HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-28, Page 74KIN HISTORY -AT A GLANCE
1920 :First Kin Meeting in Hamilton, Feb. 20th,
Organized by Founder, ,Hal Rogers.
1924 — 4 Clubs in Association,
Hamilton, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver.
1926 — Decisions at Winnipeg Convention;
Remain National not International.
Maximum active' age 40 years.'•
1930 -- Groups of Kin Wives met in Hamilton.
1932 - "Kinsmen Ladies' Club of Hamilton" conducted
1935 — Kinsmen hired first General' Secretary ".Banty Bantic."
1942 — Official recognition given to "Kinette"
- Name courtesy Ottawa Club.
- 'Song words from Meaford Club.
1944 — War Committee Established.
Magazines for Merchant Marines - 65 tons
War Stamp Sales - $225,000.00 a week
Milk for Britain - 50 million quarts
Food Parcels for Britain - $106,000.00
1947 — Goderich Kinsmen Club Chartered.
- Charter.. Club, Stratford.
- Charter President, Dick Cornish.
1948 Goderich Kinette Club Chartered.
Charter President, Grace Paterson.
1952 Kinette Insignia introduced.
1952 — Clinton Kinsmen Club Chartered by Goderich Kinsmen
1956 — 300 Clubs - 10,000 members.
1968 - Executive Director hired - Pete Hanly.
1970 — 50th Anniversary of Kin celebrated with the Opening of the
Kinsmen National Institute on Mental Retardation in
- $400,000 raised by Kinsmen, for project.
- $35,000 rai$ed by Kinettes.
1975. —, 502 Clubs 1,5,229 members.
1977 — Kinsmen Clubs across Canada strongly support Cystic
Fibrosis, the dreaded Childhood disease, and to date have
raised in excess of $1',500,000 in search for a cure.
1977 Over 540 Clubs over 17,000 members.
1977 30,years of Kin in Goderich.
9 0
„"Serving the, Community's Greatest Need"
"Here we are together once again,
One and alfa happy bunch of men; ,.
Leave your cares -and troubles for a
-Let your face break forth• in smile!
Look around, grab someone by the
They're your friends; the finest in the
land; •
Now, al) set, let's shout to beat the
band --
"Here w® are as happy as ou.nmen,
Just to b.e together once again.
We've forgotten oares and worries too.
Kinettes, we've work to do.
With. the boys we'll help to bind the tie
So. that Kinsmenship may never die. '
One and all, let's raise our voices high
Chairman: �� JGeorge Hiles•, Pres lei
Kin. Song: Bill Kirkey; Past Zone Officer
Marlene Bush; President
1 inette Song:
. Grace:
Rev. G L. (Lockie) Royal
B.A., M. Diva
Toast — Canada and the Flag' Ray, Bush; 1st Vice President
Canadian Wines
Smorgasbord Deluxe
Toast to the Ladies:
Reply to Toast:
Pat Patterson, Life Member
Grace Patterson, Charter President
Toast to the Association: Mike Hoyles; Deputy Governor ..
Zone B
Reply to the Toast: Bob Smith; Governor District One
Dedication of Kinsmen Centre: Rev. G. L. (Lockie) Royal
B.A., M. Div.
Minister, Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich
Key Note Speaker: William Gregg, B.A., M. Education
Director, Bluewater Centre for
The Developmentally Handicapped
Club Reports
Kinsmen maintain high profiles in 615 communities
BY DAVE SYKES maintained high profiles munity; a spirit' of co- Kinsmen club in 1947 and The enthusiasm was exhibits and sponsored an
The driving_pliilosophy
-•••� behind -the Kinsmen
Clubs of Canada is to
serve the community's
._greatest needs.
And that. philosophy
has been a , motivating
factor in each Kinsman
and each club since the
first one was formed in
Hamilton by Hal Rogers
in 1.920, -and subsequently
r.rushroomed to 'a family
of almost 600 Kinsmen
clubs in communities of
al sizes across Canada.
Kinsmen is a . com-
munity service club and
to that end have always
o er tion ler nce Charter Night was held evident in the fled lin Intermediate hock
-in the community. Ser-op a , o a g g g ey
vrce—wank -was th`e`. -u n 8 e r s ni ri g a n cr . IV[ay TS as Climb �Yterrrbe --. ciulru as -just -tiro -years -__..tea.-:_. _.-._ ,_..._____-_.---..
One of the major
projects , of the club was
the purchase .of land on
South Street, which with
nine years of work and
planning at a cost of
$22,000 was transformed
into a neighbourhood
playground, complete
with swimming pool. The
Kinsmen opened^ the
playground in 1957 but
were recently forced to
disband supervision at „
the playground because
of costs and waning use of
the facilities.
essence of the group's equality between nations from' several surrounding
philosophy when it was and people; and to carry municipalities attended
formed in 1920, but on service work within the gala event.
Rogers 'initially aspired the community: Stratford sponsored the
to form a club that would With those. aims in Goderich club and first
cater to . young mind and wanting to Goderieh Kinsmen
businessmen. cater to the young president R. H. Cornish
And in catering to. the business community, and his fellow Kin
young business com- Rogers established •the received congratulatory
munity, the aims of the first all -Canadian—; messages from other
club were to improve and smen club in Hamilton. clubs across Canada. And
be educated in business The second, club sprung it was almost 30 years
and professional methods up in Montreal and from later when the Goderich
and ethics; to upholdthere the Kinsmen clubs club,helped sponsor a
constitutional authority; of Canada grew to a • grouof men in Lucknow,
to stimulate interest in membership of 600. who also wanted to work
the welfare of the com- Goderich formed a for the community„
f — Goderich, Ontario. — —
after their charter ac-
ceptance, the Goderich
Kinsmen Club won the All
Canada Trophy for best
attendance record of any
club in the country. Then,
the Goderich club
boasted an attendance
record of 95.5 percent.
The Kinsmen, presence
in the community began
to spread in those early
years and the club staged
an annual autumn car-
nival, fostered bicycle
safety through contests,
staged annual trade