HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-07, Page 17ODbigRICH SI ...NAL-$ 'AA; THURSDAY, F Stormy weather reduces crokinole par SOCIAL NEWS z game. and low gents - Rodger this column. Winter has come with all its beautiful White te snow and it is'giviftg the people who • want winter sports a chance, to enjoy them -selves. But ac- cording to the ground hog. theory, we .will . have another_ six weeks of winter and by that time, I think we will all be glad to have milder weather. Because of the stormy weather last weekend, the community Crokinole Party in Benrniller United Church basement on Friday evening was not as well attended as - was planned. But all present really enjoyed the evening and the social time together after the Prizes were received as . Taylor. follows, high ladies' - The group plans to have 4'H l iE W The second me • eeting of Tiger Dunlop 4=H Group No. 1 was held ' in Colborne Tdwnship Hall,. Carlow on Monday, February 4 at 7 p.m. The meeting was called to order., with the 4-H Pledge. ° Rhonda Bean read the minutes of last meeting, Susan - Pollock adopted ;the minutes as read and Alice Nivins seconded theme The members an- swered the roll call, "Describe a piece of Gertrude Kaitting, correspondent 594-2076 Mrs. Don Treble; low another crokizlole party ladies - Kim Edward, before spring and will high gents - Scott Baer; inform the public through Township senior citizens form new club Senior citizens of 8008. Goderich Township are now organized, so watch . Church news them grow. The first meeting of the "Enter- ,Worship Service in the prising Seniors" was held Holmesville United January 30 in the Church was . held last Holmesville Church at 2 Sunday at 1 p.m. Mrs. p.m. with 22 present. John Deeves opened the meeting, telling the group gathered what was needed to form a club. Election results were: John Deeves; president; Mrs. Jean Lobb, 1st vice. president; Everett McIlwain, 2nd •' vice president; secretary, Mrs. Irene Cudmor.e; treastirer, Francis Powell; trustees, Mervyn Lobb, . Mrs. Hazel McCreath and ' Wallace Avery; sick and visiting, Mrs. Edward Deeves. The club will meet February 7 and first and third Thursday of each' onth at the Holmesville playing three selections the. Goderich Township on the organ. The WI will' be held in "the ,hurch at •2 p.m. sharp. children brought names Holmesville . School ' on' Mr. and. Mrs..'Mervyn g p Lobb are in char a of the V of person`s ' itf°"the' Bible, ';)i;'ebrizary 14 at $:15 m. .Ld...___.__i__. _..g -.—..._he whose --names start- wits-?-:,-,Lgdes- 15ririg Zurich•.. program for the the letter "0". After . a Admission is $1. February 7 meeting. discu,gsion with Rev. Oestreicher they went to their classes. at the White Carnation. The music was provided by "Country Com- panions". Lunch was served by Sandra and David Orr. Next dance is on March 8 with the "Bluewater Playboys" macrame you have seen, what was the article used for, what material was it made ,from." The girls then' got to choose the color . of, macrame yarn they wanted for their . ;plant hangers. The junior members are doing a ,different style of knot in their ..plant hangers than the seniors Names' for the club. were . open for suggestions. Members voted on the given names and decided an "The Decorating Dollies". For the rest of the meeting, members worked on their hangers. The, meeting Was ad- journed at 9 p.zn. The 4-H Creed was read by Perry Marshall. The next meeting will be Monday, February 11 at 7 p.m. at Colborne Township Hall, Carlow`. °SOCIAL NEWS Several -'Colborne Township residents joined people from Goderich and vicinity on a bus trip ,planned ap- parently by the seniors, to London on Monday. Beside a shopping trip, they, had lunch at "The ,44 Ai .Garage"' and one of the added attractions was a visit to the radio station. The Home Gardening and Macrame Cours.e in Colborne Township Hall, Carlow, under the .auspices of Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute, is this Thursday, February 7 at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. R. Bean (524-9871) and Mrs. Molly Sutton (524-2343) will be in charge. Remember the card party in -: ' Colborne Township Hall, Carlow, on Valentine's Day, February 14 at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. This is under the auspices of the Colborne Township Recreation • Committee with Leonard Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Reg; Riehl in charge:. , • Mrs, Chana Buchanan of Vancouver visited with her - sister-in-law, Mrs. week'and, to enable her to meet several of her former friends in the district,, Mrs. Mon- tgomery entertained at a dinner party • In ' her honour.' Mrs.` Buchanan has been visiting with her son Allan and wife Ruth and family in ._...Niagara -,since Christmas;,. The sympath r !ol<, O conimunttyis extended.to the family ARA relatives. of the late Gloria Vesta . Catlin (nee Murray)whp passed away at her Bonne in . Detroit. A funeral service Was ht ' Sunday at . •McCallum Horne, Goderich. The sympathy of the community is also 'ex- tended to the family of • the late Mrs. Norman Lassaline, who was well known in this community as she and her husband'' farmed for many years on the Loyal sideroad. SPECIAL FEATURE •TO NEXTWEEK'S SIGNAL -STAR ag0, ,q 0000,, °pQ.O00, 0�00o Qo.4VOoa 00 07c .000000 �D° ,000poo. g090po olmesville news Blanche Deeves, correspondent 482-3383 Garry Martin assisted in providing the music. the ministry of music by The next card party of • Come and join :.the Enterprising Seniors club of the Goderich Town- ship. The theme of the, minister's sermon was.. Benefit dance , "making , discussions". Bill Norman and Mr. John Wyatt received the offering. The Art Bell Gun Club benefit dance will be held in the Goderich Legion Hall this Saturday, February 9, with dancing from 9-1. Lunch,,provided. Proceeds go towards ball equipment for slow pitch, team and, gun club and music iS by the "Silver Dollars". Everyone is welcome at $10.a couple. Phone 524-8037 or 524 - Social notes The Goderich Township Women's Institute will meet" in the Township Hall, February 11 at 1:30 p.m. The Goderich Township Recreation Dance was held on Saturday evening A very successful card party was held January 31 in the Holmesville School by the Goderich Township WI with eight tables playing. Winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Grace McClinchey; ladies' low, Mrs. Laura McLarty; men's high, Frank Thompson; men's tow, Allan Van Der Ende; lone hands, a draw between 4, ' the winner Beatrice Welsh; lucky cup, Stan Mcllwain. Lunch was served by the ladies in charge. Kingsbridge mews... • from page 7 In grade six, first, Linda Van Osch, A Dairy Farmer's Daughter; second, Maria Dalton, My Canoe Trip; third, SallyVanOsch; Prince Edward Island; fourth, Cathy O'Connor, Relatives from Denmark. In grade seven, first, Christine Stapleton, My Mis- hap on the Farm; second, Kenny Van Osch', A Traffic Ticket; third,, tied between Billy Card, Football; and Vicki Doherty, Superstitions. In grade eight, first, John Lalonde, Four Feet off the Ground; second, Shawn Doh- erty, Superstitions; third, Perry Van Osch, Pencils and Pens; fourth, Betty Jane For- an, Dionne Quintuplets. Overall winners were chos- en in two' categories; in the grade five and six group they were as follows - first, Linda Van Osch; second, Mary -Katherine •Stapleton; third, Maria Dalton. In the grades seven and eight they were, first, Chris- tine Stapleton; second, Ken- ny Van Osch; third, John Lalonde. These six winners will be competing again in the school zone competition to be held in Goderich on Wed- nesday, February 13th and the Legion competition in Lucknow on Friday, Febru- ary 15th. Several patents attended the speaking con- test -at the school. The teachers at the school each gave their own report of activities this week. Mr. Zyluk: children are enjoying noonhours and rec- esses building snow forts. Mrs. McDonagh: no report on grades and seven and eight. -.. _ .. . Mrs. R. Frayne: Mrs. Frayne attended a Mission Hope Co-ordinator's meeting at the' Board Office on Fri- day, February 1st. Mrs. N. Park: Christine Connelly'^and Lisa Smith cel- ebrated elebrated their birthdays this week. Mrs. B. Eedy: Roger Mil- tenburg celebrated hi& birth - .day. on January 29th. Mr. . Bullen: French The oral ature of the French langua program has not limit Kingsbridge students to speaking only...All grade practice reading and writing any of their oral work. Grade six is mastering the number system one to seven- ty and the irregular verb,' "etre" _ "to be". Grades seven and eight are into the testing stage with the verb tenses, past, present and future. This now triples the use of their approximate 40 verb repet- oire. House league Primary floor hockey, Saskatchewan beat Edmonton in finals. The juniors are also' playing floor hockey. Intermediates are playing basketball. Congratulat' its to Denis and Rochelle Champagne of Rolpl;t#on, Ontario, on the birth of their new daughter, Nadine, born January 16th. A new sister for Christine, and Renee. Denis and Roch- elle and family will be moving back to Kingsbridge soon. Mrs. Jack Van Osch re- -t urne d-heme-frorn-the- W i r ° g.. ham and District Hospital on Tuesday where she had been a patient for four weeks. We wish her continued good health. Mary Luanne Clare was'a participant in the Cystic Fib- rosis. Sn.owinobile-a-thon held in Wingham on Satur- day. It was sponsored by the Wingham Business Men's Association. Ray and Sue Heffernan and Mark of Lucan' brought Yvette Heffernan back to her home here on Saturday after spending a month visiting with her sister, Blanche Bilo- deau in Waterloo, son 'Jerry in Stratford and a few days in Lucan. Clete and Mary Louise Dalton returned home during the week after spending four days and three nights in Las Vegas. Debbie Drennan had the misfortune to break her ankle while tobogganing last Sun- day. She was a patient in the Goderich hospital until Wed, nesday. She will be getting around on crutches for a while. Peter and Louise Martin and family of Glammis spent Saturday with Lotrise's 'moth- er, Clary;" and the 'rest of the family when they all celebrated Clarice's birth- day. -. • sg Searching for the clever way to say -. �. "I LOVE YOU" Our Happy Valentine Ads,willbe published NEXT WEEK - FEBRUARY 14th and offer you a truly unusual way to - proclaim your love and best wishes. We have three - sizes available at either x200, $3o0 or s4o° to fit every lover's budget and our friendly Advisors will be happy to help you write your message. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY • 4 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY To Jane — 1 want you for ,my Valentine, and I won't take "no" for an answer) love, Tom To Mom and Dad ... We couldn't have picked a ...._..-niter-pai-r•-of-paren-ft .in -the- worldl Have a Happy Val. entine's Dayl Mike and Sue To Our Favorite Teacher IP Mrs Smith — Thanks for making Science fun to learn. We think you're lops) from Your Class To My Wife, Ann .. . -Ane;--4}5.. -vrorrderfuf" years of marriage, I'm still head - over -heels in love with youi Walter Z. SHOUT IT FROM THE CLASSIFIEDS, NEXT WEEK! oderich, SIGNAL DI° PHONE 524-8331 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 TO 5 STAR claacss Fie s DEADLINE FOR HAPPY VALENTINE ADS TUESDAY, FEB. 12 12 NOON 09