HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-14, Page 14OL 1 rvice;s available 18. t Services available 26. Births 10-00141, SNOWPLOWING 1 DRIVEWAYS, RADIO DISPATCHED FOR FAST SERVICE CONT -ACT SID BRUINSMA 524-8668 QUICK and efficient dressmaking and slight alterations. "Phones Dianne er - 524-2492.-5-8 BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes of major appliances. CALL BILL DARRELL CLINTON 482-9022 CARPENTRY and PLUMBING ' Additions and can f l I ----Renovations p; yl f FRANK McMICHAEL 524-8033 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS Bruce Pulsifer 527-0053 or 348-9223 after 6 p•m. For all your Carpet & Upholstery. cleaning needs, call SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE Our steamvalla Power - brush method gets the deep down dirt, others miss. Phone 524-8892 Free Estimates' STRATFORD UNIFORM & STORK STOP Nursing uniform available in White & Coloured in Dresses & Pant Suits. Toppers also available. Complete line of maternity clothing. Open 9:30 o.rn. 5:`% p,.l1h. Mon. - Sat. 98 DOWNIE ST. STRATFORD 271-8861 BUILDERS "Builders for Today's Building Needs" Carpentry & Cement Work Cdll ALEX CtiISHOLM 529-7714 DOUG BLACKER 524-8147 AFTER 6:00 P.M. 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND' OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF FLORENCE ELIZABETH LAUDER ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, Retired, Social Worker,' who died on December 16th, 1979, are ,required to file' proof of ame with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of February, 1980. • After that date ,the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Barrie, Ontario this 25th day of January, 1.980. Michael J. Wolfe and Elisabeth A. Woodrow, Executors, Estate of Florence Elizabeth Lauder, 25 Davies Crescent, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 2M4.-6-8ar 20. Public notices I WILL no longer be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by my wife, Lori Lynn Maize, as• of this date, February 7, 1980.—Ronald Maize. -6,7,8 THE TOWNSHIP of West Wawanosh has for sale municipal debentures in the amount of $13,000.00, bearing interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum, payable yearly, -at the Canadian Imperial Bank of° Com- merce, Auburn. Debentures to run for 10 years. For further information contact: Joan Armstrong, Treasurer, - Township of West Wawanosh —7,8 20 DEALERS. To sell CV100 fo industrial, commercial, and farm accounts BANNISTER INDUSTRIAL $ALES CA,LL,:.5119-332-807.0 21. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- ' idential support. Help is as rose as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect1,432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-•6541.-1-52x COMPLETE home. bible study course in 24 easy lessons regardless -of education.' You become a legally ordained minister on completion of course. Sex, religion or nationality has no •barrier. You're not obligated to join any church, stay as you are or start your own congregation. For complete details write to — U.L.C. Peoples Mission, Dungan- non, Ont. NOM 1R0.-7-10 HILDEB'RAND Doug and Lori (nee Smith) are happy to announce the birth. of 'their daughter, Angie Janine, on January. 20, 1980. at Seaforth Community HODGES • Clair, Bonnie and Karen Joy wish to announce the birth of their son and brother, Bradley Clair, born January 28, 1980, and weighing 7 lbs. 9% ozs., .at Goderich Hospital. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodges, and Mr. Eldon Culbert, all of Dungannon, Ontario —Inc Hospital. MacADAP4 Ian and Sue are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Angela Sue, Sunday, February 10, 1980. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. D. B. MacAdarn, a new granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Vic Powell, all of Goderioh. RICHARDSON At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February 11, 1980, to Mr. and Mrs. Reed Richardson, Goderich.. Ontario, a son, Jared Reed, weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs. WELSH • At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, ,on February 10, 1960, to Mr. -and Mrs. Donald Welsh, R.R.5, Clinton, Ontario, a daughter, Cynthia Dawn, weighing 8 lbs: 4 ozs. Ababy sister for Jason. 30. In memoriam DUCUARME In loving memory of my dear mother, Violet Ducharme, Who -passed --away F -e1 Fit ry 13,1978. In • our home she is fondly remembered, . Sweet memories cling to her. name, We who loved her in life, Sincerely still love her in death just the same, With her love she so humbly ' showed us, And gave us the courage, As a family to remain. —Lovingly re,;nembered and sadly, missed by daughter Elva Burns and family. -7 • Congratulations: to Kathy and Vita'Stem on the birth of their d tighter'on Satur- day, February 9;rh at Alex - andel, Marine and' General Hospital, Goderich. The Steccas reside on the former Benison Finnigan lam'. John and Kathie . Stanbury and Jamie Here visited Marybell and Dwight Ald- ham. and family of Inglewood on the weekend. - Fred and Betty Stirling, Darlene and Harold of Tham- esville spent the weekend with Betty's mother, Mrs. Elsie 'Irvin. Irene Hasty of Stratford spent the weekend at her home here. Howard Godfrey is a pati- ent 4n -Stratford hospital, following a 15 footfall onto a cement floor. He .broke his leg above the ankle. Mrs: Florence Berry has returned home from _Goder- ich hospital following surg- ery on January 28th. She is..to return to hospital again in March. Florence spent Sun- day with her daughter-in- law, Ann Berry and family at Port Albert. - DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH . `George"Cowan, in his ser- mon on Sunday morning Spoke on, "Our Church" and explained the meaning of the various parts of the United Church crest and the "roots" of the United Church in Canada. The choir sang the anthem, ."The :O1d,Rugge.d Cross", led by organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott: DUNGANNON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE On February 7, 1980 'the Dungannon_W'.1,_xne.t at the. home of Mrs. .Cecil Blake. Lovely desserts were enjoyed before the meeting began. Hostesses were Mrs. Elmer Black a'nd Mrs. Graham McNee.'Seventeen members and four visitors were in at- tendance on this perfect win- ter's day. . The program for "Interna-. tional Month" was in charge of the Branch Directors, Mrs. Robt: • Irvin, Mrs. Russell Alton, Mrs. Gordon Finnigan and Mrs. Sam Gibson. Mrs. George.. Errington, president, welcomed . all present. Mrs. Sam Gibson 31.` Card of thanks BUDNY The Budny family would like to express their, deep ap- preciation to the'workeits at Champion 1,2oad Graders who have'contributed to•the fund of the , late Gordon Budny. Thank you one and all.—Ka.z. Budny.-7 22. • Lost and found' . LASSALINE The family of the late Mrs, LOST — Toy.. Pomeranian„..-.,.,Diane„-Lassaline_--wish, to taffy,colored, wearing black collar. Reward. Phone 5;4- 7557.-7,8 ' I LOST = Man's right hand black glove, fur lined, large size. Lost in the Mall • or Square area. Phone 524- 7904.-7 24. -Business opportunities Make money in your spare time, Learn income tax preparation For free brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Rosborough Drive. Toaonto, • Ontario. M4W 1X4.-7h.c. Re Your Own BOSS Opportunity to start your own business in Seaforth or vicinity. Complete , setup in- cluding a commercial building .approximately 30' x 60' situated on an acre of land and all -per- taining equipment. Suitable for small engine repair and retail sales. NORM CLARK PAL ESTATE LTD. 26 Wellington Street, S. St. Marys 284-2381 Evenings 284-1685 26. Births COLLINS Bill and Cheryl (kotyk), R.R.I, Ripley, are pleased to announce the birth of their first .child, a son, Daniel William, on Friday, February 8, 1980, weighing 6 lbs. 12 ozs., at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. First grandchild for Mrs. Marjorie Kotyk, Goderich, seventh grandchild for Mrs. Elizabeth Faster, Clinton. Another great grandchild for Mr.°and Mrs. Mel/Reid, 150 Kenya ,1 S,eet, Coder ich.--7nd"'n s express their sincere thanks to Fr. F. Loebach, McCallum Funeral Home, C.W.L., neighbors, friends and relatives for all expressions of sympathy and kindness to them at this Cime.-7 MacPHEE I wish to express my sincere thanks to the nurses and staff on first floor' east Alexandra,Hospital, also Dr. Lomas, . Rev. McCallum, Rebekah Lodge, Eastern Star, and friends forflowers, gifts, cards a d their visits. Thanks.—Ilen Mac Phee,-7 McCULLOUGH We would like lu express out• sincere thanks to our friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness and sympathy extended' to us in,theloss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. The lovely floral tributes, donations to the Cancer Society, Heart Foundation and gifts of food. Special thanks to Rev. J. Wood, Dr. Cauchi, hospital staff and nurses, Victoria U.C.W. for serving lunch, the pallbearers and Stiles Funeral Home.—Elizabeth' McCullough and family,-7ar - RYAN x. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Drs. Cauhi and Lambert for their care, the nurses in the Operating Room and to the nurses and staff on first floor. Special thanks to everyone who sent me cards, flowers a'nd visited me while I was in the hospital,—Bill Ryan. -7x WAGNER it. is with deepest sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends,, relatives and neighbors for the lovely floral tributes, donations to Auburn United Church and for the many acts of kindness during the recent loss of a dear, wjfe. Special thanks to Mr. Richard Ha'flv'ley'and the ladies of the U.C.W. and the Tasker Funeral Home.—Fred H. Wagner. -7 New .__. Horizons approved BY DELORES Van OSCH was pianist. Mrs. Erringtglq read a poet✓µ and a moment.of silene% was observed in memory ,of ;i member, Mrs. Russell J'rohnston, wti pas- sed away January 31st. The x 10#+ 4_8- ap article from a diffetent country, and the story of each was interesting. Mrs. Russell Alton •read from • the W.I. • Handbook about International Day and ungannon doings Marie Park c'orre4lxindent minutes, the treasurer's're- port, and correspondence were read by Mrs. Harry Girvin. Business followed: a quilt, tied, is on display in Mrs. A. J. Sherwood's• store window, priced at 525.00; a' letter - from ” 1'rs'i Clarence Dymond, F.W,I.O. presid- ent, told of adult education, officers' conference, the Lee Home, and other W.I. activ- ities; Rural Development Outreach Project material was .read; hats with green bands ' and white lettering will soon be ready for the August birthday celebration; plans re a building for W.I. display at the Dungannon birthday :party; the annual' dessert -euchre party at ° Brookside 'school is being .planned for Tuesday, March 18th and more requests for ,quilting have been received. Mrs,.. Jean Errington, a 4 H leadsr -Said there are .1.A-.. girls taking the club on macrame. A, lovely macrame hanger; made by one of the girls., was displayed. , The roll call was answered 529-7719. introduced her guest, Mrs. Ross Shiells from Lucknow. In a roost interesting way Mrs. Shiells explained A.C.W.W. (Associated Country Women of the World) and reviewed the pro- jects studied at several con- ferences, e.g. in 1971 the conference was held at Oslo, Sweden, when the story was on overcoming blindness; in 1974 at Perth, Australia, re,„ flags and pennies; in 1977 in Nairobi, Kenya, re clean water wells; and in May 1980, the conference is to be in Hamburg, „Germany with the theme "Forward Togeth- er". Mrs. Shiells stressed the importance of.good PuEi- lic Relations- through Wom- en's Institutes at their vari- ous levels, from each Branch to A.C.W.W. Mrs. Gibson expressed thanks to..Mrs. Shiells and presented. her. _with a -gift. Mrs he Mrs. Errington also expres- sed courtesies to all. • DUNGANNON 4-H CLUB' The first meeting of the "GREAT FASHION CUTS"" "SUPER NEW CURLY LOOKS" • Dungannon 44f club, Your Corner of the World, was • held" Saturday, February 2at. the bonne of Mrs, Jean Er- rington with 14 members present. The members are: Elaine O'Donnell, Annabel Stewart,. Lila Stewart, Sharon Sproul, Nancy Sproul, Margaret Mc- Whinney, Cathy Snyder,. Vicki. Pentland, Irene Loag- tenberg, Debby Kerr, Deb Gregory, Betty Errington, Martha . Curran and Nancy Carmic'hael..The leaders are , Mrs. Wrn. Stewart and Mrs. 'George Errington. The pres- ident of the club is Sharon Sproul and the 'secretary will ,rite, this week being Betty Errington. Members were given mat- erials to begin a ®macrame plant hanger. All the mem- bers were very enthusiastic about this craft. Some had done a bit of macrame but for others it was a new exper- iencei that they enjoyed learning, BROOKSIDE BROADCAST On Monday, February 4, the senior boys 'challenged the teachers to a game,,of volleyball. The senior boys won. On'Thursday, February 7, therboys again challenge�d the teachers, this time he teachers won. On Tuesday, February 5th,"' around 30 pre-school • child- ren showed up for the story hour in the library. Also on Tuesday, Kingsbridge's sen- for teams played Brookside's . s n Ur reams- KtTrg bridg&-s----. team won the majority of the games, On 'Thursday, February 7 Mrs. .Wilson's Grade -One invited thejr,,;parents into the. library with them while. they :were_ ..w.or.king.on...a..... wha le. assignment. N n,v. 524-6656 NEAR SCHOOL Stately 2 storey, 3 bedroom home with large bright kitchen, main floor .family room with fieldstone fireplace & built-in book cases. Lovely pine floors enhance the separate dining and living rooms. A spotless, well kept home situated on large lot with mature trees & heated in - ground pool. Priced in the °60's, H. 01 O Brick 2 storey, MORTGAGE bedroom semi-detached home with eat -in kitchen, separate dining room, sun porch and back room which can be made into family or T.V. room. 2 car garage. A solid, well kept home priced in the low '40's. H. 05 ELDON STREET 2 or 3 bedroom brick sidesplit with laundry room, den or 3rd bedroom, "L" shaped living room with dining areaand cathedral ceiling all situated on a large well- landscaped lot. Priced in the mid '40's. H. 13 TRAFALGAR ST.. 2V storey brick with 4 bedrooms, separate dining room, eat -in kitchen, finished family room main floor laundry, 2 baths, games room and rea r deck. All situated on a large double lot and priced right in the mid '60's. H. 08 For Professional Realty Service Call: ALL POINTS at .524-6656 ANNA MEISKI 524-2768 KEN THOMPSON 524-7514 seT�faO CHARLIE BRUINSMA 5.24-9804, EDNA & ALEX ' Realty 'JEFFREY ,482-9440 Service"--_ 0 'won't burn or'scrat'ch, noxi -porus won't -stain or retain odours or breed bac- • feria. Word has been received from Bob McKinley M.P. .. that a New Horizons grant of $5,465 has been approved tor • the newly formed Kings- bridge- Area Seniors, Past, Present and • Future. The money will go towards plans that the ' group has--. to get going before long. Our congratulations are extended to this newly form- ed group and we hope every r, one will participate to make it a success.. This is a great asset to our' little community. The community extends a , warm welcome to Denis and Rochelle Champagne' and family who have moved back stay after spending some. time at Rolphton, Ontario. Re'v. Father Ed Dentinger returned home on Thursday Vier enjoying .a holiday in Florida. Private David Van Osch anda friend of Pettawawa, -Ontario, were visitors over the weekend with Pete and Betty Van Osch and family. Blanche Bilodeau, Water- loo, and Jerry Heffernan, Stratford, were weekend vis- itors with Yvette Heffernan. Jim• and 'Yvonne Sinnott and family spent the week- end in Alpena, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs,' Dennis Sin- nett and family of Detroit visited with John and Grace Austin and Joe on Sunday. Their daughter, Jennifer. remained with the Austins where she will be attending grade 'eleven classes at the Goderich High School We welcome Jennifer back to the community. She had prev- iously spent the summer months with the A istins. Mrs. Clarke Dalton at- tended the funeral' of her 'aunt: Mrs. Diana Lassaline of Goderich, on Wednesday morning, The funeral Mass was held at St. Peter's' Church, Goderich at eleven o'clock and burial will be in St. Peter's Cemetery, God - Turn ito page 15 Hair Styling for... "Ladies and Gentlemen" Call to -day for an appointment HAIR AFFAIR 53 South St. 524-4279 e Buy OLD GOLD AND SILVER (NO PLATED WARE) JEWELLERY GODERICH The Square 524-7841 GODERICH Suncoast Mall 524-2924 - KINCARDINE Sutton Park Mall 396-4189 WASTE FO® DISP SE S Grinds quickly,. finely, quietly. Easy to install. Built t0 last SUPERBA - MODEL K WS -200 • Grinds a batch at a time, with patented a, Magnes,art• cover control which •.'." automatically Starts disposer when control is in position, and prevents things from lolling In when disposer it running. • Stainless steel grind chomher and cast Iron drain chamber • precision machined, high chrome iron shredder ring • Cos sralntou steel grind wheal with 16 un dercuttors ,£g, • Solid state Wham Jeln, breaker eliminates the toughest lams • Fully insulated enclosure,'7' KITCHENAID CMODELUSTKO®INC-19. DISHWASHER 1 1 - year full warranty 5 5 - year"'limited warranty on''„ h. p. motor 10 10 - year limited warranty on .Tri Dura tank and inner door Until now, all dishwasher manufacturers have wild that to clean proporly, dish- washers nood 60° C (140"f) hot water —hotter water than you nood for washing clothes, taking showers or other uses around the house. But now, because of an exclusive Kit. chonAld engineering breakthrough, you can lower your hot water heater temperature to your proforrod comfort zona and still go'�'• sparkling cloon, sanitized dishes. BAE.0 1 LE R / '�� !�s�►�%�s 1 Mile 'tt'iwaa#' 150 SHOPPERS SQUARE 524-8600