HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-14, Page 2777, The' Ont.,ario. Agricultural Hall of Fame Asaoeiation has announced tj1e aarnes of nine • outstanding Ontario agricultural sts who. will be recognized this year in the Hall of Fame Gallery at the - Ontario. Agricultural Museum in DAVE44AYLOW ELECTRLCAL Serving industrial, Commercial, Residential, Needs 524-6038 R.K. PECK APPLIANCES In The Heart of Down Town Varna • Vacuum Cleaners • Sales and Service of most makes , • CB Radios and Accessories. • Speed Queen Appliances a Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • insect Lights and Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Varna Ont. Phone 482-7103 MRS SMITH FROZEN APPLE PIES 26 oz. SIZE /39REGULAR OR APPLE CRUMB 26 oz. SIZE J __ _.CAMPBELLS -, TOMATO SOUP CONDENSED ' -1 C 10 FL. OZ. TINS uunn secoao MINI PUDDINGS 99s 9 FLAVOURS _SLEEVE OF 4 5 oz. TINS SHIRRIFF JELLY POWDERS �psi 8FLAVOURS 3 oz. PKGS. r names IVIilton. • The nine c :ndi. - ates a d ,.all deceased, represent more than 100 years of combined effort and initiative in building a better agriculture for the province. • The President of ' the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame Association, William Kilrxier of Missi.ss•auga, •has released the following list of persons to be •hohoured in an unveiling ceremony oa June LAM; 1980; Ste. ivart 4..' Brown, Shedden. (1898=' 19.66), stocIpliAn, beef• producer,,, community leader;. Dr, Ethel Chapman, Toronto (1888- 19:76),. 1p1110 economist, journalist, author, youth leader; Jaynes A. Garner, Toronto- (1898-19.58)., . agricultural extension leader;Dr.' H. H.. Han-' nam, Ottawa (1898-1963), farm`'orSaniiatio#i leader, co-operator, early farm journalist; William Johnston, Gelph' '(1848- 18.85), one of; the founders,: of the • Ontario Agricultural College; Wesley . A. Magwood, Hanover (1888-1961), dairyman, co-operator, Farm Radio Forum and organization leader; Charles` W. --McInnis, Iroquuis (1896-1977), founder, Ontario Hog Producers' ''.Marketing Board; Joseph H. Patrick, Ilderton (1863- 1939), purebred livestock breeder, - eachibiter,ex- porter and imparter; and William Ruthven, Alliston (18'92-19.67), dairynzarr,, fox breeder,. sod farmer, potato and seed grain grower. When releasing this list, Mr. Kintner ex- pressed his pleasure with the high calibre of nominations received. . "This is a newun- ,dertaking in Ontario and one that is long overdue", he said. • "The Association la delighted thatthe first nine persons • to be honored in our 'Gallery represent such .a wide cross-section of the jn-' dustry In every case, the of their efforts can be seen .as a positive - influence on Ontario agriculture in 1980. I am sure ,that by - honoring these outstanding citizens, the Associaticln is opening the door to -many more nominations of.- personabt woe ty...of riscognttlan, . An .artist is now ,preparing, llkkenesees . Of' the nine candidates Mind these will be unveiled at a special ceremony at- tended .by meinbers., sponsors, families and - friends of .. those to be recognized. The • Gallery; will be located, in the Main Building at the Ontario,. Agricultural Museum at Milton and will be open to • el I • AnYontWiSilloVilitter Information • on ate " Ontario. Agricatural Hall of Fame:: Association, especially ,with respect to memberships, future nominations and visiting hours, should write to the. Secretary -Treasurer. Bqx 38,. Milton, Ontario 2 L9T "3, telephone (416) 878-8151. - Huron County Farm and Home News WINTER SAFETY TIPS BY LEN MacGREGOR, EXTENSION ASSIST. the number of snowmobile accidents increases each yeas. Many ' of these mishaps could have been avoided if operators had used common • sense. Snowmobilers whould sue their machines the same as you would a car on a 1 LB. PKG. HIGHLINER FROZEN COD FILLETS 1.69 highway. Follow safe driving rules to avoid accidents with your .snowmobile this winter. Winter presents many inconveniences and hazards. While doing regular jobs around the farm, a farmer is subject to risks that are. not normally encountered at other times of the year. Cold weather creates RICHS RICH WHIP TOPPING 79 FROZEN 250 g. ORANGE PEKOE RED ROSE TEA BAGS PKG. OF 30 13 OF ORANGE FLAVOUR TANG CRYSTALS 99' or. PKG 4 WEIGHT WATCHERS - 5 VARIETIES SOFT DRINKS WEIGHT WATCHERS COCKTAIL many problems. Reac- tion time is slower; this increases the risk of accidents. This winter, practise extra caution to avoid accidents on your farm. Every winter there are a number of accidents involving snowblowers. These machines can be quite hazardous; fast moving shafts and augers are a danger to anyone who Fomes near. Ice stones, and other debris thrown from a snowblower can cause serious injury. Take extra care whets operating your snowblower this winter. LIQUID MANURE SYSTEMS BY RON FLEMING, AG. ENGINEER The subject stinks. CARNATION HASH BROWNS iirso WESTONs STONE IMIILL-ED FROZEN POTATOES 4 LB. 1882 BREAD 160% WHOLE 0 PLUS DEP. WHEAT 290 X24 oz. LOAVES, 750 ml. BOTTLES al 'TOMATO CLAM 882 mi. 79 SAU - SEA FROZEN - SHRIMP COCKTAIL BLACK DIAMOND MOZZARELLA CHEESE is,. ZEHRS CHEESE. MILD CHEDDAR LB MEDIUM CHEDDAR _ ZEHRS CHEESE OLD CHEDDAR COLOURED ,LB, $239 '1.79 #1.19 X1.19 ROYALE FACIAL TISSUE 6s° WHITE, YELLOW, PINK OR LILAC BOX OF 100 *119 HOMECARE UTILITY ZEHRS PROCESSED NIPPY OLD CHEESE _ _LB _'2.29 BLUE BONNET COLOURED MARGARINE . 3 LB. CARTON 199 WESTONS LEMON OR RASPBERRY. NEILSONS 'TOMATO UTTERHORNS _ PKG. of 6 79' COUNTRY CRISP BARS TOMATO SAUCE 14 oz. TINS 2F49# PEANUT HONEY, TOASTED. ALMOND, BUTTERED WALNUT OR BUCKWHEAT HONEY 9 oz. PKG. l AUNT JEMIMA 2 VARIETIES PANCAKE MIXES 1 Kg. BOX '9,,-- BURGERS 3VARIETIES KEN-L®RATION 2 Kg' #2.99 PRIMO PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE ,.4 oZ_TINs_2R *1 FRIMO MEAT OR MUSHROOM i SPAGHETTI SAUCE 14 oz TIN 35 LIGHT BULBS 60 OR 100 WATT PKG. OF 2 AUNT JEMIMA REG. OR BUTTER FLAVOUR PANCAKE - SYRUP 750 mI. BOTTLE f.29 GILLETTE MAKE TRACKS GLAD PLASTIC KITCHEN CATCHERS GLAD JUNIOR SIZE GARBAGE BAGS PUSS 'N' ROOTS - 6 VARIETIES FLAVOUR MORSELS LUNCHTIME, COOKIE JAR DR PARTY PAK DARE COOKIES 900 ALL PURPOSE T MONARCH FLOUR TRADITION -. FINE OR REGULAR NABOB COFFEE 24s_129 10.5 39' 500 g. $9" BAG *1.15 2.5 Kg. #1:39 1 lb. 159 TAME - 4 VARIETIES OUTSTANDING OFFERS CREME RINSE THESE GILLETTE OFFERS IN EFFECT 2 WEEKS 225 ml. UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. ROLL-ON DEODORANT - 2 VARIETIES /,r uW win 1 044 Saabs a SOFT & DRI 50 ml. SPRAY DEODORANT - 3 VARIETIES 119 #1.69 SOFT & DRI __- *1®49 CONDITIONER - REG OR EXTRA BODY SILKIENCE 200 ml 1e 49 "99 200 ml GILLENE— d+-PACI4- _ _._ _ SPRAY QE000HANT ATRA CARTRIDGES_ 99# RIGHT GUARD_ _goo ml_ 3 VARIETIES - HAIRSPRAY ADORN 400 ml. SPRAY f•99 DRY IDEA pEODOR ANT - 2 VARIETIES 50 ml. ROLL ON Ste HAIRSPRAY - REG. OR EXTRA HOLD 1839 DRY LOOK _ 250'ml 1.59 4 VARIETIES - SHAVE -CREAM FOAMY300 ml. PRIMO R.C. MACARONI, SPAGHETTIAII OR SPAGHETTI 900 g. PKG. 9 ROYALE BATHROOM TISSUE WHITE, YELLOW PINK OR LILAC 4 ROLL PKG. RESERVE THE ' G T TO LIMIT QUANTITI country oven AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES HAVING A . COUNTRY OVEN IN-STORE BAKERY FRESH ONION BUNS OR ,CHEESE BUNS FRESH BAKED dWHITE BREAD - PKG OF 6 F. 24 oz_ LOAVES 2 R 1 We're trying to keep the cost of a good education down. FUNK & MAGNALLS ATM' ENCYCLOPEDIA ,might? Despite._any disadvantages related to odour, handling manure as a liquid is here to stay. Why go-td.a system that costs -more to set up and smells worse thaw' con- ventional solid manure systems using straw? The biggest reason is the amount of labour,that the system saves.. Some systems don't need any labour inputs until it's time to empty the tank every six months. Farmers phone in to the office quite regularly with questibns about liquid manure systems. you're building a new In„ response to this in- barn, remodelling an old terest, we have arranged one, or just want more a one -day session dealing information on the With - —liquid -manure -subject;' ytiu are-' handling and storage. 'welcome. February 19 is Several speakers are the date and the Ontario lined up to deal with a Ministry of Agriculture wide range of specific and Food board'room in topics. These include Clinton is the's)place: different ways of getting Registration starts at manure out of the barn, 9:30 a.m., lunch will be flushing systems, slatted provided for a small cost, floor barns, agitation of and we should wrap up by tanks, pumps, sizing 3 p.m. This will be the storages to Meet your . best opportuiity to find needs. out from the experts all you want to know about liquid manure systems. This program is open to anyone interested. If OFA demands lower interest rates for farmers The Ontario Federation business. He said that, besides 9f Agriculture (OFA) last "These are only the losing farmers, there week demanded the three ones I personally. know wo-u-ld —be- e- -m-aj-or federal political parties about", said Barrie, "a duction' in the $3 2 take steps to bring down interest fates for farmers and small businessmen. OFA President, . Ralph Barrie, said the situation is critical. Many farmers, particularly in :cash crops, hogs and beef,. are already facing large decreases in income. High interest rates will make it difficult for them to continue. Barrie said that in one' day -he has learned of four farmers who. are either about to, or have already been, forced . out of systematic searcl>,.-.,would turn up many, many more Interest rates for farmers have recently risen to as high as 18 percent. He said. some. of the political parties have promised interest rates will fall. -Promises", said Barrie, "won't keep these. people in business. We need action now or•many of Ontario's farmers will be forced out of, production". re uc i n • billion dollars Ontario farmers had been ex- pected to spend this. year. As a result; he also predicted .a slowdown in the farm supply sector. Barrie said each of the three political parties have been sent a telegram urging im- mediate low interest, short-term loans for small business men and farmers and a major increase in funds for the Farm Credit Cor- poration. McKinley donates Hansards OUR MANAGER IS: DALItite:DONAID • *NO. ilri"rw i 'E - U ..FBI. EVENI S Outgoing Member of Parliament, Bob. McKinley, has announced that he will donate his personal copies of HANSARD to the- Huron County Library in Goderich. HANSARD the official record of debates in the Senate -and the 'House of Commons, arrives daily in 'a Member . of. Parliament's office so. that each morning as. he arrives for work, a Member is able to check theprevious day's debate word for word. At the end of each session,(,, the proceedings are bound in handsome black volumes as a permanent record for reference. During the 15 years of McKinley's term as a Member of Parliament, from 1965 to KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Victoria Public School 135 GIBBON ST. Thursday, February 28th A -D 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m, L -Z 2:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. PRINCIPAL J.P. KANE - PHONE 524-8306 Robertson Memorial'Sc5ool 125 BLAKE ST., W. Mon., March 3rd PLEASE CALL PRIOR TO THAT DATE PRINCIPALR.E, SMITH PHONE 524-8972 Brookside Public School R.R. 7 LUCKNOW Mon., March 3rd A.M. AND P.M. PRINCIPAL G. JEWITT - PHONE 529-7900 Colborne Central School. R.R. 5 GODERICH Thurs., March, 6th A.M.-ONLY PRINCIPAL R. JEWITT - PHONE 524-62$2 Holmesville Public School HOLMES\VILLE Fri., March 7th A.M. AND P.M. PRINCIPAL J. McKAY - PHONE 482-7751 Excessive welting would be ©voided at all schools if the surname schedules are followed. Parents should Ilring birth csvttfte.t.s end Im- munization cards Aesd OHIP numbers to re', istrotlea. 1979, over 30 feet of 'bookshelf were occupied by these volumes. - The books will be presented to the Huron County Library when it moves into its expanded , quarters in.Goderich. "Huron County Library seems to me to be a fit- ting home for these books because it is central ,• to the riding I served," said Mr. McKinley. , During most of his years in Parliament, Mr. McKinley 'served the riding of Huron - Middlesex. Recent redrawing of the elec- toral map added the four southern townships of Bruce to the riding and took away the Middlesex portion. . Huron County has thus remained the stable core of the riding throughout McKinley's' tenure. Options for blind Any legally blind person, with, voting privileges, may elect one of two options when - voting on February 18th. At the last Federal election, legally blind persons were able to vote by themselves, with the aid of a template - this will be available at all polling booths for the up- coming election. If, however, you would liken to,have your spouse or friend assist you, this may be done by having them sworn in by the electoral officer at the polling booth. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call the London CNIB office at 434-8413 Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 WHALEN INSURANCE BROKERS IN ALL TYPES OF ANNUITIES 60 West St, 324.2933