HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-5-15, Page 4Rec
corporated 1S551
1' Progress for nye Years--906*.1911
titoo0 /
(.1A:PIT.A , , «.$ ei(10041.RS' $ 4.000..009:
HaiSEUXE ‘. %MX% 4000.000
DEPOSITS 440453, 35,02;$11
1.4'ANS AND Ixv,gsTxasTs !'2,-7,457,09u Ksatska
TOTAL ASSE1,'S, , , , „ „3OO1 4S,237,2S4
Res Se Tee-- fr•tiA. Ageort rmati e'rvraaron ants in all
the prineT:--1 C',4l"- ill the Wer,lit,Z,
A born! Banking 13 usin esa Trataacied
Savings Bank Department
At all Bennellee. Interest allow d at Bligheat Current Rates. + •
DICkSVE it Carling, Sonciters, D. 14,13RDON Maage*
Frsh Bhie Lake
12ft, Lot
13fe, aa/
Fence .Pos
tQpend at itic.
to op:end at 20e•
up top end 2'eit"
S 'hePests on 'Head
IO einistee.e.
ve tty conveniences in, your
•InAtt>, Safeguard Family „health by
uat'i rig 0.
WrZed" olosets Qa4
tkatbr000t,ce1Iax. or an other
con:vegrient place OOr mtetyre
Aliiixteg to to, eobtected by pipe far
Temtixatiom with a ellimr.ey hole
'eTriecarldiaeld Ceemleele reed i
ovemection -Kite Tweed Olasee:i bo tn
deceloratt end disintecteut.
M»ytundeeds of Tweed Clusete
tare been *old in Carada, Send for
iflatrated rke list
Wooer :Apr, 3 1013, Dear Sir; Tte
0F...et:alga1 Closet 1 beuteht from you on
Jan. rAlf 1912 Is perfect,. I del not
empty it till Meech. 20tb There are
ttetee le the eatally and can leave the
ltd and zio partiele at odor ter. be
tound I would not Ask for anYthing
better. Your Truly F. M. Wesaeis
IeI TIOOOlill CO. ti
Agent;— W.J. Heanian
• • The 'Best Practical training
4. school in Ontario, Three de *
partments COMMER IC I AL:
• F Y. All courses are thorough •
4 and practical Teachers are ex. as
ierienced and graduates are
r laced in positions. We igive
ents may enter at anytime. 4.
Write for our free catalozue
111* at once. 1 •
Principal. 41
61, _
individual attention atd stud -
Dr., de Vari's Feraa,lie Pflls
A %reliable French regulator,' never fails. These
',fills are exceedingly powerful in regulating, the
generative:portion. of the female system: Refuse
all cheap nnitiations. ,313r. de Van's are sold at
box..or Three for SIO. Mailed to any address
geotell Drug st. Catharines. Ont.
Is.interested and should know
about the -vvo)aderful
•oliarve! a/Wiling, Spray
• Douche
4^ . ,uurS.Ifit fOr
,8,Ell_7°111' '' 'Ot BUPPIY
tb° MAE ' enh 6tan 1bl: S fall
otticir, but ,e A, aied. t gp70 roan:,
oztaifp,Woel:r 11(g '41.....",",
t()ieduibscrsptid!clit. cuattgtex„.z, teetutee0,17,204.,
or .=,;45 suffer from-The:l-
exeessof uricacia.
muscular rains;
0. woolen pain to the litnb§
QZ $;k. AtChipg slfia
xca ac•nd
it (This is no P. P.
y atathavc
. me of cost.
e Chreneepre
mom Alp
eon of tet
fez -
ds wlsere 4
at fig blee4
ealweeil, -to
t -Me
cads of
. nor
en Tempe anceAct.
tbe cenepater.,
ferann Act,
wbo were land:liar
ings oi• the .erott Art
have 'Cern ferviA(lieea. a
cettee of•Its failure
The :•;.'cott 'Act is a .Dorol
t Drovioekti
t 4itte failed to veto
'Wee that thousere
441:lents have been
T Government have' RTC'
a' the Clotario Ziquar Ae
ta the enforceraent
% and the arime. officer
"pri-c,..11lt liqUOT' an
rc the V. a. A.., The: Our
TIO 'C .111 ;Aare' :in/mist:a the
.stritrttdorient to C. .T
enevleve Ward's Story of He
Wedding Tragedy.
After a, Dramatie Ceremony F011owing
a Complication That Elceatne an in-
ternational Affair and Wes Ended by
'Cler Government and the Czar,
X13. Yrs. Tweedles 'Thirteen Years?
of a Busy Woaaaa's Vif,e'l are some
Ptories of Genevie,v0 Ward, the famone
One moreleg in Ma, /WA, came a
'meek on Mrs. Tweedie's door, and in
walked Mtsa IITard.
"Out for my cousttetIonal, ny/clear,'
kle exclaimed. eSo I theught I 'would
just loot you up. I have, weilt.'ed six
mileez this =preen, and After
rest and ebat villa you I shall walk an-
other mile beme and euloy Waal -
:eon at the better for It"
au are a waver erelolmed our
Anther. "Seven, milee and over seveetty.
saw your Tolunanlai VMS a great sue -
gess the Other day when sou played ib
Vith Benson."
°Tes.." alae said. "and the APAt Lt
PtalUdfor Rome. 1 got a telegram
Ip; Qu thee old eatielile, With -Whet
I Wee staying ho 11Q1114 a teir weelm
previously, had died suddenly, PO fear
114111'4 After reeeiving the tetesage pet
°Were yell very tiredr
No, Zot at ell. 1beitted ally
tb WAY mid talked to My fe
ra and Whee I aerived,
gr went at oace to see
buzes these two eid eistera•
blind, were Abseintely pros
grief and bad doue nothim,
yrbo iWaIUig My Arrival, I stayed a
toduigbt tritla the Agaled them op
d rrlyed back a feW da.yri
Is Um pathetic story of MIAs
triage tragedy aa she told 1
veling with re
tbo Riviera I
leo, Vount
aI 'very handset:0e,
rieb And twey-Ibt
Q MI 19Ya WA
WAS Sailed I should be mar.
sulato bNlee, wideb I
Rosslail Ittlr required.
upsid. iimpeprAtea
eitao CO—ramie the
thorwise 1 waS lals
v trivea
tl alities.
re A
1el 'te but
41t was arrouge
bould go to Bar
he count
e to er,
t e il e that I
eo u on es t t y mother,
e r local o
rce lo 41C
v. Overhalt aoge ev ytWug-nnd.a bo re.
vometries maul there I *await,
e he Act and Men wo arrived la u1 ft was Lent,
ben no marriage can take place in
the Greek eburcb, end so time passed
Thinking Caps:
The newsvtipvr organ ot the liquor
flers at °wen Sound haa suspended
'u 1st !0Ile seventy bars in
Ont, t in were elosp i and twenty
tame by 'Hetet re ue ion a in out
or, the riaety were in the county of
Hurt -a,
Stathilin f:rove that the membere
or the boiler maker's union in Great
:Britian lose, •front nineteen to 2.0 per
cent at their working hours, through
lattending •football inatche,s and fun-
; era's.
.e; man ,Enareror bas had
nearly werity-five years of a 'reign
i of peace and reports ;state that
throueli all the Eurepean struggle
he has strained every nerve to round
out a quarter ,century of inace.
For twenty-one years the voinen's
council or Canada have been asking
Lor legislation to ,prevent the mar-
riage of the unfit. When the 'wet -
men of 'Canada secure ,the franchise
this ungently needed legislationwflJ,
speedily \follow. I ;
An a.mendment to the factory Act
Asking that no child, youth -or girl
tinder the age of fifteen Ye:tr.s should'•
be exlinloYeci in basements or plaaea
below lhe srreet level was
vtaed down in the recent session of
p:-ovia3la1 government:4
C. Janus Allan., Minister of De-
fenc for.0ew Zealand, Speaking in
t‘SIontreal the other day said. The
cal I' ;•echising
�f women in New Zea-
land and Alutralia has been A sue -
cess pad thei- influence in polities
has been most wholesom '
"Infant Care" classea are to be es-
tablished in he Public achools of
Toronto. Five "mossback" trustees
or:posed the movement. As about 50
uer cent of the children born to -day
4312 befme they are a year old it is
lime that something practical should
he taught to those •sybo will mother,
the coming generation, It would Pay
in •dollars and cents to Save the 50
per cent.
Dr, Drake of London is to bead a
deputation to the Provincial Govern-
ment asking for an institution • of
habitual ',dnunIcs where they can be
eon -Tined and int to 'work and the
money i:hijF; earned go to support
their wives and fanailles In sproshiln..-
I ion -Kansas not •enough 1 habil•nal
drunks could be found lto make such
institution a success in point • of
nninbers. •
• Electric Restorer Tor Men
ee.e eeeee restorea every rmrva In the bod
tO.ifs, proper, tmsion ; re‘.torp•
an,d vi1alitY. Premature. decay .1nd all s. -.;t1
averted at once P:iiosplionolWl
make yon a naw man. f
"Zo must have been a tbo1ougWy
bad man, because he did his best at
that time to persuade me to run away
evith bim, always reraladieg 1130
Was bis legal wife. The whole tiling
vas merely a trick of this handsome,
fascinating. rascal. Mt promised me
that if I would go- to hira Ito would
take xne to Russia at once, and there
eve should be remarried according to
the rules of the Greet church. 13eing
positively frightened" by las persist-
ence, I told my mother. it the same
time rumors of De Guerbel's amours
and debts reached. her ears, and. she
Wrote to u cousin of otirs„ then Ameri-
can minister In St. Petersburg, for con-
firmation of thesereports.
"My cousin replied, 'Come at once'
We went, T. of course, under my name
of Countess, de Guerbel, which 1 bad
naturally assumed from the day of our
wedding at Nice, arid we stayed at the
embassy in St. Petersburg. The*
count's brother -was charming to me.
Ere told us my husband was a villain
and I had better leave hira alone. That
was impossible, however1 was emu -
sled to him, but he was not married ;to
me, and such a state of affairs, could
not remain.
"It became an international matter,
and it was arranged by the American
• govermilent and the czar that we
should be officially married at War-
saw. The count refused to come. The
czar therefctre sent sealed orders for
Ids appearance. Wearing a black dress
and .feeling apprehensive and misera-
bly sad, I vent to the church, and at
• the altar rails, supported by my father
and mother and the count's brother, I
ettet ray husband.
"It was a horrible crisis, for I knew
nay father was armed with a loaded
revolver, and if De Guerbei refused to
give me thelast legal right, which was
morally already mine, Its contents
would put an end to the adventurer's
life. • There we stood, husband' and
wife, knewing the service was a mere
form, but the marriage was lawfully
effected. He had completed his part
of the bargain, and we had learned bis
villainy.. At the door of the church we -
parted, and I never saw him again."
Hie Instrument.
"That exectitor is very energetic in
carrying out the various provisions of
the testator." •
"He does seem to be working with a
will." --Baltimore American.
• The Oyster,
• Efuxiey said that an oyster Is as cora.
plicate(' as a watch. All we know
about it is that it's awful to swallow
one tha.t is out of order.—New Orleans
One, lie must be tb te e •
$5, Mailed to any addscamin Drug
t. etteeerteee, oaa 411114 thr"gla"
- • A.,
e Was Literally Ftorcecl to Conduct
Opera the First Time.
-414 au opera conductor Toscanial
seems both to have achieved greatiaess
And to have:- had greatness thrust upon
him. In the Century Max Smith, giving
charaeter Sketch of the einiuent ran,
sician, this desetibea bis first triemele
Toseanini was in Rio de Janeiro, doing
double duty in the opera house as amt
cellist and assistant ellOrus master.
The season bad gotie badly from the
teIlliontAg‘ One cenductor bad been ro--
3ected, and Matters reached a ,cresis
When an ladi.-nant audience, assembled.
to hear 4#4,1, 4," refused to accept tlie
Serrige$: Of An illeOMPetent SlahstitAte.
gomPelligg hina by Main force to leave
the orchestra, amid leerS. hisses wad
catcalls before the unfortunate man
had lifted his baton.,
The impresario was in a quandary,
when a delegation of iolluentiol sub-
scribers insisted that Le should not
abandon the perforeeaure. filmy were
readytheY mild, to eeePt es leader
any inusleiau in the orchestra rather
ORR 1119 MAU distulssvd.
Some on suggested T4Sel119191, Who
beat a retreat -to the stage, where he
was found tying to hide to ilia wings*
"FP% efforts to eseaoe were futile, No
excuse. WaS AeeeRietl- Fereed Into the
clawheremee +Mt W9ra.by the cestoiner
t the theater, he was dragged lute the
oud. lifted bodily to the coudoethea
, while Ilto Orowd roared it14
sollUatal•maestro seized the
t and soddenly the PolSe VAS
IfOltQlaPtOZICP the uodivided
aLtQ Pcit ,only ot.ther orchestra, bet
9tba Ob, EVer,y'nr.49 Could 'SPA that
be was coeductinglinian94,1447,
eaf =Xing bls trst Oppeorauca us
eade; he WO'Siodepei4dentet the seoro,
ad so On. C ;cuing tbat begun with
unatilioeus :paotests eaded withbo
roue demonstrations ot .enthosiasea• ,
riug the cellist's employment as
to to the end et 'the C.Q40:11,
teree had lannelted himo Ids
The .POWS,Ot gen.,
as Pasha AtrOs3, titver opp
the. fleas ev..
ot Those Whie
rts, but the BealOne
L'ho truo
thray - ono who go LI net
o and bestow ollUtdiaeuantg
pon the tero„ for jeal mad -the
ct ompted by It lead ct maly titO
s but also the Iowa to resort to on.
nelpled methods to dismOce arlYal..
Ono Or tWO a the triete are quite
common, notably that of doing some.
*thing to make entailer Player miss bla
or her eue. In one case an actress ear,
ried a fate. Viliteh sho used tleliberstely
blow the sound of her law spoken
"yllables away from OD other actretee.
As a result the latter bad great Olt&
culty in catching her oues, so much So
that the audience began to bpeale
her as a rieer actress, although In other
pieces alto had been praised meet high.
ty by the critics.
An equally e0113.1flon trick Is for the
actor to 'atop toward the back of the
stager This causes his victira'S taco Co
be turned away from the audience, the
consequence being tbat not only his
voice is lost, but his features are In-
visible and his efforts thus spoiled.
Still another device 'which hal been
etilized by stage "erlanbeals" is that of
anticipating the. laugh of a comealan
with a broad smile or grin. This little
trick takes the edge off the fun result -
Ing from the other actor's, lines.
One of the simplest ways of ruining
the effect of an act is by dropping
eoreetliing at the crucial moment. The
instant title is done the minaa of the
audience will. golitte allash to this un -
looked tar interruption and are drawn
away from the words of the speakerel
New York Mail.
The Panama Canal.
At Its narrowest part the isthmus of
Panama is only forty miles wide ail
the crow film It runs east and west;
and the canal crosees it diagonally
from Colon on the north to Panama
on the southin a , general direction
from northwest to southeast The Pa+
eific terminus of ;the canal is twenty.;
two miles east er the northern etel,
tranee. .In.length it is fifty miles from
deep -water in the Caribbean to 'deep!
water in the Pacific.—Youth's Col*
pardon. • • `
The Story of a Notice. '
Germany is being- blarnedefor the sto-
ry of a factory notice now going thei,
rounds. Prominently displayed near
all the live wires it reads:
"To touch these Wires means instant
death. ,Any one failing to respect this
warning will be prosecuted and fined."
, No one has up to the present had to
be prosecuted.—London Tatier.
• TornruY Gave Her Away.
Caller (waiting for 'Tommy's sister) -
1 have a diine for yen, Tominy. Now
1 propose—
• Toromy--Well, you'd better propose
to sister. She's getting tired of wait-
ing.—Chleage News.
• A liVise.PrecaUtion.
"Do you think it safe to let .1ohn
drive the automobile?"
"Oh, yes! s I've taken out the tool kit,
and be can't possiblY damage:the en-
gine now."—Detroit Peen Press. •••, •
The Sleek Fox.
The skin a a black fox it worth front
eta to $le?,' and the animals ar,e now be -
tilt raised la captivity. to eeepl„,t th
434 tor their " r"'
New York Engineer Praisem
Canada's GIN PILLS.
never can tell when youare going
to have a Kidney attack-. It zany be
during a visit, oa a journeY,—atly time -
It is wise always to have GIN PILLS
with yo, at lien& They are handy to
for Kidney and Bladder Troubles
Rhenatisxn a *
29 proadway, New York,
"Ibought some of your GIN PILLS
at Victoria, B.C. last September. YOUX
remedy I find, 4 6o years Of Eget to
13gil‘a.eddPeel5Tte%tireldialelifnrcordeltnilte'loRldlln: oYez 7d
age 1 ntlyraomatuteadOPIrifAS
to rnln as being the ottetetiegthee
&tee me, OPP' WOQIVOAro.'.
n is, N.rArth.A. trip acroSatlig, Continent
to tad maxs,o4..te. he 'oared
, :04'13/Od4er oub1 Dat
petOeteetteethearesgeo.GUT '
rat 4,q, you, 1f-YeltlhAve.the
,.tsigp. wUei joitt, .ankles,
painintheharliblaok Apooka :49atftrig.
1041'91g of the eyee, *eke :OUR PArfa$
At ,One.c. They wifl tree ye of thes
.syraptoras of Nidliay ,attgt Diaddar
free by Writing National 'Dotg.
Cliendeat Ceteedie, United,'
Tettenitte. 104,'
Canning Fact
100aere farm Lot 11 Cop1 Towia.
ship of Hay on: Lon.don Boad 2 1d
tailes from Exeter and 2 1-8 mile
•from liensall. 'Apply to It: B„, floss
Byron Ont.
For Sale:or e
1 14 storey Brame noose and Lot,
,0_a a ndreu Street; containing
rooms. Hard and Soft @rater. in
geed state of reVair -pleasantly sit -
tinted, On right side of street. Will
be sold reasonable or rented to'good
.mnasit. For further tpartioulars
plY to P. S. Philips, Real Estate
Agent, Exeter, Ontr,
wise and Lot for Sale
Situated on Sinicoe Street'. Frame
bellae gontaining lour room; with
good ifoundation good ,gellar, a large
:number of fruit tree consisting of
apples. War- Cherry, phims.
raSpberry gtirrants and etc, this is
very desirable roperty, 3-4 aere of
land and will he 4041, au 'reasonable
terms ifot further Particulars en-
9,ulro on the TPremises to F,
er orA, S, bi1tips Real Estate dgent
gxeter tit
THURSDAY M4Y-1,5tia 91
DgbiTIST, i •
Honor Graduate of Toronto -link,*
sity Office •over Diekso oxitr
ling's Law office, Cloaed Wedpeillt
day afternoons. Phone Office Pi
ilesidence 5 b.
PREe ries"! A. B.
G: rpeKd ,St eT141., A:N•:4° r11.1);:7
Teeth, extracted without pain. pit
aPit bad effects. Office over OlAt
man & Stanimry'S Office sg,
)1+: 8 •BgO
ora)dVaga tIeN .D,catozittxinfiMt
sits Office and residence Bovninimig,
Labrateu., Exeter.4
Associate Coroner of MINA
D sogsoN & cArturNa,
Harlriaters, ePil9itoza getaries finuo
veyaneers Oelomaissioners, fatale/tat,*
for the Moisotta Beult etc.
Alen* to Voate at ;r:rwet rateA kto
terest. "
orFiUR SUM .4xElk
caritug B. A.' Eis, Wolper_
AloNgYite ,L0A.R.
f447 Unt4 O'Cloter ltSth; 14claulve.
pea veld getum $35.00
uteri. and Return • 40.00
Otter poets reeporteo
1.4a# two z.,eatb.7.
re 1oaata
te 4434
WAMIPtg 14
OM* to
We have ia. Urge inat
14 Igit#
foods to luau ea tam .1e04
logo propertlea at to1;11,3t4e pt I.t
parT4isteD,r44,s4 lItoiStoT%tl
rA4N. ata
AtiS$ 0,, V. la. AlS151.31T. Alto
nor Graduate tho Iteltdou
servattory of Mule, TcAohlo14,
iege Pt the Woter* Univorla
Teacher Diarto-Theory -Baratorr
awl Mosicat Diator.t
14 RP/IS prepared for musfeal ex.'s=
Ascots lieir
Aee "er will make the ronte
Chia season n t01.701A'S«
ArON,DX57 3.1.4X Otil Win leave his
• own stable on, lot .20 eon la Bill,
!t and go to Oltieelletrst then
ou VI la d,McDougal's for neon
theitee to ,eds owrt stableTor nitrite,
IESDAY to Arthur Campbell's.
'Thames Read for D0011, Glance
lo Isla 'own 'gable for right,
%VIESjM X to Richard ;rebus 'for
noon thence to Wildon,llawkj ns.
for night.
TI11.7.11SDAY To Pile:heel l';'leteltereit
tor noon; thence to S. BouticiVil
for night.
VIIIDAT to ;) ohn leelland's 93irtn-
shard for noon, thence to Oliver
Ilarris Fullerton, for night
SATIIRDAY 'to Geo, lentryls Lot .0
Con 12 Ilibbert. for noon; thence
to his own table where he
remain until the rollowing Mon-
day' morning.
Proprietor and Manager
TAM ri nen
The Grand Trunk Railway 'System
will issue vound •trep „tieketa at Sla-
gle Tare ‘between all stations in Can-
ada east of Port Arthur also to Det-
roit and Port Huron Mich iAliffalo,
Niagara Walls; Mack Bock and Sus-
pension e3ridge Y.: •
Good Going Wridair ,and Saturday.
May '23rd and 124.1h ;valid returnings
ontil Tuesday May 7th 1913. '
Tickets and hill information sfrom
Grand Trunk Agents.
Dosloviail :IL :present eiaiovina
boom. 'Ito ilerinaws block was
recently fin:shed and adds ale -lily
to 'the appearance of the town. Mr
T. Kluzim has just completed the
e.rection O' his barber shop and. Mt'.
,Ed. Nadi:or has purchased the pro-
perty ' • occupied by Mr, Fred
Dearing rs a 1)1 ke sling. Mr. Nadiger
intends 1 iiilding an up-to-date har-
ness 1,11 residence over shop
This will add greatly to the appear-
ance or our village. The work Of ex-
cavating: is inis ed and ithe found
nt'ion lin.: been started.
1rrs t Na diger left Ifurt week for
l'reston wtere she- will wisit her
dangli.n.• Mrs. .1. Henderson
141.iss 11. Neqier of ,I3nEfalo who
have boo, visiting 'Mr, 'and Mrs, J
Hoffman has returned to her 'home.
11Irs. reLer efelsoac trieitecl friends
in 'Windsor last week.
Mr. and llTrs Humble onSarnia nt
visiting her paren:s Jr. and 11fals. C.
atiaiikbeizier. •
Al;iss ,sadie .1\jelaac who has been
waiting on her sister Mrs, dos. Ver.
non who recently -underwent an oper-
ation 'returned. home on Friday of
last week -"Mrs, sVernon is improving
nicely. • -
.Mr, and Mrs, II. Barris of Sarnia
who have been visiting, Mr, a rut In rs.
H. Hartman Elsie and other 'friends
left last week for th jr thome in thlt
e:t y.
Childret Or'
Single Fare For Round Trip
Between all stations In Canada of
et Port Arthur, also to Detroit and
Porl Huron, Micb,, Buffalo, Niagara
rolls, Black Rock, nod Suspension
Bridge, N.Y.
Good Going rta'and 24th
Return limit :day 24111013
each Tueaday until Oct. Mit in
Via Chicago ard St. Paul or Sarnia
Through Pullman Sleepers to Winni-
peg on above.clates, leaving Toronto
II.OD pan. NO cbange of cars. Beton)
irnit two months,
Pull /particulars and, reservations,
from Grand Trunk Agents for write
C. E. *Ilorxdog D. P. !Union
Station Toronto Ont.
• Nr:13.0nel/04,116a2 Agent-
borne and Diddtaph,
owvan aikaats Munro ageot f
Elibbert Pollarton and Logan.
Secty.Trorats, Farquth
Solioitore. Exeter.
t Tim
Anyone sending a sketch and dem:dation may
(taleitly ascertain our opinion free whether an
fiaslitclar00.0;deStit 00;41RiOrmiltlettetirofircnateenl.
OftrainOtitt. Witb011t *IMMO. LI the
Patera*, tato; tbrousb Munn co. reCtliV‘a,
A. handsomely abastrated Iseekly. Largest dn.-
ciliation et any seheatine Journal. Terms for
Canada. $I7s a rear. rotlaiat Protald. Sind by,
MUNN &met, YDfK
Branco atco. (les Washistatoo.O.b./. •
36113roadway, New
NEIFIVO ,40 its .
dam, •
gm NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure You and mate a man ofl
you.' underitainauence the brain becomes active, the blood putifidd so that all
pimples,!blotchesand ulcers kcal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that
nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; tlus eyes become bright, the
face full and clear, energ. y returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental
aystems are invigorated; all drains eease—uo more vital waste from the system.
-You reel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be.ft failure. Donniet quacks
and faktra rob you of youe hard earned dollars.
• Peter E. Summers relates Lis experience:
"1 was troubled with Nervous Debility
for nanny years. Ilay it to indiscretion
,and excessea'in youth. I became very
despondent and didn't care whether
worked or not. 1 ixnagined everybody
who looked at me guessed my secret.
Imaginative dreams at' night weakened
me—ray back ached, had pains in tlie
back of ray bead, `Itandsi and feet were
cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite,
fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair
• loose, raemory poor, etc. Numbness in
the fingers set in and'the doctor told me
he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of
medicines and tried ,many Srst-elass
physicians, wore an electric belt for three
months, but- received little benefit. I
& A
Drs. Kennedy to consuKennedy, though I had lost' alt faith in
scycnr youcartassy was induced' lt y! rran vseAvoitar 4.4
doctors, Like a drowning man I, coral -named the Naw lllErnon Tituarmartr and It
saved my life. The improvement was like rna:yic—X coulcl feel the vigor going through
and continue to do so. •
the nerves: I was eared mentally and physically. I have sent them many patient
, s
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cowsuLTAT1ON FREE. 1300KS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question
cor.,Aiichlgan Ave. and Griswold Si.,etroit, Mich.
, _
r All letters from Canada must be addressed
abeeree to our Caned an Correspondence Depart-
nseoe at our'NedillicaelnItnisntitlitiVtienidn.s°Dre' tOronitt. aslvfeysoeue'adriesdirteretaol:
patients- in onr Windsor offices which, are for.,, Correspondence and
liabOratery for CanadiaifiiuSirtess only., Address all letters as -follows:
3 I3RS. KENNEDY KENNEDY Wiltienft Wite
„..._Writis for ourprivate address.