HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-02-07, Page 1377 ao
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With able snpportfronj:
Fite tteazn of Lynn and Don
Edward. and Mary,gAnn
-Dempsey, Bob curling.
almost 100 percent,
• defeated teams from
Harriston and Seaforth to.
JI.oresters;wjn tenth •
straight iri Industrial
The Foresters• main-
tained their undefeated
season by winning their
tenth straight match but
it wasn't easy. An ex-
cellent team performed.
by the Champion Sales
Office had the Foresters
-----worried- _throughout the
game. At one point the
Sales Office was ahead of
the eventual winners but
the experienced four-
some of Foster, Ribley,
Hawkins and Bogie
scored two in the seventh
-end and held on to record
a 5,s4 triumph. Don Kent
aid Bill Hayward were
very impressive as they
inspired their teammates
to give the first place
Foresters their toughest
contest of the season.
All is fair in love, war
and curling. This was the.
theme of the\ match
between' the Champion
Ladies and the Champion
Office as it pitted not only
champions against one
another but husband and
_wife ...-as- ---wet 1--•--Ji-m----olid---
Sylvia Bolan skipped the
opposinggams while son
Paul was also involved as
he joined his dad in an
effort to avenge last
year's loss to the Ladies.
It did not happen. Once
again .the_-.• Champion
Ladies proved superior in
this unusual match -up.
The game was a see -saw
affair that required an
extra end. Two fine shots
by Michelle Morenz and
Marg de Bolt resulted in
the' final score of 6-5.
Maybe next year Jim!
Anne Standen -- and
Karen Schmidt joined the •
Industrial League for the
first time this season and
played major -.roles in the.
AM&G Hospital • No. 1.
victory over the. GDCI
Teacher • No. 2 u tt..
Dennis Miskie's powerfi11
sweeping and Ron
Klages' flawless per-
formance joined the
newcomer's efforts to
ensure the 8-4 outcome.
Shelley Warr and Chris
Connor .curled well
throughout •the match
which was tied in-thefifth
end but the 'hospital
employees new and old
combination proved to -be
too strong for •the
Anita Bartliff con-
tinued to show the
benefits of recruiting new
curlers as 'she. joined the
Assessment Office team
for the first time this
season and provided the
spark in the Assessment?
Office's 9-4 win over the
Victoria Sweepers. Don
Budnark made some
excellent shots and Gail
Doak, another
newcomer,- also had a
fine night in the losing
effort that 'maintains the
Assessment Office's hold
on second place.
There were ...no
newcomers in the match
between Victoria and
Grey and the GDCI
Teacher 'No. 1 .Team but
there was an old grudge:
The talented V&G units
had defeated the GDCI
teachers in their last four
encounters over the years
and it . appeared this -,
record would continue as
the V&G foursome led by
four points with only two
ends to go. Lady Luck,
however was •on the side
of education not finance
this night as the teachers
scored four in the final
ends to take the game
into an 'extra end where
they stoke the victory with
fine shot) by Del
GODERICH 524-7878
Almeida, Bill Worsell and
Doug Bundy. John Wink
and Eleanor Erskine
weresensational for most
of the game while skip
Bruce Erskine clearly
outcurled his opponent,
nevertheless, the final
score • was 7-6 for the
GDCI crew.
Glen ._.JFalkiner cooly
took one point with his
final shot in the seventh
end to prevent a big five
ender for- the Huron
Health Unit and preserve
a convincing 10-6 victory
for the Local 1863 four-
some. The union reps
curled expertly in the
early ends to establish a
large lead but the Health
Unit never -gave up• and
applied serious pressure
on the winners in the late
ends: John Orr and
Laurie Paquette were
particularly strong in the
-final, ends but Falkiner's
shot ended any con'leback
hopes. •
It was Wayn -De Bolt's
fine - shootinin-the-
seventh end of the match
between the -Oom Club
and AM&G Hospital No. 2
that prevented a big
comeback by the hospital.
unit. The close match was
up for grabs in that end
until Wayne placed his.
final two rocks in the four
foot area to steal one
rather than give up three.
Strong performances by
Joe Ducharme and Craig
Cass had kept the game
close but their fine efforts
were not enough to
prevent an exciting 10-5
win for the Oom Club.. .:
Once again a novice
was instrumental in
leading a team to victory
as the Lady Golfers
dumped the Victoria
Hardrocks 8-7. Golfer
'bandy Braid • purled
consistently throughout
the close contest that
went right to the final
shot before victory was
assured . Teacher Ron
Ritchie and Marty Bond
almost engineeredan
excellent comeback but,
for the second week in a
- -row,—tlie -Hardrocks had
hard luck and lost,a close
one. -
Goderich Chess
Club report -
.just .003 ahead.of Bob.
Last week, Dennis. Mike Cox finally broke
Little won his only game his losing streak with a
of the evening - to.' win last week. Mike just
strengthen his hold on might start to 'roll now as
first place in ,the_. club. he has been playing . a
Jim Kingsley Won both of good calibre of chess and
his games and holds third should wain a few more
place. Darrell Clutton games.
had a busy evening Newcomer Gad
winning two of four Czudner picked up two.
games to slide just ahead more victories to raise
of .Bob Fitzjatnes into his record with th%,club to
second place in
Dennis Little. .16 2 0 .889
Louis Stadelmann " 15 3 0 .833
Jim Kingsley • 18 7 0 .720
Kirk Lyndon 12 6 1 .658
Steve Ham mill 9 8 0 .529
Darrell Clutton 9 12 1 .432
Bob Fitzj ames 9 12 '° .0' .429
Larry Gower .: 6 11 1 .361
Barry Page 7 13 0 .350
Owen Moriarty ; . 7 16 • 1 • .318
Mike Moriarty . 6 18 '0 .250
Mike Cox' .... 3 25 1 .120
Mike Russell 1 15 0 .063
Brian Miller 9 1 0
Doug Brindley 12 3 0
Gad Czudner 4 1 0
John Kloeze 1 0 1
Glen Naylor 10 4 0
Bob Dick - - 8 6 0
Don Bogie 8 7 2
Jim Gower 0 2 0
Celebrating the best decade in Yamaha history,
we're offering the best deals in our history.
Take advantage of low prices like you'IJ'never see
again. But act now—our New Decade Deals end
February 9!
1 mile West and 1 Mile South of Hensall
advance, tea level A
. tstr1Qt rats, •
Last Sw day" in
Seaaerth :the Dempsey,
team played against
Wiarton, lost theirsecond
game,' but again with
excellent curling by the
skip; defeated Marton in
`the third game. The
Western Ontario dtvisitn
will be played next
Sunday in Ridgetown,
from that competition'
o teams will proceed to
the Ontario finals to be
held in Kingston. To the
Dempseys and Edwards,
' c64rat414tions anci krx01110.
Fun Jitney was held
last Wednesday as n:
conclusion to the ladies
first draw and a kick-off
to the . second draw.
Despite _the number of
last minute cancellations
Mary' Ann Dempsey
planned a fun evening
and that it certainly was !
Winners in. • tie first
dravii`were Susan White,
skip, Sally MacEwan and
Emily Crew. The second
draw' was won by Pat
Monroe, skip with
Vivienne Takalo, Sandy
Jr. -Vikes win
seventh straight
garn,e 444-34
The GDCI junior
Vikings won their seventh
]Huron -Perth Conference
boys' basketball game of
the season here last
Thursday, defeating
Mitchell, :44 - 34. The
Vikings are undefeated in
league play and the loss
for Mitchell was their
first of the season, as both
teams took unbeaten
records into the game.
The game was tied at 16
- 16 at half-time but the
Vikings won„ it • on "`the
strength of their defence,
especially their press, as
.th-e-ga-mie--wore on:'--'The--
Vikings had some
problems containing
Mitchell's big man, 6'5"
Scott Thomson ; who
scored 12 points, but
hustle ancF deterrhination
paid off for coach Lynn
Meyers' squad.
Mike Wedlock was the
Viking's top scorer with
14 points. Colin
Alexander threw in 12.
and Andy Masse had 10.
Dennis Aubin, with six
points, and Kevin Adams.*
with two, rounded out the
Goderich attack.
The Vikings' next start
is Friday, February 15
against Stratford Central
in Stratford.
at 7:30 p.m,
At Maitland Country Club
The Goderich Recreation Department is offering a
session on boxing techniques and physical fitness.
Thissession_ will stress .discipline and an appreciation -
for the sport of boxing. It will also provide an excellent
opportunity to keep fit.
Location _ St. Mary's School
Time - Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 p.m.
Length of Program - 8 wks,
Ages of Participants - 7-13 yrs.
Cost per Participant - `12.
The first session will commence on Feb. 19th:
Please pre -register et the 'Recreation Of-
fice. 166 McDonald St., 524-2125.
Braid and Marelli Byers.
Prizes . were. also
presented to the winners
on the Tuesday afternoons
draw,, and also • the
Wednesday night • draw.
Tuesday afternoon; first'-
Phyi: Durst, skip, with
Susan White and `Jane
Schutz; second place,
Eleanorrskine, skip,
,with Eil en '• Bowman,
'Elaine Bois and Jane
Klages. The .Wednesday
night draw was won by
Faye Ribeyf -Skip with
Vivienne Takalo, Karen
Byers and Joanne Hood.
Seconc place went to Kay •
• King's team with Chris
Turner, Jane Schutz and
Pltyl Lawrence. Third
was Nancy MacKinnon, • r
skip, . With Lorraine
Betties, Joan Spittal and Ni
Sharon Moore.
Coming events include
aValentine Mixed
Bonspiel'en Feb. 9 and a
High ,school Bonspiel on
February f:'6. ' •
With the arrival of
snow the view from -the'
diningroom- is. beautiful.
Come on down for lunch
and see for yourself.
of the
-100th Annual Meeting
of the
West Wawanosh Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Notice is hereby given the Annual Meeting of
the Company wilt be held at the:__ _
Agricultural Hall, ,
Friday, Febitary 15®1980
.at 2 p.m.
O I X 7,1960 -.-P,
Transportation _ _
The Conservatives end Liberals tell us
Canadians have to pay world prices in
order to conserve energy That means, if .
the Tories implement their hit -the -consumer budget
. you'll pay an extra 18 cents. a gallon for gas Andthat's
not all The Conservatives also want to increase the .
price of oil by $4 a barrel which will mean another 12
cents a gallon Add it all up and yot ll be paying an •
'extra 30 cents a gallon
And the. Liberals'? They were the first ones to start
increasing the price of oil to world levels.
Canada's New Democrats say we.don't have te
pay higher' oil paces to Conserve and find new energy.
sources. We can conserve through planned energy
policies such as tighter regulations to develop more
energy efficient homes, vehicles and industries. A two
'_price systerh-foroat. And we can insure our energy
. future with an expanded Petro Canada
l TheConservative promises of lower inter-
ims rates were lust promises They let
interest rates jump four times in Tess than
five months -cancelling out any benefits from their
Mortgage Tax. Credit proposal. Renters will have the
• extra costs passed down to them by their landlords
The liberals didn:t do any better In their last year
hey-fpreased-the-rateall i� iliacs -_ _..
Canada's New Democrats have more affordable
ideas a Mortgage. Assistance Plan with a nine
,per centceding on Mortgages for ,families earning
under $30.000 and a Cost of Living Tax Credit which
would help low and middle-income•Canadians • .
Heating- ,
1. To receive and dispose of the financial statement and
auditor's report.
2. To appoint auditors.
3. To consider and enact amendments to Company
F ,. By Laws
- Articie3 Head Office Location
— Article 7 Annual Meeting Date
—Article 33 Director's Remuneration
4. To elect two [21 Directors
5. To transact any other busines'that may properly
come before the meeting.
The retiring Directors are Eldon Bradley and Gerald
Kerr, both of whom are eligible for re-election, for a
three year term.
A policyholder wishing to seek election or re-election
as a Director must file his or her nomination in writing
with the Secretary of the Corporation at least five (5)
days in advance of an annual meeting or special general
meeting called for the purpose of electing Directors.
The Company By.Laws are available for inspection at
Head Office.
By order. of the Board of Directors,
The Tory pricing plan for home healing
energyis designed to cost you more'. The
plan means that whatever you use -gas.
oifor'hydro-you'll end up paying 10 per-cent,more in
heating bills next year
The Liberals doubled energy prices atter 1973 and
were'wel'I•on the way to even higher increases
..Canada's New Democrats want sensible energy
planning; -a-}wo:prieesystem tor -oil .(fower prices ,nside
'the country, higher prices for exports) and expanded •
use of PetroCanada
When the Liberals were in,power they
cancelled the only weapon they had
developed to,hght nigh food prices the
4subsikiiPm milk and bread. Grocery bills increased
13% tri 19.79; if nothing is done they'll rise even more
The Conservatives promised a national policy on
food and then fol•gottheir promise .
The Consumer Food Subsidy was a New Democratic
idea. The New Democrats want the subsidy'brought
back, and the Cost -of -Living Tax Credit implemented
Authorized by Official • Agent of. Tony Mc.Duait, NDP, Lucknow
Bayfield 565-2453
Blyth 523-9335
Brussels 887-6887
Clinton 482-3208
Exeter 235-1628
Goderich 524.2882
Lucknow 528-6542
Seaforth 527-1860
Choose from the largest selection of
used vehicles in the county
Monday to Thursday 9 to 9
Friday 9 to 6
Saturday 4 to 5'
See our ad in the Feb. 5
'Heron—SUP—ping News.
All cars' price advertised
for comparison purposes.
For the month of February, 1980 we will
give you a REBATE CHEQUE equal
to the amount of sales tax paid on the
purchase of any used vehicle.
r�ai, .riuu.h:
• I