HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-28, Page 2A ids •t el ""X�a,•. a 2QI 'ownsend Street lfl Cirnt+git Wn 1500 this.. wnek in theFllon i+eagan- 7Mernoriai erandstan4 Tottery, with lucky ticket number 1155; The Goderich Brownies and. Girl Guides will ' be ' selling Girl Guide cookies in May abut the procedure is going to be a bit dif- ferent this year. Orders for cookies must be taken in advance. If you would like to buy a box or two, please contact a Brownie or Guide leader. - If you,. area writer of .poetry, perhaps you would like to try and win $1,000. A, $1,000 grand prize will be awarded in the Poetry Competition sponsored by the World of .Poetry, 'a quarterly newsletter for poets. Poems -of all styles and en • any subject: are eligible to compete for the grand prize or 49 other cash or "mer- ehandise awards. - Says contest director, • Joseph ,Mellon, ``•We 'are encouraging poetic talent of every kind and expect our contest to produce exciting discoveries." Rules ann, tffrcial entry forma are a'va11401e from World of !betry, '2431 Stockton Blvd, Dept, N, - Sacramento, California 95817. ++4 - The Royal - Con- servatory of Music in Toronto is pleased to announce the names of the students who have successfully completed their practical examinations---atthe winter session.. _. The names of those who completed their examinations in Stratford are listed in order of merit: Grade .9 piano-honors- Goderich and district obituaries MELVIN figRBERT BENN'ETT Melvin Herbert Ben- nett of Goderich died in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Friday, February 22 at the age of 57. He was born in Windsor on March 24, 1922 to Herbert and. Clara (Gliddon) Bennett. He attended Victoria School. He was a welder em- ployed by Mathieson Welding Service and more recently by Goderich Elevator. He married Doris Penhale in Stanley Township .on September 6, 1947. They'" lived in Goderich following their marriage. During the Second World War, the _late Mr. Bennett served four years active duty overseas. 'He wee_ a_member of Victoria Street United Church and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109. He is survived by his wife; two ' daughters, Mrs. Fred (Marlene) Brall of Goderich Township and Joan.. at home; one sister, ° Mrs W'i.11iam — ( lie'Trria)' Manning of Blyth; and one brother, Edwin of Goderich. A funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home- on Monday, February 25 at 2 p.m. The Reverend John D.M. Wood officiated. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 held a memorial service at the funeral home on Sunday evening, February 24. Interment was in the Maitland .Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were Ray Barker, Jim Koster, Ron Sproul, Elgin Boyce, Jim Rean Jr., and Russell Dent Flower bearers were Doug McCullough, Bob McCullough, Steven McCullough, Scott McCullough, and Herbert Brall. MRS. I.D. (BERTHA) EASTMAN Mrs. I.D. (Bertha) Eastman, a former Goderich resident, died in a nursing home in Burlington on Saturday, February 9. The late Mrs. East- man's husband, who predeceased her, was the manager of the Royal Bank in Goderich before being transferred to Hamilton where the couple retired. While in Goderich, the late Mr. and Mrs. Eastman took an active interest in the com- munity. They were members of the Maitland Country Club and the Goderich Duplicate - Bridge Club. They were also members of St. George's Anglican Church. The late Mrs. Eastman is survived by three daughters, Marjorie, petty . and Barbara; ,one sister, Mrs. Beth Purdy of Belleville and four grandchildren. A private funeral was held in Burlington on Monday, February 11. Interment was in Smith Falls. CHARLES BUTLAR STEW ART Charles Butler 'Stewart of 174 Eldon Street, Goderich died at his residence on Tuesday, February 19 at the age of 53. He was born in Musselburgh, Midlothian, Scotland on Augt:,- 29, 1926 to Robert" Bell and Susannah (Butlar) Stewart. His father had been born in. Scotland and his mother had been born in England. The late Mr. Stewart lived in Scotland until moving to Queenston Heights, Niagara Falls, as a child. He attended school in Queenston. Heights. During " the Second World War, he served with the R.C.E.M.E. as a private (B161342). He enlisted in Hamilton in 1944 and was discharged in 1946. On September 27, 1947 where the action is! Dancing six nights a'week - 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Now appearing at the Elm Haven EXOTIC DANCERS 'Continuous Shows - Monday - Saturday Use our RECREATION CORNER Billiard Table - Pinball Machine ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HIGHWAY Il WEST, CLINTON he married Laura Lorien Pitblado in Goderich. They moved to Goderich in 1950. The late Mr. Stewart worked as a fabrication superintendent at Champion' Road Machinery Limited. He was a member of Maitland Lodge number 33 .A:F. and A.M.; Bluewater Chapter number 284 O.E.S.; and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109. He was also a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his wife; four daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Darlene) Crawford of Owen Sound, and Mrs. Ronald (Cheryl) Glousher, Heather Denise, and Shannon Laurie, all of Goderich; one sister, Mrs. James (Janet) Rintoul of London; three brothers, Robert, Stanley and Donald, all of Niagara. Falls; his mother, Mrs. ` Susannah Stewart of Niagara Falls;. and three grandchildren. The body of the late Mr. Stewart rested at Stiles Funeral Home. A funeral service was held on Friday, February 22 at 2 p.m. at Knox, Presbyterian Church. `-TheReverend-G:: Rayal- officiated. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 held a service at the funeral home on Thursday evening, February 21 at 9 p.m. followed 'by 'a' service by the Maitland Lodge number 33 A.F. and A.M. at 9:15 p.m. Interment wase in Colborne Cemetery, Colborne Township. Pallbearers were, Albert Powell, Ted Rowe, Elgin Fisher, Doug Sizer, Bob Allen and Bill Fritzley. Deirdre Devlin; Grade 8 piano -honors -Susan MvA.l.lister, Allisonm McKay ' and Roseary Lemenehick, pass - Andrea McKay, Joanne Bell, Sarah Drake, Denise Lince, Lynne Hilverda, Karen Young, Ann Deichert� -• and Carolyn- Wood (equal); Grade 7 piano -first class honors-Andr' ew Martin and Diane Murphy (.equal), honors -Barry. Turner, pass -Wendy Martin; Grade 6 piano - first class honors -Carole Kropf, Lorelei Robinson and Scott Sebben (equal), honors -Wanda ' Zehr, Paula Babb and Ruthann Dykstra (equal); Grade 5 piano -honors -Tammy Dill and - Mary Kelly; Grade 4 piano -first class honorsSusan McKenzie, Suzanne Stacey, !Robert Ashton and Douglas Brownlee, honors-Joane Binnendyk, Denise Martin and Lisa Beut- tenmiller, pass -Laura Cantelon ' and Suanne Murray; Grade 3 piano - first class honors - Marianne Wettlaufer, honors -James Bender and Anita Hardeman (equal) ; Grade 2 piano - honors -Bruce Cook, Marianne Moylan, Julia. Parkinson, Lois Sarll (equal) and Patrick Moylan; Grade 1 piano - first class honors- Laurene Hilderley and Susan Semple; and Grade 8 singing -first class honors -Corinne Potts. +++ The way you drive and take care of your vehicle can save you dollars on. gas if you follow these tips: Check tires :regularly - Keep them inflated to the m recom m ended_maxim um shown on the tire walls. Warm-up first --In chilly months use a block heater with a timer set at two to three'hours ahead of time. , Moving it --Avoid "jackrabbit" or very slow starts. eaktoo often-- Birthday ften-_Birthday On Monday, February 25 Mr. William Frank Saunders, former resident of Goderich reached the grand age of 95. In celebration, he was entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Clive Caswell of Oakwood, Grand Bend at a luncheon on Sunday with his family at the Prince Arthur Room, Park Plaza, Toronto. The 'more you brake, the morc you waste. ' Turn off o�nshort stops-- If .you Opp your vehicle for more than 30 seconds, turn the engine. off. Pedal softly --Keep: a light touch • -on the gas pedal and maintain a constant speed_- . - •• Going • uphill-- Accelerate before starting, .up• a hill; then. yoil won't. have to press "the gas pedal. as hard to keep up a reasonable. speed. Don't speed --Good average speed is better than Bursts of high speed which increases feel consumption. -i- + + Grants totalling $1,924,638 to 572 artists and 302 arts organizations were an- nounced recently by the Ontario Arts Council chairman,; Arthur Gelber. Included in the list of recipients were the Blyth Centre for the Arts ($19,500); the Duron. Country Playhouse, Grand Bend ('$26,500) the Van Egmond Foundation, Seaforth ($255); and Alice Munro Of glint= (writers' award up to $4,000). +++ John Hendrickson, a talented young concert pianist, will perform at the Blyth Memorial Hall as part of a national tour on Wednesday, March 5 at 8 p.m. The 1980 season at the Blyth Summer Festival will include John and the. Missus by Gordon Pin - sent; a new play by Ted Johns about the Bruce Nuclear Power Development; The Life That Jack Built, an en- - tertainment with music based on the life and friends of Benmiller artist Jack McLaren; and the return of last year's La Leche league meets La Leche League of Belgrave met at the home of Mrs. Joyce Casemoi Belgrave to discuss the "Art of Breastfeeding and Overcoming Dif- ficulties" on February 19 at 1 p.m. Mrs. Casemore welcomed the mothers to her home and then ex- plained how the lending library works: She said she was happy. with the growth of the library. LLL Belgrave now has 17 books thanks to 'mothers taking out memberships, Civic Corner r„ e Goderich Town Council will meet on Monday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers -at tow'n hall. A sub committee of the Goderich Planning Board will meet on Tuesday March 4 at 4 p.m. in the council chambers at town hall. The Goderich Planning Board will meet on Tuesday, March 4 at 7:15 _p -m in the council. chambers at town hall. The Parks Committee will meet on Wednesday, - March 5 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at town hall. The Waterfront Committee will meet on Thursday, 'March 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers at town hall. THANK After 40 years at the same location in Goderich, we are closing our doors for the last time et 5130 on Thursday, February 28. We say this with n°Iixed ernotigns. We look for- ward to our retirement with pleasant thoughts. But, there is also a touch of sadness. We will sin- cerely miss meeting all those great people, you, our customers, ' who made each day a little brighter. As we reflect on the good times and bad, we wish to thank all our many customers and friends who passed through our doors. ' A sincere, heartfelt thank you, to each and L. every one of you. Mr. and Mrs. Gerd Henderson and Staff HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE buying League books and products, and donating books. Mrs. 'Barbara Kerr opened the discussion with a round ' of in- troductions. The mothers shared experiences bf breastfeeding, relating how they had solved problems they had en- countered in the early days of nursing, such as engorgement, and building,up a milk supply. It was noted that with experience and knowledge, difficulties were either minimized or non-existent. The mothers enjoyed giving "`hints on how to" dress fashionably and nurse discreetly while going out with a nursing baby. Mrs. Kerr closed the meeting with a quotation by Dr. Grantly Dick - Read - "The .newborn baby has only three demands. They, are warmth in the arms of its --mother-,-..-food--franc--her._ breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three." hit I'll Be Back for You Before Midnight by Peter Colley . (if you haven't ,seen this one,, I highly recommend it),. For more information, Write to the Blyth Summer Festival, Box 291, Blyth, Ontario. liirWAR AT. The S. s:lr to SIhoppe !MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 4824770 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S, MEN'S WEAR).. OPEN 1-6 OPEN 14, THIS IS:OUR CASE FOR BUYING THE_ OneStep Normally you'd pay up to $1 1 ,95 to buy this handsome leather -look carryall case. Zippered compartments hold camera, film and flash. But it's yours as a bonus when you buy a Polaroid OneStep. OneStepuse instant camera that delivers all the fun of the occasion at the push of a button. OneStep does all the work, you have all the fun. Great at parties or anytime people gather. Case quantities are limited so act fast. OUR :Ow PRICE $39•95 FOR CAMERA AND CASE. bgswi” Polaroid "Polaroid" and "OneStep" are trademarks of Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A. f HURON CAMERA CENTRE 112 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-7924 TO Ba' ,City,Michigon - y„ FOR A un eekend Yes -Bay City, Michigan - The sister community across Lake Huron is celebrating their 26th anniversary of the St. Patrick's Day Parade. JOIN US & THEM FOR THE GREAT CELEBRATION AND PARADE PLANNED ACTIVITIES Sat. March 15th -6:00 P.M. Special Church Service Sponsored by St. Patrick's Day Parade Assoc. 6:30-8:00 P.M. - St. Patrick's Day Parade Assoc. DINNER & DANCE -'10.00/Person -'20.00/Couple Reservations only in Advance Sun. March' 1 6th - PARADE BREAKFAST - 10:00 A.M. SHARP PANCAKE BREAKFAST - Nominal Charge Sun. March 1 6th -GIGANTIC PARADE Largest St. Patrick's Day Parade West of New York City. BUS LEAVES MARCH 15 AT 8:00 A.M. BUS FARE ONLY RETURN 95.°O Per Person Maximum Bus Space - 87 Persons Last day to reserve a seat is Sat. March 8 *Less than 40 seats available ACCOMMODATION: IMPERIAL 400 MOTEL DOWNTOWN BAY CITY ° ------ .----Forreservations-andmere-Information-call.--.-----....-- ----- ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - 524-9282 BARNY DAVIS - 524-8607 SPONSORED BY: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION & GODERICH TOURIST COMMITTEE THIS IS:OUR CASE FOR BUYING THE_ OneStep Normally you'd pay up to $1 1 ,95 to buy this handsome leather -look carryall case. Zippered compartments hold camera, film and flash. But it's yours as a bonus when you buy a Polaroid OneStep. OneStepuse instant camera that delivers all the fun of the occasion at the push of a button. OneStep does all the work, you have all the fun. Great at parties or anytime people gather. Case quantities are limited so act fast. OUR :Ow PRICE $39•95 FOR CAMERA AND CASE. bgswi” Polaroid "Polaroid" and "OneStep" are trademarks of Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A. f HURON CAMERA CENTRE 112 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-7924