Exeter Times, 1913-6-5, Page 1Good News for Rheumatic Sufferers The worst case of rheumatism can be re- lieved by the use of Rexall Rheumatic Rernedy,swrit'ich is a, tried end specitie It not only relteves but completely caress, ,Woney back if itfr ils, Farther particular inquire at Cole's Drug Store eugtal_ June II4-ide se4al1ancl r asl)wox as xle. Befit t largest assortment. ' s aipd between you and Haigh, aiCOSS. Hu 0 D T icid4asex Gaze BSDAY M te theirs at igsor ING, JUNE at''tb 1913 -ONE ptioNE 32 Som oo Store News Clearing of Ladies' Suits & Coa We have only a few Ladies' and. Misses' Suits and Goats left and each one to be sold at a gig Bargail , it you want a Spring or Summer Suit or Coati now is your chance. ty Wu Coat t€e Id yronlrlt l i I ;Wu, shade! For $31,5 web les Tari t sci"sea, The al Morrie iia, all c er' A k t ta'1; real even $lay. t lll'1 hero waiting to ytartr This is the Limo to lit S' Mfg, z U tat. proval, Cot sell 0 )sWash SI ,ill sizes. from 3 to 7 yrs agent of cin Prices Gidixli Exeter School Report r.. lh '? et:13rlitaYdtt Recut :v I"atss—I'lorenee WOO • ga♦xx es 71; Ceraid "itton, ?l; tcrrlort Pdril 69 Olive 12,1eDoziam ec 31athell s 66;a eztha!etrne3' fi:i on R,'dd t"3; t'lmey Johns 03, ua De ve ,1 Lula! Nestle 02; red Slack 61; Alberta Horton 00i r It rforzor George Ortwwia ;74 arl I ow e; I 67; --Paris -'-oniric Rice a*' r„ .et S aro 7I; Oordoo. Vav- - k '•Tt � T 3 x4° Walker _r i0 Grape aoe"C ar klExe ,'.I'alt er 69,: dye datek Fllardor ares; Iloy ,. `Iary, Day 02; .tdna r >hta liZ on roll 3f. ;average at, odaOre 9 —C. Vosner • I:ezrists �x Itf iirnnaors•— Lrene M",zrelle ta4 r51i.$ �Ia�d S1rdarrleikr 7l• Clarence l!d'ttnrlcX, ''left .78f -if4ano oyle+t; Violet; a 00-01n Unrold. X4sto trema' artlrtt ff \Yiiiisr D^rts t 7.3f 'eiezla . o:� `ro' ore wsnet if; Gordon. Dem cddea' fie_ Drew + ra >dttt halt 09 Jr^. 1IL e P- F n 1?a._ X it m 13ders ?gl1ti, Gta crap ? .J R. '.iatT0Y Roam Vt ,tilortoraI;dslctl XI3 ►his ildtotl Haarvey ; :Greta. t ldarnesa . a xM..494 linrveIt ,14401014' fa*wtir . telly Randers 77: Paul •WW:Wci,' a]r 'fit 'Veda, dlowa?iiff'e 7l" tolltrlr 74: Part alt mnCrItl ai7� llrdtri ott ;QSpoetrotsiioerars tt '/01'43/1, Mbar ba tion .dens 7S';, ltih' lt<'4"r{tI Qt; .lri Sad* 'll ru'ley T'nr '; `Tlialli` Ira": l iataio oaticiia 3t O lye' iu ti:Stn Dai'l8 :fit: wa"wto,: ~r raga OttendOntlii 31.d T io ver Dashwood Celebration Joan€:'a3rd the R,inga bixtJndzt' wwas! red letter days for DaShwwood The, 'cattier was excellent and from far and near nearly two thousand people Me to witueas the !big eelehraeion which .started -early in the morning The firing of guns opened the, day and told the citizens that something stirring was in store for there. ThO 9n sit &a s 'Wore nut in fta ce the +sea- n a s the l a had 'Paving y bee ai o R # , x f � �4so e t a }rx se zaf:d I da snp R ea re d a d tontine,tv * .'esin thair. The xestatarant4Ind dal a land Office 'business, dire rat attraction was the relitlau.n lata rracession end lflo ;G rGitr-"*,aFrade ever [T boasted of greater novelty' khan. 't~ar- ale l the street headed Pny the Exe%er^,: sass ,. Intuit). The prizes were award.* 1° d as folloivs. 3lertnan Sebrtle4 net family alyivirlg s2 barne$ €ek tri aIt old gig, Wm, ':laasir" txd lr iF$ zrd as els talisor w itti H. lEgafik de etrrmart Kellerman t l icaromet stle; and 4'karffi, z,rols nshir'e d Ed :godlier k?ziGdry. 03esidos iae ,°ere Acttdiez^s clr-s4v3a:e and old I �laacned high bile. Th. C :azy ,Ifoaise 'agger Iia}rid; rho ,I41r4 family ora ala 's(^bv?,-., and the old ;frills Tera,-. len. After iiia lisPee851on.carrcA eti pad;, ll gSsnitee betsvcsn Zn rar iz and fort* alis the former 'winning 11 to 4. fteroaaorx Or'editort and Vats lora a ball and the. latter rove easy atsoaaey for the Stars !te- ar shut rant er€tirely. The gwttae sros 7-0 io CTX:clitoteS favor.. The tiOrso aciaa . wva ated nttd ww' r v tela terest',. ► t ss ftp l sreoud; trial ilati lra and Itoadmas iso behind • 'When, tla oke and Roadiecnti 'to get out of tt •lugsl over the, JQ seg the deriver one na for a xo4 ail" .sa optinned 154thout ed" the trait utile !arose tontine Trills ilesiite th ke sto» !hint, bat' a tat ; ng on the s and X. heen'lt cOn , sl with Murk i San 14:' ,Neat kite? awing' 11000 rag ggy tire QS Get u Y. Pointers yoMr SCr".CnFi.tk . it Sltroteerr"_ tunci. for itr Teter --A lit e Word Dor a great deal, a1 yeti it. stabil. The swtmmi'?, hole },has <ot bee ate o torr Iter later„ s s f Q. ., � it v. 1inC f Ise.et fn'"C s section. atlsi:€eti hat SarFztfi1talf P.41 ink ie V rani"t wa ?as w post ,Jac sits. Jadging by riot get ,)aainkora -st its sofa the. fi ?P,Ri 0 llp(�1°ted English. ertoan, The, beM I of hats ex •Jusively.,, ;his store, specially pi so *lien selling. Five ii dneed lines 10 quality for 0 quaky fer 1.x'5 ` 3 r Ip 2.25 tit .. foor pecunfitlaf te, it. them a^ w anal- a A l =sly sire FOUR PA A: .25 quality for 2.5+ #35 qualitylor 3,50 5,00 Special. 4.00 6.00 Special 5.00 N'S ec BOYS CLOTH 's oth-s In the salt rwt lowv prices. Phon 2 Boys Boys two or three piece r --also a lot of Bloomer Suits. NG a our 'biig,. tie best,, da A Big Stock to Choose rom Raze Coats For men at the lowest prices w -we sell, the hest, ones & May, Exete C FLY TINE PROTECT YOUR FAMILY ! ft1✓VEN.0 TELE PLIES FRO/dt OtETTIN(( IN Qoi7R ROME BY USING Screen Doors & Windows SCREEN D OOR5—$1OD to 32.09 WINDOWS -25c to 50c SOLE AGENTS FOR Lowe '3ros.' Paints New Brunswick Plaster Chi•Namel W..a& B. Lawn Mowers Campbell's Stains Annitite Roofing ' Lowe Bros.' Mello -Tone Dustbane Stoves Several Gasoline for sale cheap. Also a number ,of second-hand Ranges. EAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE After a lingering :illness Mr, Wzn. tOawvson passed away Saturday morn- ing in in. 0is';CC'_wtcar at ills residence tames and Tones Street%. St. Marys His. wife" `t'wvo>sons and three ;dong h- iters survive: Judge Dawson of Winnipeg is a brother of the deceas n e church It . ' item'. of interest to . bare � o - etc es'pcciallyl Methodistls is, the "fact 'of ' a ten -storey book and publish bag house being .built in Toronto, to cost a -million dollars.,`The'• bu,einess has developed.,_ to such ::: dimensions ithat the old rtustrters.are Ina -deviate to 'meetthe necessities of t'he work ''-Mode!rn offices. r`Comanittee room d.e-" rartments, for officials will not. be_ wanting "in, the new structure: New lock is further: west .on Richmond Vit,' $0.000, is exl:ected for the sale of alae' former book 'roouf .. ; Jane 'Carey" relict of the ]Tris, S. II. Mitchell gardener passed away in St. Marys on, Saturday Morning after a lingering illness in her 77th year ', mrowvn up family survives., The centre Huron License commis-. sioners on Friday "endorsed the trans- fer of, the Tloyal Hotel'Seaforth from Thomas Pinkney to Louis Weir own• er or the !hostelry' and^renewed until the end ..of t'iie year the' license of Mrs. Thornas' Stevens of the Oueen's hotel who had recentlybeen given` thzee 'months oto tse'll but. The -1io ease of the Dick Rouse of the same town, will be cancelled tan 'August 1 owing to improvements ordered not being carried out, This leaves three hotels and, one 511053, license in Sea - The Care of Milk Copy of Letter Sent to Exeter Milk Dealers. Exeter. Jona 1 1913' Dear Sir' The Ontario Medical` Health Yle'tartmon`t in$iste that the Local Boards of . tealth require of every v ry mill; seller the following The cow must be 'healthy and clean. and fed on sound clean' food and have Plenty or clean water., in .the. sum- mer, milking .o uts` ld C 1 TrefC•k'allbl+-a Where milking is done in' 'the stables as it must in winter and in bad Wea- thers the stables must be ker,t clean. The milker must %shave clean elot•b' es and clean hands; mutat -cash his hands before Milking. zlkn r he every cow - must' be nddel with a'clean damn cloth some little time ,before epery milking The milking to*be done in everY ease. with a dry hand. -After; milking.. the 'Milk to be carried away to the; clean ,milk roomntoube:strained first through the ordinary metal strainer and secondly through -everat thick- nesses "of' .cheese cloth thicic enough,' to keep back ,all dirt from the rnilkl This cheese cloth Used (for a strainer knot to be used again unless thorough ly cleansed. !It. must be thoroughly boiled before • using tagaiu. After the milk is strained it must be cooled down at once. lee, is the i.roper cooler. !Cold well 'water is a Tarticai substitute. for the ice 'Clean milk that is cooled down tto 45 de- grees, and. Rest at that temperature' will kee , 72 hours wi thout hero N m ing sour. The pans, dishes teens and all other clean. otensals must', .be kept scrunutoiisly After using, wash 'them. ouf..,With tepid water, Linen scald 'i;hezu tho roughly 1 w g Y v ztJx boilingwater. Sim', Ily-,warm. water won't do. the water mush be boiling. z Yo ib 'have; good con; s. n m Ca d ipas- ture good water 'and. good .facilities for giving your customers first class milk If you don't do it the fault is yours. The r5oa5.•4 here has decfd d - e to sub- mit "samples -of (be milk you son w r to the .P..rovineial Iiralt'h tnsleeLor at TOSOnLO to: have, it: tested nob only far butter" fat but to !save it 'tested bp,cteriologieatly. W,1 F a .Ic man;.. w l3cL e. •i 13z•zacbenkiush M. C? � I7. Is. 'Huston Chairman A,; P. v' fi . r ropy of this Inter beenn been sent' to a_tl ,the lt1k:selers of,. forth, Exeter. 0 d i arer< Glad>aton 19 n Joy flora anlsury 78; Rub, Davis owo 73;'8elen Dignan 72; as, a• avis' 70 ,Tired .Beaman 01; 1ier- axtiolb 02; Clst'rord Webster 00 lossotn )'owvell 00; 'Levcrn WebIs 47)0 t1 nr pal u 0 Average attendance 40 . �'t IToward. :BORN a\'✓=N— It 'Motherwell to 'Mrs anal Itta. ,Jas. R. Brown al isona, STO.`'X:74IhN—In illitchell' on Thurs• slay May 1.9th to 1rr. and .Iifrs.Wm Stoneman a son. COLE—In Exeter on Wednesday May 28 to Ms.. and Mrs. W. S. Cole as son. DOR AN In McGillivray on My _hath to air,, and Urs, Andrews:, Dori:: :man or the Itis on., a inn. T IGlim) la Lncaa on May }25th to Mr; and Airs, John Richard a daughter. �1 ri2s=Tn Lucan on ,May nth to Mr„nnd i T1s, John Ward a frauglit- t er. ,DR:1NRWATER—,In 531anshard on May 97th to Air. and iIrs. Earl Drinkwater a son. STONE —In Usborne on .May 24th to Sin, and Mrs. Ed. Stone a daugh- ter. HAGGITH—At Edmonton Ito Mr. end rs, Fred IIaggith a son (Wesley Chapman); MARRrED paLLOGIC—ALLISTI3R— At' the Methodist parsonage Corbett 'SVede nesday May 281h by Rev, 3? .0.. Thompson Mr., A. Il. 7'QlloeIC to Miss Laura A. (Allister 'both ;' of Stephen. EAGLESON — TII7TCEINSON At the Methodist. -Parsonage 'Corbett Wednesday May 28th by Rev. D. D, Thoma son Mr. henry Eagleson. to Miss Lulu Hutchinson daughter of David, Hutchinson both of Step- hen. MED II.ATIDY'-In London :Tc ,an ' 41iay �3., •t . d Alice A.wv' beloved o of e of John II, Hardy aged 42 years. REITII-1 n London on May 23rd 'the seven months? old' Son of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Reith of Lucan, YEAST—In 'Maide.sione Sask. on Fri- day May 30th Louise Hancock nock bc- loved wile of M‘r It. Yeast and, granddat.1gt' of �,,:.. <.i rr.. Creech' C' rccah' o,f .town in her 21st 1.st: year. , PROWNLEE—In Seattle hospital on • ;May 27tth John Trueman. 'Bro}voles aged 411 years. ANDERSON—In forth iS„a:,.o.th on June '33ird Richard Anderson of .Mullett aged 64 years. WILLfS-Al on .-fProsperity Monday ond.zy June '23r43 Edward. L Willis. wllr„ of hen aged '23 years a n'd 4 months: • The funeral, trill IeT t '2.30 kre d Thursday ,o'clock. • .1. L sOof Crediton ha9 thecon we .l at s; t act for .a cement "bridge n €; nari.h atf Greenwri,y and one nt:?ul'cer's 'side- -. e,td. ar. s 1 4- .1 r, .A..A,ndeaSort orge,'A. ,1:'Qt;cry 1'file, "SY'i.` iUR1' Roo r, T. Murdock t: S Minnie Bars, T. Mumma 3 a^ 3--: Peach 'Rarv, 1'L,.I3ometel,errp 111,-7 Wm ,T;Iliott aund Th welsh Judges; E. 33ossenborry Starter., fiha :gate 'receipts during the .dor lazrzounted to :$375; Rev. W Car fi McAlister ;for President TThc. London }E'roe 'Tess of Mon- day -contained the following in •coo:- nection 'with the election for Presi- dent of the London conference "Con- siderable interest is already 'being manifested in. the forthcoming sl - i cction of the xresident. Among names :mentioned for the Honor are z the following :four Rev, W. G, H. McAllister,, of Exeter, who was tsee- ond to 'IRev J J; Ford last year; Rev.. Dr. Manning of .Dundas centre church; Rev, George IL .ITazen of Wellington Street ,iehurch, ; and Rev, D. N. 'lzuhamus or Colborne Street. Church. The general opinion is that of ths Lourbr r II A11s ter afo formen r castor of Centennial church has the best chance of being 'selected. i3he election will take place on "Thursday. Stephen Boy Drowned Word was received by Mr. John Wallis on Tuesday that his son, Ed- wardl L. Willis, who was , teaching school at Prosperity near Auburn was missing since _.fonday evening. This was followed by another stating that the body 'had been found in a well near his boarding house. It, is sup posed iinto se that t in some way he accidently e well, and .apparently he had been dead for sometime when fnund. Mr. Willis went, to Prosperity on receipt of the message and the cor- pse pse was brought -home Wednesday evening. The deceased was 23 nears of age. The funeral will be held on Thursday to the Exeter cemetery at 2,30 p;m. as b $la.oez tut w #' t w tt vet t t c tnst:5ty and°ws w.ala, Xk o nta taloa finest ; i 0 ala r X, hate larm homes and so roo wig fhp. trarxas that are da' ba co nnst uxavi 3'lte day when 'anything ,b3 awvn Though e mostoimpro>retho d rmers methods for r laming labor; for adding to the Raab- ti t .. y and ' for comfort'rand teotavenicnea in thexa home aro' finding; :their way to the farm. ^ q as of •. One or the things that. should make the farmer around Exeter aappreeiat.e his hundred. acres is tri t i e a trim to some rough or hiliy parts and see tho disadvantage farmers are or :against to .take off a Gree. It 'would be something. out of the ordinary for our farmers to tut several stakes laoross anfield in order to get a straight £arrows 1 r * * si lady from ;North 'Carolina "cwho. recently visited is Exeter tremarkr. ed that Exeter lwaS surrounded by a tine conntry,, the best she had seen and a gentle m an from NiagaraFa s was telling the Editor that there was nothing pettier than - have right' there iii onr midst. These bet voice the otinions of many 'who visit this xari. x * * Xr When we talk about a great ',farmnL trig country we #don't mean a good rain here and 'there, q :few extra siZecia"ls a.a' it were but go in what direction yon Eike _from Exeter, and you will ,find farm after Sarin or the finest, clay loam to be found any-, where and with the exception, of a few acrest of bushon many farm,/ nearly every noire ean he cropped, to good advantage. Baseball Won F,ost James Street' 2 Caven .k• 'Trivitt I 0 Main Street '0 3 In a six innings game Iast Friday evening Caven-T.11vitt defeated Main Street ce to 5 T hevas ams w tie g at tate end of the fourth innings. The score ,by innings Main 'Street 0'0 4, 1 0 0-5 Coven-Trivitt° 0 H, 1 2 0 ;3—B 0 e The Exeter ball'team drove' to con, Hullett Yian Dead 1 -A sad accident ent oc'cured at 5eafoxth. on ''Tuesday 'morning at the 'Grand Trunk yards thy which Richard And- erson a, well-known farther of near Constance lost his - life. It appears I that; Mr, ulnderson had brought in loacl of .hogs for shipment, an . d I;sLc` 'holding bis horses by 1''.he head;; f./etaratory to unloading then). enz. the 1:er101 b carne fri€;aligned by Idle a:- c I T.'•o<; h of the morning train front thw west. , knocked him .don -n, 'Lite ww heels of the. wagon ' l.as,sing over }lira car,rsingSzastant .deart.h. 1r, t c1- son was ,.L n sinestived by, C_. scars of ag-e aril is- a w-ife'ancl- tt ,rowVu tti: family end (Ivo sons end three, daur,arhters. Messrs 1Een ry and ;Tames :inderson of Lumley are b - ro o - thet tolls Thursday evening, rand were d - feated 9 to 4 Exeter made all their suns in. Lhe and Dempsey we're ;the Centralia b� t-. bat- tery and Windsor. Bissett and Poyle the Exeter cattery' Monthly r a .on 1- y evening Same.. Street won from brain .Street 14 to 1. d'he score by innings,, aP :;n Street 0.0 0 1 0 .0-1 lassies Street 4 0 3 4 3 .X-14 `Iiie ,itLendanc' e at; the sim�.s. g. h 1,een hood orad the !collection y gratifying..; ave cry e diamond has beeniiit' in excel, Cot: _'517; 7)C. blow botit a grand sttr.I- for snee{ato.;?•uthine' .re.` 'provided '}"or the accornodat.ou the ladies. for Shirts with French cuffs, soft collars and tie to match. Regular 1.75 Special lal for this p week. at 1.25 also 1.50 line reduced to 1 00. ilress Shirt iln plain vvEite and with black and blue stripes ===also a full line ne of pleated shirts, regular 1.50 this week only 1.00. A large assorten - of ties .fi qpf` 14 P shapes rate iates ��d deSi rid, also silk it ties li] various io colors. 1 4