HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-01-17, Page 3KINCARDINE Sutton Park Mall 396-4189 a • - Brenda Schedler, negotiator for the Huron County elementary teachers and Shirley Hazlitt, chief negotiator for the'Board of Education announced a new one-year contract at a press conference last week. Under the one-year agreement the county's elementary teachers will receive an average 7.3 per cent increase. (photo by Dave Sykes) Elementary teachers get 7.3 per cent Increase BY DAVE SYKES The Huron County Board of Education an- nounced ratification -6f a one-year deal with its elementary --TeaC1CeTs-; teachers an average 7.3 per cent salary in- crease for 1979-80. - The teachers 1 ratified the new one-year contract in Clinton last Thursday that raises the average salary to $20,762. Salaries for the 340 elementary teachers now. range from $11,210 to $29,000„ Fourteen of the county's 24 elementary principals are earning the $35,555 maxirnum on the pay grid While the •other 10 are spread - throughout the grid at an average of $34,460. The average increase on the principal's salary grid was 6.75 per cent. • -The elementary teachers had been.withouf a contract 'Since September 1 and a factfinder was appointed at that time to' assist negotiations. The new contract, which expires August 31, will cost the board over $7 million. - -Brenda Schedler, chief negotiator for the elementary teachers, said the group initially sought an increase close:to 10 per cent while the board limited its offer to fotir per cent. The board and the teachers could not -come to terms since negotiations began in April and a factfinder was appointed. "The old agreement was open to • in. terpretations/' Schedler said. ."And we feet it wasn't until after the factfinder report that negotiations became serious." Board negotiatior, Shirley Hazlitt, cited _several reasons in the failure of the two sides to "-----Hreattralragre-ement. ••"The teachers request came after A We couldnt .come to immediate ternS and negotiations weresuspended o,ver the sum- mer," she said. "We resumed in September and a fa ctfinder was appointed although he was ,s -low with his report. We were so close but you can't go to a ratification meeting until it's finalized." , • dODEIR Wirt IOPtA1,•.-STMh-TR.TIRSI)A'Y,.J4t.NV,O4VYIYffiP,89t'u•,-. • radior„..§ystom cots .use concern. for Wing am • Tbe high cost of communication is causing some concern by .WingIfam councillors that they might not be getting • .exactly the deal they 'bargained for with the new police radio system. At the town council Meeting Jan. 4 Councillor Allan Harrison, Wingham's represen- tative on the advisory board for the county -..wide police communications network, noted the system was. already 85 per cent over budget by the end of November. He said he wasn't sure why - the overrun had occurred since there hadn't been a meeting pf the board since last February. Councillor Gordon Baxter corrected him, saying ,there had been a meeting, but no one from Wingfiam 'had been able to attend. Mr. Harrison noted- it's impossible for him to attend meetings, held clqr,ing working hours and said he has been pushing for a meeting to get the cost questions straightened out. • 0 • The system is working OK, but itis. just costing more than planned, he reported. Wingharn's share of the operating budget had risen to $8,900 • by8,002the. end, of November - from a budget figure of $ Councillors were also -concerned the town might. be getting charged for some things which weren't in the original agreemeht. • "I want to make sure we're not getting charged any administration or rent • by Goderich," Councillor • Tom Deyell declared. The town was promised that Goderich already had facilities available and that's why the system was based there rather than in Clinton,, he noted. Mr. Harrison promised a full report and final costs by council's next meeting, Feb. 4. • Clinton Reeve Royce McCauley, . acting chairman of the com- munications advisory board, said Monday he wasn't quite sure what had caused the cost overruns, but he con- firmed a meeting will be held shortly to discuss the matter. •He said he has been chairing the group only during the absence of Clinton Mayor Harold • Schedler said that 75 per cent of eligible teachers voted on the newcontract and it was ratified by more than 80 per cent. Other highlights of the contract include improved transfer conditions within the county school system as well as tenure. and redun- dancy clauses. The teachers also have an improved accumulative sick leave plan in which a teacher can accumulate 20 sick leave days per year to.a maximum of 220 days. This • brings sick leave , in., line with. that of their secondar3;counterparts. Hazlitt said the board tried:to come up with a fair offer for the area. In December the board settled contract negotiations with the secon- dary school teachers in a one-year deal calling • for a seven per cent increase. Schedler claimed the Huron County' elementary teacher's salaries were in the bottom half of the provincial scale. Increase won't inean extras Goderich town council learned Monday night that a 7.8 percent increase to its share of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority budget won't mean anything in 1980. Dave Gower, the town of Goderich • representative on the MVCA, told council that • the authority's budget had increased by 7.8 -2percent in 1980. Gower told council the $538,500 • budget MVCA 'was a preliminary one. He said the increase would put Goderich's share in the operation of the authbrity up bY 7.8 percent. "I say that sort . of tongue in cheek,",. said Gower:- He explained that because of • assessment changes in Goderich en -der the new provincial guidelines the amount- apportioned to Goderich in 1980 would change. He said the reduced payment Goderich had to make would cover the increase in the budget • meaning Goderich,, would end up paying the • sarrie in 1980 as itdidin 1979,. The town representative said the provincial government picks up half the costs in the authority budget leaving the remaining half to municipalities in the Maitland River water- shed. Town Clerk. Larry McCabe advised council that in 1979 -Goderich paid $21,441 toward the operatimibf the MVCA. r FREE GARDEN CATALOGUE SEED and Send today for your big FREE Cata- logue of Flower and VegetiOlit,%oettA„. 'Cafdeti STROTriticl ideas -ONTARIO SEED CO. P.O. Box 144 WATERLOO, ONT. N2,1 34,9 Name Addres5 Code When Cross country Sling, Snowmobiling or Driving °No COME IN OUT OF THE COLD.... TREAT YOURSELF AT . 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