The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-14, Page 310 t() s BY N.E.401AVir .The tegular meethIg0 -, Legion Branch 09was. held in the .1.4hilee ROor• o the branch an-TuesdaY, February . 5 with President Roy, Mugford in the chuir. The membership ehairman—Bill----McLead preaenteds. •-the aP- plications 4 3.5 fraternal members for .renekval of membership in Branch 109. A motion was passed te retain the present G.D.C.I. BY D.R. BUNDY Over 100 music studnt irofti th, Goderich District Collegiate visited the University of Western Ontario Alumni Hall last Tuesday, to hear music by the world-famous Canadian Forces Central Band. Invitations had been sent out by the Armed Forces Band to Secon- dary. Schools in the Lon don -and surrounding notninaj rolVot honorary t#A., .1.1.4,:bera till !the list is • align r view.eri next- ' PageMber for 1981. Let were were read acknowledging the ; transfer of the 13rOwnhig machine gun to the Huron County Mils earn and thanking the Branch for „party apd a band in the Santa clew parade. . A large tri -service print has been placed ,,above the front entrance of the Jubilee R00•1: and a motion was approved to music stu place a light above this displaY. Comrade Ray Barker, the Stickand e are Chairman, reported the following in hosPitd1 as of! FebrUary . 5: Alexandra .Marine • and General - Harold • Hibbert, I3en Wilcox, Sam McNall, -Mary Vickers-, Harry Phillips, Bill George Hill, Charlie Wilsen, Bill Huff; Archie Barber, and Joe Mom- bourquetta; Victoria - Mel Bennett and Don McLeod and John a GOrogRICli SIONAVEltAR, olisor student public speaking Th.urlow is $4. Joseph's, London, Jack • McIntyre is in hospital in Moncton N.B. In West- minster are Dave Wilson, Bert Mohring, McGill, Jack Kempson, Frank Sheldon and W. Michie. .Members reported sick at home are Chrig Brownlee, Alex Smith, Harvey Johnston Leroy Taylor, Ken Jones, Les Pitblado, Charlie Cadman, Bob Oauley, Max McFarlane and John Doherty. • Sports • chairman, Eleanor Worsell, dents tray enjoyment, from opera and classical through to modern dance and disco music. A series of ex- cerpts of themes from present-day TV shows was a special hit with the students with everyone; trying to be the first to guess the name of the TV series or show that the song was from. Most of the students expressed a desire to repeat such a trip and the Music Booster Club, which met last Wed - areas, and GDCI was one of the schools which took advantage of_ the op- portunity to hear this great band music. Hugh McGregor and Al Mullin, music teachers at GDCI, both felt that the students benefitted a • great deal from the trip, and were pleased with how the students enjoyed all aspects of the music performed by the band. The music covered the entire range' of musical reP6ertOgf !t,at amixed scheduled for April 9 and bowling tOtiruament is to the branch was qgiven be held on February 9 and notice of the annual that members are invited Interclub dinner which is to sign up for mixed to be held on May 3 at the euchre hi the lounge on arena and is sponsored March 8 at 12:30. ' this year by the Kinsmen The' branch sponsored C-10' public speaking contest Ways and Means for students from the Chairman, r Bert •Such, 1n('1 _pithlic and higk- reported- that- -tickCto-are schools will be held in the available in the canteen , "jubilee ' Room on for the annual trip by bus " February 29 at 7:30 p.m. to Bay City for their St. The winners will CompetePatrick !,s celebration. in the Zone Legion public- • Motions were passed to s eakin cOntest . donate $25 to support the .The Vimy dinner is Ladies' Auxiliary Zone el to London to hear Forces nesday evening, let the music students and their leachers know_ that. _they would be providing as much ' as si sta.nce as possible to see that other opportunities would be forthcoming. The Booster Club, under the leadership of President Hat Claus, will be helping out with plans and fund-raising -for the up -coming Bay City Band exchange. Various committees were organized to help out with ilful damage increases here There were several incidents of wilful damag.e in Goderich over last weekend. Police Ohief Pat King reports _ that such inc_ident3 are uP.. over last year so far. .On Saturday, February 9 four windows were broken in Larry Jeffrey's Beach Hut causing!. $80 damage. On Sunday, February 10 a pay phone at the 'corner of Montreal Street and the Square and a pay phone outside Mac's Milk were damaged. rear tail light was kicked out of a car parked on Bennett Street. A pop m a chin e autt e Granger's TV Sales and Service on South Street was damaged. A window in a van on Park Street was broken causing $75 damage. On Monday, February 11 it was reported that the . seats had been slashed in a bus parked just off Huron Road causing $1,000 damage. On Tuesday, February 12 it was reported that some _old lawn_mowers - had been stolen from e has d. car Argyle Marine. On since been recovere There was One accident in town during the week. On Saturday, February 9 at 1:50 a.m. a driver hit a cement retainer wall on the St id Bits...Tid Bits...Tid Bits „ BY JOANNE, BUCHANAN Rick Moffatt of London won 3500 in the Ron Over the past couple of Feagan Memorial years a concern for a Grandstand lottery, this recreational gymnastics -week—with: lucky, tie ke-t ---prograirrira-s-15eorwiea--a-e! number 1013. by parents in Goderich to the recreation depart- ment. Bebause of the lack of equipment, the program has not been feasible. However, Roger Bois, gymnastic instructor, in co-operation with the recreation board, is now considering the purchase of some gymnastics equipment. The need for funds is quite evident and therefore, a Wintario grant will be applied for. This will cover 50 per cent of the cost and the other can be seen March 12. 50 per cent has to be raised from within the community. All of this means that a ,group of interested parents is needed to form This will hi tuilit enable the recreation board to get the Wintario funding as the grant must be applied fdr a by a club and not the board itself. If you are interested in seeing your child become involved in gymnastics, perhaps you would sit on this committee? • If so, please 'call Roger Bois (524-2726) , or Jane Netzke (524-2125). A meeting is being planned fpr early March regarding this matter and you will be called about the date and times. if you indicate an in- terest. +++ The program Land 'lies. which last week's column stated would be aired February 20 on TV Onthrio, Channel! 2, has been pre-empted for an opera and will not be aired now until April 2. Land Ties features Neil ,ind Anna Lowey who live near Goderich. It is' one program in a series' — entitled New Roots: Another program in the rhes, entitled No Moss, features the late Bill 1.1110tt of Goderich and 104, CLUB RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE FULLY LICENSED UNDER THE L.L.B.O. EAKFAST SPECIAL 2 EGGS ANY STYLE, BACON, HAM OR SAUSAGES, HOME FRIES, TOAST, COFFEE CHARCOAL BROILED LUB TEAK INCLUDES FULL COURSE MEAL *HOMEMADE SOUPS *DAILY SPECIALS $1 75 1 1 $4191 1 *BUSINESS LUNCHEONS •41. 11111 IIM mu (HOURS ) MON.-THURS. 6:30-10 P.M. FRI.-SAT. 6:30-2 P.M. • SUNDAY 6:30-10 P.M. KINGSTON ST, GODERICH • Cristopher's Beach road, causing $3,000 damage to the vehicle and sustaining minor in- juries. uniforms, transportation, interested in helping to billets, publicity, fund- promote music and who rising,etc_ work on one of these com- mittees are asked to get in touch with Mr. Other people in the community who are TV V .invitational bowling, and to allow the finance chairman to, make the tisual donation to the local Pd arch of Dimes,. The floor approved a motion to place smoke filtration units in the Jubilee Room, the Vimy Court Lounge and the canteen „ Prizes and. Ia ues are to be , purchased for the scpoenateksintagnts in the public It was decided that the • branch will send the president-elect to the Dominion Convention in Band McGregor or Mr. Mullin at the high school. The-next-meetingofthe- Booster Club will be held at GDCI on the evening of February 20 at 7:30 pm. Alpe in Penticton, A motion was also approved to start the. general meetings one half hour earlier sltr at 7:30 •YOU ARE INVITED TO A FULL GOSPEL BUSINESSMEN'S BANQUET al the WHITE CARNATION HOCMESVILLE — 7 p m MONDAY. FEB. 18. 1980 SMORGASBORD DINNER ' 55 00 per person (between 7 00 & 7 30) PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE BY CALLING 524-8842 ).:r 482-7494 • BANQUETS 1-11L I) 3,4 MONDAY . OF EACH MONTH NEXT:MEETING — MONDAY, MAR. 17 11 vou 0AN J MAKE IT1 opisi 'TEAL uS A FleRvy AHUS f ()HAN INSPIWIONAI. , TIME Or F6;‘,),•,,S,..1, HE MI MBFR ACDF Aut V+.1.„,1440E COME AND BRING A FRIEND THIS MONTH'S GUEST SPEAKER: RON SMITH kern %0111 11 1400 th,rn and rafted tri (Gan) Cambridge Canada inploiment Counsellor for pall NV wary. burmer Personnel Manager %hoe, 1(0/ for 6 Peon. Secretart of Grand !label Chupter I (i Ft it / I Ili• and /111 Jean- are menibers of a Presbyterian Main In .1 ambridee Ron way 100,46 tn-u Pentecovtal Church but. 4ITitied dual ui 40, In unit during that wne studied ((nee (Tinning 10111111,,te llpe'r41114 ''0 allla During this Rine alto met mid married lir, often, lorMi, "1”qiitein In IV...! Jean were bortragitin and went Ihrjugh the waters • 4,0 11411111,10 'Minas there a/1),Mo were truth baptised in the Itiih 'win( R /II 0 al, 14 Sal 1111 Ir,,,, warning for the,Lord. loYis' to itiare Cunt, low blesiiing poured out upon him and h,o wife through a music "PIMP, a, Halle, in thihr every dile hem "HIS DOMINION SHALL BE FROM SEA TO SEA" 9:10 FRI*, MARCHI • o!an, -4 GodotiolirlAreno AOditorium . . • • ATCHES 4 % OFF Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Feb. 14, 15, 16 only MALL STORES ONLY " C Willi (fir JEWELLERY GODERICH Soncoost Mall 524-2924 ' KINCARDINE Sutton Pork Moll 396-4189 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL FEB. 16 eeiheart 00 For that very special someone...your choice, e BLACK MAGIC 41 TURTLES to POT OF GOLD Black Magic & Pot of Gold 454 g ea., Turtles 397g ‘40z 2'97 gut, ttot,,1 ‘I • ot ‘t :,‘ I \ 1 t 454 ..500.g 100 TABLETS vitarnitra ASCU' FIRE ACID TABLETS aP GUARDIAN VITAMIN C tv,„ 500 rrig 100's. 92 39 Regular Cir Chewable INN 9,194. .4 4.34 I TYE-SIL GIFT WRAP ENSEMBLE Includes Wrap, Ribbon and pow *2.39 450 ml .0000000;z11;.. .04 &Wes's* UW1001fir STAYFREE MAXI -PADS GUARDIAN COLOR PRINT FILM No.126 or No.110 Instant Load Type 12 Exposures AGREE CREME RINSE Et CONDITIONER *2.09 450 ml ULTRA BAN ANTIPERSPIRANT , 71111 111.1'....'11111n1111! scENTE.' .1131111 111111 150 ml Spray AQUA. FRESH TOOTHPASTE 99' 100 ml 1041$0090.4,00 ultra Dan ULTRA BAN ROLL-ON LOTION Ot; Registered Trademark Of Drug Trading Co, Ltd. I . _1111 -ft mr!! NAKAMURA PHARMACY IN THE SUNCOAST MALL - GODER1CH 524-2195 SUB POST OFFICE OPEN MO.N. - FRI. 10-12, 12:30.6 WEEKDAY EVENINGS 6:30 P.M. - 9 P.M. - SATURDAY 10.6 1 , Out it)!SP:Ade LIMITATIONS AND! AVAILMILITY At tIME OF SALE ITEMS SHOWN MAY NOT ALL flE AVAILAELE Al ALL LOCATIONS 444, 4 14 .444 1 *10'7,t1/0