HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-01-03, Page 7'M1-^rdmcY.0 UMmiO-e K'. DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN BOARD AND FARM SECTION ADS 10 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY CL:IN'TON- LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on. split.. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. 19tfar Winter Program, fitness and swiin classes, at Vanastra Rec Centre start Monday, January 7, 1980. Phone 482- 3544.-1AR The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult. Health Guidance Centre, held at St. George's Anglican Church Parish Hall, 16 Nelson St. W., Goderich on Wednesday, January 9, 1980 from 1:30-3:30. p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Foot Care 4. Urine Testing 5. -Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests. -1' BINGO, ' every Tuesday everting at V4anastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton, 8 p; m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games,, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot '$200.00 must ga! Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -52 t.f.a.r. A Clinic will-. be held on the BillingsOvulation Method. a method of natural family planning, Wednesday, January 9th and the ' second Wed- nesday of every month, in the Assessment Building, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Individual consultations by qualified teachers. Couplos most welcome. For more information phone 524-9400 or 524- 6877,, -4 - Progressive Con- servative Convention busses will leave the Post Office, East St. at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, January 8th and Carlow Ball at 7:15p.m. CARD PARTY - Calborne...__. Township Hall, Carlow, Thursday, January 10, 1980, 8 p.m. Admission 75 cents, per person., Ladies please •bring lunch. Auspices Colborne, Township Recreation Committee. -1 AT SEAFORTI3 Public School: Young Peoples Theatre presents the "1837: FARMERS',REVOLT"-an adaptation of the Theatre Passe • Muraille production and related entertainment. Otie``slinVV-.only1.Jamie-1'y-11= at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $3,00. Call 527-1860 to reserve. Sponsored by the Van Egmond Foundation. -1 BINGO, .Blyth Memorial' Hall ., every Saturday. •. night' •'8' p.m. Twelve regular games, three share -the -wealth, and jackpot. $150.00.-39tf � r a,Oua Delicious! Our mellu offers a ride variety of dishes,•,all. excellently,. prepared!• GODERICH RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE 42 WEST ST. Saturday, January 5 WINDSOR RACEWAY DOUBLE HEAT For information 524-7622 THANK YOU The Goderich Recreation and Community Centre Board wish to thank all those who participated to help make the Christmas Carolling on the Square a success... Pat White, Bev Million, Rivett's TV & Radio, Goderich Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Salvation Army Choir, St. Mary's School Choir, Free Methodist Church, Calvary Bap- tist Church, North Street United Junior Choir, Teen Tones. WOMEN'S DAY OUT, January 9 at .9:45 •a.m., MacKay • Fall "Hair Affair" on The Care of Your ' Hair. Baby,itting and" =offfe provided. Cost $1.25. -lx HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 11 - 10 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 11 - 11 p.m. Sun.11-9p.m. Closed Wednesday %um -m •.�-�vn. GODERICH S G, -.STAR 'T Goderich Minor Hockey Supporters -Club DANCE GODERICH ARENA & COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, January 12 Mlesic by - Music Man Goderich CARD . PARTY at MacKay Centre for' Seniors, 7:30 ' p..m. Wednesday, January 9.th,:. 1980. Progressive uchre, . 500 and-iupch. Admission $1.00. For transportation phone 524- 6216 or 524-6553.--1 HURON COUNTY Family Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every Thursday From 6:30-9 p.m. Huron County Health Unit Shipley St., Clinton For information call 482- 3416 Weekdays or Thur- sday evenings. Everyone Welcome Dancing: 9:00 - 1:00 $10.00 Per Couple Lunch Provided For Tickets phone: 524-6716 ,' ;IAV .;AITiA Y 811.2 HELD OVER Till444 N. 5, 11980' SHCWTIMES: WER. -aio,I?1;Mr. FRla - SAT.: Tg00'8. 9:10 p.m. Atimptingly 'tasteful comedy fr adults who can count RIESTFrICTED.,' fACN1-' BLAKE EDWARDS' a .E.sat0 aPACE oR5 ova 74 3 DAYS:ONLY...SUN. 6th to TUES.. $th SHOWTIME: 8 P,M. REGULAR HEARING AMD SERVICE CENTER CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, January 10 1-3 p.m. FREE ELECTRONIC HARING TESTS REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF HEARING AIDS J.D. FAIR Hearing Aid Service' 145 Ontario St., Stratford 273-2118 RESTRICTED ......,.._......To' -MESONS. ,e IEA45 Or *GOOF Ovt➢ /It's the nuttiest, naughtiest, looniest, gooniest, funniest madcap comedy of the year... Our own Fish Batter makes it better! Club Restaurant Steak House OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK , FROM 6 A.M. Featuring: • DAILY SPECIAL • BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER GREEK DISHES P1\\I ully'iicensed oder the LC.B.O. 33 KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 'STAR TREX" AT THE White Carnation Holt1•lesvi l le Saturday, January 12th Dancing 9:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Cover Charge $6. per couple Late night buffet $15. per couple Call 524-4.133 or 482-9228 Advanced Reservations held until 9:30 p.m. TUESD DINNER SPECIAL FRIDAY& SATURDAYS . ONLY 37 IL INGSTON ST. GODERICH CALL AHEAD ' HAVE YOUR ORDER READY 524-6752 2 DAYS OHLY...WED. 9th &.THUR$i 10th_ SHOWTIME: 8 PAA.•. 3 Pieces delicious Kentucky Fried Chicker' GdIden-Brown French Fries Creamy Coli. Slaw Grecian Bread $ TUESDAY ONLY Col. Sanders' Recipe Kntuekyfried Citicktit A CANADJAN COMPANY Colonel Sanders boys and girls make it^finger lickin good" ' A• 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH 4 If you're NEW IN' TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call the' • erotte,agorcb; hostess at 524-9676 -� You'll be glad you did. EVERY SUNDAY,' - 5:30 UNTIL 7:30 P.M. CHICKEN DINNER SPECIAL succulent Bar -B -Q Chicken, $ 2 9 choice of Potato, tole slaw, ONLY Wir • roll & butter, coffee or tea. CHILDREN 61.65 "GOOD FOOD DOESN'T' HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE TO BE GOOD! THE rj A FAMILY RESTAURANT • - 120 THE SQUARE, GODERICH'Ph.: 524-9111 FULLY LI@ENSED UNDER THE L.L.B.O. Based On the navels"The, Fellowship ofthe.fling"and"TheTwo.Towers" THE MOTION PICTURE SALTFORD VALLEY HALL SOVIE'S FISHERY FRESH FISH WHOLESALE 8, RETAIL PLUS, WE ARE NOW OFFERING DELICIOUS WE CATER tO GROUPS OF 40 OR MORE OUT • Fish & Chips "Shrimp •Onion Rings Come try,our Nod Take Ou Food Service 14ot & Beady to gs , SOUTH WHARF NEXT TO PUBLIC BEACH OUR ENTRANCF}FACES TO THE N0000 OPEN: 11:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. PHONE 524.9211 - GODERICH PROG 30 THE SQUARE PHONE X24-7.811 AIR CONDITIONED A SU : JECT TO CHANGE WITH • UT N SUPER. BEEFY SPECIALS EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT THE BURGER PALACE HAVE,A BEEF BURGER AT 2.6 oz. Schneider's All Beef with fresh tomatoes & garnished ors a sesame seed bun. Our Reg. '1.00 Friday & Saturdays only OPEN: Mon to-Thurs, 11-7 Fri, 11-10 Sat. 11-7 Kingston at Victoria S•t.,'S Points Goderich EAT IN OR TAKE OUT NOW APPEARING pt - ► Noin AT THE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE PI In 142 W M N I• M al ri WEDNESDAY, . CHECK THIS PAPER ; COMING , -....-4.-...-_-,..--,..--..._M .q _ ,1 /'`_-'-' r.' ot •• A\ Bedford Goderich JAN. DICE f$'THURS.12-1:30p.m.'3.501_ACi1 '' 2 TO SATURDAY JAN. 5 �" NEXT WEEK FOR THE ATTRACTION!' ,agnif ique !F TRY OUR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD TUES. 12:1:30 p.m. '3.50 EACH WED. 6-7:30 p.m. '6.75 EACH SUN. 5.7 p.m. 16.75 EACH ..el Hotel . 524.7337 1 N N PI N F ill.' E. MI if W WOMEN'S DAY OUT, January 9 at .9:45 •a.m., MacKay • Fall "Hair Affair" on The Care of Your ' Hair. Baby,itting and" =offfe provided. Cost $1.25. -lx HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 11 - 10 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 11 - 11 p.m. Sun.11-9p.m. Closed Wednesday %um -m •.�-�vn. GODERICH S G, -.STAR 'T Goderich Minor Hockey Supporters -Club DANCE GODERICH ARENA & COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, January 12 Mlesic by - Music Man Goderich CARD . PARTY at MacKay Centre for' Seniors, 7:30 ' p..m. Wednesday, January 9.th,:. 1980. Progressive uchre, . 500 and-iupch. Admission $1.00. For transportation phone 524- 6216 or 524-6553.--1 HURON COUNTY Family Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every Thursday From 6:30-9 p.m. Huron County Health Unit Shipley St., Clinton For information call 482- 3416 Weekdays or Thur- sday evenings. Everyone Welcome Dancing: 9:00 - 1:00 $10.00 Per Couple Lunch Provided For Tickets phone: 524-6716 ,' ;IAV .;AITiA Y 811.2 HELD OVER Till444 N. 5, 11980' SHCWTIMES: WER. -aio,I?1;Mr. FRla - SAT.: Tg00'8. 9:10 p.m. Atimptingly 'tasteful comedy fr adults who can count RIESTFrICTED.,' fACN1-' BLAKE EDWARDS' a .E.sat0 aPACE oR5 ova 74 3 DAYS:ONLY...SUN. 6th to TUES.. $th SHOWTIME: 8 P,M. REGULAR HEARING AMD SERVICE CENTER CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, January 10 1-3 p.m. FREE ELECTRONIC HARING TESTS REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF HEARING AIDS J.D. FAIR Hearing Aid Service' 145 Ontario St., Stratford 273-2118 RESTRICTED ......,.._......To' -MESONS. ,e IEA45 Or *GOOF Ovt➢ /It's the nuttiest, naughtiest, looniest, gooniest, funniest madcap comedy of the year... Our own Fish Batter makes it better! Club Restaurant Steak House OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK , FROM 6 A.M. Featuring: • DAILY SPECIAL • BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER GREEK DISHES P1\\I ully'iicensed oder the LC.B.O. 33 KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 'STAR TREX" AT THE White Carnation Holt1•lesvi l le Saturday, January 12th Dancing 9:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Cover Charge $6. per couple Late night buffet $15. per couple Call 524-4.133 or 482-9228 Advanced Reservations held until 9:30 p.m. TUESD DINNER SPECIAL FRIDAY& SATURDAYS . ONLY 37 IL INGSTON ST. GODERICH CALL AHEAD ' HAVE YOUR ORDER READY 524-6752 2 DAYS OHLY...WED. 9th &.THUR$i 10th_ SHOWTIME: 8 PAA.•. 3 Pieces delicious Kentucky Fried Chicker' GdIden-Brown French Fries Creamy Coli. Slaw Grecian Bread $ TUESDAY ONLY Col. Sanders' Recipe Kntuekyfried Citicktit A CANADJAN COMPANY Colonel Sanders boys and girls make it^finger lickin good" ' A• 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH 4 If you're NEW IN' TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call the' • erotte,agorcb; hostess at 524-9676 -� You'll be glad you did. EVERY SUNDAY,' - 5:30 UNTIL 7:30 P.M. CHICKEN DINNER SPECIAL succulent Bar -B -Q Chicken, $ 2 9 choice of Potato, tole slaw, ONLY Wir • roll & butter, coffee or tea. CHILDREN 61.65 "GOOD FOOD DOESN'T' HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE TO BE GOOD! THE rj A FAMILY RESTAURANT • - 120 THE SQUARE, GODERICH'Ph.: 524-9111 FULLY LI@ENSED UNDER THE L.L.B.O. Based On the navels"The, Fellowship ofthe.fling"and"TheTwo.Towers" THE MOTION PICTURE SALTFORD VALLEY HALL SOVIE'S FISHERY FRESH FISH WHOLESALE 8, RETAIL PLUS, WE ARE NOW OFFERING DELICIOUS WE CATER tO GROUPS OF 40 OR MORE OUT • Fish & Chips "Shrimp •Onion Rings Come try,our Nod Take Ou Food Service 14ot & Beady to gs , SOUTH WHARF NEXT TO PUBLIC BEACH OUR ENTRANCF}FACES TO THE N0000 OPEN: 11:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. PHONE 524.9211 - GODERICH PROG 30 THE SQUARE PHONE X24-7.811 AIR CONDITIONED A SU : JECT TO CHANGE WITH • UT N SUPER. BEEFY SPECIALS EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT THE BURGER PALACE HAVE,A BEEF BURGER AT 2.6 oz. Schneider's All Beef with fresh tomatoes & garnished ors a sesame seed bun. Our Reg. '1.00 Friday & Saturdays only OPEN: Mon to-Thurs, 11-7 Fri, 11-10 Sat. 11-7 Kingston at Victoria S•t.,'S Points Goderich EAT IN OR TAKE OUT