HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-04-02, Page 8ii LGNAIrSTAR1 WEDNESDAY, I!AY, APRIL 2, 1980 y , a etc . and John Smithwin t weekend euchre part stere el* tables of ;'play,at the L.O.L.', on Friday evening. High rid for the ladies was Isa- pclk with an 82. i�gal. Mole was second ith a 70' score. Foor the men ' • tt Smith was the winner wohith a 79 score while Art Stewart was a close second , with 73. . Visitors. with Mrs. Mary .Gere on Saturday were her cousins, Dr. Steve Stothers,. Winnipeg, Mrs. Ruth Schultz, Mississauga, . and Drs. Brock and Kaye Whale. of Saskatoon. . Dr. Kaye Whale has just finished the final step toward getting her Ph.D. in education and will soon be receiving her dip- loma. Penny and Terry Hodges, Sue and Doug Brown and -_-Greg.and Peggy Jervis went to Las Vegas for a few days, recently. Fred Young returned home from Goderich hospital on Thursday. He is able to get around by wheelchair. He still has heavy casts on both legs. Philip Young has moved into the house owned by Doug Mohring. It isrumour- ed_ that Philip's bachelor days are numbered. The Willing Workers had. another successful ham. and turkey supper' on Friday eve Tickets' were . sold ou ening. Tick s tot for both the 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock sittings. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Park and Holly moved to Goderich on Saturday. They have sold their trailer home to Ron Brindley... Mrs. Evelyn Errington is a patient in Wingham hospital, being taken,there early Fri- day morning. Hope it is not too long a stay, Evelyn. On Thursday Mrs. Cecil Blake visited Mr. and. Mrs. Otto Jouwsma in Wingham. They had returned Wednes- day from Belleville where they had attended their grandson's funeral.. Seven year old, • Dwayne Jouwsma was hit by a car while crossing the road in front of his home, and died one week later in Kingston hospital. He is survived by his par- ents. Kees and Carol (Hart) Jouwsma, a brother Otto, two sisters, Pieternellie and Diane. of Belleville: grand- parents Otto and Neil Jouw- sma of Wingham, Mrs. Nel- lie Hart and the late Lloyd Hart of Omemee. Mr. and Mrst Otto Toutivsma and fam- ily, lived at Crewe after coming frpm Holland:' Their - friends in this area wish to express sincere sympathy to all the sorrowing family. Joyce and Jack Mason of Vanderhoof, B.C., their daughter Karen and son-in- law, Joe and their children visited with Joyce's brother, Jim Rivett and family on the weekend. They also visited with Joyce's mother, Lily Rivett in Clinton, as well as other relatives. • DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH For Palm Sunday preced- 111111=r101111011101.1.1111.11MINS ungannon doiii:s ‘4, '\1a1•it' Park t'01.1•t'i•-•poiid t;t ing Easier. Mr. Cowan chose as his topic. "Blessed is He. who comes in the Name of the Lord". The choir sang 509-7719 the anthem. "Blessed Re- deemer-. led by organist. Mrs. Jean Elliott. The children's time featur- , A®C.W. bake sale nets *250 . The Anglican Church Women of St. George's Church met on March 18 with a good attendance. The bake sale which was held at the Mall on March 1 netted $250 for the Organ Fund. HowaTds attend funerai BY DELORES Van OSCH Company during the week with John and Rita Howard and Ray and Mildren Hogan and family were Mr. and Mrs. George . Kerr of Dres- den. Mr. and Mrs. John How: ard, daughter Anita and Jeanette Hogan and Ed Sehefter of Stratford, motor- ed to detroit on Saturday to attend the funeral of their • twice and cousin, Rita Gold, who .was . killed in a ear' accident early last Wednes- day morning in her 4Oth year. She was. the daughter of Mrs. Marie' Forbes of Detroit, who is a sister of Rita Howard and Ed Schef- ter. Rita was well known in this area as she had been a frequent visitor with her mother and other members of her family. Sympathy Is extended to the families of the late Frank Leddy of Goderich, who passed away in Goderich last week. He was married to the former Elaine O'Connor who was raised, in ,this -area. The community extends congratulations to a former resident,.Mrs. •Genevieve Kinahan whe..recently cele- brated her' -eightieth birtli- day. She now • resides in a mobile home on the farm of her son, Bill, in West Wawa - nosh. • Congratulations to Peter and Louise Martin of Glam- mis on the birth of their new . son, Joshua Phillip, at St. Joseph's Hospital. London on Wednesday, March 26. Another grandchild for Mrs. Clarice Dalton. Theo VanDiepan and Jim Doherty along with other Members of the Knights of Columbus, Goderich, attend- ed the funeral of the late Father Moynahan of Wind- sor, who was a former Parish Priest in Goderich for -several years. .. Shannon Sinnert of Port- land, Oregon' .spent a few days last week at the home of her brother, Jim and Yvonne Sinnett 'and family. Carl Courtney returned home on Tuesday, March 25 after spending the March break with his brother, Bri ' an, sister-in-law, Jeanette,. and nephew, Ryan Patrick at Cochran. Alberta, and with his cousins. Ralph and Eug- ene • Austin and Edward Courtney in Calgary. While in London, his parents, Joe and Teresa Courtney visited Frank Sullivan at Marian Villa, taking him fora ride to the airport. They also visited Bill Lannan who is 'a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital.- Congratulations to Mary • Luanne Clare who placed first .'in the Lions Regional Effective Speaking 'Contest in Winghani last Wednes- day. Placing second in the girls division was Joan Black- en of Palmerston. In --t-he boys division Murray Gil- christ of Lucknow was first and Jack Whytock of White- church was second. These young people will continue on at the Zone finals in Palmerston on April 4th. Mary Luanne Clare attend- ed an Encor day in Stratford on Sunday. This was a follow up of the Cor weekend she had taken earlier in the year. - Mrs. Bernadine Kinney • returned home recently after visiting in various places for the past ten weeks. She started out by visiting' the Flynn (wawanosh) and Lan- nan (Kingsbridge) families in Alexandria. Louisiana, where she met her brother. Father Ralph. O'Loughlin C.S.B., of Mexico City, Together they enjoyed a.vac- ation in' Engleton, Texas, returning by way of Philadel- phia. to visit her sister, Mrs. Noreen Schmidt, then on to Detroit where she spent some time visiting relatives and friends. Visitors with. Len -and Cecelia Miltenburg--.over the weekend were Cecelia's par- ents, Tony and Annie Gunne- wieck of Elgin. Congratulations to Jim Van Osch who won the most valuable player award for the House League Hockey on Friday hight at the Fancily Fun Night. Peter VanDyke returned to his home at the • end of last • week after being a patient in the Wingham,hospital and at University Hospital, London, Peter is coming along nicely and will recuperate for a while at home before return- ing to school CHECK OUT ALL THE SPECIALS AT YOUR PEOPLES STORE ONE GROUP, $288 ONLY ® EACH ONE GROUP WINTER COATS 1/2 PRICE MARKED LADIES BRIEFS 2iL VALUES TO '8.88 ONE GROUP BLANKETS $20 0 REG. TO'4.00 ONLY ONE RACK LADIES' BLOUSES $700 ONLY m • TWIN SIZE BEDDING SET °••• 1777 ONLY $1 400 SALE STARTS THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1980 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! MANAGERESS: SHARRON HENRY OPEN: MON. TO SAT. 9:30 to 5:30 DEPT. STORE SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH The A.C.W. decided to donate $10 monthly to aid the Boat Family' now being supported by a group of local churches. An invitation was accepted from St. Peter's C.W.L. to a meeting and film on April 7 on "Bottle Babies in the Third World". This concerns the adverse effects of baby formula by com- panies such as Nestle, whose products are currently being boycotted by many churches in North America. Dorothy Sowerby gave a most interesting talk and showed pictures of the trip she And her husband Ken took to Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. This trip was made with an agricultural group so they visited many farms. It's a small World after all, as Dorothy told of meeting several people from Goderich in her travels. Lunch was served by Dorothy Sowerby and Doris Harrison. • The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 15 at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. ants permit Councillor Elsa Haydon introduced a motion Monday.. asking that the town hall secure a liquor permit .for occasions when liquor is served at reception at town hall. Monday afternoon council entertained Claude-,Teanotte, captain of the Agawa Canyon,•in the council chambers as the first captain to enter port and officially open. the shipping season. Jeanotte was presented with the ceremonial top hat and gifts. On Monday evening Haydon asked that the clerk • obtain _ a liquor permit for such occasions but 'her motion was defeated. Council later hosted the captain at- a coecial dinner. As for Jeanotte, who a has been the first captain in port the past three years, he doesn't drink anyways. ' MINISTRY OF - TNG ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION APPOINTMENT Mr. Ben Sheardown, 160 Brock St., Goderich has been appointed to the Huron County Housing Authority by Order -in - Council dated March 5, 1980 to hold office until March 31, 1982. Mr. Sheardown replaces Mrs. Jeon Adams of Goderich who hasbeen a member of the Authority since Novem- ber3, 1976., Snow White Facial Tissues 200 2 -Ply WHITE,.': Guardian ASA. TABLETS 11159 GUARDIAN. A.S.A tablets 300 mg 500s MLIlear Plboacryarm 0.001V KFrfi Guardian BABY SHAMPOO 1.39 500m1 Guardian TOOTHBRUSHES 'Gentle or Medium 340 ml. or 50 tabs DIOVOL $2. 1 9 TOOTHPASTE 200 mi. COLGATE $1 .63 GUARDIAN DRUGS • NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUR POST 0„ICE SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH 524-2195 OPEN MON. - FRI. 10-12, 12:30-6 WEEKDAY EVENINGS 6:30 P.M. - 9 P.M. SATURDAY 10-6 CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY ed a quick resume of the lite of Jesus, illusxiated . with many pictures which should help the children understand the meaning of Easter. The week seems to be busy WW1 .5;1*teut. 1 sivilit's - Tyros sleet on Tuesday even- ing -in Dungannon: Confirma- tion class on We'dnesday evening at Nile: Nile session on Thursday evening and Dungannon session on Fri- day evening: choir practice at Dungannon on Thursday. Next Sunday, April 0. is the Easter service. This would he a wonderful time to bring your neighbours or visitors to worship together and help make this signifi- cant event in the life of all Christians a truly meaningful day in our church and com- munity. Rev. Wittich of Blyth will he taking the service on Sun- day. April 13. Both sacra- ments. comnuiniou and bap- tism. w ill he celebrated. New members will also be receiv- ed by profession of faith and by transfer of ntentl ership The congregation is invit- 6d w a service in song at the Christian Fellowship Church on Friday evening and also to a Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday ,morning. early. DUNGANNON DO KNOTS By Nancy Sproule The last meeting of the' Dungannon Do Knots was held on March 22 at the home of Jean Errington. All members present rt'ceived and read a copy of the skit which the girls are doing for Achievement Day on Mar 1. The, members did the quiz and other activities suggest- ed in their book, where the action is! 4. fiVf 11 DI5`O ���..' _. Dancing six nights a weak - 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. "LADIES' NIGHT" THURSDAY, APRIL 10 Appearing One Night Only— "ERIC THE NORDIC EXOTIC DANCER" Male dancer appearing 9 p.m. -12 midnight ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HIGHWAY 8 WEST, CLINTON For PINCHER` SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH Open Evenings CARLTON EASTER CARDS WRAP BOWS. RIBBONS WOODLANDER BUNNY 'FAMILY HAND PAINTED STONEWARE - MADE IN ENGLAND tor child or adult - a collector's item. Start now - over 35 pieces to choose from. Locally made solid chocolate old fashioned EASTER CHOCOLATE FIGURES At Popular Prices - Bunnies, chicks, cars, planes Other Boxed Easter Chocolate Novelties by Allen's and Rowntree's FROM '7.98 UP Wait Disney BOOK & RECORD 24,page books, read along record see the pictures, hear the record, read the book $2.29 DISNEYLAND LP'S FOR CHILDREN $3.98up While The y Last .. 0 & 25 Easter Special ALMONDILLOS Almonds and caramel in milk chocolate. 1 Ib./454 g. °3.39 BOXED CHOCOLATES Rowntree's Black Magic Dairy_Box.... — After 8 Mints Turtles Quality Street 'TILLEY LEATHER FISHER -PRICE TOYS DON'T FORGET OUR A Large Selection of Bean Bag Type and Stuffed Animals in a Variety of Sizes. '5.49 up GIFT SELECTION We Invite You To See Our Collection Of Interesting Gift Items... Reasonably Priced! ALSO MODERN DESIGN WALL PLAQUES Small and Targe in walnut, copper, plastic A Decorative Pince For Any Room $ 7 uP FOR EASTER SHOP AT FINCH ER'S An excellent selection of CHILDREN'S STORY BOOKS COLOURING BOOKS CUT OUT BOOKS SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH Open Evenings