HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-04-02, Page 7Wages... w- 4' from Pagel; disturbed that the bylaw was prepared a d ° raises established without discussion et council. - "How do I justify the bylaw to anyone?" she asked. "I would like to see the whole thing reviewed." Deputy -reeves Bo1Q Alien,, sgacj the town sends representatives to negotiate wages and council would have to trust them. He also defended the grid system and claimed the salary figures ,were being misinterpreted. Reeve Eileen Palmer was quite distrubed 'over Haydon's comments and retorted that a lot of work went into the agreement with the employees and also defended the pay hike accepted by the municipal employees. "We are not paying our department heads or administration half of what they save us and never has so muchwork been done in Goderich with a slight mill rate increase than in the last three years," she said. "We have no complaints from young or old but the people who come for handouts are those we spoil with programs." Palmer informed council of a recent decision of the senior citizens to cancel the town sub- sidized taxi service. The town paid for cab fare for seniorswha required ..transpnrtation to -.club ---- functions and other personal needs. "The seniors said they would work out their own transportation system rather than be a burden on the taxpayers," Palmer said. Councillor Jim Searls wanted to know how the salaries in Goderich compared with other municipalities of the same size. "Some of those top salaries scare me,", he said. "We are exploiting students at the arena but think nothing of giving out $25,000 or $30,000." Councillor John Doherty insisted that town salaries should be updated according to ability while Jim Magee said that although the grid system was . workable there should be some reference to productivity. Some of the major salary hikes included a 21.6 per cent increase for the clerk that com- putes into a salary of $27,530. that figure in- cluded 13.6 per cent increase for a level change as well as the 'eight per cent increment: The deputy -clerk will get 16.9 per cent for $17,546 per annum while the works commissioner received 22 per cent with the eight per cent increase and level change to boost that salary to $26,360. A motion to review the salary hik"e was defeated and the bylaw was passed. Optimist. C. e from page 1 reach an agreeineni- without council's in- terference. - Councillor Elsa Haydon again expressed concern over the club's intent to charge ad- mission to apublic park. "How can one group tell another they can cr cannot take 'up a collection," she said. •"The Optimists will admit senior citizens and children free but I hate to see others charged to get into a public. park." • . Councillor Jim -Searis- agreed -with haydon and claimed that council showed bad judgement in granting the Optimist use of the park when the Latetown Band has been holding.. Sunday evening concerts for years. He .said the matter should have been investigated fully before• council arbitrarily granted use of the s park. in a recorded vote council voted 6-2 in favor of sending the -matter to the parks and traffic committees to work out a reasonable .com- promise.. GODERI.C11 S.IGNA$.-STAR, Argi NsSDt?iY, APRI... 2, 98O PA! g: 7 Matter of apartment delivery to be resolved Pear Editor: Regarding your March 27 edition, Signal -Star front page an- nounee-rnwent a- future. copies to be without subscriber's name thereon. F n r apartment buildings, and other multiples, how will the delivery people know in whose recepticle to place the -paper er will they be-. thrown helter-sltrelter any place nearby, no matter the weather? More letters to editor Is Sheikhincere? Dear Editor: The present Federal Is Mr: Amani sincere in Liberal government is criticizing Canadian oil using Canadian oil policy? resource (oil is one of the The Sheikh has been resources and not the - siting Canada --a-n'd--•-oml••y- one) in the interests spoken in support of of Canada and its people. higher oil prices. I wish At present, a Canadian oil someone had asked the .price is necessary to Sheikh two questions: - develop Canadian in - 1. Why Mr. Sheikh dustry, keep inflation Amani has two oil prices down and stop. unem- in Saudi Arabia, has one ploym-ent from going up. oil price within Saudi It seems that Sheikh is Arabia (four cents per gallon) and another price for the world? . 2. If the oil resources are really so limited as he has been trying to im- press for the -last few not aware that oil is a means to an end and the present Liberal gover- nment is going to use this resource in Canadian interest and not to give bonanza -to oil producing years, why hash' countries as well as to country increas.ed bid companies. output by one million In my personal opinion, barrelsla day? He does not seer�n-to be afraid of Saudi Arabia's oil resource exhausting when oil is the only resource Saudi Arabia has. I doubt the sincerity of Sheikh's utterances about higher oil price policy. Yours truly Saidullah Khan, Ph.D. Goderich Inquest held here Last week an inquest. was held into the death of Bill O'Neil who was struck by a car at the . intersection of Britannia Road and Waterloo Street January 4. O'Neil, 71, was a pedestrian when struck by a car near the intersection. He died in University Hospital January 7 as a result of injuries Dr. Bryan Lynch conducted the coroner's inquest and raised . questions about poor lighting and street markings in the area. SHORE GIFTS & JEWELLERY SPRING SALE Ends SATURDAY, APRIL 5th 5:30 p.m. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 - 5:30 Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9 - 5:30 gifts jewel 56"SK-oppar-SRivaYe, God"ettstr -524,724T' -- And w„Lthout names of the customer anyone in, or out of, the building can help himself. In our building of four separate a-p•artra.mts. only -ane- tenant is a subscriber and, we find all kinds of strange things hap- pening. Therefore, we prefer definite designations and as much privacy as possible, especially in view of many strange -acting people who have been coming in and out of town lately. 'We can't see any dp- preciable advantage to your proposal when the present delivery is so satisfactory. .Advertisers?! They have innumerable ad- vantages—ant- prtvtl ges_ already and, in any case, why not leave well enough alone? - Personally, if we cannot have something better than your latest ultimatum, we'll just let our subscription run out. We don't need this nuisance that badly. A.J. Editor's Note: The carriers will know to wham - the. ...paper or papers belong in! an apartnlent building or other multiple and will be able to place the newspaper in the correct receptacle. However, the paper itself will be unaddressed. This matter WELCOME SERVICE would like to call you with "housewarming gifts", and inf®rmatIon about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the Signal -Star. Call her at 524-9161 THE SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER, CLINTON PHONE 482-7778 (NEXT TOCAMPBEf.L'S MEN'S WEAR) DRESSES.! BLOUSES -SKIRTS -PANTS -BLAZERS -SWEATERS OPEN 1-6 OPEN 1.6 of delivery to apartment dwellers is of concern to the Signal -Star carriers and will Oe resolved to the satisfaction of all.—SJK 1ectrit�i Sob (Sing) Alexander r Licensed Eloctrlctr In w Residential • Commercial New Work a Repairs - Reasonable Rates Cali: 524-8.492 THE Art SAVEUPTO 50 % COST OF NEW CABINETS 1-.r, -• 1 i "t /Lc \ WITH OUR REPLACEMENT FRONT SYSTEM SEE OUR KITCHEN & ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS DISPLA in the;SUNCOAST MALL - WED., THURS., & SAT. th *COMPLETE RENOVATIONS AS WELL* C_77 ft _7itc/Erzi 580 Horton St London, Ontario N6 (519) 434-601, 104 34-609, 1M7 s week 104 SHOPPERS SQUARE CANADA GRADE 'A' FULL CUT ROUND STEAK Limit 2 Steaks per customer CANADA GRADE A PRIME RIB STEAK SCHNEIDER'S BOWL HEAD CHEESE ' 949 LE. ®" 25 2? CANADA GRADE A T-BONE STEAK • "Prices - effect until April 7th or hile quantity lasts SU' ERMARKET GODERICH 524-9411 REGULAR BEEF Limit 5 lbs. per customer LB. 289 CANADA GRADE A SIRLOIN STEAK SCHNEIDER'S OLD FASHIONED HAM HALF OR • FULL LB. SCHNEIDER'S CELLO STEAKETTE SCHNEIDER'S SCHNEIDER'S LB. 1" MEAT PIES WEDGE CHEESE CANADA PACKERS REGULAR SMOKED OLD MEDIUM MILD 299 .99 AS RTED F VOURS 8 OZ. SCHNElDER'S SCHNEIDER'S WIENERS / CANADA PACKERS 120z. 17 DINNER PORK SHOULDER 14-18 1.85. HAM We cannot guarantee quantities, first come, first served /' / CANADA PACKER S ROUND HAMS CANADA PACKERS LE. DINNER HAM 4 VARIETIES b9 o 1 LB. PKG. 1 89 LB. 199 Ideal for Steak Ham SUNSPUN GARDEN COCKTAIL E. D. 28 OZ. 24-10 OZ. TINS % E OSPRAY cOLA NBERRY SAUC Whaleorjel,':d � 79 -CRA GINGER ALE • FRUIT COCKTAIL KRAFT MACARONI & 225 gr. CHEESE -DINNERS- 29` ea. MGROUNDCOJFEE'A-XWELL HOUSE 2?, DOLE CHUNKS \(, PINEAPPLE SECEDED 14 0Z. 5 9 FORTUNE PIECES MUSHROOMS STEMS 1002. 8. SEAFORTH 69r DOLE 19 0Z. STOKELYS VEGETABLES 3/87` WAXED OR GREEN BEANS CREAM OR KERNEL CORN 14 OZ. POTATO CHIPS 16.1 .591 MILK MAPLE LANE a HUMPTY DUMPTY 200 gr. o- 3 QUART BAGS 3/1?° 894 j 69 JUICY SWEET FLORIDA ORANGES U.S.A. NO. 1 SIZE 18 CELERY 5 LB. BAC 14 59` CHIQUITA--' BANANAS ROSY RED RADISHES LB. 39' U.S.A. NO. 1 TOMATOES LB. 59' 16 OZ. PKG. 49` CANADA CELLO • FRESH GREEN SPINACH 10 OZ. PKG. 79' ASPARAGUS BUNCH 794 ONIONS 2L13. 3/894 BAGS ONTARIO NO. 1 RED DELICIOUS APPLES 10249 AG 254 LB. WESTON BROWN 'N SERVE ROLLS ,7..0.").4\,...10 1. CLINTON CHRYSL.FR-PLYMOUTH 12's 59° BUTTER BALL . WESTON RASPBERRY JELLY ROLLS 12 OZ. 79° JUICY SWEET CALIFORNIA SIZE 88's TURKEYS ALL SIZES 4824522 O 1M- 9ALU DtPAMMENT: Monday thru. i%mdnesday 6 a.m.-5:35 p.m. Thursday 6 a.m.. 6:69 p.m. 7 p.m..I9:18 p.m., friday 6'o.,n.-3:39 p.m.. Saturday t o.m,-4 p.m, 930EV ICE AND PARTS DEPARTMENT: Monday thru. Friday t o.m. to 5 p.m., Opan Thursday night 6 pan. to t9 p.m. S 1 19 I61 �Gletoiia St., Cllrtton ORANGES ONTARIO NO. 1 0 LB. 169 DOZ. POTATOES 99° 20 LB BAG MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS®....®.