Exeter Times, 1913-6-5, Page 7f Her
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happenings la the Emerald Isle ol
Interest to Trish -
Three lives were lost tlirough the
eapsizing of a ferry WO in $1.--e'ng-
ford, Lough.
Tile death is announced of the
Earl ef 13elmore, senior represen-
ta,tiye peer for Ireland.
.$trawberrias grown in Dublin
-were sold for 25 eents each in the
loeal market lately,
siderable damage was caused
hY that Occurred in the Adel-
Da ee estimated at $1,000 was
mused bY afire at the etores, of Gil-
fillan Newtenards.
Jegn ikteQabea, retired car
driver, of $tewertatown, WA'S killed
by a railway train at Tyrone,
Toperhenney, near Lurgan,
the dwelling house of James, Scott
was totally destroyed by fire.
The estate of Charlea Hewe
Ku Paa in the barony of Kilmaine„
has been sold to the 00DgeStOil Di4s,
triet Board.
,Devid X, Crosby, ii. raochame,
iding at, Springhill Read, Bel
feet, wee drowned at Springhill
Dam, Belfast.
A beer is at large at, Capecastle.
about four 41i-1ce from Ballyeastle,
It eseePed from some streee ehew-
Jamesl."4oran, aged 10, goo a it
farmer, Camay Reseenamon, wee
struck by lightuire. awl killed dun
jag ferOre,
AbOlit 290 were ,preeent
dame given by the Lord Lieutenant
and Counteee of Aberdeen at DO-
UR Castle.
heeillees and &mikes body
4, Salter/man attiaed Ma 1,11110 181`58)7
1185 been 'washed aster° at Back -
!made, Malin Read,
Vrederiek Piekett,ffeur
inetantly killed in a, motor eacide
in the Muff Dietriet, use by
wheel tremble- off.
Great, efforts aro being made
eettle the strike of henestitohers
Menem Douglas and Green's, Don-
egal Street, Belfast.
RO14115011'8 ecuteh mill, mathh
cry, end &large quantity of Demand
tow at Killinehy, haw been tam-
pletely deetroyed by tiro.
The Congested, Dietriet Booed rat
Rem have made an offer for the
purehase f the Knight (A Kerry's
estate in ValentiIslaud.
,t armor named Darnel Damen,
of ekroo, Kilnamaxtyr, while
driN g j horse near Toornosbridge,
evaa thrown out and instantly
Kelly has purclumed
field ef about two aeres from Mr.
M. Mooney, at Borrisokame, for
%CO aed foes, at the rate of over
$250 per acre.
William l‘fatm, manager of Rob -
„insole Ccea and Timber Yard, Ar -
was fatally injured -when ho
was taught in the shafting at the
A volley of shots was fired into
the door of the house of Michael
Tierney, of Mercy, Gort, County
Galway. No one was injured.
Michael Farrell, of Stoneparlc,
was -seriously injured through be-
ing kicked by a horse while working
in a field in th Killasheo district.
After having been on strike for
just eleven weeks, the men employ-
ed by the City of Dublin Steam
Packet Company have resumed
The Marquis and Marohioness of
Londonderry har-Ve already sent this
year from Mountstewaxt over 1,100
bunches of primroses to va,rious
institutions in Belfast.
Last year's emigrants from Ire-
land numbered 29,100, of, whom 70
per cent. went to the United States.
In sixty years there have been 434
niillion Irish emigrants to the U. S.
The record priee of a lot, $5,000,
was given by D. MacLennan, a
well-known South American buyer,
for a shorthorn bull, at an auction
sale at thespring show of the Royal
'Dublin Society.
While two brothers na-med 'Mur-
phy were playing with a loaded gun
Inagrepa near Midleton, the
Weapon was aecidentally discharg-
ed, and one pf the boys, John, aged
year, was shot dead.
n for Whooping -cough.
and varied are the charm's
at man has used for the cure of
aseases. For instance, whooping
ough is the subject of many
'charm cures." In Northampton -
hire, England, a few hairs from a
siek child's h'ea,d are rolled in a
iiispe ofmeat and given to a dog
„the belietf that the disease be-
' es thereby transferred to the
lrual. In Cornwall the child is
with the bread and butter of
artiily whose head a bear the
es of John and Joan, or, as an
a ernative is passed, „three times
under the belly o ae4bald horse.
Psies swear by mail dormouse
S. a cure for whooping' cough,' and
anca.shire it is believed that no
d 4'3'n'tract that „disease who
bordersiit thfi Blood Are OltrO
by Or, Williams' Pink Pills
If people would realize the int-
porta:ace of keeping the blood rich
and pu,re there would be less sick-
ness. The blood is the medium
through whieh the nourishment
gained from the food reaches the
different part a of the body, If the
blood is impure the aoarishment
that reaches nerves, bone and irlauS-
le is tainted with poison and di -
ease, follows_ The bleed is alsa
the medium by which the body
fights off disease. If the blood is
thin and watery this power of re-
sistance to disease is weakened.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People build up the blood, T1iO3'
rea.se the ability af the body to
resist disease,. They streagthen
the nerves, increase the appetite
d cure every disease caused by
thin and impure Wood, and that
einbrnces such diseases as anaemia,
ndige.stion, neuralgia, nerve ex-
haustion, rheumatism, and man
others, Hyery claim made for this
medicine is amply proved by the
grateful testimony of those wh
ye been cured. Here is ene in
en, Mr, Jas.„Saue-ber, Peter
Ont, ;says; "1 began to
d with dizzy spells. Tiles
're esPecially.” aetbl
ieeae th
Dlornirlao rIsing and were uero;ft
paxdodhy. feeliug as if any
hed t4lten Ott tiWO <u tilTee t4t:1WD
ight duriug the night Wheat
wet out a doors everything woul
suddenly seem to get topsy-turvy
for a, few umMenta, and I would
apparently gee speaks fleet.ing
TWIlt of me, mid for a while I could
hardly drag maself along. Tbi
fee/inq at fleet only lasted for
ii AnnurtVsa but, 94 time we on
tbo. duration of the epelle seeMed
to limr0,8,0,, Whilst during the dee
1 weak! be saiddeule- atteetptt ;vita
dizeinees eompelling tO hold on
to ;something until the feeling
eepad, I had in the meantime
cen teking various blood tome,
I was convinced ray. eendition
s due te bloed being out of
Roam a these, however,
to bave any permanent
et, a little while I would
airly well, but 45 soon aa 1 quit
using them the attaeks used to
vine back with remmved vigor. Ono
y I clam across au advertieement
Dr. Willienue Pink. Pille and de -
el to try them. I soon noticed
a 1110r0 tlettided improvement than
I had felt before. The dizzy spells
were becoming less frequent and
less violent, and by the tinie I had
tateu tax boxes 1 was well again,
r former experience I had some
.tears that the, trouble might re-
turn, but now, months after
discontinuing the use of the pills,
have had no return of the trouble,
in fact 1 never felt better than I
do now, and I think nothing can
equal the Pills as a blood medi-
The Pills are sold by all medicine
dealers or tan bo had by mail at
ISO cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. \VB./huts' Medi-
eize Oce13
, rockville, Ont.
eee walking suit 4,y T.4
e eeroix, Paris.one-piece wa/kin
e seat, of eeppereeelered barmus
e' with narrow 18 .00 eeller,
From Great Lakes
To the Rockies
a (+man Lady Adds Her Tea
anony To What has Already
Iteea Said of the Great Work
Dodd's Pills Aer.
Caesarville, Sask., tlu
searcity feMale help
in. a new county:3, subjeate the wo-
men of the -prairies to unusual
train, and careful alasen-atiee has
ablished the fact that this etrain
firet makes itself. felt in the kid-
eys. For this reason Dodds Eid-
ney Pills are making an eovia_ble
Putation from the Great Lakes
the foothills of the Itoekies.
Everywhere you will find womer.
singing the praises of the great
Canadian kidney remedy tat has
baniehed their pains, and weariness
and ought- theta beck to health
Amng othe reauy 31rs, Edgar
Cowen, an estimable lady of this
"I haw found Dodds Kielne
Piiie very henefleial„" Mre. Cow
states, en,ytliing en „aaY 1414
help any sufferer I am geld to 54
my teetimonial to what has already
eert said,"
The leidneys strain all the refuse
material oat Of 4,110. WOW. If they
are oat of order this refaiSe remains
in the biored, and beeemen poi,
eound kidneys. mean
PUre blood aed good heelth.
JoddS1Vdney PRIs maker sound
The Combination of Foods
Should Contai...
A well-planned meal, containing
the proper combination of foods is
not difficult to prepare, says
lie's Weekly. The essential ingre-
dient, a repairing material, is pro-
tein, found abundantly in meat,
eggs, eheese and nuts. The starches
and sugars technically known as
carbohydrates, are required also,
together with fats for fuel for
_effort. These two fuel -furnishing
foods can be used alternatively,
thus securing, a variation. Scien-
tists who have given the question
of food valuesespecial attention re-
port that a diet of protein, fat and
carbohydrates, alone, would cause
starvation more quickly than if all
food were withheld. There is the
necessity of Introducing some min-
eral Salts that yield iron, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus and potas-
A supply of iron is ebtamed from
raisins, whale wheat, dried beano,
prunes and -meats or the yolks of
eggs. Calcium is contributed by
•milk, dried peas and beans, Celery
and citrus fruits. • In meat, 'peas
beans, milk and prunes there is
magnesium. Phosphorus forms a
,quality in meat, milk, egg-y•ollts,
Whole wheat, dried peas and beans.
Potassium is furnished in potatoes,
parsnips, cabbage, turnips • and ap-
Dr. Horse's
Indian 'Root Pills
are made according to a formula in
use earty a century ago among tiro
Indiana, and learned front them by
Dr. Morse. Though repeated at-
- tempts have -ben mede, by physl-
•clans and chennets, it has been 'found
impossible to improve the formula or
the.pilla, Dr. Mot -seat Indian Root
Pilla area household iretnedi thtoughe
oat the world for Constipatim and
all Kidney. and Liver troubles. Tao
,acapromptly and effectively, and
leans°, the) Sviitesn
tinepie e.
of Abretam.
The ellowieg epistle from, 4, 10V0-
404811 5Ninin to the Object of his
ffeepions diatca from the tune of the
ipatriereh A bralalate, and fOrtna Part
of a large eollection a private let,
lhtere and einamereial documents
efelaud. in the ruins ef the Baleelen»
ian may of &Japes and now deposit.
ed at Conetantinoplei
"1 hereby melte linewn to Bibial
what flow e ; regarda royaelf
Gimili 1/archaic, may the gods Se.,
nus (the sun) and Marduk (the
Merodael a the Bible) for my
name 5 sake (i.e. out of love to
me) grant you a. long life. I here.
with seed to inquire as to your wel.
fare ; scud me. tiding e if all is well
with you. 1 an at present in Baby-
lon and have not seen you, which
•makes me feel very anxious. Do
no word how you are getting
on, so that I may rejoice; come in
the month of Araelisarena. For ray
take may you live for ever."
Baby's Own Tablets are a, safe
medicine for little ones. In fact
they aro guaranteed by a govern-
xnent analyst to be absolutely freo
from opiates or any of the drugs so
harmful to the lives of little ones.
The Tablets never do harm -always
good and may be given to the new-
born babe or growing chile' with
equal safety. They never fail to
cure constipation, indigestion,
colic, break tha colds and fevers and
make teething easy. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brock -
villa, Ont.
Interesting List for Puzzled Inter-
Some difficulths often arise con-
cerning the way in which one
should speak and write to titled
persons. The following are a few
of correct usage examples:
The King -"Your Majesty" and
"Sir." "His Most Gracious Majes-
ty the King."
The Queen -"Your Majesty" and
"Ma'am." "Her Most Gracious
Majesty the Queen."
Prince of Wales -"Your Royal
Highness" and "Sir." "His Royal
Highness the Prince of Wales."
Royal Princess - "Your Royal
Highness" and ``Ma'am." "Her
Royal Highness the Princess —."
Royal Prince -"Your Royal High-
ness" and ''Sir." ''His Royal
Highness Prince
Lord -Lieutenant of Ireland -
"Your Excellency." "His Excel-
lency the Lord Lieutenant."
Archbishop - "My Lord Arch-
bishop" and "Your Graee." `'His
Grace the Archbishop of —."
Bishop -"My Lord" and "Your
Lordship." "The Right Rev. the
Lord Bishop of --."
Duke -"My, Lord Duke" and
"Your Grace." "His Grace the
Duchesa-``Madam" and'on'Y r
Grace." "Her Grace the Duchess
It is not usual to reiterate the
mole formal title after the first use
of it So the second \Triode of refer-
ence IS added. For instance, while
a speech delivered to -the sovereign
would begin: "Your Majesty," or
"May it please Your Majesty," in
subsequent references "Sir" would
be employed. Below each title is
added the form of address for
directing correspondence. -London
The only way to actlitire friends
is to make them yoursel
ratehed So Made Red Sere,
Trouble Grow Worse All the Time.
A C3ko of Cuticura* Soup end a
Box of Cuticure Ointment COM-
ptetely Cured.
VJe 3*otietta. Que.--"'Mymt10 gill, aged
four years. ge. many Maipies on, het
Ames artna and Icg s that I did net know'
that to do. They,lested
for a She cotm;
menced to scratch and
tea eueee peaeas clear,
not red. Elio scratched Bp
much that Ile blood ran
aad0 =Ade ted sore.
Tile sures were Womb en
ber a.rass and legs and on
hee faoe,„ erat they wens ngy looking with
Pie *Wood, I wan tem veer, to do to to
her suffering, med Ta,„Ned the treaanera bat
other pimpleaca,raa oat, al tee ewe. i tree
at; g:&42 et re=e4e4 ut the troahlo grew
wee an the time, .1.0 was always the same
Merry, until 1 used Plite.Clira Soap and Oint-
ment, 1 b,egais to apply the C ntioure Oint-
ment ea her, 41.12' 400 waran
te4 cut -intim- i
ITIssedtettly I Ist-gtnto goe
ero cnrin4 Lea aad After Itas,ina,,
ati,o Geticurn auti a. bec e'
ebe W/ter CIMIPIe347
itita just as One a 4148a befoM
husband alsO wed Clitictme- Oh*
*Mt f8r Creeks 414 444'44 After tktva
applications of the Outten...7a Crintmet4 Iss
,ChuricT, Jen. le, 1,91P.
Cuticarn final/ anti Cinicura Olatment ann
acid by tireggista .ang 41ealerlt itVettnrhere.
freoaemple of eaCh. with SST..
t00% send, poo axe to Potter Drnit &Chain..
aerp„. Dome aene Ltegton. 'V. 8. A.
Beet Tret
by Oa
of the eteet
nt SCA,
armg ani ereamiug
and droy Ids
n o the ng blatant,
The skipper stuek to tho
el all through the long. hours of
ese, and the gale. 43ang down
to a snarling growl at 4 41.113., he re-
linquished hie post and stepped
odleowtittle ;ft; ea. his 'cabin for a change of
It Was at this moment the real
businees of the day hope., He had
juet got into dry underclothing,
when the vessel quietly turned hot -
tom upwards, and ho found 'himself
stauding on the roof of the eabin,
with tht,, door over hi head her-
metically sealed by the ocean. Was
ever a man in such ,straits before'?
Re climbed through into the hold
of the vessel, -where he found rai-
sins, eondonsed milk, praxes, rice,
and, of course, a Teutonic sausage.
Eating sparingly of -this healthy
faro, and hammering on the steel
bottom of the boat to attract the at-
tention of any ship that might, hap-
pen to pees by, he spent 12 days in
this strange manner before ho waa
rescued. The wreek had to bo tow-
ed to a mighty crane befere a steel
plate could be unloosed and the
slipper be free to look once more
on the blue sky.
The ,
Os a land that bears a wel
kOtaWri name,
nougb, 4titt tallta Mlle spot;
faretOU OM blazing eerell of
wbo an arver et le not;
deathless 91103 WhO shine
araus, in art and gong;
The brihest the whole wide -weal
ten giv*.
To that little land belong;
the star of the *
deny it who Pen,
The isleud home et Mt
Since Leaving Off Tea aud, Coffee.
Many persons suffer from poor
memory who never suspect tea and
coffee have anything to do with it.
The .drug -caffeine -in tea and
coffee, acts injuriously on the
nerves and heart, causing imper-
fect circulation, too much blood in
the brain at one time, too little in
another part. This often causes a
dulanese which makes a good mem-
ory nearly impassible.
"1 am nearly 70 years old and
(lid not knew that coffee was the
cause of the stomach and heart
trouble I suffered from for many
years, until about four years ago,
writes a Western woman.
"A kind neighbor induced me to
quit coffee and try Postazn. I had
been suffering- severely and was
greatly reduced in flesh. After us-
ing Post -um a little while I found
myself improving. My heart beats
became reeular and now 1 seldom
ever netice any symptoms of my,
old stomach <trouble at all. My
nerves are steady and my 'memory
decidedly better than while I was
using coffee.
"I like the taste of Postuin fully
as well as coffee."
• Name given by Canadian Postum
Winelsor, Ont. Write for book-
let, '`The Paad to Wellville."
P,ostam comes in two forms.
Regular (must be boiled).
Instant Posturn doesn't require
boiling but is prepared instantly by
stirring a level teas/3077n =in an
ordinary cup of hot water, which
makes it right for most persons.
A big cup requires more anel
some people who like strong things
put -in a heaping spoonful and tem-
per it with a large supply of cream.
Experiment until you know the
amount that ploases your,
and have it served that way in the
An Alnuelaa Story of a Beeen
Itoy.el Reception.
A. story is being told in 'London
clubs about the way in -which King
Geerge shakes hands. Ills Majesty
is much more given to thie tonne/
greeting than any of his predeces-
sors. Indeed, when he was at Weol-
wfah recently, he shook hands with
everyone who was Presented to
him. He has a friendly grip, and,
so firm is it, that if- one he hon
areare rings they get well press
nto the band,
A lady who knew this, and w
aware eho was about to receive t
kingly ,salntation, took off all h
rings 111 her alarm, and asked
lady who was no.3ar whether s
would mind keeping the rings f
her till the meeting was over.
her return, after he bad talk
,to the King and Queen, she Beare
ed higb and low for the lady
*hem she had entrusted her v
but could not ftud he
Then the Royalties began te rneV
ad to her consternation she o
served 'Chas the lady who had r
ceived her rings loomed large
'the public sight. She was inde
speakingto the Queen at that tuo
'et and turned out to be La
The owner of the ringe now fe
eare thnt the Queen was laughi
at what Lady Porteemie was SaYi
med that the Royal amue
nent was about the TaIng'e hen
hako and her preeeutions over 4
rtugs, Rowever, in due were
Lady Forteseue mune along and r
rned the wretched rings,
reply to an urgent request not
tell, she said "Most certainly net.
eary Tiredness
Changed to
)here's a flag that wav
matter when or where;
treat that flag as augbt but
more than the strongest dare.
or the lion spirits that tread the
}lave carried 't -ho palm of the
nd that flag may sink with a, shot
torn wreck;
But never float o'er a slave;
Its honor is stainless, (Joey
It who can,
The flag of a. true -horn Bug-
Tho Britoil may traverse the pole
or the zone
And boldly claim its right,
For lie calls such a vast domain his
That the sun never sets ea: his
Let tho haughty stranger seek to
The place of home and birth,
And a flush will pour from cheek
to brow,
As be tells of his native earth;
Its honor is stainless, deny
it who can,
That's breathed in the words
-I'm an Englishman.
Before nest month this number are
wanted to stop up and have their corns
rexnoved with Putnam's Corn Extractor=
it's painless-safe-suro. Ilse only- 'Put-
nam's," it's the beat, 25a. at all dealers.
Germany's Model Factory.
A German firm that manufactures
optical goods on a largo scale has
established for its employes a
"Volleshaus," or people's house,
which contains a well-equipped
library, reading rooms, a literary
museum, a museum, a museum of
physics, a school of arts and crafts,
an assembly hall capable of seating
1,500 people, a smaller hall for lec-
tures, •an art cpalection, music
rpom, etc. The Volkshaus is avail-
able to all the people of the city in
which it is located and has proved
to be an im,portant educational fac-
Life is just one merry-go-round of
anticipation and •regrets.
for 15911t,11/0. ED, 7%
uog W
edie an4 Health
et a aarohnnt aft Almost LO
lnors and HisHeath Throng
eG Wing Early Symptoms of Dimas
"Ity life for years lora boon of sedentar,
charts:tor." writes T. D. Tate/afield, bea
of 15,01 known 9rut in aucalmeau
Nina aoura every day 1 spent at oflic
work and took exercise only on Sunda),
I disregarded the symptoms of 111.hes.1t1
which were a)) too apparent to say fart
fly. I grow Olin, then pale, aud bofor
Ion g' 1 was jaundiced -eyes and skin wer
yellow. MY Strength and DOSS4 VinrO lo;
ered, and 1 was quite unfitted for bus
,ess. In the morning a Iightness in ill
bead. partieularly when 1 bout over. mad
tue very worried about my health. Xs
of the laxative reedieince 1 found west
cuing, and knowing that 1 had to be a
business +every day 1 neglected verse]
rathor than rialc further weakness.
aurae I gisw VOI•80# but by a, haPP
harm° 1 began to use Dr. llainilten'
Pills. 1 V-118 fOrelb1.7 struck by the fac
that they nett -hex' rausee griping no
nausea, and it seemed incredible that pill
could tone, cleanse and regulate the sYS
tem without causing any unpleasant afto
effeetis. Dr. Hamilton's Pills acted wit
mo Just as gentle as nature -they gav
new lift> to tny liver, strengthened ni
stomach. and 1,7021 e bnek tt) 11,erfec
good health. My skin is clear, dizzlues
has disappeared, and my appetite
strength, spirits are perfect."
Refuse, anything offered you Instead o
Dr. Hamilton' Pills, which are euro t
cure. Sold In 25e, boxes. five for $1.01)
tut all druggists and storekeepers, or post
paid from the Catarrhosono Co., Buffalo
N.k., and Eingston, Canada .
Music as Aid to Work.
Sir Laurence Gamine, London
statistician and archaeologist, re
gards music as an aid to work. H
relates that at the beginning of hi
official career he used to add u
huge colianans of figures for statis
tical purposes by the simple pro
cess of doing the task to a Gregor
ian tune, and that he -was alway
correat in his totals.
Elinard's Liniment Cures Cargo! in Caw&
Lots Like Him.
Griggs -"Two years ago I could
have bought that valuable piece
of property for a song."
Briggs -"And you couldn'tsing,
Griggs -"Oh, I could sing, but I
couldn't get the right notes."
atinarcre Liniment Cures Distemper.
Snake on Neck for Goiter.
A snake slung round the neck
for goiter was an old Sussex (Eng-
land) charm. The Rev. Coker
Egerton, in "Susex Folk and Sus -
!sex Ways," tells the story from
personal observation. •.1 have
known a person," he wrote, ".who
went a long distance to have a live
snake applied to the throat for
goiter, and I have known of a ser-
vant girl who tried the virtue of
a dead one for the same ail/fleet.
It was discovered, and, being
ebliged to throw it away, she said
she would go somewhere to get a
'dead man's hand' •put • to her
nem'eke.a"aies- hew changed • Wig-
wag is since he lost urn ,roonea
Buggins-Yes; it has al :eree,1
so that lots of Ins old friends fall
ISSUE 23---'13. to reeoenize him.'
1st/1y conoeotrated
stifEcesa sman faraii
„Putest and best
w. cretere,
ed 4
re ••,-;,--7".... *".4..-,-7. ,
11, • •1°'''. '"_:-
h-1 reams Foe Mae
ta a, w, newsmt, N418/11 C014Iirce StrPefi
LI.., Toronto.
Parma In ell sections et Ontario.
me 4naps,
Railway traeisage, in Toronto„
,urarnpton 4u4 other teems and cities.
$1131;NT1- Dlt GPEDTIES
T arAptit)11 adozen other town/.
, .
DAWSON. Delhorne SL, Toronto.
It 1 1 .,4<nanS IN LAMI3TON COGNTY.
_ . sandy loam, frame louse, good
q ) rtt.bnwitilinf xeludulmitileiffor tco4lvs,;,,t-rsim „prm:i.-
4 laege property or smaner farm, The West'
3' ern Heal ginste Bsehange, Ler,don, Oat.
Berber Trade, fireat demand, Good
wages. Twenty to thirty advertised for
11 daily in Toronto papers alone. Can teach.
ACI 3'0401 Irk eix to eight weeks. Send for Ca,til-
/ flogue. Moles College, eat Queen East.
't 14W C G U 'OI5i» PW
froat Forelan ani. Vat.togqa.
, a
CeinnanY. Ter n
. ..„ _ .
s' atvnnTilitioni ...
• hltereal end ester - I
et tcr mcir /4cme bre* Writ(
e e10,, Dr, Belies kW
• TA It 414 Ont.
OMR Fafth.
Old atly 't heliev.
e ... ,4
re -cure tonic is aegoin" to do me
any good.
Friend -It's highly spoken of in
Old Lady -Yes; but I've taken. 47
1. bottles, and 1 don't feel a bit bat-
* ter. I tell you what it is, Sarah,
I'm beginning to think these news-
paper editors don't know every-
, thing.
ainerea nearnent Co., Limited.
t Oeute.-I -have maul your Niinard'a Lila.
ment in my family and also in ity stables
t for years and oontader It the hem ntedt.
r ohm obtainable.
f Yours truly.
E., Proprietor Itoxton Pond Hotel and Livery
"Bliggins has
- severe manner."
"It's a bluff.
1 kind-hearted
, that way to
posing on him."
1 Minard's Liniment
An Excuse
new V'
just done that
so much better."
... Try
I No Smarting—Feels
Your `4'anitifflfeldet•I'l.16das".'gu4stnitN''''Illrocll
•Er, in each
x -Yes rr°eucgiendenu°tu:;.,(elui'„1,1=1%;VItent
fi a e el ValL.'reTgillfeerPTb1PoY.
Pro gwista
•ep..L....,,e Wye
Many Fall
"I believe
long run." ,
"So do 1; but
not such a mighty
iMinard's Liniment
He had sold
bor for a young
east of the
chuckling visibly
heifer to the
taininr, his household
are you laughing
asked him. '
``that ',feller thinks
forty acres.
ty mere on him
a very distant
He's naturally
that he has
keep people
to act
from ha -
else has
Qui ekly.
)s, coin -
aY:ct m01X 7;
in the
it were
a neigh-
he was
farm is
cures Diphtheria.
for Roasting.
he bragging
he -could have
Pilurine Eye
Fin e—Atts
- atkg,. 111J1i1NE:
at Za-60e per Cottle.
Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
Exe Remeds Co..
by the Way.
honesty pays
I often wish
long run."
cures colds.
his farm to
heifer (this
Rockies) and
as be tied
back of the cart
,at1" the
"Why," he chortled,
I've unloaded
than he thinks."
I Sesaiss Ho 'Teak GIN PILLS
Mr. I -I. A.. Jukes of Winnipeg writes
' ' I have been a sufferer from 1timbao
for some year S' past. I met your Mr.
Hill and he advised me to take GIN
PILLS. I have been taking them at
intervals during the early •part ()Hilt;
present winter, and up-to-date have bad
no retain' of my old trouble in fact
feel better than I have tovyears, and
thiulc that nay old enemy has vanished
, _
oF goo. an „a •'
oc, a boe;:aforaaae. Sample areee
a Write ,eaer.loaei poig end,aaaaele4
'41niid .
nil -Ter ntk.