HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-5-29, Page 8r r. THE EXETER. TrIVIEF, tr.r. - may concern - 4. ,--- 1111.11.1rilrrnmggrigr.,,..T.7.7.,:mz,tirrarrr..,,,..7rtggr=fr.r.rirr,mr,..„=„tree z_r..r42... falarket R. etort,-.The following 'is .0.,...,,,4011 00000. S01.090111000.0 omala•asmstanyszamayas , i ice (1 up to kl,a,y ...91,h -, ' I Wheat .93 Oats 34. , , l'ie S 13arley 45 to 48 _ , i , , 1 P-174' VVA' T'S .. ,,ck,,,,....t,st. DO , , ls?:,1,.$ SI,06 , • , i I. I 1 t i , • . . 00.1 '.138 hr(larn,t '2*."1 e r ton Mcn ati.111 iel‘'Lloar 2.30 Lew grade flour $1,50 E .9 Es 1.,-. Buttcr 18 (to 20:). , * Dried apples 4o `Potatoes $1.00 Th a Balance of our 6 0 004040. 1.5101 Suit Stock WILL BE SOLO 012. at CLEARING PRICES klfl Every garment the product of the best millet's and GUARANTEED correct in style, perfect in fit and sat- fl= isfacrory on wear, SILK COLTS Several very pretty styles made of heavy silk in long wd three-rinartPn 'length— nicely trimmed and extra value at $13.00 to $15,00 bla ors Chaise Ercnort Steers, 0.90 to, 7.00 'lir, tooev -of L01,141011 with 31edium ,Export Steers 0,50 to "7„75 medioro thez. heir Miss Gregory of Chatha_ m with her Choice 'cams 5.10 t 5.5,0, mother. Modinm •eONVS 4.50 to 4-7R. Walter Dearing or Loudon with Common cows 3,50 to 4.00 friends: Choice Sheep 5, 50 to 0.00 Miss V. 31iners cd.Ooderich with f.4amlas -8.50 to 6.00 relatives THU (as n to RSDAY lif`A.Y 2.9th 1913 Among 'thoseer.ent One holt, Notice I li,wni were .: " Mr, A. J. Heywood with his parents To whom Tt S. E. Fi.sher of Guelph with friends A. Moore of Wingliam with friends- All accounts and rtaes IlarrY Sweet of Chilton at his /' 11114E° aihng _have been home, ed to me for collection. and t he same "rfh must be laid on or before the firW. st MeisTt° ei: oLf Loudoz" ale the t'L day of ..hine A. P. 1013 otherwise wilt be placed in court, I yours very try Isaao R. 'Carling friends. -- Prink jones or Brantford wit h friends.. Harry Fake or l'hrm'all with his parents; - Choice butchers 6:50 to ,ILT75. Mr, T. Wilson of London with • • • LOCAL . • 6.0.0•4•41 3,0**,04.4 Main Street was oiled on Monday CenlsL Mr, Vail- .'11 no- Lc- v his mother. Mr jas, Sanders of 1 parents, Miss Sarah Sweet- or. Lo na. with her tnarents r;.22 Mr, CliVe Xerklister vted in -` Clinton on Tues0a,v, :iMisSes Js a and -3Iarjorie visited in London last Friday,. with Spray Your Trees We are epared to spray a lira, ited number of orchards in an !lento date and satisfactory manner ht 15r• treo.nfor one atiillcationnr two. We ,have Idnae;-sulthirn ars- enate of lead.: and „sulnhate cop; Vey, for spray nornoses at low nrices.' o. •IrOGATIL 149t 1.3 rons0 Ste'Vbel45 For Sale Fisty ;Ti Plants for Sale— Tout. to eery cabbage, Cauliflower Ate, pSettOuera,. Figaaceen, aS:latr.a...1214Zi.urnai' "miss ,Teen 'worker 'of LOd. Irr!':;,4 Perna nte, Ranging baskets filled by her parents, Udeitvered at the cemetery frn. viTif..„1,1.41-ltireilsrci!r&; and son, of 1411d011 Pii, 'Mrs, W. ..., -Leo, and Miss 3, Els- ton were ia ,,London last 1,,,r,ada.. 1 Pli Mr, P. Oinks ST:ent several days la LINEN C3ATS 00040 They make a. light, CPO Coat r. for summer vvear, and are just the thing you want to Sii,V• your clothes while, motoring 171 Priced at ?LOQ and $5:$0 New Straw flats Owen Splind last weer: on busine's.s Mz.Wes, tlawksimw :Ind family have gotae to Grand ,D4,'Xid for the sinotae' T1L:51cCallum. has•,returned, home after being awa,i, for a cotzpie wee1. -Miss . F olliek ,au4 N -i, E. V. Follick are spending a xreek at Grand Bead. Mrs, Pier.on returned, to London, Saturday after attending the Cum- howe wally .11.4ex,i, straw hat 3tylea roe tbe prmet so, era of the fate Mrs. "treats. Bvery minister in, the Stratford rrAl TheNOW aallorS $1.59- $2,00 Saud 225. Ask to see ous - 1--74 Presbytery will henforth receive Special Panama Hats at $4 to $5 Redmen's Hosiery 0 Forma in 1 isle or silk colors ortati:grey and black, A, hose that, /Its the foot properly and Weftr$ Wen, EIZ Per pair 30 and 50 ets 44, rum, Summer Underwear The conehination suits for men are very popular for summer wear, The short slee're and knee length le what wearesell. 17q:„ at per suit, $1.00 and $1..241 POTATOES Another ShlPruent o Cireenotantain Delaware Potatoes has arrived, excellent for seed or table use, STEWART . 3 06.0 tr,3: tcr.: • rannarming 444..114.•••••••••••••••++0•+++.44:4••••••••••••444,4004•110 5c 1 OC 9 15c, 25c, is a big factor price at this store. • • 4' Come and see the large assortment of goods we are offering at the se • • prices, • A good policy is " See what you buy." • f HERE you see • Wedding Specials • Come here for your KITCFIEN NEEDS. Collie here for your •WEDDING GIFTS. We specialize on these lines. • • • Patronize our KANDY KOUNTER and you will be pleased. • We want your patronage, • • JUST IN—New Side and Back Combs. New Circular Cambs. New )3arretts. New Barr Pins and Beauty Pins. • Firecrackers for the 24th! FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS and BANANAS every clay. • • • 0 .4: ' 40. BIG 'VARIETY STORE • ' Miss ,Clara Trebileork .'Nliiises Aior- lel and Vlorence Liddicoatt with Mr. and Mrs, das ;Gould. , XI.. W. tflattan writ' run the Grand Bend barter shop thisl,siteamer watt has left for that lace, A number from town took in the telebratiOn Os Zntehell audyitnessed the UerODIOXI4 COMent,iiQn. The 'howlers haw opened ap "the green and several friendly ,gartieS ware *played on the lith. Mrs, II, 13. Samuel and daughter t.Tary of Alvinston visited d-', and Nirs, 3, .Jaw -dem over the holiday. Niro, E. 0. Deehe ilia "daughter Madelen or ItidgeLown are visiting the formes mother.,`1".rs., 'T., Prior Mr. T, G. fieralahill and Dr, and 'tack,son or Wroxeter ,motored up Sunday andvisited with friends, IMiss L, 3o1ni.4 entertained TO an a fternoon tea on' Monday la honoo 0' ber sister Mrs, Coodison of Sarnia. Nfessrs Le Roy Coultis and "Frank Ilawden have been successrul in tass- ing their t:liarmacy examirtitfons at Toronto. 4" The many friends of airs, .1. D. AV- * a kinsco. or Clinton„ will be pleased ta • team that she is able to be out af- 4) ter ber recent diness. • • Mr. and „Airs, D. A., Ross have re- * ,e, turned honte after siending the win, 4> ter with their son Dr. Boss, of Nam- : Ira Idaho and also visiting through' out the wese, • • Vablishers have 'received, notice of • mother advance in the 'price or all • • kinds ot aper' and...stationery ;awl • the discount tor cash its. to two per : cent instead, or three. • Mr, Harold Swill and his mother • of London, visite& with friends in • • town over the 24t1S. Mr, Snell a& • dressed the 'young mens fc1uss Or Main Street Sunday afternoon. • • Mr, Austin Durilan. occupied the * tulpit in Trivitt Memorial churcli • • last Sabbath morning. The Rector • Rev. D. W., Collins. conducted anniv- ersary services at Sain.tsbury, 3 Mr, 3L P. Salter of London' and, 0 (laughter Meta. _of 'London, Ivisiteck • • R. Gould Saturday' and. Sunday. Arr. • Salter addressed the James Strean • Sabbath School in. .the afternoon • • It is generally sutposed that a tel- ephone in,the.house adds to 'the dark - ger of being struck by lightning The very opposite. is the case. The light. ning is attached to the wire and fol. lnws it to the ground the telerhone thus rerforming the' very same ser- vice n s the lightning- rod. • • • • • * • • • • • • • et. ••• The Exeter Bargain Store - --- awip' Everybody is Talliiiig Baseball' '13rk, 1 tr and the. E3Ig ‘Bargains they g0; here; better' value 1 , than: E.TON'S, ,with a, chance of' seeing' the goods Oeforc . . . you pay tile nooney. Read -This List: i , Sample ends Carpet,' 10p each. Lacl.ins' Fancy CollarS, worth 50c each for 1 -11 10c'each, Ladies Black Cotton Efose, 10e pair. Men's Fancy Cashmere liose regular 35e and 40c for 25c pair. Japanese Mats, 40c each. New Embroider- ies, very fine, 45 inches wide, both hem stitched and scalloped edges, 5ec yd, Alen's_Ball)riggan Underwear, 75c a suit. See Our Table of SHOES, $1.25 pair, able of CAPS, 25c each HATS, Sisoo and $1.25 each POLISH, 5cTin ,ts and Shoes ME Fine for Little Folks .1nexpensiye and easily worked. No ,trouble to show little folk how' to use them. .Book of directions ' with each . . carnera, . • • - , 4 ; flowey s •Drugstore 1 Rifler Wallace or eutitoo it Chester Harvey Miss V, Conzeti. of London -with Ntrs )110Docallbs Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Crocker of Toro Not ice Haring taken over The initellex' 1111sinoS-5 oV Mr, Wood we hano moved across the 61 -ret into 'the onto Vt1I relatIvesr shop iately occupied bv `Afr, t& ,T %ci:,%11,14,1c1, with • Mr, aC,n' cd Votilratlios‘1,1,in.ritletribeiussittaluele(s.s4viNnivil$1befrs, Los,Likoarc 049 ig re it; Ir. and$N"Ql; 1( tttlI4it! 4'4 :s1 e; satisfaQetiog Tr, and D., D. Crittenden or Myth with friends. Mr, and Mrs, Griff of London NV ittt e later's ra.rewts, 31iss Bella Knight of liderton With Nliss Grace Sanders. ".Nriddleinis of London viqted 4Autio, meetivg of tlyi% ernIth Uton Retorm Ass-delation Aral 44,41,r,,Nsi,14;4: vat: lorttfie, London, vith hpotresdiz, Daltuxue:1;,114 Ere orallko Miss Eva ilirtzei or Crediton witr. The cleet141* offieQrs urg,1 Oh" Ethel WortheottZ. er Rtueral business' fbe trans acted, " 11. Jlowey with it arents Mr, and rs, Wxn. Ilowey, Meats will be delivered to any part favors we .5olLe4t a continuance or or the town, Thanking you for pas Every Regina Watch carry with it a universal guarantee; That means, 11 you purchase a: Regina from this store, we en.; dorse the universal guarantee which will be honored by any other Regina watch agent anywhere -.1 Add to this, the manufacturers', absolute and perms guaran-; tee against structural defects and you will. see that you cannot make a mistakein purchasing a REGINA: WATCH* Annual Meeting his brother Arthur. Mr, Frank McGillicuddy visited his brother Dr.. McGillicuddy, Goodison and children or Sar- nia, with Xi's, D. Arenas. 'Miss 1, licidemani of Stratford! with the MisscS Heideman. . Mr, Eli Elliott ot Winghtstur,, ,with Mr, and ;Ars,t3ttS, Wfaters. and Mrs, Clarke 'of Labicn with Mr, and Mrs. Mrs, 3, P„, Clarke or Fens with her sister .Mrs, T. liarvey, Mr, Gordon 'Heywood) or London with his parents 311 Usborne. „Miss Toohey and 'Miss dlirr or London. with Miss Leila Gould, and Airs, Levett, Toronto. ' 7,iliss T. White With retatives In, wiwuort Mr, and orrs, "Frank ffillett sr, Chatham', (311Stie's Luisa and Lavine 'Willard at Tavistock., tr 4V IToopet" 'visitcd his brother Albert in Clinton.* Mr, and: .A.Trs W. Ir. M'artint rriends in London. Mrs. T. Tr, 111Calluoi with her daughter in London, '.5tr, and Mrs, Jos.. SU t tQa in Lon. don with friends. ItEr, and Mrs, Sam flagslaaw,. bt „,,,"Tr, "4.,teri rroyne with tiis fion London with Mr, V' Ilagslia.w. Tiussell in. iBrantford4 Mr, and Xrs. DillbOrn. a Paris r31:r. and )frs. 11. Rowe anti claugh- with Mr, and INIrs. A. S. rora, ter Mildred inl Clinton. ,.£1., and Mrs, Fred,Ilawkshaw of i'Nf .,and1E3, 'Cecili., e Ni th Toronto, with' the tormer's f orents. relatives near Grautort.i Mr, and,Arrs, n,4Ifuestoa or Lon. Vrs, It,' 5. Zhillips and, Miss Bun don with Mr, antlitZtre. .Tas. Taylor, with relative.s in Toronto. 'Sties Mrene flardY..of itortdon ^With mrol, ilia tohrord ond, daughter M- ber !parents 'fr, and-1411'ra. S. Ilar4 ion with relatives at 'anacan, Mr, Wes V.31e..' and little (1,aughter 'Messrs Mardette titia .Moe 'Of of Niagara Palls with Oils nnothert /ink of Commence in Goderleb„ Miss W. iluston al Flomilton with mrs, ,j'. Senior t and daughter her parents 'Mr, and Mrs. Xf. E. with Blanche withC 'relatives in Toronto. ton, ' Mr, rand Mrs., 3. G. :Tones and fain, Mr, Thos, ALorley and 'sister or fly motored to St,'Thomas for the London with Mr, and Mrs. J. Mor- 241hrr, A. arodper, ' ' /ey . ts., ar the Lake Road Aw'll:Ii ix,mr,a Ea n divi'fhx. s Ilea .180 tri3em:e.sars,r:ste jitarnagitih.s ctitortnr, 33:.airsuai gnat e:dteeorhntirr ertmd tot ilhaenna ::::,..1Z,:tenra mei; , Mr, and. Mrs, E .Bonccliffe and' F„a3r1kishsie;Si, Rweirtthhaxar,n andd. 31rs. George with friends at Whalen. Ilockey. Mr, and Mrs, J. Inwood and &nigh ter, of London, with iMr, and:' Mrs. 8 Sanders'. ,Mr, Fred McAjister of Poronto with his arents at the .Tames parsonage. .„ Miss Ella Baker who is attending. the Chatham' Business College, with her parents. Mrs, 3. 11\lawcombe ;n41 two ehjlclii ren of 'Stratford `with Mr, and Mrs. Mr, and Arrs, C. Spackman and Earle Scaeltmail" with Mr, and Mrs. D. Spa skrimn. Mrs, W. Rurke and rlaughter of frigersoll, withher' h:arents Mr. nd. Mrs, J. Taylor. Mrs, AroDonald and Miss Mabel' McDonald of Goderich. with Mr and Mrs, G. Manson.' Mr, and Mrs, Jack Snelirand child- ren of St, Thomas, nvith the formerrs1 mother Mrs, ',AL Snell. Misses May and Ethel Arna.strong of Lucknow with their parents Mr and Mrs, I "Arnastrono• Mr, and Mrs, Crockett, 'of Dor chester and Mjs Cookson of Forest with Mr, and Mrs, S Martin miss mcrruighl and' Mi Marlor- le MelK.night of .Simcoe with 'then' cousin Iris, (Rev: S. F. Sharp. „ Misses Lillie and Edna ;Davis of London with !their Parents Mr, and Firs, W. Davis' Of "Exeter North. Mr. Bedford arid Wm. Carr. of Brighton, visited the former's ion Mr, A. Bedford over the holidays. Miss Francis Davis of Wiugham and kMiss Clara (Davis of Ingerspil v li s i sDant ,ed 'Davis.itilt h ei r arents Mr, and Mrs Among ' those 't•Vfio ,•7.Vgent ' the •holl-' .,,arNylsrs.z:Dut..,,noftist:e1\,:in,,i",w9Troer,9,4.0.::;,;::,,•:::',',,' H. E. Axt in Looil'on., . --et ., .14.11s., Billings in London , Mi.s8 '.1.4. "Vi.ra,iter'l-s in,LOndc4ii,,, T. C. 'Jones ,at., his home in Avl. Mrs.," Treble .anti iieo,sith ,l,f:ri, ,•..,,,.. ...,,, •., ,..- n London , '. . •,, '.,•,, Films left befoae 9 a rn Mr.„,4irWi.54"rs. ThAW on/Aq, • • developed ame ay. , R ssc Flynn .......................... •• • :R. N. Rovve! • • Furniture Dealer • • and * • Funeral 4: • Director• • • • . • • Phone 2oa • • • "Rxeter. Ontario • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••<>0 rsistssExtsrimsziessemmaiszni GOULDS GROGERY opposite PHONE 47 ie Light Plan nWg e Ftnaarnk ierya specialty of The Groceries we deliver to you or- derS btay t37daor:srr.,1:rhingrt yighted possible. are the best to be had and the prices we ask are the lowest s an Store to t :riGrodeei7iesca°nndv Pro - h -t t e °I -1r 11' -xt s Received a CAR LOAD o the Famous Brockville Canada 0 . arn age Coo Buggies These Buggi?s 8.1:10 an extra fine style, 0$pecially uilt and especially finished. elli1101411111111111111111111111111111.011111111 Also a ,ipment of RAY 6f1MPBELL BUGGIES CHATHAM. Whether you have any notion of buying, or not step in and see our the newest thing in buggies at my showrooms. These Buggies being purchased in carload lots enables us to sell at right prices. WS, SNELL Eay Forks, Bay Loaders, Gasoline Engines, lklanure Spreaders and all lines of Farm Litplements 11110=11111111111111111MITIMMIMMINI11111161111111111111111111111111MIMIMMOrt MIMMININIMIEMINO OVERALLS FREE We are Sole Agents for WALKER'S OVERALLS made in Walkerville, Ont, We GUARANTEE Ten Cents for every Button that comes off and 'Twenty -Five Cents for every Rip and for every Six Stamped Pookets cut from worn garments, we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. Get the habit of saving your pockets, Sold by Jones & flay The Leading Merchant In Exeter Guaranteed by the Walker Pant and Shirt Company. Spring Refloiiatilig -is in keeping. The housekeeper is pretty busy these days. Its a sort of Stocktaking time in the house, "and it is always sure to reveal a need for somet-lidg new in Furniture of which we have a great - voriety of the latest designs. • e also arbtiitsvteicsdaemsipgIness, ylVouaslhi al:laidpesr'eeoofurthe most KOLORFA MATTING Coll)rs GUARANTEED Fat 'To Sun and 'Wat r",. ,6,41.42, • ,x0A,0.0,44.,0,... at kT5,41