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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-12-30, Page 5
OPEN RECEPTION for newlyweds LUANNE (ERICKSON) & PAUL VAN BEERS at the Blyth Community Centre SAT. JANUARY 4, 1986 at 9 PM Everyone Welcome t,. €OE T I 'IIA# ANT t,. BULLETIN B OAR D BULLETIN BOARD AD DEADLINE B P.M. MONDAY TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Sesquicenten- nial Levee, Wednesday, January 1, 1986. Time: 2 p.m. 5 p.m. at the Township or Stanley Corm -limit) Complex, Varna, Ont. Entertainment and family social. Ses- quicentennial dress welcome. "Meet and Mix in '86". -51 -lar "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit in- vites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centte, held at Sunset View Apartments, 85 West St., Goderich on Wednesday, January 8, 1986 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Foot Care; 3. Anaemia Screening; 4. Urine Testing; 5. Blood Pressure.—Olar SWIM CLASSES begin Monday, January 13, 1986 at Vanastra Recreation Centre. Watch next week's paper for winter schedule. for information or to register call 482- 3544. -- Olar JCLIP AND SAVE FREE 47 rs AT LAS VEGAS BILLIARDS Double your Money! $1.00 plus this co ipon is worth $2.00 in Video Games (1 coupon per day per customer) LAS VEGAS BILLIARDS 68 WEST ST., GODERICH CALL SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT 524-2443 HAPPY 35th MOM & DAD Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation ONE DAY EXCURSIONS London Gardens The Greatest Practitioners of Ice Dancing and The Ari o1 Figure Skating the world has probably ever seen. •••••••••••••!••• January 18, 1986 Carlton Showband Kitchener A fun filled day of shopping, dancing and merriment. Guaranteed to please everyone. •••••••••••••••• FLORIDA Ask us about the Sunshine State and what if has to offer for a relaxing winter holiday. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL Robin Hood Tours . 524-4540 Goderich, ©Mari From your children. The children of Millie 8. Charlie John- ston wish to Invite family & friends to share In celebrating their parents 35th wedding anniversary on January 11th, 1986 In Goderich. For further details can 529-7118 or 524-8502. SWIM (LASSES Communit News 46. GODERICH.SIGNAI-STAR, MONDAY, DECEMBER 30,1985 --PAGE 5 Pere Noel and Frosty le bonhomme were two of the songs chosen by the French immersion Kindergarten class at St. Mary's Separate School this year. The students sang while holding the "bonhom- mes" they'd made in class. ( photo by Susan Hundertmark ) Arthur Circle Auxiliary enjoys program Begin Monday January 13,, 1986 VA NA S TRA RECREATION CENTRE (2 miles south of Clinton) WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR WINTER SCHEDULE To Register Coll 482-3544 FITNESS ROOM, SAUNA AND POOL MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE GODERICH 524-7011 :Steven Spielberg presents 1 • • • YOUNG • eIIOLMES • : They lived the • adventure of a lifetime® n PARAMOUNT GIC TUAE ®®®® _ r�®®®�„�®®®® ®®®®a__.®=c=mgym®®®®afl�®®® • • • • • FRI. - SAT. • 7&9 • SUN.-THURS. • 7:30 • REMEMBER • '2.00 • TUESDAY : • • • ENDS THURSDAY JAN. 2 NIGHTLY AT 7:30 SEE ROCKY IV NEW YEARS • EVE AT 7:30 EXIT 9:1 S IN TIME FOR NEW YEARS * PARTIES. FOR ONLY • 2OO • •••®•••••••••••••••••••••••A•••••••••••*• R CKY IV SYIVESTER STALLONE TAIIA SHIRE BURT YOUNG • • • • • • • • • • • • Christmas decorations and carol singing accompanied by Lorne Dotterer at the piano made a perfect setting for the Arthur Circle Auxiliary Christmas meeting on December 16. /i=ce►-� QUEEN'S SEAFORTH THE REST LIVE ROCK ENTERTAINMENT NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY with 53.00 per person includes hats and noisemakers Pink champagne at Midnight Appearing Mon., Tues., & Thurs. to Sat. SHATTERED HEART We are endorsing and participating In the DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAV� Tressa Rodges played Winter Scene and the Huron Carol and Laurie Edward played Come All Ye Shepherds and We Three Kings on the piano. Billy Irvin played In Bethlehem on the treble and Madja David- son sang 0 Men From The Fields. These young, talented performers, all students of Mr. Dotterer delighted the audience and were thanked by Sandi Davidson. President Sandi welcomed several visitors, and wished everyone a Joyous Christmas. Three life memberships were presented to the surprise of the recipients. Shirley McCall read a Christmas poem, Bethlehem. All the reports and annual reports were read by the secretaries and approved. Sandi expressed thanks to everyone for their sup- port during 1985. A Chinese auction was held and enjoyed by all, followed by a Chi-istmas Iirnch. The officers for 1986 were installed by Rev. E.L. Royal and he thanked Sandi for her good leadership to the group's mission in the world and for the church's 150 years. Officers for the coming year are: past president, Lee McCallum; president, Sandi Davidson; vice president, Joyce Garrick; recording secretary, Betty Helesic; treasurer, Hazel McCreath; corresponding secretary, Dorothy Blake; life membership, Margaret MacKenzie; glad tidings, Joan Perrott; supply fund, Hazel McCreath; flower fund, Vi Fuller; publicity, Lee Mc- Callum; group leaders, Grace Cameron, Joyce Garrick, Luzanne German, Madeline Ritchie, Joyce Thorne, Winnie Walters; nominating committee, Lee McCallum, Lucille Henderson, Helen McManus. Reader challenges theory on date of birth Dear Editor: Ref. to "Bible Casts Doubt on date of Jesus' Birth" by C.F. Barney. I was wondering if Mr. Barney has con- sidered that Christ was born during the fullness of time? In Eph. Ch. 1 Verse 10 and Gal. Ch. 4, Verse 4, it refers to this fact. With this in mind, if one knew the actual day and moment of Christ's birth, and celebrated His birthday, it still would not be accurate, because we are approximately one thousand and nine hundred and eighty- five years past the fullness of time. 482-9228 524-4133 (After Hours) JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S DAY SMORGASBORD at the White Carnation Holmesville WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1986 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Roast Beef & Roast Pork $7.95 per person, 12 & under' price CATERING TO: Weddings, Banquets and Private Parties. See us for outside catering at a hall of your choke. Reopens Sundays at Easter. WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE AUDITIO GODERICH LITTLE THEATRE for our Second Play of the Season "THE TOMORROW BOX" by Anne Chislett. Directed by Floyd Herman Parts for ADULT MALES & FEMALES (NO CHILDREN) Auditi. to be held at The Livery (South St.) THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 7 to 9 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 5.. . . . ..... 2 to 4 p.m. Everyone Welcome LETTERS Mr. Barney seems to like to discuss technicalities. I urge him to consider this one. Maybe he could define for us the dif- ference between the dimensions of time and eternity. • Compliments of the Season to everybody, including Mr. Barney. Sincerely, N..1. Minaker Invites you to come to the Best Party Around! Plan now to attend our Gala NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER DANCE Featuring a very special JULIE LYNN SHOW WEATHER PERMITTING DANCING 9.1 AM Julie Lynn will entertain you throughout the evening with a special New Year's Eve com- bination of LIVE & RECORDED MUSIC An excellent Dinner Dance program. "NO ADMISSION CHARGE" Reservations a Must! ®ALSO— __ Julie Lynn wilt be performing this FRIDAY & SATURDAY JANUARY 3 & 4 "WEATHER PERMITTING" OPEN WEDNESDAY NEW YEAR'S DAY 11:30 AM 10:O�PM THE CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-7711 �... .