HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-01-31, Page 2*GNMATAR. TEIURSDAy. ...AND'Aii 3i, 1980 Shirley , Beier Of 371 SoGodeuth Street, ric won $4)0 in the Ron Feagan Memorial Grandstand lottery this ,week with ticket number 542; ++71 - Norm McHolm made an announcement at the last Goderich Rotary Club rneeting that the Burton Youth Choir from England willbe visiting our town. The Rotary Club will be sponsoring this .choir and needs billets for the August 7 to 11 period. If you have any suggestions as to where the choir can perform, please contact Mr. McHolm. +++ The next Symphony Concert to be sponsored by the Goderich Rotary Club will be held at North Street United Church on February 15. + ++ • Women's Day Out has an interesting program lined up for the month of February. On---Febi-verY f, ---there will be a bake and craft auction. OnFebruary 13-o. Mr. F. Jenkins will speak on "Your Tax Dollar in Goderich". On February. .20, Mrs. Norma Crawford - :will speak on 'ceramics and there will be a raffle. On February "27, Mr. A. Andrew will speak on the Huron Centre for Youth and Children. The Women's Day Out,, group ,meets every • Wednesday morning from 9:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. at.. MacKay Hall. Babysitting. and coffee are provided. All women, with or without children, are invited to spend an hour or so in the friendly and informative com- pany of the group. +++ Last Saturday evening, the first annual Las Vegas Fun Nite was held at •the Bayfield Com- munity Centre. The event was sponsored by the Bayfield Baseball Diamonds. Committee. All proceeds will go toward a new baseball diamond in the Agricultural Park. Special thanks from the committee goes. to the ,Tid Bits,.. m * Tid • d Bits. Bits. supporting local busiziessmern, to the • Babes and Goodtimes baseball teams for the lunch, to the people wbo• - worked at the tables; to the Goderich Kinsnien for the loan of , their equip - =eta and valuable help and to all the people who ,turned out to make it a fun night and a tremendous success. Prizes auctioned off at the end of the evening went to residents in Sebringville, Stratford, Delhi, Goderich and Bayfield. +++ On Sunday, Jantlaty 20 at 11 a.m. the Goderich Fire Department was called out to a grass fire on Huron Road beside the Sheaffer Pen Company. It was the first time that any of the firemen could recall having to fight a grass fire in the month of. January. ' +++ In' last week's story about the bell from the H.M.S.C. Goderich being received •• by Legion Branch 109, there was a mistake about the location of the dinner dance. It will be held at the Legion hall on --,-SaturdaY, February- -23;--- The- Mariners' Service will be held the next day at •-•tKnox Presbyterian Church. nd while on the subject of the H.M.S.C. Goderich, Mrs. Grace Neville- of,,. Goderich, -former Regent of the Ahmeek -- Chapter LO:D.E., informed . us' that the chapter received a scroll of thanks and a picture of the H.M.S.C. Goderich from - the National Department of Defence. It seems that the Ahmeek Chapter and the Maple Leaf Chapter were assigned - to donate supplies and comforts to the sailors on the mine Tweeper, Alachasse: the corvette, .H.M.'S.C. -Goderich and the H.M.S.C. Ontario during World War 11. The Ahmeek Chapter spent about $12,000 altogether on these supplies and comforts. The scroll and picture received in return for their good deeds, are located , in the Huron County Pioneei. Museum.' +++ Mrs. Robert McCabe and her family of R.R. • Goderich are avid bird watchers and this week are asking for the help, of fellow bird watchers m identifying a certain bird which has been coming to one of their feeders since November of this year. They have the bird narrowed down to a species of woodpecker. The head and and half of the back are dark gray. The rest of the back and the wings are white with . • ,Atiz • ;•••-•-•4,. two stripes on them. The belly is White and there is •a red ring on the neck and a red spot on the head. Can anyone identify the bird from this descrip- tion? • + Heart and blood vessel diseases and stroke kill 85,000 Canadians a year. About a fourth of them are under 65. Research - supported by Heart Fund dollars is making important strides against these killer diseases. Something ran be done to .prevent premature death from hgArt disease, and the •Ontario Heart Foundation is doing it. Won't -yon help. +++ Conestoga College wauld like to offer • 0 Tid Bits... everyone a "breath of spring" in the middle of winter this year. And its Spring Festivalstarting February 21 is guaran- teed to do just that. • Students in the Environmental. Hor ticulture • Program at Conestoga's Waterloo Campus have arranged for spring to arrive about, a month early this year -- just in time for local gardeners and .• `7"'" • 77 • • homeowners to "think, green" about • the gap- dening season ahead. .Conestoga's Spring ' Festival' 'will include displays from the Parks and Recreation depar- • tments of Kitchener and North Waterloo, the. K -W chapter of Landscape • Ontario., the North Waterloo Horticultural Society, Sheridan Nur- series Garden Centre, Ontario Seed Company, Ministry of the Environment and a local flower shop. The Festival is being held at the Horticulture Program _premises • in • Parkside Industrial Mall in Waterloo from February 21 to 23, Admission is free. Lectures of interest to • the home gardener will be given three times a day from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., exdept Saturday when no evening lectures will be given as the Festival closes at 5 p.m. JANA NATURAL FOODS 75 HAMILTON ST. HOURS: 9:30-5:30 ' WED, 9:30-12:30 „. 8_ - 2 HR. LESSONS SEWIP4G.MACHINE NOT NECESSARY AGES 12 TO 16 YEARS ORIENTATION: FEB. 12, 1980 For more Inforaiation please call: GEN'S SINGER SEWING CENTRE 524-8431 GODERICH LIONS CLUB VALENTINE'S DANCE AT THE GODERICH ARENA. Friday, February 8 Dancing from 9 to 1 to "Shannon" tight Lunch '12.00'Per Couple GENERAL PUBLIC WELCOME FOR ADVANCE TICKETS CALL: KEN HUNTER 524-9492 OR PETE BEff b.-ECM:286 5 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOR (PROCEEDS TO LIONS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT) The' second. GoderIch 'Girl Guide Company and the of the s-chboils'teache-i, Andrei Barlow. Presenting Pathfinders saved $40 worth. of Zehrs tapes and • the cheque,is Joanne Campbell, representing the donated tbe money to the Queen Elizabeth Wing of • Guides and Joan Hendriks, representing the Path - Victoria Public:" School as their International Year finders. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) • of the Child project. 4cepting the cheque on behalf• Civic Corner The • Huron L-,Ounty • The Goderich Recreation. Board will meet on Thursday, January 31 at 7:30omin . the meeting.room at the Ron Feagan Memorial Grandstand. •. The Goderich Tourist Committee will'meeton Thursday, January 31 at S p.m in the mayors offie • at town hall. Goderich Town 'Council will • meet on Monday, February 4 at 7:30 p.m, in the town- council chambers. • The GOderich Ftre Committeewill meet on Tuesday, Febrary 5 at .7 p.m. in the Fire. Com. mittee Room WHEN IT COMES TO WEEKLY SAVINGS TRIANGLE DISCOUNT MAKES jp. RIGHT GUARD)200 mi. SPRAY DEODORANT $1 59 ONLY 0 J TAC II RAZORS. GILLETTE FOAfiA Y ONL, SHAVING CREAM 2t9 $129 ONLY 0 TRAC II/9's RAZOR BLADES LYSOL/12.3 OZ. DEODORIZING SPRAY ONLY WISK LIQUID/1 LITRE LAUNDRY DETERGENT D 1 69 ONLY iffi I N E DISQ °LINT. 58 THE SQUARE, GODERICH MAIN CORNER, CLINTON MAIN CORNER, SEAFORTH Planning Board will meet on Thursday, February 7 at 10.a.m. in the Cou,n.cil Charobers, Court House, Goderich. • • . Is fitness Lrnportant? Ask any body. SKIP TO THE LEFT, SKIP TO THE RIGHT. SKIP TO WHERE THE DEALS ARE ALL NIGHT! ...DON'T MISS OUR GRAND OPENING MARATHON FEBRUARY 14, 15, 16 HURON BRUCE MURRAY INVOLVED CONCERNED In The About The Present •Future For Information cal, . CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS. -.887.6852 , MURRAY CARDIFF RESIDENCE -887-6889 or your local MURRAY CARDIFF CAMPAIGN OFFICE Pithitshcd under 1117 lulh(r- 11,‘ Ottiod; • tr !VItirra% Cardiff Hcadquartcrs \lain Si .,Brussek. 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DEADLINE TO REGISTER. -- _MARCH 1st. 1980 Goderich Community Credit Union REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS* 1 1h/4% COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY (DAILY INTEREST) R.R.S.1. • D* from the People with the plans of a Lifetime COMMUNITY In IL I V 071 cREDIT UNION 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH 524-7931 OFFICE HOURS: 9:30.5:15 MON. TO THURS./ 0:304:30 FRIDAYS 77