HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-03-13, Page 34$500” REWARD
for information leading to the arrest and
subsequent conviction of person or persons
responsible for the theft of materials from a
house being built by J.A.M. Construction on
property located near the southwest side of
the Benrniller bridge.
liathbttrn wiartha„,
One day I hear *you are that. duties aboard ship
having a mild winter and are always attended to
next I hear it is very cold. without fail or fooling
around. Do you suppose
-the-dry-retef-laziness-has- ---
seeped into this business
After 'this accident a
couple of ships hit the
abutments of the bridge
near where the Capricorn
sat "grounded". Were
their pilots not paying
attention to their duties
or did they not know the
waters as they should
And so the traffic on the
bridge - the Skyway, I
believe is the name - was
reduced to lanes on one
side. What a mess.
Hundreds of sightseers
just-a-lookin' and the
regular heavy traffic just
a-goin' — you can
imagine the hours a lot of
them spent just a sittin' ! !
Anyway we .; are far We could see all we
enough south to miss needed • to., see on
most of the" cold.that has television.
seeped into the peninsula ' Another heartache is
as northern Florida has. the hostages in Iran
had cold, frOst and snow. business. I can't describe
The Gulf • has been the high feelings of
winter -cold. Snowbirds emotion that surround
are luxuriating on the 'this terr'ible happening.
warm sand but not Abo, Then ,to top it - Canada
many are swimming in gets into the act and you
the cold Gulf waters. wouldn't believe tho
Just over, a month ago, people who• have spoken
a terrible accident to ME een in'parking
happened in the By .of lots ' on • seeing my
Tampa b•etwe•en the • Canadian licence plates
Co ast gu ard cutter, to 'thank.- Canada for
Blackthorn. and oil helping their diplomats
tanker, Capricorn, with escape.
•the cutter losing 23 men. Well, I suppose I should
.The 24,000- ton tanker write Ottiiwa and. tell
ripped th.e 180 -foot cutter them of this but I'm sure
wide open and it sank in 11.3r_e.u1.ala.a.Y.e_been
less than three minutes. enough said now on .the.
Because of m.y interest subject.
in our, harbour `!back My only vi'ish was that
home"; I was quite.upset theywouldkeep this quiet
by the frustrations and so there would not be
delays, then hopelessness terrible reprisals against
of the whole thing. There OUR countrymen.
is no • way anyone can I don't :know what the
dash into this type , of world is. heading into - I
accident -to save a life as just know it will "'be
often .happens on the dreadful.
highway. Even a few These days we are not
days after it happened'. too far away from the
people were still hoping trouble centre and being
for a miracle, but it all next door neighbours to
happened so fast, nearly Russia and Japan scares
half the crew was lost. me to pieces.
Divers tried to go down Wd have to get
but the water was tont cold discipline and respect for
and the deep sea diving other people's • lives and
suits had to be sent in. I possessions hack into our
don't recall where they youth. At this point - there
had, to get them but the is nothihg. sacred. I
delay was most up- believe the teaching has
setting. to be done in the schools
They found the cutter with hope that the
lying on its side and- it parents will wake up and
took days and days to put discipline hack where
figure how to get the it helongs - in the home.
cables under it to make it I blame the break -down
upright before lifting it to on the last war as
the surface. children of that era were
So all this has taken allowed to do as they
•Neeks and the court pleased with their fathers
m at.war aridshe mothers in
The one big thing that the war plants and other
bothered me is where 'jobs away froni home.
were the men on duty? Then. to top it all, they
(inc man did describe the took discipline and t'he
difficulty of seeing the strap iway from the
tanker.. The harbour is school and turned the
one great mass of glit- kids, loose. Now THOSE
tering, twinkling lights kids are at the grand -
and the lights on the mother;' and grandfather
tanker blended with them stage and THEY realize
until the black hulk what has happened but
suddenly loomed above who listi,ns t& gram or
him: then it was too late. grampa - THEY have lost
Who was on watch on their CLOUT..
the tanker -. why could he .And ,so on this note, or
not see the cutter in his clout I. will <lay Adios,
path'? What about the my friends.
radar and radio, etc.?
I've always understood.
So, I think 'you are
perhaps having
cold winter - not warm
but not too cold - and I'm
probably wrong on both
went s.
This year is the first
Florida "winter" 1 have
experienced - all the
others have been a few
cool nights in sum-
mertime. Last year the
bill for propane for
cooking and heating was
less than $20 for six
months. This year it may
be about $10 higher. '
Sounds ridiculous,
doesn't it, but you just
wouldn't' believe the gas
bills I'm receiving for a
house where the gas has
been turned right off. So
you can't win.
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