HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-5-29, Page 5XliURSDAY MAY 29th 1913
• :$ jUstice to yourself you should try Rexall Orderlies, -your
ingneY ttacl; if you don't like them. They are a candy dirnt..
lectIon that really do give easy relief from constipation.
'4„..0eod health is lergelY dePendent
demon. the bowels. When they become
inlaggish the waste materiel thet
Ithrown off by the sostezn. accrante,
letes,, This condition generates
eeona which circulate threughout
the leedY, tending to create coete.d
timague, bad breath beaaacilcfr dull
brain action, nervousness, biliousness
au otaer annoyeece,.
Aveid haesh eathaidics and physics,
/They give but tempoeray•
"They eften aggravate the real trouble.
the are particuierbr had for eat -
/then, delicate er aged persons.
Come rn tablet form; tast ust Uke
ileandY And are noted for their eASy.
noothing action upon the bowels.
Miey don't purge, gripe, causc
inaosea, loesenese, oor theincemen-
lareees Atte-10am upoo the Ilse of
vargativm Their aetion ee peas
;Ant that the takina• a Rexall Order -
lice aimest, becomes a de4Ire instead
of a duty.
4- Children like Reran Orderlies,
they Are ideal for aged or delicate
Demons as well as for the most robust.
They act toward relieving conetipa-
tion, and also to overcome its cause
and to make uunecessary the fre-
e/neat use of laxatives. They serve
to One and strengtheo the nerves
and museles of the bowels and asso-
ciate organs or glands.
Make Us Prove it
We guerantee to refund every
penny paid us for Rexall Orderlies if
they do not give eueire. satisfaction.
We risk no neornieee and we in no
way obligate you. your mere word
is euthcient for us to promptly an
cheerfully refund the money.
Doesn't that prove that Rexall
Orderlies must be eight? Yea mast
knew we would net dare make such
a promise unless we were poeitivelY
eertaia that Rexall Orderlies will de
all we claim for there. There is no
irtonee- risk atteehed to a trial of
Reeall O '
rderlies and in juetice to
youelf. yea eleeuld not heeitate, to
test them.
Reran, Ordetdies ceme in convene
fent vest-pocket size tin boxee. 12
tablets, leee, 39 tablets, 25e; SO
teblets. 50e.
AMON: Please bear in mind that Beta/ Orderliee are not oold Iv all drug.
ts. You eau buy Retail Orderlies only at the Rersall Stores,
On buy Reirsil Orderlies in 014 eQuIrawity,,,,* at
cextat Store
WI Stare le nearly every toWa 444r4tyiD the United qt44at Canada 1014
lelite ,tp. is 4 differeet BARI' fteteeeleefer avArly VNIT 0a -camera Lenten We -
vale" cleseeect fee nee par -11014v ler which it la reepeaneaded,
The Rexall Stereo ore 4.1.tiitri4'5 (ircotest Drug Store*
The Times and Daily Globe ir Daily
Mail & Empire for the bala
of the year for $1.3
To Subscribers with mafl boces we will
aily Globe or the Dai y Mail and Ere
one year from date on rem) 2,135.
• Other Papers can be had at the
Following Rates
Tim s and Weekly Globe, ... . . I 55
Times and Daily Globe . • • 1.1. GS* •• • ••#.1, • • 4 35
Times and Daily Globe, Rural Route ...... 3 35
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire ...... .1 55
Times and Daily Mail and 1.-rupire .... • 4 35
Time and Daily Mail and Empire, Rural Route ..3 35
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... I So
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 30
Times and Toronto Daily News ....2 30
Times and Daily World .. ....„ • . .3 To
Times and Farmers' Advocate - .... 2 30
Times and Canadian Farm (weedy) 80
Times and Farm and Dairy . - .-.... I So
Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press / 60
Times and Daily Advertiser .„...,...2 85
Times and London Advertiser (weekly) ...... / 6o
Times and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition 3 35
Evening Edition 2 85
Times and Montreal Daily Witness 3 sa
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 85
Times and World Wide • • • . • • . • • . . • • • • • • • - . 2
Times and Western Home -Monthly, Winnipeg .... x
Times and Presbyterian , .
Times and Westminster.......................
Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3
Times and Toronto Saturday Night .... 3
Times and Home Journal, Toronto .
Times and Youth's Companion .... 2
Times and Northern Messenger
Tifrieg and Canadian Magazine (monthly) ...
Times and Canadian Pictorial ....................x 6o
Times and Lippincott's Magazine .... ...... 3 15
• Times and Woman's Home Companion ........ 2 6o
Times and Delineator .... .... 2 40
Times and Cosmopolitan • ...... 2 30
Times and Success . • .. • . • • • • • • ••••• • • • • 00 • • • • 2 45
Times and McClure's Magazine ...... .... 2 6o
Times and Munsey's Magazine .... „....,.. .... 2 55
Times and -Designer 85
Times and Everybody's .... • • 2 40
Times and Christian Guardian 2 40
Times and Canada Monthly • . • • *0 I 60
These prices are strictly Cash
ill advance
end ITotir. r
t ()vice
Miss Elsie Gaiser of Toronto is
spending hen "Vacation with her Par-
ents. -Mrs. 3. Eilber spent Sunday in
London. -Miss Mildred Brown and
3, Preeter and family of Zurich spent
Sunday in town, -Mr, and Mrs. Gars
net Baker of Londrn visited M. 0,
Beaver, -Mee and M. Paget spent
few da, in St. Qatbarinee,---Mise
Mary Young of -London is visiting her
parents this weeka-Miss Shert or
London visited Miss Pearl Haist over
the holidays. -Mrs. Smith of Mayer
ton is spending a few days the guest
of Mrs J. Wind. ---Mr, and Mrs, S.
Sheardown and brother Elmore of
Goderich visited with their mother,
Mr. Sbeardown.-Tbe Strathroy base
ball tenni played two games with out
to -am on Monday. The morning game
resulted in a tie, the ecore being 5-5.
The afternoon game. resulting in a
ser e of 54 in favor of our boys.
The total receipts of both games were
$al, A splendid coucert, WAS given in
the Town EAU in the evening. -A
Mr, 11. Glenn spent Saturday at his
home in FIenSall.-Miss Wa,on bas
agoin taken no ber. duties in OM, Pub.
Ile Seho01 after be recent illness.
iXr Chris Raskerville Of Centralia
best his selenelik shire staflion fast
week, 'The berea had only 'been sicl.
car a short time.
rim Hardware business whieh has
been tondueted b res Young
)341)5* tor the Past '$everat Yeare evM
now he cenducted by J. G. Young
and Son, Mr, Fred Yowls*, baviog
ietlred °Wing to beelth,
Mr, Samuel Thomas has an atteck
of bronehiLis
'Mrs, J. Shier is reported La "be
some bet ter.
There will be no servfee in the.
Methodist church here next Sab-
bath on account nr Lbn Sunday School
AnniversarY .oerviees. at. Cooeetes
afTointaaont when. Bev. J. G. Miller
Ae, Li. D. of St Xli-yS MettiodiSt:
church will areach at 7 p, m.
The men oC Cooper's eurch turned
s°1initngirlIke'd'CotrbcAee olsnhee<faa3la.rdleIj.."r"pavird
fence. ',elle church PrOner y scon*
s1der13' itn/TOired sn aPeearence.
wAeodvitilo,rmY Sargea t.c.urr°d‘va4net raed Y be
day waS fine and the erograirooer
• enoyed 1y
We ail came out to Woodharn
On the twenty-fourth ar tay
1 Came out' to little Woodham
Where the skies are never .grey
we saw the dandelions and violets.
As they nestled in the green.
And with them we all united;
In homage to the Queens
Ibtsiwaoa to Snigka I -The post or-
Liee anthorities are callinz for tea-
dera r the carrying of the ;mails
on the,following routes from Dash-
wood, tenders treeeived thiS'
weele, Leave Dashwood CatlYs Sun-
days excenteds at, 1 petha- and 'travel
via the Townline between Stephen
nd Hay to the road between conces-
sion 14 aid. IlitownshiP of Stephen
tbeue ta la the roa4 bsmtveert tots
and .elevetts tiftence to the Shipka
ost, OrtiQZ and, tha 1,Aad between
ehllelessions, 10 oath 17, thence to tthe
towline htween Stephen and tlfc011,-
"vraY thence to the 'Corbett nost or -
and the road 'between conces..
Mons A and lilt townshitz of Stephen
thence to ttire road. between lots 10
d 11 /thence to the Shia post of-
flco and thst road between. conces.
tons 10 trnd 17 thence to the Town
lino between Steol?en and Bay thenc!
Lo Dashwood and be there in S hours
distance 20 miles.
A very interesting sight is to see
the five incutntQrs at work hatch -
g ellielZenS at the hOille et Mr, 'Wm
Snider/ Ilacia* incubator (holds 144.
eggs which has a setting hen beat
a mile. Last year they hatched out
2000 chicks and the best ,average was
114. This ,tear they ea"Peat to hatch
considerable aver 2000.;
The 'Y. le. "A". will serve mettle On
3rd or June.
Mr, and Mrs,"2. Johnston or Lan-
don snent 24ticas1th her mother rind
also visited: friends aroand here.
Mr. and Mrssillusisel •Pearl. o'
wood spent the holidavs with her
parents. '
filTS, Oscar Morley and chiLlren of
Toronto ere visiting around ,these
parts for a few weeks.
Mr, and •Mrs, Hector Millsoa apent
Sunday ewith her ,uncle Samuel Mill.
Miss Ethel arid tbra 'Carson or Lon
don ewree the guests of Mrs, Wm.
Morley over Sunday. t•
Mr, and Mrs. Freeman of Granton
gcerit Sunday with her narents there
At a enecial meeting of the SundaY
School last week it was decided to
hold the Sundae:. ;School Anniversary
services on Sunday gune 15th and a
earden party on Tuesday evening the
Rev, Fair of Warwick has been ir.-
vIted to b4reach there on Sur.day.
$M1SS Bell of Exeter spent Sunday
here the guest or Hern.
1Miss Verde, Morley is spending the
summer with Mrs.,Pred Delbridge at
The W: M. S. or •the Presbyterian
churcb is expected 'to " meet! at the
home or!' AfTs, 'John Ratcliffe ort
Mr, Ed Burton of Stratford and
Robert Rad of Toronto are spending
a fes . days with MI', Wesley ,Joinee
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Heath of
London s'pentthe week enct at the
home of Mre:Frank 'Clark's
The W. M. B. of Bethany eimrch
expect to have a quilling be on
June 5th at Use eharch.
Miss Lily Williams of London
a holiday visitor. around 'here.
'Miss Mary Minty,. an "attendent at
the Mercer Reformatory for Women
has been „de/minted the first woman
constable in Toronto A second etc
will be aPpointed. from among seven
Hair Slaughter
• .1Ivit ;must have nortrishInent, ' or
die. If it does not have proper i-oer-
isheirierit it will lose itseviLitli,ty greviv
wealt. arid become atrecaSy p rey to
the ravages o'f' t'he ,vieicius' and de-
. ,
eteuet,ive germs of dandruff,
PAII,ESSAN Sage is, a • hal"' tnoure
isfiel-; it is the res,1111-,' of ,Sillee're'
study and experiment by 0Da of ;th..
world's lending, scientists.
It should be used. 'regularly as
hail.' dressing, Ibecatese it never fails.
to iireverit ,dandruff. is 'line; hair, or
any sealp ,disease."
..leAltISI AN sage not only "o-cYcrits
but is e certain eure tor .da ndr nit
it steps itching of . the iscalp.. 'instant.-
ly ; if. inalres haitgrow thi'elc .and
litereent. itis eepecially in demand by
ladies, beeauee il makes ,t
laem IiinIe en f t. „a, ncl e.fauf Cy. '
£Ol( in
The birds sang Sweet at Woodham,
And front" aut their little throats.
They told the same old etory
With no discordant notes
They sang ihe mighty Clacrous
Ta memory .of our Queen.
White Qnt n1)011 the ari0,, teughe
The pinkami vbRt lens seen.
We did riot forget Vieforiq
And all thet she bad done
13ut we wish to -atiy, our trjbute
To every latether''s so».
Who in. farce came out to Weledhan
And thewhole day did stay
To IniP as litly celebrate
The twentf-lourth otfry
The Bennet+ Doys came out in
And nine from IiIrkton towr.
They came with masks and glo
and bats.
And seoll. they settled down.
To play the game we love so wen,
And dearlY love to ti,te.,
trial or strength that they oriel
Which should the Violet" 1m.
Tiic Itartaoelt love,. they toe.; tbet
And well they !tent it too.
And when The score was given out
Or games they won the two.
The Kirktoo lads they laboured well
And with the genie did Illy
4 4. 4,
And proved to „III bow brave they
On the 1,WelltX4OPIdli al* 4,1Y.
The town with ,bunting„ it was gay
The red; white, And the blue.
The Orangenien, they were out in
force, -
As If to ;prove to you.
That t hev did Love the got herlan'el.
And all 'they wish to eay•
They will vote Imperial NavY
On the twenty-fourth •of May.
The band Limy gave sweet music,
1.•`rorxx inOurir Iii) iclose or day
1:terry Doutie lie is a wonder,
When Mu band begins to play.
The musio it grows eweeter,
$o every one does ,SaY.
But all the best tunas,they do keeo,
Ear the Twenty-fourth of !Mae.
Many lessonin their addresses
The 'Clergymen' did give.
And clearly showed to ore and all
How they sheuld surely live
This life is 'truly noble,
When rightly lived they say,
And the great: reward is better,
Than the( twenty-fourth Dr May't
They hitched tip Dan ant/ Dexter
With baste they sped along.
fn buggy and In Auto,
'From good St Marys town
The"Reas and dfollick'S sang so swee
So every one does say
And of selections iteive the hosts
On tha, 1: wen teal ,of Mat.
irhe ladies came evith best:eta:
With saucers cups ano place,
They brought a great abundance,
Of cies and of sweet cake.
And we kept -elm very busy,
• But 'twas a joy they sayt
To see the good things disappear.
On the twenteetiourth ot May.
And we. ,do bless Victoria
For ail her works so great
For elle. her goodness in the home
n'Ad greatness in the State,
And to her gracious memory
tWe all do truly say, . ;
That we will Pay a tribute;
On the twenty-fourtbonf Matt
For Woodham's lads are .gallant,
And Woodhull's' -la ssie,s, sweet
And Woodham's men nand women,
' Are the first Milts you ,rneet
Then 011 'the ,pla,c'e 'where ,ditty cals.
Dress urp' and take a day,
And epelid it al the picnic: '
Next twentirm•th or May.
Miss Illeggie Broa"ri 'and Mies Edna
Taylor of London spent Inc holidays
tit William Tslilater.ls c •
Mr. Wesleyi on tbe sick lisl
Mr, 'W. Ilodgins lost a fine cote
the other day. ,
leIr. Hobert Gundy received th.6 sad
meet's on, Fridat last of tthe death' of
his brother Bert evlio resides, in Win-
nipeg the-P.reeinies were brought , to
Torbrtto for burial.
Wesley 11Teil and 'family- spent 241h'
at Mr, M. liOrmitage's.
Mrs, Wm. ,Abbot1 is very ill with',
Le(frippe. -
• Miss GladyS "Winclseir is very ill
with measles. '
• The Womenitstilnstitrite,held their
elei.tion of officers hst We -dime -clay
the officers are as follows, Ieresident
Is 11. Windsor; 1st Vice Free
s, Iludson i Vice Pros. Mrs,'
Wm. Shouldice; See, Sliss If, Gilrirly.
Auditor "etre, NVeeley Neil: District
re'rireselitative 'Nils, Thos. Brook.
?errs, nieNenzie ei-ho e as ca )1c a to
5le1leterie on a acousit ilinese of her
eon returned horee an Friday last
')/1 lerelT.enzie is improving.
\''oltli.ot el7).iot.: m't Wt&116,16 at
Mrs. Martin and -1".s.,1.12,1ekle of
Port Hope are spending- their holi-
days' at the home of Weeiey Jobus
Miss Victoria Miners. of Goticrich
cent 241h visitieg ,relatives here.
Mr, WW Efford scent a couple of
days at Wellborn.. •
Mies- Mary. Hera and iMa..$1ter \V -
ter Jahns visited at the inorne of
Walter Hera- Godereiob,
'Mr, Ben N.fillients and Charles
Johos will attend one Grand Coun-
cil of 'the Canadiau Order of ,Cho,sen
friends at Toronto On June 4th aed
The La4ies Aid- of Elienville
church 'wilt hold a good bld fash-
ioned tea on Tuesdio- net June erd
beginning et holt r. se si."`;. At Oeef I
east seven an auteaeame '
old-, An excelleat eroter.ite. is being
crepared and a good. Lem is expec-
ted. Admission 25 and 1O cents. err
Stanley of Taman wijl '9,et as Chair,
Arthur Gibson jr," has inented the
Webb cottage recently vacated he
Mes, 'Waddell and willowy° inin -a
few days.
Elijah Ilarlton of the Tovaieside. of
West 'Williams: moved onto flee
Mowbray farm on the
North Bon lid r'Y af FiddU1P11
recently 1:1-tre1ased by him from the
Exetutos af the 1,"ilov. bray CStatC,Ii$t
Bey Test:ion af 'the Toreete 1,:ne
lversity lies been erigageo as fire
rangor by the peoviial Gov,•ratm nt
and commeuced dirties on Monde/
last. This eogagernent 1ais. daein
ehe eurainer vacation,
Sec -neer German who for anany
'ears was a residext! of this
elea at Stratford on WedneadaY
nini niEw the 141 ii inst. About twe,
eek i ego be Nras strieleen with eer-
ie teem which he never rallied
'he fuaerat toble elaee onTinirsda,v
he ifith inst to Granton freebytare
hat eemetere where his carente were
interred nIally YeATA ago,
Bev, James WestMan an old Gran-
ton boy has- been invited to become
pastor of Wesley eintrch Calgary the
setrand largest eiturch of that Ilernala
inatiort in the city, At present be
fichl secretary for the pavinee
of Sunday Schools and r
Another Pioneer plASSd alvay n
Versen of Mrs 3entelititt or. Thursday
May 11 -0th at the on or her tlau‘it-
ter Mrs, John TaYlor or the :list con.
,,Itt the ripe old age of years. iThe
be funeral took' plaee on Saturday
aftern000 the remains belpg
red in Mrs Carmel cemetery., Ther
remain to inonret tier demise
daughter Mrs, John Taylor and, two
sons of the Tonwsitil) or Ito
end Richard or. Parkhill".
•••••••••••••• 4••••••
Mrs Fred Ralbileisch has erected
his new smoke stack as the other'
one was so badly 'damaged by the
last wituistornal
'Mr Fred Liebold who has secured.
a steady job in the baggage depart-
ment of the G. r. 31. at Stratford
moved to that city an *.11oriday.
.Bev, C. 0, J. Maass, who has been
rastor of the Lutheran church will
leave shortly to accept la eell from
near Philadelphia. Mr, Maass ia-
trodueed English sermons." here 'aacd
was the meaus of greatly increasing
the standing of the Lutheran heurch
In thi$ SeA)10/1 Botjah e and -.his estim
able, wife have made many "warm
friends, who. while eineerely xegrete
ling their departure. will follow
them to their newa eine with aeS4
Wishes for continued- prosperity.
Mr, Harold .Appel visited .Arriends
in Staforth a few dav.s last week.
Mrs. Cyrus Colosky has returned
after a few days visit with relatives
and friends in Detroit,
Bally Day was, observed Sunday in
the Evangelical church. VW ofie
morning an nopropriate sermon
ereaheed by the eastor and in toe
evening several sPeakers addressed
the meeting. The caoir ard the jun-
iors assisted in. making this a most'
profitable service.
Known All Over The World
-Known OnlyFor The
Good It Has Done.
We know of no other medicine which
has been so successful in relieving the
suffering of women, or received so rna.ny
genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E.
Pinkleam's Vegetable Compound.
In nearly every community you will
every woman you meet knows of the
find women„w.iih.4.T.;,...,hi.avebmeals
health by this fanmus medicine. Almost
great good it has been doing among suf-
fering women for the past 30 years.
Fax Creek, N. B. -"I have always
had pains in the abdomen and a weak-
ness there and often
eless in my stomach.
Lydia E. Pinkharn's
has done me much
good. lam stronger,
digeetion is better
- eae aa mn db t leoann. vi r kb wa ivt he
eeseee encouraged In an y
1 mothers of families
to take it as it is the
best remedy in ,.20 world. You can pub-
lish this in the papers." -Mrs. WILLIAM
S. BotratzuE, Fox Creek, N. B.
In the Pinleham Laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., are files containing hundredsof
thousands of -letters from women seek-
ing health, in which many openly state
over their own signatures that they have I
regained their health by taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compeand, many
of Whom state that it has saved them
from surgical operations.
en to Fill Good Positions
Trainecl raea are wanted everywhere: in feet, they are always
ted, for tile demand is greater than the supply._ 'This demand is
not for the map who is able m eara only two or three doitars a day
bard reannel labor and who can work only ender the direeceon et
serne oee else, but for the meg, who. is able to plait gild direet the
worO of °there -410 man whose trstirting 1.r,s tnialitied 4;1,1 to com,
petentiy hold positions IDE responsibility.
The leer4S01141.10,Nat. COURASa0n1n/li: ,SQ11001.s,
iestinition that Ints done SO .mach ia the past and is
mile'n every ntinnte for workieg melt end women,
way to become a trained reaa-to secure a, good poelt;oa in
trade or profession that best suits your taste and ambition,
The I. C. 5. plan enables you to help yourself right where
y9t1 are without losing An hOUr el work or A aDliar of /33y:
iiott ehanging positions meta you are ready to iator
the one you desire; without obligating you to pay more tbau
your present salary will afford, no matter how small it
Thousands of men have secured life-longr betterment through this
great plan, Every month an average of 300 volnntarily tell ns
of such advancement, You van
do the same as ellese men have
- 1[yost reaily wan 1 a good pesi-
thee. a I ntl eae-
Seenre it in lie sttrest andt
practical way in thc wr1d
marking an
quest for f
* • ** • • • • * • *• * • • * • • 4*** • • *
110.4 799, Seraeten., Vs,
elts**5 i*.*II40in tliAtilcr*i,AzAimsAC.A tnip
11114174. I OM TOW ot 1,040cos t541011' 044 44V064,
emelt te MI; f*satoo d.0 *4'40 t boo /444s*
r AND GO visiczcq
The bees are a-bununing drowsily,
Thettrboelaf:irds calls rota the "wiltow
,And 13111 squints; his eye as be says
Let you and, 1 go fishing,
Then' lookup at the blue in the sky
Andn "etahrinblzyi or the =teeth:ova green
And say as 1 glance with anxious
tAight well go .fishing.
And Pill, he acts like a circus elowe
As we turn. our bneks onathe busy
And size up the 'beauty or nature'h
gown, 1
On our eveY to the lake a-fishine.
But as fike as not the fish won't tfto
And Bill wilt say that the "wind
ain't right e I
But that won't lesson Ills aPpetite„
1,Vhen we two "go a -fishings
Ali a day like this h as. a intim rare
And 1 ean't leorn, a lesson awns -hero
That my mind will Quite carnpare
With a trip to the fake a -fishing
And whether it is August or erbetlot
ex it's June.
The shadows of night come all too
tiire has put us back in tune
For 'Billy and' I've 'been fishing.
Professor Raoul Pletet, of Geneva
1riventor of liquid air ,states that he
has discovered a cure for leprosy
own,itchile tdoi snesaiss et ad pit
anrtis° coal ajciOupolfi el:at on
ideid earboiaate at a teraperaturciI
of 110 degrees beTow zero. Tlae in,
tense cold gradually kills the micro'
bes leprosy and the disease.d flesh
regains its original health and color
It is stated. that "many cases 'have
been cured by American doctors in
Hawaii. The United States Govern-
ment is said to be investigating the
mai tier ,
Mr, and 111r.s, T. Elemohil are re-
modelling the fror.t f their fine
dwelling on Main street
Mr. G. C. Petty was in Toronto re -
zently combining business, with a vis-
it to this sonInlaw; and' daughter,
Mr, and Mrs, 3- Lorne Saott
Mr, Alexander McMurtrie is
proving 'the appearance, of his fins
dyvelliog property by „painting his
stable. "
M, James Ponthron of Torontd ae•
eomPanied by Mrs, jiontliron were in
the ' villaoe, last; week visiting rola./
Lives and „friends.
Miste Jenne el-aughter 15C Mrd
John Eell, wlbo was fn ;London for
several months reaelatly in ,the
tcrests of her Imalt.h has returned.
feeling much impretredk
'Mrs, T. Ellis hea been quite poorly
for some weeks but we are pleased,
Lo learn she is now improving nicety
Mr, Percy Wiggins a former resi-
0.0 ienitheothaolunresysillslaboo.pe iispusnioatevssinreecheanrtgit;
conducted by Mr. R. Morrison
Mrs Hall of Pittsburg pA, wbo
was here Tor several months vie; I ice
1ier sister Mrs, J .W. Bonthron has
ce turned.
Gifts Lawn Tennis olub have
seeured the rear lots of Mrs, B. Bon-
tliron's, Property and 'intend- havirg
iL oenyuierile‘lyi tell rrieapsa 3.0. end , b le a tahremrno le hnui lime he:
Mr, J .C. Warrener "of Sarnia has
taken a Ieosifion wilh his brother
Nathan in Inc confectionary and res-
turanl busineeree.
The .eanes in this eeefion owing ta
Thousands or ambitious youni;
+ People are fast preparing in
e. their own homes to occupy Luc- ,,,
naive Vcsitions 053 tonazraph- 4.
ers bookkeepers telegraph- .1-
, ens, civil, servants in tact every
sphere of bueinee.s activitites
You may finish at Collego +
* teocud.60Enwtiesrh coPliesigtei'DZITIyg114dra17."
ip4. inedrtivitdeuaacters.ilrbuirottr-
y19n. tre.Eara
experienee. Largest trainers
in 'Canada. Seven colleges
Special couree for teachers. 4.
-Affiliated with Commercial Ed.
ucational Assoelation of Canada 4.
4, Sucanaer Sarno] at Famous Spot +
q. ton Business College Londare
Clinton 13usinessCollege
Pincip at4.
College at Home
the recent rains are looking very
promising and fail wheat' eaose
through the winter well
Mr, and Mrs. John Caldwell Jr., or
the township of Tuakeranaith have;
the sympathy of the ecitneaunity in
the death last. week of tfeeir infant
asu rrN.
gh, Iekrr'
R., Hodgins who for manyt
-Years eendue.ted late1 here is in the
village this 'week visiting his friends
and 'relatives atter an .absenee of
five y eaes in Winnipeg'. Mr, Hod'
gins is very favorably imerees.ed with'
the West, Ile noted a great many
changes in our viollage and mnay
fine new brick buildings including
the fine new. Conaneercial Hotel,
ou-oe-A sKIN-
Zarre-33.uk will end it
For skin rashes. eruPtions, eczema
etc, either in adults or childrein,
there is nothing. known to sciences
which equals Zam011ule in the quick-
ness and ,certainty of tits curative
bOWC1*. Mr, Raymond Webber of
Allanburg Ontario writes. 'I have
tried Zeal -Buie for many < ailments
and everytime have found it slice:es:s-
lid. Some tirnie'ago I had it. bad -rash
all over my bodye I tried beanie.
riaade Sables, herb Salves, and various
home made preparations and. >these.
Proved of no use., but when r-trieel
Zam-Bult I was cured in a quarter
of the 'time that I had been exPere4
imeniing in vain with other eirepir.
On iteother occasion f had one
my fingers crushed. atd in that. vase
• also was the only remedy
use(f., if healed the wound splene
My boy lied boils and oace again
Zane -Birk brought about a complete,
cure. We have also used 11 as a
household bolni, for the injuries and
kjn t.liSeaGV.S 'which are vernmon to
eet-enray. lperso:n,tt,inel. can say that in
our experience thnothing-to
ere is
Zatn-Buk owes its Unique healing
power to certain therbal extracts it
contain% Unlike most ota,MentiS; it
contains no fdmisormuiei coloritg mat. -
ter no animal fat but is Purely herei
bis}ktaoli 11.1, e injuriesIioruesz lanal.stloaddinii:ec :stm lat 01 ot di owl siouln;
1 honie 50e, box all ';itt• legate c,
out equal, and should be 14, v
abcesses, elceas. cuts, burns 'awl all