HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-12-23, Page 55• ,';' ci' :<:.-„,' ,‘'• ., .....,,.............................„....,......,„.........4............, rro ari ' ' ' 1- h . • 1 sear Santa, will leave you cookies and a drink. This is what I want for' Christmas a Cabbage Patch Kid and a Barbie Work Out Seater. I hope rtrhaVea Merry Christmas. Love• Liza Dicks Gr. 3 Robertson P.S. Tell the elves not to work to hard! Dear Santa, aur the elves? and miss Claus? Oh, Oh I forgot Rudolph? on Christmas night I will leave four cookeis and a glasse of milk and a carrot. I wude like a pound puppy and gobotron and soop. Love Michael Robertson School Dear Santa, I do not want anything for Christmas. But I would like to give you 5 new reindeer. P.S. 5 more from Jeremy. Jeremy Gr. 3 Robertson M.P.S. Dear Saiita Claus, ,Fil SANTA. Bow are you? and the elves in the north Pole? I , will leave you some cookies for you and Mrs. Claus. and some carrots. (or the Reindeer and Rudolph. We are going ot be at my grandma's and Grand- pa's. for Christmas. Love, Your friend Tabatha Farrell Robertson M.P.S. Dear Santa What would you like for Christmas? some milk and cookies and some peunuts or some carrots for rudolph and some apples for the elfs? what I would like is a gettow blaster and Bryan adams tape too that's it for now. 000h ya one more thinig a picture of all you gys. John Cameron Robertson School Dear Santa Hi! I'm going to leave you a treat for your big winter journey. Will you give my Brother Darcy a pair of socks? My dad neads some shoes. and my my mom a new lighter? Merry Christmas! By Krissy McGee Gr. 3 Robertson Public School Dear Santa I want to know what you all want for christmas? All 1 want is 1 cabbage patch twins, 2 pound puppy. 35 Speed bicke. Love Bj Dear Santa, How are you, and Mrs. Claus? How are your elves and reindeer? for Christmas I will leave you milk and cookies. For Christmas I would please like Chatbot, Sweet Secrets and Clock radio. Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! Love your friend Wendy Chan Gr. 3 Robertson School Dear Santa How are you? I am fine. How are the Elves? and Mrs. Claus? This year I will leave you some cookies, milk and some car- rots for the Reindeers. Even Rudolph. This year I would like a packs of markers. Love from Amy MeHardie Gr. 3 Age 8 • • • iPage 4, tasOiloillstsatogVUMMOS* Dear Santa Claus I would like to have megotron, How are you? " From Jason Straughan Dear Santa How are you and your Tleindeer?- I am fine, could you please give toys to the pour and helpless, I would like Otmas Prime and Sky warp and some goBots and my sister wants a Strawberry Shortcake Doll. We will have milk and cookies and a carrot for Rudolph and a light Bulb. thank you for last year presents. Your freind David Billson Gr. 3 Dear Santa, Thankyou for the presents last year for Christmas. This year I would like a four wheel drive truck for Christmas please, and a race track too. By the way how are you and Mrs. Santa? I hope you are not tired for Christmas this year. I think I've been a good Angie this year Dear Santa Claus, How is Rudolph? Arew you getting the sleigh ready for Christmas Eve? I will be asleep when you come to my house. I am trying to be a good girl and I work hard at school. I would like a ghetto blaster please, and Upsy Baby this year. I would also like another Cabbage Patch Doll and a clock radio. I will dance in my bedroom with my ghetto blaster and clock radio playing. That will be fun. I will leave you some cookies and milk and the reindeer some carrots. Merry Christmas Love Becky Boyce Age 8 Robertson Public School Dear Santa, I've been good. Have you? I think I've been a good Angie this time but I am a good Angie. I can go Ho! Ho! Ho! just like you. Can I have a little puppy and I want it to be a baby. From Angie Green Age 7 Robertson Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? and Mrs. Claus and the elves in the workshop? and do not forget to polish Rudolph's nose. Santa can I please have a Cobra Hydrophoil and Cobra Niydu. From Neil Dockstader Age 7 Robertson Dear Santa, Hope you polish Rudolph's nose this year. Well anyway, for Christmas I would like a printer. Love, Mark Mathers Age7 Robertson School Dear Santa Please if you can bring me a note for my Dad and make it say I don't have to Load Wood or Bring up Wood either and for me anything. From Amy Baer Age 7 Robertson School Dear Santa Claus, I've been a good girl all year. How are your reindeer? Is everyone busy at the North Pole? I would like more he-man men, a She-ra and her friends. I would alsojike skiis and a tob- bogan. I will leave you some cookies and milk and The reindeer some carrots. Love, Kelly McCabe Dear Santa, I've been a good Girl. We will leave you and your Deers carrots and cookies and milk. I hope you have a safe landing may I have a Pound puppy she-ra train Wrinkles. Thank you From Kelly Vanderburgh Age 7 Robertson Dear Santa Claus Thank you for the toys last year. Are the reindeer really real? St. Nicholas? I hop that thay are because if they wernt you wouldn't be here For Christmas. I would like a greaat big 0 Strich and a Pound puppy and a puppet Theater. Well good By for now. From Karen Harrison Age7 Robertson Dear Santa Claus I will leave you some cookies and milk. and I will Leave Blixson an Orange and Dancer an Apple and Dasher an Orange and Prancer an Apple and Vixen an. Orange and Comet an Apple and Cupid and Orange and Rudolph a candy cane and a Apple and a Orange and may I Please have some transformers. and may I have constuxs and may I have some gobots and may I have a buliding set and may I have a conputer. Mark David Switzer Age7 Robertson Dear Santa Claus I've been good. I hope That you Like cookies. I have a present for you. it is a pre- sent for you lov e Stacy Bricker Age7 Robertson Dear Santa, Thanks for all the present from last year. When it is Christmas d you polish rudolph Nose every time Let's Begin what I want I would like a rain Bow Brite and She-ra doll and patty 0 Green and that is what I want. Love, Karen Livesey Dear Santa Claus Thank you for all of The Toys. Please may I have The Cabbage Patch Kid. She-ra. Crystal Castle. Upsy Baby. Please may I have Teddy Bear. have a safe landeing San- ta. From Courtney Daer Age 7 Dear Santa Claus, have you a good boy? how have you been? Please may I Have Snake mountain? I hope you Have a good Chistmas. Merry Chistmas. Christopher Jermyn • Age 7 Robertson Dear Santa Claus, Thank you for my toys last year. We want to leave you some food this year and please Bring me one of those Big candy canes and please Bring me an Hellow Colours thank you santa. From Keith VenKiteswaran Age7 Robertson School Dear St. Nicholas, Thank you for the gifts last year. I've been good. I hope you polish Rudolph's nose so you will see it I hope you will have a safe lan- ding. may I have Leach, Mantana Snake Mountain, A boy Preemie. Love Jeff Parks Age 7 Dear Santa, Thank you for all the Presents from last year. I've been good this year. Hope you have a safe landing. Please may I have a Transformer and a Frightzone. Nathan Ross Age 7 Dear Santa Claus, Thank you for all the toys I got Last Christmas. I have been a good girl. Please may I have the She-rabress-up playset. have you been polishing rudoph's nose lately. Love Katie Burns Age 7 Robertson School N. • I • • - ••. • From, Colin Hogan Brookside P.S. Dear Santa Claus, Thank you for every thing you have given me. 1 have been good. We will Leave you milk and cookies and Leave -your reindeer some carrots. Please may I have crystal castle and a nother cabbage patch. preemie_and Glim- mer and a dress for me a stuffed animal and how about some earrings. I would really like that. From Kelly Graham Age 7 Dear Santa, Have you been good? Well I, have.. How are the reindeer please? may, I have the set of She'ra or Just Swiftwind and She-ra. Love Kathrine Ann Larsen Dear Santa Claus. I've been a good boy this year. this is what I want this year. battlebones Hordack Leach mantena frightZone syclone, thuderouch he man and dragon blaster sckeletor spytor Land Shark thats all Love, Aaron Cousins Dear Santa Thank you rOrtringing all those presents. May I have a Transformer? may I have a Go -bot may I have The Go -bot command center? May I have Thinster? May I have a remote control Truch or car May I have a car? May I have a Sector? Love Adam Cloet Age 7 Dear Santa Claus I've been good. I have a Joke. What is red White and brown. give up? Rudoph ha ha ha I am going to leave you somthing a glass of milk and cake please may I have the Go bat Cammand Center please Pretty good by I will see you at the met. Fram Steven Burbine Age 7 Robertson I Love you Dear Santa I will leave you some cookies and some milk. All I want is a pound puppy. I might leave you a card. Please take it. Your elves do a good job on my presents. Your friend Juliet Redmond Robertson School Gr. 3 Age 9 • .•