HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-21, Page 19GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 2'% BRUCE ERSKINE 86 North. 524-9555 Letter to the editor Reader suggests charging dor durnping Dear Editor, In connection with the proposed new cost- sharing agreement among the several municipalities using the Holmesville land -fill site, Electrical. Servicing by. Bob (Sing) Alexander Licensed kiectridinn • Residential • Commercial • New Work • Repairs Reasonable Rates t®I l: 524-8492 ." i APPLIANCE REPAIR them all... Our repair experts will have your appliance in tip top shape fast. Call us to- , day. PECK APPLIANCES I / "IN THE HEART OF - ..1,1/ DOWNTOWN VARNA" VARNA 482-7103 d Large or small, we'll fix • (about four miles from where I grew up), I am surprised that no thought appears to have, been given to a method of charging for dumping • which would . encourage users to minimizethe amount dumped, and' thus prolong the life of the Iand-fill site. ' It should be .recofmized that we are raprdiy running out of "a way" in. which to throw solid waste "away". Most landfill site operators install a weigh - scale, and charge a WHALEN INSURANCE BROKERS IN ALL TYPES OF ANNUITIES 60 West St. 524-2933 '-tipping fee" based on either weight or volume, or. the more expensive of the two. .It should be•recognized that land -fill is not really a means of solidwaste disposal, but merely one of storage, with some inter-reactionand that, as sites become scarcer and farther distant, and fuel and other material prices rise, waste 'utlization , methods can recover for re -use or to recoup its energy con- tent, most of the contents ofthe solid wastes stream. - I am a chemist who Last year* made a fairly exhaustive studylasting several months at the request of a government agency, of alternative means of solid wastes utilization for a near -by small industry already recovering some selected solid wastes and wishing to expand and widen its operations. The biggest obstacle to doing so proved to be present enormous • commitment to . landfill, • by public opinion, and the barrier of legal "red tape involved in ob- taining . formal .approval from thevarigus levels of • government for setting up a' "s'elid- waste rocessing site," even hough the methods proposed • would have resulted in a very significant reduction in the amounts of pollutants goingto .the en- vironmen . The Federal Ministry of the Environi:'i'ient has aided with partial grants a number of -prototype • solid waste utlization projects, and had in fact invited my client to apply for such a grant, if and when he could obtain the approval of the various lower levels of govern- ment. A Long-term cost of solid waste disposal by landfill lies in the restrictions %thich the characteristics of the solid wastes place on the future use of the land, and -thus in the future tax and rent, or capital ap- preciation, of the land. In general, all landfill sites in which 'biodegradable ,rhaterials are buried produce flammable methane gas (the mainconstituent of natural gas), slowly, over marry years (perhaps, centuries) . Thus, it is usually not practicalto build permanent buildings on closed landfill sites. Even agricultural use of - the --land may be somewhat restricted by the heavy metals content of the solid wastes. Any potential tax revenue lost is of course lost by the public, and not by the landfill site operator. The composition of the - solid waste stream, and Turn to page 7A • ZEHRS FRESH CANADA Ai GRADE LARGE EGGS 13 POPULAR VARIETIES DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 18.5 oz. PKGS. SLICER _CRUSHED, TIDBITS DELMONTE PINEAPPLE 14 oz. TINS FOR' 4 VARIETIES OUR REG 91045 WESTONS COLGATE WAGON WHEELSTOOTHPASTE 350 g. BOX SALISBURY STEAK: BEEF, TURKEY, CHICKEN SAVARIN FROZEN DINNERS 11 oz. EACH ZEHRS McDOLLARS ARE REDEEMABLE AT ANY MCDONALDS RESTAURANT UNTIL CLOSING FRIDAY FEBRUARY 29, 1980. SUNNY ORANGE DRINK FROZEN 12.5 oz. TINS OF SIP R WHIM PINK OR YELLOW I SWANS DOWN TOILET TISSUE 6 ROLL PKG. T OUR REG. 2.19 32,0Z. THRIFT PACK BLUEWATER FISH & CHIPS (FROZEN/ 4 more specials! SEALtEST LIGHT & LIVEL'Y COTTAGE CHEESE 500 B..99 100 M L. FINE QUALITY STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY WITH ADDED PECTIN MRS. LUKES JAMS 24 oz. JARS ZEHRS OWN COLBY BRICK OR MARBLE CHEESE Ibf2•O9 WEIGHT WATCHERS 890 CHEESE SLICES SUPREME ICE CREAM 500 ML % 89 09 I RS CO D FLEISCHMANS CORN OIL - 2 VARIETIES SAUSAGE ROLLS 16 oz. PKG. SOFT MARGARINE CLOVER LEAF FINE DUALITY #1.49 #3.29 69' FLAKED WHITE TUNA 6 OXYDOL DETERGENT 2.4 KG MARTINS SWEET APPLE CIDER 48 oz. TIN wrirM LTED OR NEW CANADIAN ICE CREAM NOVELTIES 12 PACK WESTON RASPBERRY SWISS ROLLS) We -TONS 4 PER PKG, 69 HOT CROSS BUNS HOSTESS REG- OR DIP POTATO CHIPS STAY FREE MAXI PADS BEEF, IRISH, TURKEY -CHICKEN CLARKS STEWS ZEHRS SAVE -A -TAPE PLAN CAN ASSIST THE QRGANIZATI9N OF YOUR CHOICE. M-M-M®GOOD! 6 PER PKG 799 200 gr. 890 30's ?•49 24 o= $1.39 FRESH BAKING FROM OUR FRESH AND DELICIOUS Ill -STORE BAKESHOP AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES HAVING A COUNTRY OVEN BAKERY SCOTCH BAPS CRUSTY ROLLS PKG 08 8s 69, FRESH RAKED SPICY DANISH SOLE U9� �UTTERNORNS 3 OF PKG OF a 8 oz 1.16. #f• f9 POPULAR & DELICIOUS GRANNY'S BUTTER TARTS 12 PER PKG. FREE DICTIONARY!' Buy Volumes 2&3 of Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia for just $2.89 each and, get a free dictionary. V.t•LLIME 1 OF FUNK & WAGNALLS NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA STILL ONLY 9e ,,,,,,,,,.„,„„scammated' a GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 31,1980h4*AGEOA Like father, like son. Six-year-old Brett Harn1an followed his dad, Clare on the Kinsmen Club's third annual 10 kilometer ski-a-thon on Sunday. About 60 skiers turned out to raise just over 51,900 for cystic fibrosis. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Y Despite the crisp weather, Mary Jo Evans kicked up her heels as she set out for the Kinsmen Club's third annual 10 ' kilometer ski-a-thon on Sunday. About 60 skiers turned out for the event to raise just over $1,900 for cystic fibrosis. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Robertson Roundup What is Read -a -long? space. Read -a -long is a T.V. program in which the children* can read along with it. Jeff Langridge's favorite character on this "'program islYIa if and his 'ng -on. ___ _ _ favorite show was when Plant is also June Boot was a soldier and the general, asked him if anything unusual was going on and the thing Went behind 'him and showed some pictures of Christine Pigg's favorite character is Granny. Her favorite show Was when Granny asked • Boot what was Christiaans' , favorite character and her favorite show was when Granny told a short haunted story and Boot ran home! 11111.11 JUST1519- If yqu are only claiming the Refundable Child Tact Credit. .\ If the Refundable Child Tax Credit is all you re •... claiming this year, H&R lock will our return for only 59.00 Remember, even If tlh os edit is all you're claiming. you still must file a return And that s the reason H&R Block is providing this service at a special low price This year be sure. H&R BLOCK nommenimilummumissimioniummine THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 19 Victoria Street North Open 9 a.rn.-8 p.m. Weekdays, 9-4 Sat. Phone524-8658 OPEN SATURDAYS - APPOINTMENTS, AVAILABLE VALENTINE - DANCE On February 19, Valentine's Day, Mrs. Pare's class held a dance in honor of the occasion., „ -T-h-e-y_. raised-- -money.. far- _-_ their classroom. Grades 6-8 were,, invited. Admission was 15 cents per person or 25 cents a couple. Ronald Carrica came for the food and Trevor Kelly came to support his classroom. This reporter came • because he had to cover a story. ' SEEDS SOLD Seeds, • seeds, seeds! What is going on? Kids going from door to door asking if you are planting a garden this year: But why? Our school is selling seeds for many purposes. It brings in money for the Grade 8 graduation trip and playground equip- ment for the lower grades. Seed sales are going well. Most people are buying seeds. A Grade I student by the name of Janice Rody sold more than '$90 worth already. FLOOR HOCKEY Another floor hockey game has been played. This second game was Mr... Scratch's class against Mr. Currie's class, Mr. Scratch's class defeated Mr. Currie's elms 4-3. ti