HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-01-03, Page 1911.
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A ruling by the Ontario
Energy Board, issued on
December 18, permitting
Union Gas Limited to
recover a portion of its
revenue deficiency,"
should translate to an
increase of ap-
proximately 0.672 cents
per cubic metre of
natural gas. (This is
•equivalent to ap-..
proximately 19 cents per
•• 1,000 cubic fek). ,
Subject to theBoard's
approval, the increase,
which ' will 'apply -to
natural gas used on and
after January 1, 1980, will
add approxirnately12 to
`the • avenage • monthly
residential and small
commercial cUstomer's
This will .be an interim
increase and' :will be
,subject to adjustment
when the Board con-
cludes its current full
hearing into the Com-
pany's rates.
for Your Convenience
HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9
, p.m.; Fr Iday nights till 9 p.m.
Work on the new laundry facitlities at Alexandra Marine and the aging unit on Montcalm Street which was declared unsafe. The
General hospital got underway in May. The new facilites replaced old unit was demolished later in the year.
Fountin, of Youth possible
causative factor -in many pipe, if smoke is being . working in, your body_ enough to offer service to
PIR1E, D.C., • , dIseas-e-----yro-ce-sgas- is produced. - - . Constantly, digesting those persons who • can
BELCONNEN, '`'improper nerve -supply to Hardly 1.-Sansi bl e food-, --causing your heart realizeqhe folly 'of their
the body orgahs or solutions to obVious to beat, your lungs to -present health care belief
• Throughout history, tissues. The primary mechanical problems„ breathe, provided there is system, and who desire a.
man has been searching procedure in chiropractic and yet, we do not no interference, ' better understanding of
for that ever-elusime health care is to examine hesitate to ignore our. • • what health truly means.
- - "Fountain of - Youth": the •spine to -determine if bodies' warning sinals g
• , Intereto life
ferenc- '
I' have found in all ease•s-
there is ,any deviation in and to eliminate 'them, expression occurs in a ' that those , who speak,:
position' or- inalfunc- not with hammers and number of ways, the most negatively of
tionirig of - spinal ver- rags, •but with aspirins, •ObViOL1.S being improper . chliropractic either do not
tebrae. •
222's, eto., etc. nutrition, inadequate understand what is in -
This endless °quest. for
eternal„youth and well-
being has its effect on the
health care business.
BillionS of 'dollars arg
spent annually on elixirs,
.fad diets, youth farms,
cosmetic surgery and the
like. Countless hours and
Much effort are 'being
If present, these The chiropractic ap- 'rest, insufficient exer-
proach to well-being
(sub xations), may •be , typifies the new and
probJems, and, of course,
else, pollution, emotional
factors in the altering of changing attitude toward nerve interference,
normal nerve supply, so health care. It is based on caused by vertebral'
essential for a ,properly the concept -of "main- ,s.11 bluxa Non or
versus misalignment.
volved. ' in chiropractic
health care, and make no
effort to find out about it,
or they • have had an
unfortunate ,experience
vvith one chi ropra c torAnd
spent to look "young and, functioning body. Indeed, taining health
Once a former resident
.... refuse to try an alter-
healthy". But do we Dr. A. D. Speransky, . "treating disease". native,' -thereby
achieve our goal? of the 'prettiest town in . -
director of the All -Union Chiropfactic understands
I urn to page 22 •
, kr,
What is this thing Institute of Experimental that being well differs Canada",1 now' spendcalled "health"? It must Medicine, in his work, A from relieVilag sym13:. most of my time tracking
be More than' just the Basis for the Theory of' &Mae.' down subluxatioitse- in*?
absence of diseases and Medicine, proves very Chiropractors un- Australia.
`•-infirniities. Health must conclusively that a derstand. that within -the I see the town now. has
be viewed as an ever- person's -resistance to body there is an inborn three chiropractors, not
evolving state, a. process disease is,directly related tendency •to maintain a nearly enough to care for
which starts at birth and to the' condition of the state of optimum all those persons who
ends at death. ' nervous system.. physical, mental, and ...would positively benefit
The health care crisis We have been taught social well-b-eing. This from a . chiropractic
now raging throughout since childhood that, if "Innate Intelligence" is adjustment, but perhaps
our,country, and through'
others,. I might add, has • •
caused many. people to
- start asking some very
pointed question's about
the type of care they are
receiving. A term which .feel uncomfortable, we
appears in all discussions
• relating to health care is
The concept of health
'maintenance is notnew to
the chiropractic
• ptattsi on. Throtrghout.
chiropractic's more than
80 -year history, its,
practitioners have been
-teaching "body ecology".
, The science of
'chiropractic holds -as its
•basic tenet that a
there are no symptoms,
we are well. We have
been conditioned and
programmed to believe
that anytime a symptom
appears that makes us.
need simply "pop a pill"
or swallow that "liquid",
and all will be well.
In reality, all we 'do
many times is to cover
the problem by
medicating it. This ap-
proach to health care is
thesame as smashing out
the oil light on your tar
with a hammer, if for
some reason it comes on,
or by having a mechanic
shove a rag up the tail-
ws1*rs.... •
Here s your .apportunity 'to enjoy.•famOus Fieldcrest and lavish
scwthgs. Sowns Of up-, to 27°. on both towels and matching' bath
• rugs: rrght now of etc:•
Lustre. bath to-wel -
Lustre ho6d towel -
Lustre wash cloth .
•LListre fingertip towel
Reg. '14.95 Sale s10.99
Reg. '8.95 Sale '6.69
. Reg. )3.25 •Scile-c2.59-
, Reg '3.25 Sale '2.59
Royal Velvet both rrycit• 24 )1-36 oblong •
f?eq.,21.95. Sole
yVepccept Master charge & Vlsa Cord
-• -
These four Vietnamese students have been
registered at G.D.C.1, since September. Left fo
right, they are brothers Thang Hoang, 15 and Chit.
Hoang, 17, *ho are sponsored by Michael and
-1frathleen 414oriarty-of-R7R., 2 Goderich, Bat, Not -
Hoang, 18, sponsored by Alfons and Martha Wick of
R.R. 2 Goderich; and Cuc'Ngoc Ha, 18, sponsored
by Gilbert and Anna Brand of R.R. 2 Bayfield.
34 North St.
(Next door to the Clothes Closet)
Shoppers Square, Goderich
Oneida's January Sale!
Once -a -year savings on 20 -PIECE SERVICES FOR 4
• Now ,s the perfect t'nle tO ,trirt or acid tt5 your set of One,na Sovnrniate Go,d Electropwp Stainless
20-Piede Service for 4 includes_ 4 Sawd Forks 4 Dinner F6 ks 4 Dtnner Kryves. 4 Dessert So Spoons. 4 Teaspoons
StIverplate Gotdpiafe
$119.95 $150.00 $349.95 $450 00
SALE Regular SALE Reou,a,
Silverptate Gokfplate
$84.95 I $289.95
gular Regular
$110.C10 $375.00
S38 95
Or•9t, • •
Goderich became the centre of attention for much of southwestern Ontario in May
when a lone gunthan burst Into the Canada Manpower Centre ordering employees
into a storage room threatening to shoot anyone coming near the building. '
G-oderich police and a special Tactical and Rescue Unit from the Ontario
Provincial Police kept a 12 hour watch on the building before the gunman
surrendered. No one was injured in the Incident.
t Not available in Gold Electroplate
' the you ve trusted
203 Durham E 11 Albert Street
881.0122 482-3901
since 1950 ,t•
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527-1720 235-2468
r rv•nrrh, marl, Elf rt,
MEMBER A me RICAN GENT writ (*,*
t..s•igrsk •
11611k.....1•2 Zik•