HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-28, Page 53Population increases
In 1975 new population
signs were posted at the
two entrances to
Goderich on Highway 21
and Highway 8. The
population •of Goderich
has increased at an
average of 6.9 people per
year with the largest
increase occuring in the
1950s. At present there
are approximately 7,400
people living here.
Eatih year, the • town
honors the first baby born
at Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital.
In 1970 the New Year's
baby was a boy born to
Mr. ` and Mrs. George
Louch, of RPR. 5 Goderich.
He was born at 1:19 a.m.
on January 2.
In 1971 the first baby of
the new year was Angela
Dawn Good,''.,�a . daughter
fpr Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Good of Godierich. She
was also the first baby
born in Huron County,
arriving at ' "13:15 ° a.m.
January 1.. °
' In 1972 Sandra Lee Ann
Mathers. was the -first
baby. of the new year, a
daughter for Mr; and
Mrs. John .Mathers of
R.R: 2 Goderich. She was
nge born at 3:50 a.m. Januar
In 1973 Karen Elizabeth
Plunkett had the honors
of being the 'first , baby
born in Goderich. She
arrived at 10:55 a.m. on
'January 1, a daughter for
W. and Mrs. J.A. (Andy)
'Plunkett of Auburn.
In 1974 Connie Marie
O'Neill, daughter of
Marie and Joseph O'Neill
of R.R. 3 Auburn, was the
New Year's baby. She
was born' at 12:35 a.m. on
January 1.
In 1975 the honors went
to Tammy Lynn Cook, a
first child for Raymond
and Theda Cook of R.R. 3
Goderich, born at 4:57
p.m. ori January 4. •
In 1976 Julie Lynn
Stothers was the first
baby borg, a daughter for
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan •
Stothers of R.R. •6
In 1977 it was Katrina
Kimberley Brindley, a
daughter for Robert and '
Ruth ,.Brindley„ born on
January 3 at 4:20 p.m.
In 1978 the first baby of
the new yea, was a boy,
Robert Elton Pfrimmer,
First baby in. 1980
• a son for Ernie and Liette
Pfrimmer of Goderieh.
He was born on 'January
In 1979 Sarah Lynn Hill
was Goderich's first. She
is the daughter of Murray
and Sue Hill Qf Benmiller
and was bdrn January 2
at 11:40 a..m.
All this talk of babies
brings to mind another.
topic of progress for
toderich--the _1VLunl
Day Nursery.
Tinkertown, the name
given to Goderich's first
co-operative nursery,
originated in 1970 ;under
the direction of Carol
Egener and Cathy Jewell
with help. from Mona
Mulhern, Anne Knox and
Marian Lane in the
basement of Knox
Presbyterian Church.
It opened again .on
April 8, 1971 in the
basement of St. George's
Anglican Church and on
December 6 a public
meeting ' was held to
determine the need for a
day care centre.
By September 25,• 1975
the day nursery had
moved to its present
location in the old
Separate School on
Caledonia Terrance. The
nursery is a joint venture
between the town and
province for three to five
year olds. The supervisor
since 1978 has been
Eveleen McDonagh. She
is iassisted by several
volunteer mothers each
day. •
Progress for .handicapped
BY JOANNE official opening was held
BUCHANAN for the new Kinsmen
-Centre. A new ,addition to
Progress has been the Centre had been
made in'Goderich for the completed in 1976 at a
sick, elderly, physically cost of $45,000. At
disabled and mentally present,' 21 mentally
handicapped ''in many , handicapped "clients"
diffent ways. over the age of 18 use the
Meals on Wheels, Centre as. a workshop..
Red' Cross, began rolling of Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, friends and companions
in Goderich on January the clients do contract to "little.brothers",•boys
21, 1974. Representatives work for several corn-- without fathers.
from almost all service panies, make saleable . The Awareness League
clubs in Goderich had crafts and learn living for Physically Han -
been present at a meeting skills.. dicapped Adults, simply
in November of •1973 at In May of the same ' known as ALPHA -Huron,
which a field worker' from year an open hoose was was formed in March of
the Department of • held for the Group Home 1976 when nine physically
Community and Social at 200 Keays Street disabled adults met and
Services spoke on the across from the Kinsmen set a goal to bring public
in 1978 through' an
Experience '78, project.
The need for such an
association in -Goderich
was determined and a
steering committee and
board of directors sub-
sequently set up. . The
association is always in
need of volunteer "big
1 others'".; mentoact a
Meals on Wheels Centre. This home houses
Program. Alexandra eight mild to moderately
Marine' and General retarded adult. residents
Hospital agreed to and has one emergency
prepare up to ten bed. The residents learn
nutritious; meals. per day living 'skills and many of
to be delivered- by them ' work at the, Kin-
volunteers five nights a' smen Centre. The Group
week to sick andor Home, serves, as a tran-
elderly shut-ins in town. sition place for those
retarded. adults coming
out of institutions and
ultimately prepares them
•for independent living. •
The Huron County.
Homemakers Service,
operating out . of
Wingham, was set up in
the 1970s as well. This
agency sells' •
homemaking services to
the sick, , elderly and
disabled, allowing them
to remain--i-n---their-
homes as, opposed to
being. sent to hospitals or
nursing homes.
The Big Brothers
An executive was for-
In October of last year,
the long-standing
volunteer administration
personell of Isabel
MacDonald, Muriel
Stokes and Ethel
Washington, decided to
retire. A meeting was
held and steering com-
mittee set up to keep
Meals on Wheels rolling.
It--centin-ues to .provide a
valuable service- in town
by delivering nourish-
ment for both body and
_ _____Irk-, lulaz �h_ of`19 • an
attention to the problems
and issues facing the
disabled. Over the last
few years, this group has
grown in membership
and • made the public
aware of problems for the
handicapped in the
community, like narrow
doorways, curbs", stairs,
In 1979 Family and
Children's Services hired
—_Kathy _--gild,
munity . worker who
brought the public's
attention to the problmes
of child abuse inthe
county .during the
International Year of the
Family and Children's
Services also continued
its Christmas Bureau;
helping needy families at
Christmas and set up a
summer camp program
for children in its care.
art nigh
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