The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-28, Page 54Hospital changed
Hospital budget
restrictions will level off
in the 1980's according to
Elmer • Taylor, ad-
ministrator of Goderich's
Alexandra General and
Marine 41ospital.
Following budget
restraints applied in 1975,
hospital budgets Were
only allowed four to five
percent increases and
bed ratios were to adhere
to a 3.5 bed. per 1,000
population guideline.
According to the
guideline; -Go 1e'r ie h—was--
to close of its active
treatment beds this year
and another beds next
year. Following public
outcry and a subsequent
ti ng-with--tha -•select
committee of the Ontario
legislature studying . bed
closures, Goderich ap-
pealed and now has 47
active treatment beds, 20
chronic beds and 20
psychiatric beds, which
represents an increase in
each category.
"The response from
this community was the
strongest criticism of the
plan in the whole
province." says
Taylor."The public
responded tremendously
to the hospital's need."
The committee set up
to deal with the bed
closure issue, tried to
work with the 'ministry
within established
channels of co'm-
munication and they
were successful.
Taylor has been asked
to 'sit on several com-
mittees since then and he
believes it is because of
the response from this
Taylor is currently
sitting on a working
committee comprised of
hospital .administrators
in' Huron and- Perth- who
are co-ordinating.a study
to determine how many
extended care beds are
required. . This includes
nursing home and
chronic hospital beds.
The minister of health,
Dennis Timbr.ell is
committed to seeing that
are nearby to provide
emotional comfort and
Long term patients
need to know they are
needed and visits from
friends and family are
made more • infrequent '..
and more difficult if the
patient is moved from the
home community to a
centralized facility.
.Changes at the hospital
through the seventies
have included a decrease
in staff, more efficient
hospital methO S - ana,
major new addition to the
hospital building.
The tendancy inthe
late sixties and early
seventies was to increase
staff. The hospital` staff
was increased signif-
cently when the hospital
took over the psychiatric
unit when the 'Goderich
Psychiatric Hospital
Restraints were ap-
plied in 1975 and the
hospital laid off 15
fulltime staff following a
cost containment study
by Woods -Gordon.
Further reductions were
,achieved by Tess use of
parttime 'staff and • in-
creased efficiency. in
hospital operational
Costly inpatient - ac -
corn madation was
reduced and outpatient
care stressed.
A major addition in 1976
expanded the out-patient
facilities, labra,tory, x-
ray and emergency
A new boiler plant was
also built the same year.
Since then a new laundry
has been built on the
north • of the building.
which also includes a
loading- dock, receiving
area and a maintenance
shop. There is also space
to expand the
sterilization unit.
The pediatric ward was
rebuilt recently to include
an isolation area, general
area and play area. The
work has been funded by
the Glazier estate.
eatenfled-ca-r-e-pat-ient-s-de..,...._._..Methods._.uf operating_
not back up into active the hospital have been
treatment beds. improved in the last few
If active treatment Years.. Costly inpatient
beds are used as active accommodation has been
treatment beds, the reduced and there has
province has enough been a major increase in
hospital beds according . the use of facilities in
'to Taylor. The 3.5 bed Goderich rather than
ratio will not be adequate referring patients to a
in the next five years referral or teaching
because . the over 65 centre: Goderich hospital
population is increasing. staff . is doing the work
The study to determine which used to be referred
how many,. chronic and out, an indication of the
nursing home beds are.. ability of the Goderich
required is necessary for • medical staff.
this reason. The ' hospital . 'has
The health trend now is departments of
to maintain total health psychiatry, social work .
care says Taylor.A and occupational therapy
patient's mental and which have been
emotional well-being are developed since the
important as is his sixties. There is also a
physical health. psychologist • and
' Taylor is critical ,,,Qf,,.••,, psychiatrist on staff.
centralized services such Taylor says am -
as Huronview, Huron bulatory facilities are
county's home for the being stressed as well as
aged. He does not see the outpatient care and home
advantage to cen- care programs to deal
tralizaion when the core with the requirements of
services are already an increasing senior
available in the hospital population. While the
in the community. A 'number of active
patient can receive treatment beds will be __
-siiiilar' 'Cafe --Tri a ex- contained, the ministry is
tended care bed in his willing to fund programs
community hospital that stress ambulatory
where family and friends facilities.
®®a®®a complete � 0 execative
jet air charter operation!
Competing successfully In four different areas of the
aviation, industry, B.A.S. employs 31 people. at the
Goderich airport, has 9 full time pilots on staff and
of Jew charterers licenced to operate anywhere in both
North and South America.
Qur Executive Air Service operates King Air prop jets and
Lear jets out of Sky Harbour. In just 2% years we have
flown over five million passenger miles. Recently eipan-
ded, B.A.S. is now into the Toronto area with the
acquisition of a Toronto Based Charter Company.,
Also at B.A.S., we have the capability of maintaining and
servicing sophisticated Turbo prop and Jet aircraftrHan-
dle the sale of Aircraft, Radio and Electronic Navigation'
equipment(one of the largest operation of it's kind in On-
tario). And provide a Private to Corporate•je1 refinishing
We've really taken off since our inception in 1976. B.A.S. has expanded
continuously, today we can point with pride to the many services we
provide and to the roll we perform as an integral part of the growth and
progress of Goderich.