HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-28, Page 78Ski-a-thon help club with fund raising
Burney Purser had. an should have between ticipants went around the .
idea recently that. netted $2,500 and $3,000 when it's trail three times waiting
the Goderich .Kinsmen over." for older people, mostly
Club nearly $3,000 for two Registration of skiers -.parents, to ski it twice.
of -their service •projects:began about' 11 in the `rBonnie of Graham ,
The idea was a Kinsmen morning and by just after p p
al. and
esigae Bei# . Ski A -Thou had turnied in their pledge Bevan Lindsay,.
noon more than 66 people- Elizabeth $.c1tool,a teacher
designed to raise money
s ;sheets put on their Skis at the school., took two'
for the Cystic Fibrosis and headed outon the retarded children
researeh'fund and the
Goderich Mentally
Retarded • Adult
Workshop. •
About 65 cross country'
skiers thought Barney's
idea'was a good one -and
trail. The Kinsmen
cna lned checkpoints.
along the route, scouted it
constantly with
snowmobiles and kept a
warm bus and a piping
c;d fternoon hot cup of coffee or hot e
pent—�, ,'� � aa irhototate—ready—for--the 5-1
t� in
on a 10 kilometer course
near Feagan's Caravel Pit
outside Goderich to prove
The Ski=A Thon was the
-first of what -the Kinsmen
hope to make an annual
event. Delayed one week
due to weather the event
got a little support from
Mother Nature - Sunday
when clear, cold weather
made conditions nearly
ideal for the sport.
Cross country skiing is
a relatively new fad in was not so tough that
winter sports. It is as old youngsters or novice
as skis but this year hasskiers couldn't handle it.
• become a hobby for more Kinsman Jim Mulhern
people than perhaps ever „ said the course could be
before in Goderich. The skied by anyone over 10
Kinsmen Club knew there and would keep an older
was enough cross country more experienced skier
enthusiasts around going for over-anhour.
Goderich to make the .Originally the event
event a success but never was to be Held at the
thought they would raise Saratoga Swamp but the
the amount of money they area was snowbound
did. after last week's storm.
"We thought we were Although they had to
being optimistic when we work with a much
aimed for $1,000," said smaller area.the Kin -
Kinsmen spokesman Bob smen managed to map
McDougalL_ "We had a out a'five kilometer trail
fantastic response andout
asked the skiers to
111 Kirkey wins cover it twice. .
returning participants.
The Goderich Kinettes
donated their time and a
hot dog and refreshment
_to_ each, skier and sold
food and . drinks to
spectators or •skiers who
wanted more than one hot
dog and planned to
donate their receipts to a
service project.
The course was
designed to give the
skiers a challenge but
Bill Kirkey proudly
holds the huge trophy
presented_ .to, _him at
Niagara Falls where he
ways• chosen "Kinsmen of
The Year".for District 1
of the Kinsmen clubs.
.This district is made up of
some 2,400 Kinsmen. Bill
was given a standing
ovation as he smilingly
accepted the trophy. The
.. trophV is awarded one
basis of active' par"-
ticipation, promoting
fellowship and outside
Gord Thomas Drywall
27 Trafalgar St.
Goderich - 524-6674
Town of Goderich
"I've' never skied down
there before," said
interests. Some of Bill's Mulhern. "It's not as big
outside interests include: as Saratoga but it's
on the Booster Clubni•.
executive; active in
minor hockey; on softball People of all ages and
executive; a coach; lifestyles . had something
bowling team captain; in common Sunday and
using 1 week of his all seemed to rise to the
holidays to help at Young ' occasion. Newcomers to
Canada Week. In the, club the sport, out for perhaps
hehas directed the paper their first or second time,
drive, organized and sold covered the distance in
tickets bny the score on about two hours, while
numerous-fundmire—experi-euced skiers
draws. He attends all took just over an hour.
Kinsmen • conventions. , Some younger mpar-
The Goderich Kinsmen
Club has donated $1,200 to
the n:;w Kinsmen
National-- -Institute for --
Mental Retardation, an
$825,000 project which
was officially opened
February 20,1970.
The club feels the
Institute will be one of
this nation's • most
meaningful- develop-
ments reflecting the
dynamic and
monumental con-
tributions of Kinsmen
and Kiriettes at local and
national levels over the
past half century and in
the years to come.
Kin aid
Goderich Kinsmen and
Kinette clubs' on Thur-
sday presented a cheque -
for $2500 to Alexandra
Marine and General
Hospital for a walk-in
cooler for the hospital.
The cheque cover the
cost' of - the $2,000
refrigerator unit plus the
$500 required to install
necessary shelving.
Mr. George Parsons,
chairman of the board,
expressed appreciation •
for the keen interest
taken by these clubs .in
pro vidling_.efuipmen for
the, h•ospital;<.. thereby
increasing its services.
C+ angratulotiores to the Kinsmen Club
Our past association with this club, will
always be appreciated.
Past -President Maurice Gardner
38 Stanley St. Goderich 524-2966
232 Picton E.