The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-28, Page 67The Kinette Club is ap.
auxiliary of,the Kinsmen
Club. Their aims are to
assist with sponsoring
club -proJects for the
promotion ,of community
service workand to
stimulate each member's
interest in the welfare of
her community.
The .Goderich Kinette
Club was organized Feb.
7 e the1948 Mr
.J. Patterson was , the
charter president and
still is a very active
member in the club.
The Goderich Kinette Club elected a new eXecutive for 1979-80 at the group's
regualr meeting, Monday. The new executive includes: Dianne Armstrong,
trea surer; Helga Wirtzfeld, president and Adele Drennan, vice-president.
The back row includes: Gayle Purser, past president; Sherry Hayter,
bulletin editor; Sandy Pollock; secretary and Ruth Erb, registrar. (photo by
Dave Sykes)
Page 9
$ritisli Exchange. Hotel donor clinic; .operating
in 1953 and now presently the Clothing Room•for
at the Kinsmen Centre on needy families of the
South. Street. ' County, where. clothing. is
The Kinettes have and provided free of charge;
still are helping out with foster] g a European
m any worthwhile child . a l our main ob-
projects. In the past the jective being to provide-
Kinettes have donated .. the • means for , research
money towards. the for the dreaded. disease of
Kinsm en ";Playground. Cystic Fibrosis:
Other .contributions to the Monies . for these
community by the projects have been raised
Year s•
Kinettes--have-,--,--been—through : -fashion—shows,
donating equipment for doll raffles, Christmas
use by the Hospital and bazaars, bake sales, food
The Meetings have
been held in various.
places, • ranging from the
Park House in 1948 to the
helping booths and the annual
Mardi Gras Dance:
At this time we would
like to express ow thanks
to the community for
their support and in-
Octogenarian Picnic for
Senitrr— C-itizens ;
providing special treats
for the residents of
Maitland Manor; assist
in operating' the blood
flJ Patterson organizes
first. Goderich K-40 Club
MAY, 1964: D.J.
Patterson has been
chosen as the first
president of the newly
formed "K 40 club".
This club has • been
authorized by the Kin-
smen Club' for its former
and- present members
over the age of 40. It is
strictly a social club and
not a money raising
Its members, num-
bering about 35, wilt greet
The Goderich Kinsmen Club presented a new
executive to the regualr Meeting of the service
group, Monday. Executive members are Gerry
' Paolin,Deputy Governor Zone K; Jim Morris, first
vice; Craig Davidson, director; Brian MacKenzie,
bulletin editor; Bill, Pollock, registrar • orad Larry
LeBeau, director. The front row includes: Ron
Blue, director; Mike Drennan, second vice; Raye
Armstrong, president; Jim Hayter, secretary;
Dave Cloet, past president and John Erb,
treasurer.(photo by Dave Sykes)
once a month.
The organizational
meeting was held
Monday evening at
Lakeview re'sttaurant
with about 15 present.
D.J. Patterson was
chosen first president in
recognition of his devoted
services to the Kinsmen.
Club in past years,
notably in connection
with the. Octogenarian
Club. -
Other .officers named
were: Gordon Bannister,
vice-president., and
William Ross, secretary -
This .year's president
Jack Cummings is
looking forward to a
special meting with the
Goderich Kinsmen Club,
hoping that a charter can
be officially presented to
the Goderich K-40 Club.
Past members •of
Goderich . Kinette Club
are interested in forming
a, K-39 . club this year.
Goderich is proud of the
Kinsmen club and
Kinette club for all their
accomplishments, and
community projects for
the last 33 years.
Is there life after
40?Justask K=40
K•40 — the Kinsmen club for
members over the age of 40 —
was .a natural and spontaneous
outgrowth -of the Kinsmen
' _Kinsznent.over 41...retained
their friendships and found
themselves "involved. income
As time went on, the associa-
tions were put on a more
formal level. The result was
"Senators" "Paskins", "PP.
40" and .. K.4O..
The various names are still
iri use but K-40 is generally
used to describe the move-
ment. '
The movement was making
itself evident as far back as
'"35 in Saskatoon and Edmon-
ton. Soon, clubs sprang up in
Vancouver; Kelolvna, Calgary,
Brandon and Winnipeg.
Today, there are some 180
K-40 clubs with new clubs
forming annually.
At the same time as K-40
developed, so did the K-Ettes.
The first K-Ette clubs develo-
ped in the Prairies.
Best of everything
for the next 60