HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-5-15, Page 3WORM HORS A DAY NOR LABOR UNREST IN TRIs' ROYAL ROUSEBOLO. en Illery Teied to Econoinizhe geld tlee Raids Refesed DO WOrk Well. Labees unrest has entered Bu inghem, Palace and showed a demand of the maidservants easier conditions of service- As matter of fact, the conditions eeeviee obtaining in lhe Eng/ royal reside/tees have always be extremely easy, though they ha leen rather lighter for the, m than for the v,omen, because t portionately ittiger than the st = of maidservants, having regard the 'work each has to do. The normal strength of the maid- - is' staff, up to a few months ago was maintesned at 45. During the past twOve months, however, four of the sent s married and left the i-oyal service and six re tired on pensions affe 5year pervice. NO girls were engaged -replace theee ten, F,b that file eereente* httiffIttS redueed ndh oi der to get the work, 04 1, ORSeraaiag priqletly done, M Q3.erlt, to chief hoessekeePer Buckinghees Pahme, had to resor to what aropeared to the maids be A *'S.needieg-up" Prue -est Dicot Co{n manifested he 1 "ca -p and ap. wwa as ineiffiele not long Ite. Bed upon by for ac 400It. at phe weni ts dusty in the royal ea Intent k*s ex0enation was sire - •entirely satistadOrY, N Ale A GOOD MEDICINE FOR TIIE"SPRINO Do,Not Use Harsh Purgatives— A Tonic is All You Need, xot exactly siek-but. nth feeling quite well. That is the way mos people feel in the spring. tired, appetite heke, eometimes headaches, and a feeling of dies - seen. pimples or ertiptions may ap- peer on the skin, or there may be kaa" twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia, ti)sf °e1-i'eht t°efe °I:leer-eft ilta° ntila'eek5'.nnde°071 oi "ftke eu and may easily eleveloP into more Ye serious trouble. ADS- "of these indicate that the bioc4 en`; Do not close yourself with purga- aff if men iru-ta always been pi ri2ht, Purgatives l/thn 11 tives, as so many people do, in the 'a- hone that you can put your Wood gaop roug 'T1 Clerk, /Ming red 'ork than to do ,ad to do, end Majesty 4 whole nun ' encic and 1ady Bertha Dawkins, Queen Mary's Meet i friends and for many years ber of the royal household, we skated to tackle OD affAir, wide! tnth to soy, required rather deUezLto hRndJthg, for it would hay been awkward to hav precipita anything like a strik am, the royal maids. 4,1e system and weaken instead 'mg strength, Any doctor wil tell you this is true. What you need in spring is a tonie-th4wm make new Tolo,od and build up tree nerves, 1)r, Williams' Pink Pire ie the only medicine that can do this speedRy, safely and surely. liver ces of this medieine makes new kna which c/enrs the lengthens the Appetiteairitaes dePretnRed men, 411(14 !fired bright, ;settee and strong. gaude Bagg, Letberg, "1 can unhesitatingly recent - Pr. Pink ritto as builder and tonic, 1 IVIIS v4yDvit rtiat doVii WIAOni 1 began the ms, apd few bones t toy health," dicine dealers or a. box or siX UON The Dr. William ne Co, rockville, Ont. VENCE o In SS or **broke, One of the tallest En1ish peeresses, These Dear Girls Again. Caara---Roe to/4 me you told her that secret I told you not ' to tell bets sBelle--She'e a mean thingl toj her net. to tell you, (10,14-WelL1 *old her If wouldu't OK me, so doret t' er I did, „telt , dear, 0 be smog oh I" n AV k E supper dishes breakera ahea& tinnT rpm Halifax to Vancouver TOREN ARE PRAISING DODO' 1stireY PILLS. 'Ova Scotia 3Iether Tells Row TlicY ured lfer Aehes and Pains, and Made gee a Well Woutan Again, Emile Secum Bridge, Halifax X. S., May 12 (penial). -Pr Yancouver to I-fell/ex cente daily reports of the eplendid work Dodd Kidney Pills are doing for the suf- fering women of Canada, and this ttlo pleee ean show a splendid re oi its own, Mrs. Orastue cePa, the mother of a largo family, a, sufferer from thoee a.elies.and pains only women know, Tesday she is a strong, healthy woman, Dodds Kidney Pille did it, "1 had a pain in my lett eide en down through my hips," Mee. 1)40ee states, "1 had headache allthe thne. 31y heart, was weak, and times a pain around it added to m.5' fears, Some days I was hardly be to wk. "I read of fk number Pt cures • like, mine by Dodds Kidney rd sent for three boxes, To4^ m a well woman, anti cart do as qmeh work #1.5 ever I 'could," Do4ds Xiducy Pilis cured Mrs, eeetten her Trealilesi cent used kidneys. Deddhi Elds always cure diseased kid - as ninety per eellte tables *ogees from. kidiliW X1.4110.5I hem* eknowu as eisffering WO• 8 b Skin Cracked and Bled, Causing Much Pain. Was Getting Dis- couraged. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Soothed Right Away. Used Them Four Weeks. Has - Not Been 80thefed Since. Iftint,rr,r St.; DAN -1404o, Toronto; Onta,- rio.--PAiy tittle 0.4 tTonwea "filth crgyked 48on and face l'reina the time she 'as born. They werecertainly' vory much disilcurcd,.. Tiro skip twist enhAtive And ,Preelead and bled: canhing Puitra aiz malting, 'Wien -.F4altn',.4 a little th'04 the form of ttabirig. The trouble VIac53 hinr Vey cross. Wheat:he cried the tears would mak:oft sznar4 and caus0 Paore Pain, cold cream, „ and and It get boU.er enilst,o break out again NIte4 xPW44. "t0 444'.. She tingerod See °Ter - three yearn. and 1 Ni'a.0 gettlIag di -woe -raged %rhea I Toad of Co deura S.oap aud Ointment sod heat for )rnappies, Crnicara Ointment Med to Soothe lo right ityran, wher.o other trneets, =ado It bees, so 1eouget a•one used them for rota- wears and she 0 been, bothered. since. Her faro and arras Lave never easna„ „perk teem fie fact r .coorplasions wonderfully Atni, Valerhni, Dw, 11.1911. Cam, Peen' ia 'feint, See shia. pee heir es its eetteme purity. dullest° .ytti, goott'aWent Dropectle,$,,auctresseelesee fregeeeese15 ihsts but thorn than ordinary wipe weetet to a were: eve elvss coessere end seterection evety Dior:0.m5 of Its Thiel:for tolier, butit. and mestere. Oen, 014.1-4, 800,14 amt Citiligers, Ointment are sold erer-wtre, Meet tiarnale or each pagictli foe, witit inep, aide Ihees, *Mese post Card POttrer Drag Z's ORM. COIN, taLOOLSro TRAIN'iVIVBS.' ere g BOYS' 001tGEOUS COSTUMES, I -- Choristers in Ising'e Chaste 1 ery Spleedid, There are ten boys in London who I 1 every Sunday and on Stet° occa- sions wear euits of clothes that in , each instance eeet something like' $2,00, The lads thee eepeosively and i brilliantly attired are the eheries tees belonging to the King's psi - vete chapel ;in St. James' Paleee. When arrayed in their State suits they are tidy a gorgeous sight. Scarlet cloth is the foundation of i this costume. Bands ef Royal pee. I ple between rowe of heavy gold lace aro the aslerements. Old lace ruf- flee are worn at the neck .and awriists,Teseirelat ffleso pla arreesozevAlauts beand sohdfa I i they are worn oely on the most special eceasiens. At other 'Vinc white awn bands take their plaee,e The boys must take great care on their enits, which must endure; three years. The "undre,se" suits are replaced every eight months. - This choir is one of the historical titutions of Great Britain, aid many of its old-tiress eustome eluding the dress of the boys area reteeneti to thie des-. The choir has; numbered among Its singers suen ' distinguiphed inesieisies as Sir AT, 1 thar Sullivan, Edward Lloyd, Sir John Goss ,and Dr, E. J. Hopkins. It is the right of the bead boy to demand a guinea as "emir money" from any orticer eeterieg the chap el vs -earl -0g spurs. It is said that ` when Arthur Sullivan was heed boy the. Duke of Wellington would elways eorne spurred to the chapel, in order that he might have the pleasure of payilsg the forfeit to ins tavorite etiorster. here Girls Get a Thorough la- That Terrible Fatigue eigitt ,into Reuselteeping. man idea, known achool," neatly ythal. 113,01441 quad instruction in nig and the o t Arta e nO tt, 1 her safety re gore d as . wit govern f the twe fy-dne since tlt tblic r e ed the empire, forV-one years 0 4 counting" six dismissals of op dttres all Wtilioder ell whieh cleare 'ay e 0 'net. when the prime minister La N. Bertha is, personally, ttined---or fifty changes of goy- - vent in less than that number I ot years, Germany would have lost her plat* on the map. • elitical geography •is the 8u21. o tent renson for Germany's army n and navy. She is in the ring, and ust be prepared at all. hazards to ke care a herself. That is area- , n, too, why Germany offers resistance to the ruling of an auto - ratio militarism. "..The sailors and stokers would titer obey captains and °Ricers, however they may have been cho- sen for them, than to be sunk at 8ca; and now -a -days, Germany is ever on the high seas, battling. hard to protect, and to increase her comntereeribroad, and her huge in- dustrial population at heme. Ger- many can take no chances for the moment, for only ''Wer Rich regi- eIrt, der ist.mit Zufall fertig." trent* popular AMOTig the roya aidservants, several el whom eb tas known kr years, tau' the up ef her enquiries was that eh ree mmended the engaging Of to more imaide and General Reorganization of the honsentazds duties • so' tint the hours of work of the latter would not exceed these of the men- servants.' increase the staff of nt ids by ten necessitated inereastrig tho wages bill by $1,00 per annum. To 40 this went agetnst her .Alajestee grain, for she is a somewhat rigitl economist, but Queen Mary saw that the money to be saved by re. - <lacing the staff bf the maidservants would not be worth the coat. She gave Lady Bertha a five hand to deal with the situation, and the re- sult is now a,six-hour day for the royal housemaids, go girl, under the new arrange- ment, is tO be on duty more than six hours m the day, which meanti that the girls who go on what is called early morning- duty -that is, 'from 6 a.m. (when they rise) to mid- day -have the rest of the day free. In the late reign the early morning maids had to be on duty in the rooms of the ladies-in-waiting from 4 to 6 p.m. The early morning mai'cl now escapes this afternon work. 4.4 QUEEN'S DRESS BILL $1,250. Most Economically Dressed Lady in Royal Household. Queen Mare is against extravie- genee in. dress on the part of the ladies who_are about her. She her - elf sets the example, of economy in these niatters, for she has the re- putation of being by fa -r the most eeonomicalty. dressed lady in, the royal household.• h .11er- dress hill is said not to ex - sed the 641111 Of $1,250 a year, and gie the most spiteful persen could not truthfully say that she ever _looks dowdy or shabby. She ettain- ta,ins that $1,500 a year is the Out- side titnelarb thee any woman Reed epend on cleese, though the Maids of honor have an allowance of $2,000 a year for the purpose, that being the sum „that Queen Alexandra` in, the lase reiga thought the minimuna possible. • 'Inver, heard of but one per -- ben," said Johnnie, Pensively, • e satin the corner doing pen- ' nd' who s.jiab3")-4181REd 13aby's battles for health are BABY'S BATTLES. ninny. The precious little life is in constant danger from the ixtany ills that afflict little ones such a consti- pation, indigestion, colic, • diar- rhoea, etc., and unless the mother guards her little ones against these troubles serious results may follow. Baby's Own- Tablets is the best medicine, to fight baby's battles. They are a mild, laxative that will regulate .the stomach and bowels and will thus ward eff sickness and will keep baby happy, hcalthy and strong. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co Brockville Ont A Different Complexion. Mistress -I saw the baker kissing you -this morning, Mary:- In 'future I shall take the bread Myself. , , Maid -It won't be no use, mum. He don't like fair women.," , The,Man whe pays as he goes may net go Veey, far but he alwaysegets there. Car/solo free If 'you writs National Drug "Chemical Go. of Canada, Limited, d of the 9p rtunity o good tarnitc-Nnts ," writes an Easter many years 1 was u oab even a light brcakfas great suffering, ".After eating 1 would suddenly be seized with em AWL*, of •colie and vomiting. This -would he fol- lowed by headache and misery that would sometimes last- & week o more, leaving me so weak 1 eoukl hardly et up or walk, "Sinee .1 began to eat Grape -Nuts :Oxeye been free from the old trou- bles. I"tzsually eztt. Grape -Nuts one or more tinne a day, taking it at te beginning -of the nteal. --diow 1 can cat almost anything I want without trouble, "When 1 began to use Grape -Nuts 1 was way under inw usual weight, now I weigh 80 pounds more than I everikeighed in my life, and Tani glad to speak of the food that has worked the change." Name given by Canadian Posture Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little booklet, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's it Reason." Ever road the above letter? A new one ategsT;se lira:: net -tit TM are t U unvan n amt. Cats Marched to Service. When Multai Had, ex-$ultan of Morocco, succeeded to the Sultan- ate, he found the sabred city of Fez infested by rats. Without any loss of time he at once nationalized all the cats of Morocco and issued a command that many thousands of them should he marched into Fez or services. For some tinae a, law has existed in Hong Kong making it ehempulsory to keep cats in every house, the fl.tiariber varying accord- ing to the size of the house. Empleyee--I would like more sal- ary. -I am going to get married. Employer -Sorry, but Pll have to reduce it. I am going to get mar- ried myself. •e When Your Eyes Need Care -Try MUrine Eye Remedy. No Smarting -Peels Fine -Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and 'Granulated Eyelids, Illus- trated , Book in each Package. Marine in copaPounded by.our„Oculists--not a "Patent Med- ieiue"- but. used .in successful Physicians', Prtte7 Deo for many rears. fleclicatecHh•the Pub- lic and sold by Druggists at 25c and 60e per Bottle. 'Muhl° Bye Salve In Aseptic Tubes,. 24e. and Marina .EYe Remedy 'Co., Chicago A. Prudent Customer. Iou. are, t e proprietor and a , Phernaaciste of., the first elase 7" . "Yes, Misdate." '<And you knew your business Well ' .``From the foundation." "That is well. ., Give, me two cents', 'worth of gum drOps." , lounge g ph at night. Th beneh was eometames ade ko n. tteo, movable, and CarVed wood or ivory. Out of the QUeS fort. "Why don't you, take a wife 01 hap i" "Oh, 1 don't" know," "You must have a reanala- "Weil, the feet is couldn't sf ford a 1913 wife on ray1002 salary." A Friend of the Policeman. Continually en their feeti.tho "Peelers'. aro ievariable ereubleti with &ores anti bunions -bat not for lens., beeanse they 'know of a quielt cure, Puteam'a Corn Pee. trnotori it cures painieeele fit 24 hoUrel try "Puturines," 25e, at illrdoelers, Matter of l'Ithalting. '"1 never thought of saving a ten until I got married." But you think of it now "Very earngstly. but that's ar as 1 can get to doing it." I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD*8 LINIMENT, CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I. cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch fork, with 2,11NARD'S LLNIALENT. St Peter's C. B. EDW. LINLIEE. I cured a hor,so of a bad swelling bi ISINARD'S THOS. W. PAYNE. Batbuist, N. B. • Naturally. "What causecl that awkivard break in the conversation ' "Somebo'cly dropped the subject." fillnard's Liniment cures -Diphtheria. Wet Grounds.; . Father -- Young Willoughby doesn't sem to call On Grace very often' of late. Wonder if it's a case of dampened ardor. ,Son -HI think likely: He .proposed to 'her while out canoeing, and she threw laina Over. Inexpensive. "Does your wife want to" Vote 7". "Yes, and almost inclined 'to give her the ballot." ,.why "Well that's the :Rest thing she's ever, wanted, since , we were snarried that . won't cost:ine-.•meneY:'' .,"Jealousy is. -the-offspring of die.. uste ED. 7. IS S UE 2.0-41J. neglected. eneernetatQf i8treas Foeleetki i011 , 660k do bo rougli work. Thse embryo 8e1reepers ory oaxly the morn= that tile servants 1 -,;et with their dutie$, The pris hay prepare the breakfast with 'Omit -own hands, an<I afterward visit every room in the house to see hat they have beAta put in perfec orUdeurd.cr tate supervision of the mis- tress they have to -cook filo dinner, attond the afternoon tea.., and later on prepa.re the supper. Their duties for the day cease by another inspection of the house, to see that everything is secure for the night. The following week another guar. -tette of girls is chosen; they per form the same dut-ies. The next week another. quartette is chosen, and so oe. Two or three times a week tlui guests are invited to cline and the girls in turn tact as hostess. They take the head of the table, carve the joints and set tile ball of conversation roiling. By -way of re. - creation tliore are musical even- ings, walks and bicycle parties. ZAM-BUR CUlign NIS -ECZEMA Mr. lames /VICCOM1t, Di Thornton Ont., writes: "For eight %maths I suf.' fered from eczema and could get noth- hag to give me relief. 1 heard of sev- eral cases whore good results had fon (owed the use of Zana-Buk and decided to give this remedy a trial. Within three days I felt Much better, and within two weeks the sores were en- tirely cured." For all skin diseases, eruptions, boils, scalp sores. etc:, Zara-Bulc without -equal. It is just as good for outs,,buens, bruises, blood -poison, piles, varicose ulcers, bad ier„ inflamed sores, ete. All druggists and stores at 50e. box, or post free from ZaPA-Bnk CO., Toronto, upon receipt of price. Refuse harmful substitutes and imItationa. Have you tried Zam-Bilk Soap? 25e,; tablet. Re Believed Her. "Do you know Pm sure I'veseen your face somewhere before." "I don't doubt you at all, Ma- dam, This isn't the first time I've worn it." Minartrs Lintnient Gimes n;siemner. 1)erltops. Wife ---I don't think your new -is fast colored; 'Plis -..sfraid it will fade dreadfully in the sine. Husband--Hhe, perhaps I'd bet. ter go out more at night then. ones Ono "13R0h10 That is 'LAXATIVE BROM° QUININE Loek tar the signature of E. W. GROVE. Lures a Cold in One Day. CUT ei3 Grip ,n Two DayS. 25o. The man who is ealle,r1 upon to arve the, turkey never gets his pro- , per ab he of.eyrimetlie. , is d Liniment Cures Car Can Be Overco 614oessi Noa Every That taiserab Ittertl r lek tired -all -the -time ndition tie case* in ten to o egged -Pp sYmo n Irritable and despondent. y onorgr seemstsfl go' health is by the freco miltotes Pills; they w POW all •over in tarer states: "X thil no one evertd (wed teverely as 4 oaths, So many seri° srmptoms developing as a ton enema a n ooneition a e tom that .1 tlised must 1:an4 a vetoed !rho strong Pills of variOuli ki41(10- 1 trl e13rnd after their Bret °toots were Art make zee far worse and I did n know which way to turn for relief. 1 ea lianditon*s Pills advertised, and t 'Ft bog used satisfied me. 4011114 true Zettlett3t. Itletead of wit undue activity, Dr. ifamiiton's Pills act as naturally as if physic bad not be talten. 1 never bad to increase tbo d and, indeed, within a month. reduc l't, when the syttem •finally acted of 1 n accord se a result of Dr. Ifamilt,on Pills, I took a dose twice a week onl just to make sure the old oondition word not °eine beet." No other remedy Cline o01113tipati011 an biliousness so easily or safely aa D Hamilton's Pills; they aro an Ideal fa ily remedy for all diseases of the 6 inaeli, liver and bowels. Sold in 25 boxes, live for 81.00, all druggists an storekeepers or The Catarrlionone Co Buffalo, N. T„ ,and liingst•on, Canada.. AVOID RICII DISRES, Austrian 1...ysician Says They Ma Cause Arterio -Sclerosis. Do you smoke too, much, and ar you addicted to the coustinaPtiOn o „rich dishes? These are frequen questions to be pondered by al those who would avoid arteri sclerosis. Lecturing on the subject o a,rterio-selerasis, which he -berme the Damocles sword enspended ovex the beads of us all, Prof: Adol von Struemfell, the entment physi 4 eittn a,nel physioleg,iet, • .1 Vienna, Austria, gave eosnes valluable sug gestions as to how this &seas naight be avaided. It is most ins. ,partant, he ,said, to begin in tim and carefully refrain from every- thing known to be injurious to tI arterial system, such as over physical strain, free indulgenee in rich food, alcohol and tobaceo, es pecially the latter. As for tea and coffee, there was tenth less to be sasti. Strong, blault. coffee certainly did produee nervous affections of the heare, but it had little effect upon elie arteries, and tea was injurious only in iso- leted cases. -With regal. d to moat, clocriers were right when they -spoke of its injurious effects, but, after 1/111, per- haps it wee more the rich seuees and gravie,s aecemnanying it which did th ernischief., The idea that so ailed meatF3 were lens harm- ful than dark meate Who also proba- bly only tree in regard -to ths; dif- ferent way of preparin and eseoh- ing them. PILES SURSO 116 To 14 DAY Sent' drintcist sili refumi, n , tIZ OINTMENT fails to cure any, c, jag, 'Blooding' or Pro-...rudirile, P ' • t -to .14' dityo, 50e. . • • Tilou, u4 r1:1E:c!impbacasiii2aete.f.Lability4, ped(* eking of nourishment, # heat --thea se -me rarnintwas trouble bees the es Ranch Correa a wa3 ,elred ?into Srotche with a 'Roman tees esiltebteleg heels. Wei have inrued hurr.orons descriptive circular of this rernaritable bronco With illus- trations of his antics. Sent free ea application to any reader of this e. apse, Th114 the meal, farnetls clreular erftr printed. in tim. F.nellsh leneeans. More than ball a nellion copies have iziready• beta distributed to adVcrtise our famous I.'into Shen &Yoh Made from teueli Bronco hide*, For a free eopy sand postal to HUDSON ttAlf UNITTING,C9 Canada's expert Glove and Uhl Sisees„ aioNTREAL, tastr===frrear es it e ' . Id 11, Experienced. ployer-• 'Do you know he s It of an office boy?" Ove Boy --"Yes, sir; seek° up the okkeeper -when I hear the boa . ,, nag. , mare's Liniment . Eta, , 1 •• ulel feet pity kr the rfilil who is reed to -take consequenues thaj he 't titled to. R FOR se, . DAWSON, I et 0113 0 t TO nee -1 RCIT, &TOM .,3,1",ID D.UIX ranee in all et Outer . me snaps,„ , To (Tom, KITS% Wrill OR, wIntevr A Railway tracitage, in Toronto. Brampton. end other tewas and cities, ,.. 1 IDENTIAL PR OPE R.TIES IN esupten and a dOstio ether tonna. w, DAiiie„Iir,Colborris Ste, Toronto. * , ....,._ I t AufeEr Pt:cf. 7 a oliiii Lela: nt'i d FaltdCIlay1114.01341-94, brielt house; number et outbuildings: tin . excellent fruit and vegetable farm, The , Western' Real Estate nNebanse. Laudon. Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. • AT ONCE-liEN WANTE,D TO LEARN' . Barber Trade. Great deinerul, flood a. ages. Twenty to thirty advertised for oily In Toronto papers alone, Can teach _,. Yen in six to eight weeks. Send for Cate - 'u Inane, Molor College, VI Queon East, 0 Toronto. i STAMPS AND COINS, d 's 4,,Z TAMP COLLEorotts-lioNEBED Die. 1.., ferent Foreign &turnips, Catalogue. Album, oats Seven Conte, Marks &turns r Cain pnwt. Toronto. a MISGELLANE0US. el AN cru.. In melte. LUMPS. ETC, ‘...1 internal and external, oared with. out nein by our bora's treatment. Writs' L- Us before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collinewond not c ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. d der Stones, Xidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively ., eared with the new German Remodr. -Salmi.' price $1.50. Aaatber new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, litui sore cure. 14 "'Senors Anti -Diabetes.' Price $100 from druggists or direct. Tbe Sano l tienutio. taring Company of Canada. Limited, Winnipeg. Man, F 1 I , - fR•- F. , e - , •-•.,- ..m4,;F... a I -3713111i r .„. That's the kind you makewit'n Maxwell's , "Favorite" Churn. - ‘91 PI- 1 PI _ Lever$i :NA wit 11-1 „. ../ t Rotte....,,,, • MO , Bearings , Maxwell's "Favorite" is used all over - the world --In Denmark, the butter country, of the world ---in the United States, in snits of high tariffs -and in every Section of Canadh. Our 'Agricultural Colleges and Govt. Inspectors recommend it, because tt • is the finest butteremakor in the World. Write 'for catalosue if your dealer doe • not ha.,:t1.4a.rie it. • DAVID MAXWELL & SONS. seme.,,iix, . ,' ,,,...........,-....„.......-....,---.........„...... T le Heart cif a Piar110 is the Action, Insist on the , 10 di TO /iRGEL" , Piano Act! a ,J,anm=.ftmv,.',.......".',..".."..."......... Now and 53econd- , hand; for benting• it ei purposes:, ' TANKS ANP Veriti t g re ttl 45 45