one
youngster thought enjoyable :4 boy
in a certain school wrote his fa-
ther thus: "Dear Papa,—We chile
dren are having a gootime here ,
now. Mr. 5— broke his leg, and
can't work. We went on a pic-
nic, and it rained, and we all got
wet. Many children here are sick
-with mumps. Mr. H— fell off
the cart and broke his ribs, but he
can work a little. The man that is
digging the deep well whipped us
boys With a horse -whip because we
threw sand in his machine, and
made black aed blue marks on 'us.
rnest cut his finger badly. We
are all very happy. '
You nwiti IX1i relief in Zarn-Ouiel
onsozthahrning, siingin
pain, stCpa bleedir4 and brings
aase. nrsev,erance, with Zani27:
auk, means car -91 Why naipr.av
? 41Z Th'ufigizte and
kOZ baa.