HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-5-29, Page 3111 AT A ROYAL DRAWING -ROOM HOW IT FEELS TO BE PIRE. SENTE) AT COURT. Debutant Tells of Her Expert- ,epees on, the Interesting Oeoasion. "A" elream—a beautiful dream 1" exclaimed a charming young debu- tante to a writer in Landon An, savers, when he asked her to de, saaibe her sensations. on being pro,- rented at Courts "It wvas eluate the; most -glorious day of my life ; but I was glad when it Was all over, for, to tell the truth, Iwas horribly nervous. "It all began, as probably you know, with the arrival of a large, oblong, gilt-edged card, with the words, `The Lord Qhasiaberlain. is coreananded by their Majesties to invite to a Court, to be hold at Buckingham -Palace," on a certain day, at 10 o'clock; and with the card were minute instructions as to the dress to be Nvern the precise t:tram gement of thethree white fe- the longth and width of the and so,;on, Days of Delight. :ra "You may imagine the flatter of pride with which reeeived this, fleet, invitation to Coost a pride whielt oaf eouTse, was shared by mymother, who was to present me,. Then followed days of delightful e;i- citernant the choosing of my: gown, the visits to this Court dressmaker, the repeated tryiegs-on, and, final- ly, the arrival <af my fury and the fu1Iet?re„ss re,llearseFt, when the whole, lhouseheld gathered. to ad- mire me, "Tho week ,For only a week in tervened between the invitation arid, the fateiful, cvenllag pa,ed in aa, whirl el e m atieaars atad. delighted expectation, tinged with n,ei'vonS- nes; as the day dreg n tr, Thert eeree the final areeein , an asp laa,s't' 'ebeareal; with euedeey°ing to my brother and deter, who represented their :1/4rojesties with miteli mock dignity, before I was whirled away an the motor by lazy; mother's aide.. "'Trent ent this ,stage it all seemed a ant to me, From 'also outside ness I. found myself itebered old. The flood of light deeded ai>y rye ; a ',hundred deli - eat*, odors seemed to atingle in the air, Everywhere there wos as blaze. and riot of coker—tlto red and gold of the Yeomen of the Guard; stat- wvalrt Guardsmen from the "Blues," ring notionlese es statues; g$<arge3ous flunkeys in Royal scarlet, the gib -tinter of silk, the flash of guns; the hanks of many -hued 1,4, flowers, all mingling in a kaleidos- cope of beauty. a "' Art; last we found ourselves in the State Drawing -Room, and hero we remained for half an hour or so in company with a brilliant gathering of ladies, whose laughter and chat- tar reassured nx a little—for by this time mr heart was beating 'twenty to the 'dozen.' Across the Throne Room. "While waiting, I removed my right-hand glove; and, after what seemed- to me an eternity, we moved to the Picture Gallery, where our trains were carefully ar- ranged by officials, who spread them out with their hands to show their .shimmering beauty to-perfec tion. "The ordeal was now near, and I felt a strong impulse to run away from it. Suddenly I . heard our names announced; a splendid and courtly official took the, card from. Amy mother; it was passed from hand to hand until it reached the Lord Chamberlain, who announced us to their Majesties; and, before I knew it, I wars' ,crossing the gor- geous- Throne Room : towards a brilliant ga11,<axy° at the opposite end,, in the oentre of which stood the King, in field "marshal's uni- form, and the Queen, ,wearing the ribbon of the Garter. "A low "curtsey to one and then the other; a glimpse of two gra ciously-bowed heads and :Trailing faces, and i comprehensive curtsey to the rest of the Royal Family; and :somehowv I found myself, ,with my mother, in lei ante-,rooan, where a polite official was placing our :trains ever our farmis. "It was -all over, and my mother was smilingly whispering to me : 'You 'went through it beautifully, my dear I' "We did not wait, as so many others olid, for refreshments,; or .to es i,he Royal 'procession to the supper -room. A few minutes later we were being whiskeel back 1 ome- I exhau ated, but very happy ;; my mother, proud that her daughter had acquitted herself so creditably; and, both a little glad that it was -er." There are three -crowns-sof" the, law, the ,priesthood and the king," ship but -the craven of a good name Nis greater: than them ;ll. '`So ,you ate,,thinking of calling your baby boy Peter. I wwoulaw7,' I'd call him Paul.",Why so 4" e would have a b'iter chancey ' s Peter' know,,,who ROSY GIS._ ST qj EEKS RONO NERVES irtliriglit ef Every Growing Girl. Shed he the B Woman and Many woman 'a nd growing girls who shouldhave bright eyes, easy cheeks, strong nerves and elastic step, and a good appetite, are seen to decline in health. Their spirits grow sluggish, the eheeles become pale, tehnper fitful, and the- nerves over -sensitive. They must have in- herited a. tendency ill health, or they may have over-worked, over-- studied or worried until the strength of the body .was not equal to the demands made upon it. To . guard against a eoxplete breakdown in health the blood meet be kept pure and rich. No other medicine can do this so well as Dr,, Williams' Pink Pills, for they ate both on the blood and ne;rwres, re- store the appetite and keep every organ toned up. All women can- not rest whenever they should, but this strengthening medicine is with- in every woman's reach, end will keep .thenal in the enjoyment of good health. And it is hall , ;good �* ranger tont that in every stage of womaefe ife the bleed supply' he kept pure rich, The vault of Dr, Wil,6 arms'' Pint: Pills is well Dins rated by the ease of Mrs. David Ohatn- hers, Ben.sfort, Ont, who saayse "Some years ago I''suffered .. greatly from inpovtrrsred blood, wwe s very pale aavd thin, and had no strength. I took a lot of (looter's medicine without getting, any bone - fit, and at -last d vided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which I had heard highly rcconunended, It w not long before I began to feel be tor, and after taking the Pills fo;. perhaps A couple of mouths u health was fully restored, and al- though some years :have passed I have motioned strong and healthy, and I think I owe it entirely to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. "Sometime later any daughter, then e bout twelve 'ars of age, had been working very herd at eeh<aol And hes health gavewaay. She was weak and listless and her hands and face were badly swollen and ww•o feared dropsy was setting in,. However, we started to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and she was soon quite, well. again. I al- ways recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any suffering as we did, knowing the benefit our family reeeivod from. them." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold. by all medicine dealers or will be eat by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a bot~: or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, From „Habit. "Why did she want to set her husband's will aside I" "Merely because it was her hus- band's, and she had not in the habit of netting it aside." Minard's Liniment 'Co., Limited, Yarmouth, N. B. Gentlemen,—In January last, I'rancis Leclerc, one of the men employed by age, working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall. on, Itim. crushing him fearfully. He was, when found, placed on, a 'Filed and taken home, where grave :fears were en- tertained for his recovery. his hips being badly bruised and his body turned black from his rihs,.to Iris feet. We used MIN- ARD'S LINLMENT' on him freely to deaden tho pain and, with the use of three bottles he was completely cured and able to re- turn to his work. SAtTVEUI3 DUVAL, Elgin Road. L'Islet Co.. Que. Literally.. "A dressmaker ,can soon tie an extravagant woman up." "Yes, especially with the new hobble skirts." Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO' QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE], Cures a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip in Two Days. 25c. Mistress—"I'm sorry you are go- ing . to leave, Maria. Are you go- ing- to o-ing-.to better yourself i" Maria "No, ma'am. I'm going to get mar- ried!' tlinard's-L1n[ment Cures Garget'In Cows "All 1 demand for—my client,". declared .the prisoner's counsel, in the voice of a' man who was paid :fox it; "as 'jn race:" "I am very •sorry I' can''t accommodate' you," "replied the judge,; "butthe law Won't. allow me to give him more;. than "fourteen years." hen: a "man gets all he. thinks he needs Iie has a large surplus.• nLG(iil11:ed i, lion. a. R. Flemming. Premier of New Brunswick. It3US OLD BEQUESTS Guides for Travelers --Rushes to Church Floors. r s. Ani c ent-tae ager � sts for" hay ingf Bells: rung and beacons lighted tori the purpose of guidingtravelers r travelets by might are 'quite numerous inBIM- land, a .Irzlg d, and this is. not to be won- dered at when clue cu � lrs,=ders the a poler 'e _ g'z s for r roads rand.. the abn Bence of ferlee.s irh the "good old time<h a Among the curious legacies is B g Sr.OrIP whiehrprovides for the holding of a plot of land, rojoieing in the name 0 of "Petticoat Bole," at Stoekton- on-the-Forest, in Yorkshire, en condition of providing a poor wo- nu'n with as petticoat once a year,. In the old days when' rushes. re strewn. on the floor in lieu of docks, says the London Telegraph, any persons left bequests of ;Den- y and land fair providing rushes ur the floors of churches. Their se, of course, Inas long been dis- continued, lint in certain places the church wardens attend to the Iarosorvation; of their rights by cut - i a little grass caoh year and strewing it on the church floor, But perhaps ono of. the most ec- centric bequests was that of a eer tain John nudge, of Trysull, Staf- fordshire, who left a pound a, year for a poor man to go round the par- ish church while the sermon was being preached, awakening the slumberers and incidentally to eject any stray dogs that might invade the sacred premises, Doctor Said He Had Diabetes DODD'S 1W.IDI✓1,Y PILLS CLEAR- ii) OUT EVERY TRACE OF IT. That's Why air. "-David luno?., elf Nicolet Co., Quebec, is Recon looting the Great Canadian Kid- ney Remedy To Ilia Neighbors.. St. Weneeslas, 'Owlet Co. Que- bee., ee., May 2$ (Special). --"I started to take Dodd'.s Kidney Pine beeause the doctor told me I was threatened with diabetes. After taking ten boxes I was again examined by the doctor, and he- told me that all trace of diabetes Lad disappeared." This is the statement of Mr. Dae:;: vid Heol?:, well-known and highly 0 re s ec �- t�cl, < p here nd he isn o l3 one of many in this' neighborhood who have found a new lease of life in the great Canadian Kidney R�ern- edee It is tures such as this h given Dodd's Kidney Pills their u r r "eputation. They aro now known Jaz he tlantio to the Pnciio as the remedy that neve fails to cure kidney disease, no natter where r in what form it is found, Dodd's: Kidney Pills aret'111.2 al y no m. l. They simply cur duras d icac.. n 1 ey*s, Tice raNason they. <aaare hack- ache, dropsy, hheuratisina li.cural: gilt, diabetes, urinary troubles nd right's disease is that all of these Se tiro either diseases of the kidneye. r are caused by*. disordered kidneys failing to do their work,. THEANT/-:WORRY 1300Ii. WELL SATISHH WITH BABY'S OWN TA]LETS Mrs. John Kenny, St. Norbert, Maui,, says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablete and am well satisfied with them." Thousands of ether mothers say the same thing simply because there is no medicine for little ones to equal the Tablets. They act as a gentle laxative, regu- late the bowels and stomach, break up colds, expel worms and make teething easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PROl'IlE SIED MANY TITIN G S Nun Lived -for Fifty Years Strapped to a Wall. An octogenarian of Maria Benedet died at Viterbo, It sis of the lower sp Fifty years ago considered inevitab tors were convinced possible for her to b ciating pain or to r less, as was necessa a couple of days, bu ped her head to the this unnatural positio lived for half a century plaining. The people considered miracle, as the nun sho phetic spirit, predict events, such as the con the Oamorrists ,the ass of Ring Humbert and for. the `death of the Pope. When the nun celebrate tieth anniversary of her'ill Pope sent Cardinal' Casse an autographed blessing structions to` celebrate mass bedside. Before her death th sent his blessing with a m asking her to pray for him. nun may be beatified in the future. nun by"the name a Frey has just aly,, from paraly- ine.. her death was e and the doe that it was im- ear the excru- emain._.motion- ry, more than t they strap - wall and in n the nun , never com-- her case a ved apro- ng many viction of assination this year the : fif- nese the tta with and in at her e Pope essage The near Regretting the Cost.: Henry never knew e stairs c "be so frolicsome 'and aleine u that Midnight., He had reac the "turning point of his, peril journey, " when his wife " appeare armed with the well: -known cand irgasr. to Show the Poly of RQ relying Trouble. A new idea in diary -keeping is uouneed. .1'socure aa, little vol called "The Worry Book," pages of which Aro all blank, Bud record at night the thing or things you worried ablaut in the course of` the day. At the end of the week, or month, or year, g; over the records end note the num- ber of things that caused you need- less worry, the bad things that didn't happen, the good things that a were afraid' mightn't happen but which duly arrived on schedule time or after no unreasonable de- lay. Of course, the book is intended to act as an anti -worry specific. Wise men and women warn us fro uently against borrowing trouble, gain.st worrying about the future, nd toll us that :most of the evils nd misfortunes we dread neves me to us. The worry record is esigned to prove and illustrate tits. ' SKIN ITCHED HORNETS AS PETS. "Gentle, Inoffensive Creatures'' AND Bim ' That 11111 Stinging Flies. ii The public has heard of wasps ns ti f, . '. pets, but it has been reserved for, Pimpleson L.e>=sandArms.Scratched Major Hurlstone Hardy, of Eng " land, to tell; us that the hornet is and MadeSores. K atfromSleep- ,< log, Fii'stApplication of Cut[Cura a gentle, inoffensive creature very S°a°SQaq avid ®3(1$ment Cac�ljBGreat sortable as a pet."xriting in . Curedntm nat �'Ve i Knowledge he mates thtat ashen Few e S+ wvaiking down Clliswvick lc•ne m my 1 i.aehhos Lochs, Q'oboo.,- ^T had ttcl lag. commencing wsiti;, nay Ie„s aacl inec'ea.ain. gradually until' it' reached a14'zsarts of my tzc��y, TINA/ wer, email pimplesourayte,�stodorsms and the eki was zed and fn- ilasr_e41 alt over the body end itelod asci buraod So ba,{I1Y that f scratched end made sores. .it -caused me so ranch pain that it kept mo 1 frena ,.e � daring - entire e nirghts. 1 was troubled with It for about tWo years, ""After 1paYin i tried several remedies Gloat se ecoes I used C t.cura Soap end Ointment and nvna. the ilt'4 application felt a,great relief. !continued thetreatm.enp taking e. = baths with Ouficsra,. Soap fol- lowed by tr'a appi5eation of C 'tienre, Ciel, ment, ,�^:a1 as tho cad of` a few -weeks ihm ...rouble had climppeared completely tad 1 s eurec€,'; (:`%nett.) , 0. Lento% nta}r 27.1o12, 'or regi; rough; chapped .aar_cl b'.'enn;„7y hcui3s, itching, horning Balms, s'_¢ <Oebess nails zu pzinfal Snbe:'-e-7dy, ; orae-Hiro?:a Cuticura treatment works wonders,. Soak: hoods. on rofir, nr, in hot water and Cullcur Soap. Dr',enolotwithCuticura Ointment'. sod wear old, loose gloves. din#ag U,a eiee <'1a#icora Swig 4-nd Cutictua (nutmeat are sold throughout the,wa-kt Liberal ru;nplaz of each ra ted free; wait $5-p, skin Book,. Addre,s 'post Gard, .'otter Drug 1. Chem,, Corp.. Dept. 42P). Boston. V; S. A. r`—'fi;t , d Al11; T'AT S' RIVAL'S LE( . Operetion Was `ieetlless---IDazu ga tip Suit to Follow. Gomez Lopez del Naavaarette, fell -known diplomat, of Barcelona, Spain, 'Was in leve with, a ,u, atetrees, Dolorez Eiverode Bornanes, who is the daughter of an orris oeretie Sjtauish faar�il:r, vaene Beate she larong!ht� into great notoriety by go- ing on the hstage. A, young but Al. ready famous surgeon, I)r. Dorado dszl Poco, was also a suitor for Do o lorez, and her affections wavered. so uncertainly asto cause a duel between tho young risen, in -4101. the diplomat was wounded in tit, Clog. Immediately Dolorez` was at lois side and. nursed hint devoutly. Sea - oral doctors were consulted, but the leg only became worse. 1 t last Dolorez persuaded her lover to con- sult his rival, the brilliant young surgeon.. Iie did so and Dr, Dor- ado del Pozo said that amputation would alone aaxo his life;, as gan.- r gran had set in. Moro persuasion by the atctress, who assured him that her affections were tutu IIIXetl, was needed before the young diplomat would consent to the operation. The operation was eventually performed and Se nor Naavarcttea provided with 'an artificial leg. In spite of her previous protesta- tions Doloroz had now to conkstw all optimists by nature, but if we with she could never marry a man can fight off worry by bt figures and with one log. Not long after she married the young surgeon. This aroused _Naa.varette's suspieion and. he visited the doctors whem he had consulted before the operation. They all assured him that gangrene was, in their opinion, quite impossi- ble. He is now bringing an action for damages against his successful rival. a oo tl We have no doubt that it will do so in the majority of eases. Worry is the -wont eur physical and mental enemies, It kills more vie- tiins than the layman suspects. It poisons existence where. it doesn't actually shorten life. We are not items that do not lie, the inveet- tient in an anti -worry diary is de- cidedly worth while. A Contingency. "There is one cruel possibility about a maiden speech!' "What is that " "That it may also be a miss." "LIRE lilAGIC." -New Food Hakes Wonderful When a man has suffered from d3-spepsia, so many years that he can't remember when he had a nat- ural appetite, and then hits en a way out of trouble he may be ex- cused for eaying "it acts like ma- - When it is a simple,. wholesome food instead of any one of a. large number of so called mnedies in the form of drugs, he is more than ever likely to feel as though a, sort of miracle has been performed. A Western fman, in the delight of restored digestion, puts it in this "Lille magic, fittingly describes the manner in which Grape -Nuts relieved ane of poor digestion, coat- ed tongue and floss of appetite, of many years' standing. - "I tried about every medicine that was recommended to um, with- out relief. Then I tried Grape - Nuts on the suggosiion of a friend. 13y the time I had fiuished the fourth package, my stomach was all right, and for the past two Guilty of Astasination. A man, razor in hand, was caught by his wife assassinating not an enemy, but Corn Extractor; it's safe, 'painless and cure. Try "Putnam'e—oures so fast, 25c. at 'all dealers. Rather Odd. "It's peetty expensive tp 'have "But it doesn't cost anything' to keep one's own counsel!' Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. 400 Crime.s 24 Hours. More than 400 news items, Most, of them dealing with the crimes or misfortunes el Londoners during 24 hours, appeared recently in the newspaper which is circulated daily by the authorities of Scotland Yard for the exclusive use, of the police. The publication. bears the `'Informations,'' and four edi- tions appear every day. The "copy" is sent in to Scotland Yard by officers in charge of central de- nartenents, and the paper is .print- ed in the building,. us le and poker. cried vindictiVely, "You're drunk.' Henry .deinurelyn .` I ve spent $3.60 fer nothing at ell." It is never safe eo entrust, impor- able to do previously, fox years. am stronger than' ever and I -consider tbe effects of Grape -Nuts on a, weak stomach .sornethingt really ,,,Wo ado rf ul . builds up Idle entire body as well as the,' brain and nerves." NaMe -givoly'rby the, plained in the' bOlek,., "The twine,' true, and full .Of hninartintereeL' years ago he discovered hornets busy around four straw hives in the front garden of a cottage, "I entered," he :says, "and asked the proprietor to Jet.me observe them. I found that he kept these hornets for pets and that he had no bees, He lifted up a hive and let me observe the queen at work. He said that be ;felt no danger TSts ®+wY way. Att Appt - tictng disc# react' 'to *Me. Ise cions)y cagled and .economical. -l'sexsc an. wvhatea'er"R" Major Hardy adds that a a h t he per..ona.ly has "no fear these f ha 4e r of s innocent, h en n eenand' nee- ": foal crertures, who seem cite wiLL ing t<a share. trot dwellin ww "t t ,. g � h as i£ ene nuraged to do so.`p It will he remembered that Mr h Bees in his account of hzs e - ences en the Aanriazo states nthat at, first he 1'i!9 tl r -which .. . e , ho is"ts �w �h.err flew near his jape, But having observed them eac iii's� and naked that they k:Le l stin,a;ing Blies,, pounvin upon i. ihe1:: a lh . flies tem g a t c, at .pled to b,#e him, he left them alone and wars atlaer gleed of their company. G Y The time may yet t cora when very well reypiated household will, ee its borrset to deal with Lh tiioa, AS It now against burglars. its dog to guard GLOVES BThe. Year - jt you 4ra>k tlw; best and longest Weadng i la;r'irt o enters. ever ltirzae out of a. fsgioz b ^ asoma Ord At,k gar PINTOthe tnmens '1#zcse g leers are s . c1s1 a 1� Iy f ainerl `. for hard serw,es and will save yoga, raaaoey asad reduce yqur glove P ,, the year. �?ad lar aur rlcacriparvo pamphlet—The DinWit +5henl," nu isoN` DAV learnNo + Qt CsaAda'ro raieert fr a ane etiht eltdere Do You Feel Moody, " �, , , ^�,; � &#, w`k`, OJaw,'fS€?3�a, t#Itae'.5t Cstil7me-sze sta��&t, Irritable, Depressed . ���, he?zz. That L;i;nguld,. `l"irc;t: Feeling f Liver Is net otker towns Idlest was young and Imaltliv other from Ileadaelles, anti Inad r limp that deprived tee ,ptrits and ple,tsures *the not throw %ea:ries ot. late vhemen, and those tull feelings et oudeney and weariness made me nsthappy, There was no cense to 1. 40etor said ray li'ver was , and thin amounted !Or my 0 color, toy tirednots, langour and de al Um pine the deetor save me were too purgative, made mo weaker becaute they em, et my friends recommended Dr. Ilem- ilt011's Pills, and they wore so mild nod etett OttietlY es Dr. They Were so cezufortable to uee. I was afraid they would not help, But in a tveek I knew they had been eetively engaged eleattiug up my system. They dui the mod. imprOved to a Mar volouu degree maintain the most 1;er/ea laud of honifb, Y using teem jest once twiee week." It is Mrs. E, V. Erlanger, well known at Glottoester, who relates the therm ex. perience. She proved whet you and all others, men and women, eau prove—that Dr, Ilamilton's Pills aro Loot for restor- ing health and best for keeping the tiye' in perfect running order, Don't be all druggists and storekeepers, or post- paid by the Caterrbozone Co., Buffalo, Loohing Ahead. Cynthia --Billy, I wish to share all of your troubles with you 1 Billy—I have no trembles; dear- est 1 Cynthia—Oh, I mean when we are married. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murino Eye. Remo y. No smarting --reals Pine—Aete Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Paoli:age. Murillo is compounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent Med- icine"— but used In successful Physiciaos' Prac- tice for many years, Now dedicated to the Fob - lie and sold by Druggists at 25c and tide per Bottle. Marine Eyo Salve In &septic Tubes, Wie and Fla enurinee'aye Fiomedy Co., Chicago Two classes of people worry about money—those who have too little and those who have too much. PILES CUREli IN 0 TO 14 OATS. Your druggist will rofwad money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cu.re any case of Itch - Anyway', Ezra, you don't reel capital to start a rumor. Wilnard's Liniment Cures Gistetriper. t Sounded Like It. log. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in A young girl from a country tow went. to a city, boarding School,' much against the wisheS of .1-1.e.r father, who thought she would be Soon. she wrote'in one of her let - 11; mother read he, letter alOnd t6 her father, who turned an', upon 'her, saying : -"Well, you zee as righ. • knew no, good wohld come of her'going to the city.'Now,-, yeu see, she has got ity.'witla-,one these clanged Chinaaten.Y . ntO nneng eon T eith a St., Toronto, NE 111'N`DitEl 2 ROM orchard: number in house. Price. tour black loans; Tho T US ENT? NY right. Learn harbor tre sure. employment for barber, rroved Methods. constant praet and short time. gond tor catalogue. *ler AND C011t5, *reign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, ) Seven Cent& Marks SUMO Dampen)", Toronto. 04 ISCELt-At4E01.13, orders, proPaid. Writo quickly for in- formation, Russell Supply Co„ Ilox 102, 1VestraOunt. Glue, CI N IR Ttl410118, LUMPS, '0, 1../ internal and external, cured with- out rain hy our borne treatment. writs as before too late. Dr, Dellmen Modica; ro.. Limited. Coll tortwood not, ‘..7 der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago end kindred ailments positivolv cured -4rtni the new German Ballarat, "Smoot. price 81.50. Another new reeled? for Diabetas•MellItne, and sure care, Is -Senors Anti-Dinbetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct, The Banal lianufas. truing company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Men. The Soul' of a. Piano iethe Action. Insist on the Piano Action DANigLs. big horse book bound Moth, a treatise of 20 chapters, 197 pages cm the diseases of the horse, treating the Stomach, latestines, Dis- eases of the Fespiratory, Digestive and 'Urinary orgaus, worms in the horse, Wounds, cuts and Abrasious, Bunches, Swellings and nlargerintut ts as Spavins, Curb and Ringbone.,Sicin Diseases,Iloof and Foot Ins, Strains and Sprains, Dis- ,c ases of the Eye, tread end Mouth. How to tell the ago, Feed and Diet. flow to I °eau. Lameness, etc. This book con- tains 25 cuts, 23 lithograph cuts, 125 two-colour plates. If you have one or more horses get this book. Sent by mail on receipt of $1.00. THOS. REID, Never There. She---Anyhoev,.you must admit he is a well-bred man. Did you no- tice his knowledge of Aristotle? did, and if you want my candid opinion,Ldon't believe he's ever been there. ' Minaret's Linitnetit Cures Diphtheria. An Exception. "In ‘.6ite nature of things, every- ou-ritt to be delighted to see an oeulisf,. "Because to see him is ood scre eyes." co( the 11.coMr,tg' ottavnelgt tura "i114:61. hi 04a Sivq8f 50e P.7x,`.